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Gyrinidae is a group of beetles with a unique specialization of swimming on the water surface. Heterogyrus milloti Legros (Heterogyrinae) from Madagascar is a species with various preserved plesiomorphic features. The information on the morphology and biology was very limited until recently, and the thoracic anatomy remained largely unknown. Consequently, the aim of the present study is to describe external and internal thoracic features of Heterogyrus Legros in detail and to interprete them with respect to their phylogenetic and functional significance, with a special focus on the unusual flight apparatus of Gyrinidae. Characters documented with innovative techniques are compared to conditions found in other gyrinid genera and other groups of Adephaga, including characters of other body parts and larvae. A data matrix with 144 characters of adults, larvae and eggs was compiled and analysed cladistically. Gyrinidae excluding Spanglerogyrus Folkers (Heterogyrinae + Gyrininae) is supported by many apomorphies, mainly by a unique locomotor apparatus with paddle‐like middle and hind legs. The results confirm Heterogyrus as the earliest diverging branch in Gyrinidae except Spanglerogyrus, implying a sister‐group relationship between this genus and Gyrininae, a clade comprising Gyrinini, Dineutini and Orectochilini. The presence of an opening between the mesanepisternum and elytra, reduction of the lateral metafurcal arms, loss of the metathoracic M. furcacoxalis lateralis, and modifications of the head, including the dorsal shift of the upper subcomponent of the compound eyes, are synapomorphies of the three tribes. The monophyly of Gyrinini is moderately well‐supported, whereas Orectochilini is strongly supported by different characters including a highly simplified but functioning flight apparatus. A clade comprising Orectochilini and the dineutine genera is suggested by synapomorphies of adults and larvae. The monophyly of Dineutini was supported in a recent study, but not by the characters analysed here. Features of adults, larvae and eggs indicate that Gyrinidae are the sister group to the remaining adephagan families, as suggested in some earlier morphology‐based studies and recent analyses of large molecular datasets.  相似文献   
The sand rat, a member of the gerbil family, is a valuable small animal model in which intervertebral disc degeneration occurs spontaneously as the animal ages. Radiographic features of cervical and lumbar degeneration resemble those in human spines. We conducted a retrospective analysis of spines of 140 animals 3?41 months old focusing specifically on the presence of annular tears that are not visible by radiography and have not been described previously in the sand rat disc. During degeneration of the nucleus pulposus, notochordal cell death occurs and granular material, which stains with Alcian blue for proteoglycans, accumulates. Lamellar architecture also deteriorates and annular tears occur that are morphologically similar to the concentric, radiating and transdiscal annular tears in human discs. These tears contain granular material that provides a “marker” that can be used to distinguish the annular tears from artefactual separations during sectioning. We observed lamellar degeneration and separation in the annulus fibrosus at 4 months with associated tears that contained granular material in the nucleus. Tears that contained granular material and displacement of the degenerating nucleus were common in cervical and lumbar discs of animals older than 9 months; some specimens showed tears at 4 and 5 months. With advanced degeneration, granular globules were displaced dorsally adjacent to and into the spinal cord area and also ventrally into regions where osteophytes formed. We present morphologic data that expand the utility of this rodent model of spontaneous age-related disc degeneration and provide novel information on annular tears and disc degeneration.  相似文献   
The karyotype of the Mediterranean species Anemone hortensis L. (Ranunculaceae) was characterized with emphasis on heterochromatin distribution and localization of ribosomal (18S−5.8S−26S and 5S rDNA) and telomeric repeats (TTTAGGG). Diploid chromosome complement, 2 n  = 2 x  = 16, common to all investigated populations, consisted of three acrocentric, one meta-submetacentric and four metacentric chromosomes ranging in size from 6.34 to 10.47 µm. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 18S and 5S rDNA probes revealed two 18S−5.8S−26S rDNA loci on a satellite and secondary constriction of acrocentric chromosome pair 2 and terminally on acrocentric chromosome pair 3, and two 5S rDNA loci in the pericentromeric region of meta-submetacentric chromosome pair 4 and in the proximity of the 18S−5.8S−26S rDNA locus on chromosome pair 2. The only GC-rich heterochromatin, as revealed by fluorochrome Chromomycin A3 staining, was that associated with nucleolar organizer regions, whereas AT-rich heterochromatin, stained with 4,6-diamino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), was distributed intercalarly and terminally on the long arm of all three acrocentric chromosomes, and terminally on chromosomes 4 and 5. FISH with Arabidopsis -type telomeric repeats (TTTAGGG) as a probe revealed two classes of signals, small dot-like and large bands, at chromosome termini exclusively, where they corresponded to terminal DAPI-stained heterochromatin. Heteromorphism of chromosome pair 4, which refers to terminal DAPI bands and FISH signals, was observed in populations of Anemone hortensis . Chromosome pairing during meiosis was regular with formation of localized chiasmata proximal to the centromere.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 177–186.  相似文献   


Endosymbionts that manipulate the reproduction of their hosts have been reported widely in invertebrates. One such group of endosymbionts is the male-killers. To date all male-killers reported are bacterial in nature, but comprise a diverse group. Ladybirds have been described as a model system for the study of male-killing, which has been reported in multiple species from widespread geographic locations. Whilst criteria of low egg hatch-rate and female-biased progenic sex ratio have been used to identify female hosts of male-killers, variation in vertical transmission efficiency and host genetic factors may result in variation in these phenotypic indicators of male-killer presence. Molecular identification of bacteria and screening for bacterial presence provide us with a more accurate method than breeding data alone to link the presence of the bacteria to the male-killing phenotype. In addition, by identifying the bacteria responsible we may find evidence for horizontal transfer between endosymbiont hosts and can gain insight into the evolutionary origins of male-killing. Phylogenetic placement of male-killing bacteria will allow us to address the question of whether male-killing is a potential strategy for only some, or all, maternally inherited bacteria. Together, phenotypic and molecular characterisation of male-killers will allow a deeper insight into the interactions between host and endosymbiont, which ultimately may lead to an understanding of how male-killers identify and kill male-hosts.  相似文献   
The effects of thermophilic methane fermentation products on alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) growth, nitrogen-fixing activity, and seed production were studied in pot and field experiments. Plant treatment with the preparation at the stages of stooling and flower bud formation resulted in an increase in the root nodule weight and their nitrogen-fixing activity, the accumulation of cytokinins (zeatin and zeatin riboside), and an increase in the green mass yield and protein content, especially at a low (0.25 of the full rate) mineral nitrogen rate. Crop seed production was considerably improved during the first (pot experiments) and second (field experiments) growing seasons. The conclusion was drawn that the causes for improved alfalfa seed production were the effects of group B vitamins, phytohormones, their interaction, and the switching of metabolic pathways toward cytokinin synthesis.  相似文献   
选择内蒙古28个样地采集的10种棘豆属植物56个单株,提取样品的基因组DNA,对其叶绿体psbA trnH序列进行扩增、测序,所得序列利用ClustalX软件进行对位排列,并用MEGA50软件采用最大似然法构建系统发育树。结果显示:(1)10种棘豆属psbA trnH序列的变异位点50个,信息位点36个,种间碱基差异百分率为34%,GC含量变化范围在2318%~2572%之间。(2)棘豆属与黄芪属各为一支,自展支持率达99%,这10种棘豆属植物可能为单系起源。(3)系统树中小叶小花棘豆与小花棘豆的样本独立成一支,支持将小叶小花棘豆作为小花棘豆的变种来处理。(4)多叶棘豆、砂珍棘豆和黄毛棘豆的样本相互混杂,表明亲缘关系很近,支持《内蒙古植物志》将三者归入真棘豆亚属轮叶棘豆组的观点。(5)缘毛棘豆与薄叶棘豆的样本聚成一支,支持将二者归入矮生棘豆组。研究表明,psbA trnH序列可为棘豆属下种间系统发育关系研究提供分子证据。  相似文献   


The current study aimed at describing the distribution and characteristics of malignancy related deaths in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected patients in 2010 and at comparing them to those obtained in 2000 and 2005.


Data were obtained from three national surveys conducted in France in 2010, 2005 and 2000. The underlying cause of death was documented using a standardized questionnaire fulfilled in French hospital wards involved in the management of HIV infection.


Among the 728 deaths reported in 2010, 262 were cancer-related (36%). After a significant increase from 28% in 2000 to 33% in 2005 and 36% in 2010, cancers represent the leading cause of mortality in HIV infected patients. The proportion of deaths attributed to non-AIDS/non-hepatitis-related cancers significantly increased from 2000 to 2010 (11% of the deaths in 2000, 17% in 2005 and 22% in 2010, p<0.001), while those attributed to AIDS-defining cancers decreased during the same period (16% in 2000, 13% in 2005 and 9% in 2010, p = 0.024). Particularly, the proportion of respiratory cancers significantly increased from 5% in 2000 to 6% in 2005 and 11% in 2010 (p = 0.004). Lung cancer was the most common cancer-related cause of death in 2010 (instead of non-Hodgkin lymphoma so far) and represented the leading cause of death in people living with HIV overall.


Cancer prevention (especially smoking cessation), screening strategies and therapeutic management need to be optimized in HIV-infected patients in order to reduce mortality, particularly in the field of respiratory cancers.  相似文献   
This study examines the extent to which interactions among two common alpine/subalpine plant species and their neighbours at the Bogong High Plains in southern Australia are characterized by competition or facilitation. The two target species were Celmisia pugioniformis (Asteraceae) and Carex breviculmis (Cyperaceae). Biotic interactions were examined using vegetation removal manipulations over three growing seasons at five sites across the altitudinal range of tall alpine herbfield communities. Observations recorded growth and mortality. Results for C. pugioniformis clearly indicated facilitation as a dominant process across all sites and seasons. Plants that had their neighbours removed tended to perform worse than plants that had their neighbours left intact. Growth observations for Ca. breviculmis were less clear, but again suggested facilitation. Mortality was distinctly higher among Ca. breviculmis individuals that had their neighbours removed relative to those with neighbours left intact. Results collectively suggest the removal of neighbours acts to reduce growth and increase mortality in C. pugioniformis and Ca. breviculmis throughout the altitudinal range of tall alpine herbfields at the Bogong High Plains. Facilitative and competitive interactions need to be recognized in efforts aimed at mitigating climate change‐associated impacts on the ecology of alpine plant communities. The extent to which biotic interactions may exacerbate or buffer abiotic change is difficult to predict, emphasizing the need for ecological monitoring.  相似文献   
Using a variety of colloidal gold-labelled lectins, the structure and topography of carbohydrate determinants of the surface membrane in different types of cultured glial cells of the snailHelix pomatia have been electron cytochemically investigated. Analysis of lectin binding having different sugar specificities have shown heterogeneity of carbohydrate pools between glial and nerve cells and among different types of glial cells. It was found that satellite glial cells displaying ultrastructural traits of intensive metabolism (type II cells) selectively bindGNA, which is specific for terminal -D-mannose residues, and do not interact (Con A) or slightly interact (LCA) with other mannose-specific lectins.GNA determinants remain during the whole period of cell growth and are absent in satellite type-I glial cells, fibrous glial cells, microglia, and neurons.LTA, PVA, andLABA do not bind to any glial cells.WGA determinants, which are abundant on the neurons, are completely absent onGNA-binding glial cells and single on other types of glial cells. The density ofPNA determinants on microglial cells is the highest, as compared with other types of glial cells or neurons. It is concluded that some lectin determinants (forRCA-1, PNA, LPA) are present on all types of glial cells, while another determinant (GNA) is specific for a certain type of glial cells only and can serve as a marker of these cells. The role of specific carbohydrate determinants for neuron-glia interaction in mature brain is discussed.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 177–189, May–June, 1994.  相似文献   
The importance of cytokines in disc degeneration is well recognized. Little is known about IL-22 expression in the human intervertebral disc. We investigated IL-22 immuno-localization in disc tissue, and molecular expression and production of IL-22 by annulus cells cultured in three-dimensional (3D) culture. We examined human disc tissue using immunohistochemistry and we cultured isolated annulus cells in 3D to analyze IL-22 expression and production, and its receptor, IL-22R, in conditioned media. Ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) also was used to identify significant gene expression networks within the molecular data. IL-22 and IL-22R were immunolocalized in many cells in the human outer and inner annulus; fewer cells exhibited localization in the nucleus. Three-dimensional culture of annulus cells demonstrated production of IL-22 in conditioned media; exposure to IL-1ß or TNF-α significantly reduced IL-22 levels. Significant decreases also were identified in conditioned media assayed for IL-22R in TNF-α treated cells. IPA analysis showed that IL-22 ranked among the top canonical pathways. We found constitutive expression and production of IL-22 and IL-22R in the disc, which expands our understanding of the effect of pro-inflammatory cytokines on IL-22 expression and production. Three-dimensional cultured annulus cells exposed to IL-1ß or TNF produced significantly lower levels of IL-22 into their conditioned media compared to levels produced by control cells. Our findings have clinical relevance because of the elevated pro-inflammatory milieu within the degenerating human disc.  相似文献   
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