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Pig heart lactate dehydrogenase was studied in the direction of pyruvate and NADH formation by recording rapid changes in extinction, proton concentration, nucleotide fluorescence and protein fluorescence. Experiments measuring extinction changes show that there is a very rapid formation of NADH within the first millisecond and that the amplitude of this phase (phase 1) increases threefold over the pH range 6-8. A second transient rate (phase 2) can also be distinguished (whose rate is pH-dependent), followed by a steady-state rate (phase 3) of NADH production. The sum of the amplitudes of the first two phases corresponds to 1mol of NADH produced/mol of active sites of lactate dehydrogenase. Experiments that measured the liberation of protons by using Phenol Red as an indicator show that no proton release occurs during the initial very rapid formation of NADH (phase 1), but protons are released during subsequent phases of NADH production. Fluorescence experiments help to characterize these phases, and show that the very rapid phase 1 corresponds to the establishment of an equilibrium between E(NAD) (Lactate) right harpoon over left harpoon H(+)E(NADH) (Pyruvate). This equilibrium can be altered by changing lactate concentration or pH, and the H(+)E(NADH) (Pyruvate) species formed has very low nucleotide fluorescence and quenched protein fluorescence. Phase 2 corresponds to the dissociation of pyruvate and a proton from the complex with a rate constant of 1150s(-1). The observed rate constant is slower than this and is proportional to the position of the preceding equilibrium. The E(NADH) formed has high nucleotide fluorescence and quenched protein fluorescence. The reaction, which is rate-limiting during steady-state turnover, must then follow this step and be involved with dissociation of NADH from the enzyme or some conformational change immediately preceding dissociation. Several inhibitory complexes have also been studied including E(NAD+) (Oxamate) and E(NADH) (Oxamate') and the abortive ternary complex E(NADH) (Lactate). The rate of NADH dissociation from the enzyme was measured and found to be the same whether measured by ligand displacement or by relaxation experiments. These results are discussed in relation to the overall mechanism of lactate dehydrogenase turnover and the independence of the four binding sites in the active tetramer.  相似文献   
Arabinogalactan-proteins (AGPs) occurring in suspension-cultured rice (Oryza saliva L.) cells, their conditioned medium and at the rice root apex were investigated using monoclonal antibodies and the AGP-binding -glucosyl Yariv reagent ( GlcY). A monoclonal antibody, LM2, was generated that recognized an acidic carbohydrate epitope common to two soluble AGPs occurring in the conditioned medium of proliferating rice cells, membrane-associated AGPs (rmAGP) in the cultured cells and two AGPs at the rice root apex. In addition, LM2 recognized AGPs secreted by suspensioncultured carrot (Daucus carota L.) cells. The two AGPs of the rice culture medium, srAGP1 and srAGP2, were discriminated by their mobilities during sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, reaction with GlcY, the presence of arabinogalactan epitopes and anion-exchange chromatography. The association of rmAGP with the plasma membrane was investigated by Triton-X-114/aqueous partitioning of both microsomal and plasma-membrane preparations and rmAGP was found to partition into the detergent phase, indicating that AGPs are hydrophobic plasma-membrane proteins in rice. This was in contrast to plasma-membrane AGPs of suspension-cultured carrot cells that partitioned into the aqueous phase. At the rice root apex most of the AGP was associated with the microsomal fraction and also partitioned into the detergent phase, although a distinct highmolecular-mass AGP entered the aqueous phase.Abbreviations AGP arabinogalactan-protein - GlcY -glucosyl Yariv reagent - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay We gratefully acknowledge support from the Leverhulme Trust, the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and the Royal Society.  相似文献   
Abstract: Gangliosides are implicated in the regulation of cellular proliferation as evidenced by differences in ganglioside composition associated with malignant transformation and density of cells in culture, as well as their inhibitory effects when added to cells growing in culture. Exogenously added gangliosides have a bimodal effect on proliferation in U-1242 MG glioma cells, inhibiting DNA synthesis in growing cells and stimulating it in quiescent cells. We investigated the mechanisms involved in stimulation of DNA synthesis using [3H]thymidine incorporation and immune complex kinase assays to identify responsible signal transduction pathways. Treatment of quiescent U-1242 MG cells with GM1 caused activation of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase isoform Erk2. Pretreatment with the specific MAP kinase kinase inhibitor PD98059 prevented the GM1-stimulated Erk2 activation and GM1-stimulated DNA synthesis. GM1 treatment stimulated another distinct signaling pathway leading to activation of p70 S6 kinase (p70s6k), and this was prevented by pretreatment with rapamycin. Rapamycin also inhibited GM1-stimulated DNA synthesis. Activation of both pathways and stimulation of DNA synthesis were inhibited by forskolin treatment; however, GM1 had no effect on cyclic AMP levels. Platelet-derived growth factor also activated both Erk2 and p70s6k but did not cause DNA synthesis, suggesting that GM1 may stimulate additional cascades, which also contribute to GM1-mediated DNA synthesis.  相似文献   
Abstract Eight Nif mutants of Azospirillum brasilense were obtained by N -nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis and isolated by growth on glutamate medium. Three of these mutants had no nitrogenase activity, possessed no nitrogenase structural proteins and were complemented by Klebsiella pneumoniae nifA . Evidence will be presented that one of these mutants is defective in a nifA type regulatory gene but the other two were also complemented by K. pneumoniae ntrC and may be ntrC -type mutants. A fourth mutant was defective in the MoFe component protein of nitrogenase.  相似文献   
Normal human and diet-induced hyperlipidemic Rhesus monkey serum low-density lipoprotein structure was investigated by freeze-etching electron microscopy employing a novel rapid freezing technique. Using turnip yellow mosaic virus as a standard, the technique was shown to be capable of providing information regarding the general architecture of particles in solution. Human and monkey serum low-density lipoprotein particle morphology appeared to deviate markedly from that of a perfect sphere. Instead, the outer layer of the particles appeared to consist of a small number of globules. The number and dimensions of these globules as well as their arrangement are in remarkable agreement with the tetrahedral model proposed by Luzzati et al. (1979) in the preceding paper for the low temperature form of the Rhesus monkey low-density lipoprotein.  相似文献   
The apparent active site of human leukocyte glycoasparaginase (N4-(beta-acetylglucosaminyl)-L-asparaginase EC has been studied by labeling with an asparagine analogue, 5-diazo-4-oxo-L-norvaline. Glycoasparaginase was purified 4,600-fold from human leukocytes with an overall recovery of 12%. The purified enzyme has a Km of 110 microM, a Vmax of 34 mumol x l-1 x min-1, and a specific activity of 2.2 units/mg protein with N4-(beta-N-acetylglucosaminyl)-L-asparagine as substrate. The carbohydrate content of the enzyme is 15%, and it exhibits a broad pH maximum between 7 and 9. The 88-kDa native enzyme is composed of 19-kDa light (L) chains and 25-kDa heavy (H) chains and it has a heterotetrameric structure of L2H2-type. The glycoasparaginase activity decreases rapidly and irreversibly in the presence of 5-diazo-4-oxo-L-norvaline. At any one concentration of the compound, the inactivation of the enzyme is pseudo-first-order with time. The inhibitory constant, K1, is 80 microM and the second-order rate constant 1.25 x 10(3) M-1 min-1 at pH 7.5. The enzyme activity is competitively protected against this inactivation by its natural substrate, aspartylglucosamine, indicating that this inhibitor binds to the active site or very close to it. The covalent incorporation of [5-14C]diazo-4-oxo-L-norvaline paralleled the loss of the enzymatic activity and one inhibitor binding site was localized to each L-subunit of the heterotetrameric enzyme. Four peptides with the radioactive label were generated, purified by high performance liquid chromatography, and sequenced by Edman degradation. The sequences were overlapping and all contained the amino-terminal tripeptide of the L-chain. By mass spectrometry, the reacting group of 5-diazo-4-oxo-L-norvaline was characterized as 4-oxo-L-norvaline that was bound through an alpha-ketone ether linkage to the hydroxyl group of the amino-terminal amino acid threonine.  相似文献   
The Ca(2+)-dependence of structural changes in troponin-C (TnC) has been detected by monitoring the fluorescence from TnC labeled at Methionine-25, in the NH2-terminal domain, with danzylaziridine (TnC-DANZ) and then exchanged for endogenous TnC in glycerinated single fibers. The fluorescence-pCa relation obtained from fibers stretched to a sarcomere length greater than 4.0 microns evidenced two transitions: a small one, attributable to the binding of Ca2+ to the high affinity, Ca(2+)-Mg(2+)-binding sites of TnC; and a large one, attributable to the binding of Ca2+ to the low affinity, Ca(2+)-specific binding sites of TnC. In the fluorescence-pCa relation determined with fibers set to a sarcomere length of 2.4 microns, hence obtained in the presence of cycling cross-bridges, the large transition had the same Ca(2+)-dependence as did the development of tension. These results indicate that the NH2-terminal globular domain of TnC is modified by the binding of Ca2+ to sites located in both globular domains and that the structural changes in TnC resulting from the binding of Ca2+ to the low-affinity sites, but not to the high-affinity sites, are directly associated with the triggering of contraction.  相似文献   
We found a direct correlation between increasing ras p21 protein immunopositivity and severity of human glioma using computer-assisted, digital-image processing to quantify the amount of p21 immunoreactive to the monoclonal antibody RAP-5. We determined that there was a significant difference in reactivity between glioblastoma multiformes and more-differentiated astrocytomas (experiment-wise error less than 0.05). This result confirmed the conclusions made on the same tumors using standard light microscopy and visual examination. Immunohistochemistry quantized by automated image analysis may be a useful adjunct to current histopathological strategies since it decreases assay subjectivity and variation.  相似文献   
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