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Three recently discovered ssDNA Chlamydia-infecting microviruses, phiCPG1, phiAR39, and Chp2, were compared with the previously characterized phage from avian C. psittaci, Chp1. Although the four bacteriophages share an identical arrangement of their five main genes, Chpl has diverged significantly in its nucleotide and protein sequences from the other three, which form a closely related group. The VP1 major viral capsid proteins of phiCPG1 and phiAR39 (from guinea pig-infecting C. psittaci and C. pneumoniae, respectively) are almost identical. However, VP1 of ovine C. psittaci phage Chp2 shows a high rate of nucleotide sequence change localized to a region encoding the "IN5" loop of the protein, thought to be a potential receptor-binding site. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the ORF4 replication initiation protein is evolving faster than the other phage proteins. phiCPG1, phiAR39, and Chp2 are closely related to an ORF4 homolog inserted in the C. pneumoniae chromosome. This sequence analysis opens the way toward understanding the host-range and evolutionary history of these phages.  相似文献   
alphaalpha-Cross-linked hemoglobin (alphaalphaHb) is an example of a hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier (HBOC) with significant cardiovascular activity. This may compromise the safety and efficacy of this HBOC by causing systemic hypertension and reducing blood flow to some organs. The present work is based on the hypothesis that incorporating antioxidant activity into an HBOC in the form of a covalently attached nitroxide may prevent these effects. We have tested this hypothesis by adding antioxidant activity to alphaalphaHb with 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidinyl-1-oxyl (Tempo) to create polynitroxylated alphaalphaHb (PN-alphaalphaHb). The new compound PN-alphaalphaHb acts as an antioxidant in our in vitro and in vivo assays. In this study urethane-anesthetized rats were hemorrhaged to a mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 35-40 mmHg and maintained for 30 min. Animals were resuscitated with solutions of (1) 10% PN-alphaalphaHb (43 mmHg), (2) 10% alphaalphaHb (43 mmHg), (3) 7.5% albumin (43 mmHg), (4) 300% Ringers lactate (RL), and (5) 0. 9% normal saline equal to the shed blood volume (SBV). Hemodynamics and regional blood circulation was measured at baseline, following hemorrhage, and at 30 and 60 min postresuscitation using a radioactive microsphere technique. Base deficit (BD) was measured at baseline, following hemorrhage, and at 60 min following resuscitative fluid infusion. Finally survival was determined as the time following resuscitation until secession of heart rhythm. Saline and 300% RL resuscitation did not improve BD, systemic hemodynamics, or regional blood circulation. PN-alphaalphaHb, alphaalphaHb, and albumin significantly improved these parameters, however, only PN-alphaalphaHb and alphaalphaHb improved survival. PN-alphaalphaHb was found to be less hypertensive than alphaalphaHb due to blunted increases in both cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance. This study demonstrates that, by using alphaalphaHb as a scaffold for polynitroxylation, improvement in vasoactivity and resuscitative efficacy may be possible. In conclusion, the addition of antioxidant activity in the form of polynitroxylation of a low molecular weight Hb (alphaalphaHb) may create a safe and efficacious resuscitative fluid.  相似文献   
Multiscale computing is a challenging area even in biomechanics. Application of such a methodology to quantitatively compare postoperative hemodynamics in congenital heart diseases is very promising. In the treatment of hypoplastic left heart syndrome, which is a congenital heart disease where the left ventricle is missing or very small, the necessity to feed the pulmonary and systemic circulations is obtained with an interposition shunt. Two main options are available and differ from the sites of anastomoses: (i) the systemic-to-pulmonary conduit (Blalock-Taussig shunt known as the Norwood Operation (NO)) connecting the innominate artery (NO-BT) or the aorta (NO-CS) to the right pulmonary artery and (ii) the right ventricle to pulmonary artery shunt (known as Sano operation (SO)). The proposition that the SO is superior to the NO remains controversial. 3-D computer models of the NO (NO-BT and NO-CS) and SO were developed and investigated using the finite volume method. Conduits of 3, 3.5 and 4 mm were used in the NO models, whereas conduits of 4, 5 and 6 mm were used in the SO model. The hydraulic nets (lumped resistances, compliances, inertances and elastances) which represent the systemic, coronary and pulmonary circulations and the heart were identical in the two models. A multiscale approach was adopted to couple the 3-D models with the circulation net. Computer simulation results were compared with post-operative catheterization data. Results showed that (i) there is a good correlation between predicted and observed data: higher aortic diastolic pressure, decreased pulmonary arterial pressure, lower pulmonary-to-systemic flow ratio and higher coronary perfusion pressure in SO; (ii) there is a minimal regurgitant flow in the SO conduit. The close correlation between predicted and observed clinical data supports the use of mathematical modelling, with a mandatory multiscale approach, in the design and assessment of surgical procedures.  相似文献   
Due to a large and growing collection of genomic and experimental resources, Brachypodium distachyon has emerged as a powerful experimental model for the grasses. To add to these resources we sequenced 21 165 T‐DNA lines, 15 569 of which were produced in this study. This increased the number of unique insertion sites in the T‐DNA collection by 21 078, bringing the overall total to 26 112. Thirty‐seven per cent (9754) of these insertion sites are within genes (including untranslated regions and introns) and 28% (7217) are within 500 bp of a gene. Approximately 31% of the genes in the v.2.1 annotation have been tagged in this population. To demonstrate the utility of this collection, we phenotypically characterized six T‐DNA lines with insertions in genes previously shown in other systems to be involved in cellulose biosynthesis, hemicellulose biosynthesis, secondary cell wall development, DNA damage repair, wax biosynthesis and chloroplast synthesis. In all cases, the phenotypes observed supported previous studies, demonstrating the utility of this collection for plant functional genomics. The Brachypodium T‐DNA collection can be accessed at http://jgi.doe.gov/our-science/science-programs/plant-genomics/brachypodium/brachypodium-t-dna-collection/ .  相似文献   
Hydroxylamine stability has been used to classify (ADP-ribose)protein bonds into sensitive and resistant linkages, with the former representing (ADP-ribose)glutamate, and the latter, (ADP-ribose)arginine. Recently, it was shown that cysteine also serves as an ADP-ribose acceptor. The hydroxylamine stability of [cysteine([32P]ADP-ribose)]protein and [arginine([32P] ADP-ribose)]protein bonds was compared. In transducin, pertussis toxin catalyzes the ADP-ribosylation of a cysteine residue, whereas choleragen (cholera toxin) modifies an arginine moiety. The (ADP-ribose)cysteine bond formed by pertussis toxin was more stable to hydroxylamine than was the (ADP-ribose)arginine bond formed by choleragen. The (ADP-ribose)cysteine bond apparently represents a third class of ADP-ribose bonds. Pertussis toxin ADP-ribosylates the inhibitory guanyl nucleotide-binding regulatory protein (Gi) of adenylate cyclase, whereas choleragen modifies the stimulatory guanyl nucleotide-binding regulatory protein (Gs). These (ADP-ribose)protein linkages are identical in stability to those formed in transducin by the two toxins, consistent with the probability that cysteine and arginine are modified in Gi and Gs, respectively. Bonds exhibiting differences in hydroxylamine-stability were found in membranes from various non-intoxicated mammalian cells following incubation with [32P]NAD, which may reflect the presence of endogenous NAD:protein-ADP-ribosyl-transferases.  相似文献   
Mammals native to high altitude (HA) exhibit larger lung volumes than their lowland counterparts. To test the hypothesis that adaptation induced by HA residence during somatic maturation improves pulmonary gas exchange in adulthood, male foxhounds born at sea level (SL) were raised at HA (3,800 m) from 2.5 to 7.5 mo of age and then returned to SL prior to somatic maturity while their littermates were simultaneously raised at SL. Following return to SL, all animals were trained to run on a treadmill; gas exchange and hemodynamics were measured 2.5 years later at rest and during exercise while breathing 21% and 13% O(2). The multiple inert gas elimination technique was employed to estimate ventilation-perfusion (Va/Q) distributions and lung diffusing capacity for O(2) (Dl(O(2))). There were no significant intergroup differences during exercise breathing 21% O(2). During exercise breathing 13% O(2), peak O(2) uptake and Va/Q distributions were similar between groups but arterial pH, base excess, and O(2) saturation were higher while peak lactate concentration was lower in animals raised at HA than at SL. At a given exercise intensity, alveolar-arterial O(2) tension gradient (A-aDo(2)) attributable to diffusion limitation was lower while Dlo(2) was 12-25% higher in HA-raised animals. Mean systemic arterial blood pressure was also lower in HA-raised animals; mean pulmonary arterial pressures were similar. We conclude that 5 mo of HA residence during maturation enhances long-term gas exchange efficiency and Dl(O(2)) without impacting Va/Q inequality during hypoxic exercise at SL.  相似文献   
The spleen acts as an erythrocyte reservoir in highly aerobic species such as the dog and horse. Sympathetic-mediated splenic contraction during exercise reversibly enhances convective O2 transport by increasing hematocrit, blood volume, and O2-carrying capacity. Based on theoretical interactions between erythrocytes and capillary membrane (Hsia CCW, Johnson RL Jr, and Shah D. J Appl Physiol 86: 1460-1467, 1999) and experimental findings in horses of a postsplenectomy reduction in peripheral O2-diffusing capacity (Wagner PD, Erickson BK, Kubo K, Hiraga A, Kai M, Yamaya Y, Richardson R, and Seaman J. Equine Vet J 18, Suppl: 82-89, 1995), we hypothesized that splenic contraction also augments diffusive O2 transport in the lung. Therefore, we have measured lung diffusing capacity (DL(CO)) and its components during exercise by a rebreathing technique in six adult foxhounds before and after splenectomy. Splenectomy eliminated exercise-induced polycythemia, associated with a 30% reduction in maximal O2 uptake. At any given pulmonary blood flow, DL(CO) was significantly lower after splenectomy owing to a lower membrane diffusing capacity, whereas pulmonary capillary blood volume changed variably; microvascular recruitment, indicated by the slope of the increase in DL(CO) with respect to pulmonary blood flow, was also reduced. We conclude that splenic contraction enhances both convective and diffusive O2 transport and provides another compensatory mechanism for maintaining alveolar O2 transport in the presence of restrictive lung disease or ambient hypoxia.  相似文献   
Architecture of a coat for the nuclear pore membrane   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hsia KC  Stavropoulos P  Blobel G  Hoelz A 《Cell》2007,131(7):1313-1326
The symmetric core of the nuclear pore complex can be considered schematically as a series of concentric cylinders. A peripheral cylinder coating the pore membrane contains the previously characterized, elongated heptamer that harbors Sec13-Nup145C in its middle section. Strikingly, Sec13-Nup145C crystallizes as a hetero-octamer in two space groups. Oligomerization of Sec13-Nup145C was confirmed biochemically. Importantly, the numerous interacting surfaces in the hetero-octamer are evolutionarily highly conserved, further underlining the physiological relevance of the oligomerization. The hetero-octamer forms a slightly curved, yet rigid rod of sufficient length to span the entire height of the proposed membrane-adjacent cylinder. In concordance with the dimensions and symmetry of the nuclear pore complex core, we suggest that the cylinder is constructed of four antiparallel rings, each ring being composed of eight heptamers arranged in a head-to-tail fashion. Our model proposes that the hetero-octamer would vertically traverse and connect the four stacked rings.  相似文献   
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