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Evidence for a cell-specific action of Reelin in the spinal cord   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reelin, the extracellular matrix protein missing in reeler mice, plays an important role in neuronal migration in the central nervous system. We examined the migratory pathways of phenotypically identified spinal cord neurons to determine whether their positions were altered in reeler mutants. Interneurons and projection neurons containing choline acetyltransferase and/or NADPH diaphorase were studied in E12.5-E17.5 reeler and wild-type embryos, and their final locations were assessed postnatally. While three groups of dorsal horn interneurons migrated and differentiated normally in reeler mice, the migrations of both sympathetic (SPNs) and parasympathetic preganglionic neurons (PPNs) were aberrant in the mutants. Initially reeler and wild-type SPNs were detected laterally near somatic motor neurons, but by E13.5, many reeler SPNs had mismigrated medially. Postnatally, 79% of wild-type SPNs were found laterally, whereas in reeler, 92% of these neurons were positioned medially. At E13.5, both reeler and wild-type PPNs were found laterally, but by E14.5, reeler PPNs were scattered across the intermediate spinal cord while wild-type neurons correctly maintained their lateral location. By postnatal day 16, 97% of PPNs were positioned laterally in wild-type mice; in contrast, only 62% of PPNs were found laterally in mutant mice. In E12.5-E14.5 wild-type mice, Reelin-secreting cells were localized along the dorsal and medial borders of both groups of preganglionic neurons, but did not form a solid barrier. In contrast, Dab1, the intracellular adaptor protein thought to function in Reelin signaling, was expressed in cells having positions consistent with their identification as SPNs and PPNs. In combination, these findings suggest that, in the absence of Reelin, both groups of autonomic motor neurons migrate medially past their normal locations, while somatic motor neurons and cholinergic interneurons in thoracic and sacral segments are positioned normally. These results suggest that Reelin acts in a cell-specific manner on the migration of cholinergic spinal cord neurons.  相似文献   
DNA was extracted from an 11,700-year-old rodent midden from the Atacama Desert, Chile and the chloroplast and animal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) gene sequences were analysed to investigate the floral environment surrounding the midden, and the identity of the midden agent. The plant sequences, together with the macroscopic identifications, suggest the presence of 13 plant families and three orders that no longer exist today at the midden locality, and thus point to a much more diverse and humid climate 11,700 years ago. The mtDNA sequences suggest the presence of at least four different vertebrates, which have been putatively identified as a camelid (vicuna), two rodents (Phyllotis and Abrocoma), and a cardinal bird (Passeriformes). To identify the midden agent, DNA was extracted from pooled faecal pellets, three small overlapping fragments of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene were amplified and multiple clones were sequenced. These results were analysed along with complete cytochrome b sequences for several modern Phyllotis species to place the midden sequence phylogenetically. The results identified the midden agent as belonging to an ancestral P. limatus. Today, P. limatus is not found at the midden locality but it can be found 100 km to the north, indicating at least a small range shift. The more extensive sampling of modern Phyllotis reinforces the suggestion that P. limatus is recently derived from a peripheral isolate.  相似文献   
The puffing patterns in polytene E chromosomes of Drosophila subobscura were followed in third-instar larvae and throughout the prepupa period. Two gene arrangements, Est and E1·2+9–12 were studied. A majority of puffs exhibit a similar pattern, but the puffs 61AC and 67AB behave differently in the two chromosomal arrangements, both in homozygotes and in heterozygotes. These two puffs are located at the end of the E12 inversion. This position effect is an interesting phenomenon that probably is not due to a heterochromatinization effect.  相似文献   
Streaming potentials arising across large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels incorporated into planar lipid bilayers were measured. Ca2+-activated channels obtained either from skeletal muscle or from smooth muscle membranes were used. Streaming potentials were extracted from the current-voltage relationship for the open channel obtained in the presence of an osmotic gradient. The osmotic gradient was established by adding glucose to one side of the membrane. At 300 mM KCl, the average streaming potential was 0.72 mV/osmol per kg for t-tubule channels and 0.83 mV/osmol per kg for smooth muscle channels. Streaming potential values depend on KCl concentration, they decrease as KCl concentration increases, and the value obtained by extrapolation to zero KCl concentration is 0.85 mV/osmol per kg. Assuming that water and ions cannot pass each other, at least in a region of the channel, the streaming potential values obtained indicate that this region contains a minimum of two and a maximum of four water molecules. It is concluded that the channel has a narrow region with a length of 0.6-1.2 nm.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of inbreeding on the puffing patterns of polytene chromosomes of Drosophila subobscura was analysed. Puffing activity was studied in two strains of D. subobscura: one which had been subject to inbreeding for 288 generations, and in the hybrids from a cross between them. A strong overall decrease in puffing activity was found in the inbred line. In general, hybrids behaved in a similar way to the inbred line or showed activity intermediate between the two lines. The fertility and viability of the two homozygous lines and of the hybrids were also determined. These parameters of fitness are very low in the inbred line. Hybrids displayed intermediate behaviour.Publication No. 109, Departamento de Genética, Universidad de Valencia, Spain  相似文献   
The effects of superoxide dismutase on aging were tested using two differt experimental approaches. In the first, replicated populations with postponed aging were compared with their controls for frequencies of electrophoretic alleles at the SOD locus. Populations with postponed aging had consistently greater frequencies of the allele coding for more active SOD protein. This allele was not part of a segregating inversion polymorphism. The second experimental approach was the extraction ofSOD alleles from different natural populations followed by the construction of differentSOD genotypes on hybrid genetic backgrounds. This procedure did not uncover any statistical effect ofSOD genotype on hybrid genetic backgrounds. This effects on longevity and fecundity due to the family from which a particularSOD genotype was derived. To detect the effects ofSOD genotypes on longevity with high probability would require a ten-fold increase in the number of families used.  相似文献   
The evolution of Drosophila subobscura mitochondrial DNA has been studied in experimental populations, founded with flies from a natural population from Esporles (Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain). This population, like other European ones, is characterized by the presence of two very common (>96%) mitochondrial haplotypes (called I and II) and rare and endemic haplotypes that appear at very low frequencies. There is no statistical evidence of positive Darwinian selection acting on the mitochondrial DNA variants according to Tajima''s neutrality test. Two experimental populations, with one replicate each, were established with flies having a heterogeneous nuclear genetic background, which was representative of the composition of the natural population. Both populations were started with the two most frequent mitochondrial haplotypes, but at different initial frequencies. After 13 to 16 generations, haplotype II reached fixation in three cages and its frequency was 0.89 by generation 25 in the fourth cage. Random drift can be rejected as the force responsible for the observed changes in haplotype frequencies. There is not only statistical evidence of a linear trend favoring a mtDNA (haploid) fitness effect, but also of a significant nonlinear deviation that could be due to a nuclear component.  相似文献   
Both original and colonizer populations of Drosophila buzzatii have been analyzed for mtDNA restriction polymorphisms. Most of the mtDNA nucleotide variation in original populations of NW Argentina can be explained by intrapopulation diversity and only a small fraction can be accounted for by between-population diversity. Similar results are obtained using either the estimated number of nucleotide substitutions per site or considering each restriction site as a locus. Colonizer populations of the Iberian Peninsula are monomorphic and show only the most common haplotype from the original populations. Under the infinite island model and assuming that populations are in equilibrium, fixation indices indicate enough gene flow to explain why the populations are not structured. Yet, the possibility exists that populations have not reached an equilibrium after a founder event at the end of the last Pleistocene glaciation. Tajima's test suggests that directional selection and/or a recent bottleneck could explain the present mtDNA differentiation. Considering the significant population structure found for the chromosomal and some allozyme polymorphisms, the among- population uniformity for mtDNA variability argues in favor of the chromosomal and some allozyme polymorphisms being adaptive.   相似文献   
Na+ permeation through normal and batrachotoxin (BTX)-modified squid axon Na+ channels was characterized. Unmodified and toxin-modified Na+ channels were studied simultaneously in outside-out membrane patches using the cut-open axon technique. Current-voltage relations for both normal and BTX-modified channels were measured over a wide range of Na+ concentrations and voltages. Channel conductance as a function of Na+ concentration curves showed that within the range 0.015-1 M Na+ the normal channel conductance is 1.7-2.5-fold larger than the BTX-modified conductance. These relations cannot be fitted by a simple Langmuir isotherm. Channel conductance at low concentrations was larger than expected from a Michaelis-Menten behavior. The deviations from the simple case were accounted for by fixed negative charges located in the vicinity of the channel entrances. Fixed negative charges near the pore mouths would have the effect of increasing the local Na+ concentration. The results are discussed in terms of energy profiles with three barriers and two sites, taking into consideration the effect of the fixed negative charges. Either single- or multi-ion pore models can account for all the permeation data obtained in both symmetric and asymmetric conditions. In a temperature range of 5-15 degrees C, the estimated Q10 for the conductance of the BTX-modified Na+ channel was 1.53. BTX appears not to change the Na+ channel ion selectively (for the conditions used) or the surface charge located near the channel entrances.  相似文献   
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