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Puf5, a Puf-family RNA-binding protein, binds to 3´ untranslated region of target mRNAs and negatively regulates their expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The puf5Δ mutant shows pleiotropic phenotypes including a weakened cell wall, a temperature-sensitive growth, and a shorter lifespan. To further analyze a role of Puf5 in cell growth, we searched for a multicopy suppressor of the temperature-sensitive growth of the puf5Δ mutant in this study. We found that overexpression of CLB2 encoding B-type cyclin suppressed the temperature-sensitive growth of the puf5Δ mutant. The puf5Δ clb2Δ double mutant displayed a severe growth defect, suggesting that Puf5 positively regulates the expression of a redundant factor with Clb2 in cell cycle progression. We found that expression of CLB1 encoding a redundant B-type cyclin was decreased in the puf5Δ mutant, and that this decrease of the CLB1 expression contributed to the growth defect of the puf5Δ clb2Δ double mutant. Since Puf5 is a negative regulator of the gene expression, we hypothesized that Puf5 negatively regulates the expression of a factor that represses CLB1 expression. We found such a repressor, Ixr1, which is an HMGB (High Mobility Group box B) protein. Deletion of IXR1 restored the decreased expression of CLB1 caused by the puf5Δ mutation and suppressed the growth defect of the puf5Δ clb2Δ double mutant. The expression of IXR1 was negatively regulated by Puf5 in an IXR1 3´ UTR-dependent manner. Our results suggest that IXR1 mRNA is a physiologically important target of Puf5, and that Puf5 and Ixr1 contribute to the cell cycle progression through the regulation of the cell cycle-specific expression of CLB1.  相似文献   
New genes in alkaloid metabolism and transport   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The biosynthetic pathway of plant alkaloids is composed of several distinct enzymes of varying substrate specificities. Homology-based cloning of candidate genes and their subsequent functional testing in heterologous expression systems are accelerating the pace at which the gene catalogues of alkaloid biosynthesis are expanding. Availability of diverse genes involved in the biosynthesis, catabolism, transport, and regulation of pharmaceutically important alkaloids should steadily advance our molecular understanding of alkaloid biology and will enable us to devise more rational strategies for metabolic engineering.  相似文献   
Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is gaining attention as a public health problem. We present two cases of CL imported from Syria and Venezuela in Japan. We diagnosed them as CL non-invasively by the direct boil loop-mediated isothermal amplification method and an innovative sequencing method using the MinION? sequencer. This report demonstrates that our procedure could be useful for the diagnosis of CL in both clinical and epidemiological settings.  相似文献   
We prepared the specific antibodies for EXT1 and EXT2, hereditary multiple exostoses (HME) gene products, and characterized their expression, subcellular localization, and protein association among EXT members. Biochemical analyses indicate that EXT1 and EXT2 can associate and form homo/hetero-oligomers in vivo with or without HME-linked mutations, EXT1 (R340C) and EXT2 (D227N), when exogenously expressed in COS-7 cells. An immunocytochemical analysis showed that both EXT1 and EXT2 localized in Golgi apparatus, irrespective of HME mutations. An immunohistochemical analysis on developing bones further showed that both EXT1 and EXT2 were concomitantly expressed in hypertrophic chondrocytes of forelimb bones from 1-day-old neonatal mouse, but down-regulated in maturing chondrocytes of developing cartilage from 21-day-old mouse. Taken together with the recent finding that EXTs encode for the glycosyltransferase required for the synthesis of heparan sulfate [Lind, T., Tufaro, F., McCormick, C., Lindahl, U., and Lindholt, K. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 26265-26268], our results implied a molecular basis that a HME-linked mutation found in EXT genes could interfere the physiological function(s) of EXT homo/hetero-oligomers as glycosyltransferases in the developing bones of HME patients.  相似文献   
The photosynthetic characteristics of photoautotrophically culturedcells of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun NN) as well asthose of photomixotrophically cultured cells and green leaveswere investigated. Analyses revealed that on a fresh weightbasis cultured tobacco cells had lower chlorophyll contentsthan cells of green leaves. The chlorophyll content per chloro-plast,however, was almost the same in both types of cell, and thechloroplast number per cell accounted for only small differencesin the cellular chlorophyll content. This indicates that thelarger cell volume of cultured cells is the main factor in thedifference in the chlorophyll content of these cells. Photosynthetic activity measurements also showed differencesin the chloroplasts of cultured and leaf cells. The maximumactivities of photosystem I and the Hill reaction for the culturedcells were about half those for leaf cells on a per unit chlorophyllbasis. Moreover, photo-autotrophic cells had relatively constantphotosystem I and Hill reaction activities during growth; whereas,on a fresh weight basis these activities in leaf cells reflecteddevelopmental changes in the chlorophyll content. Lithium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showedqualitatively similar thylakoid polypeptide compositions forcultured and leaf cells at all stages of growth even thoughthere were quantitative decreases in the contents of severalpolypeptides in the cultured green cells (especially in photomixotrophiccells) in comparison to the polypeptide contents of tobaccoleaves. We speculate that the lower photosynthetic activityof the cultured cells may be caused by this reduction in thecontents of certain thylakoid polypeptides. (Received November 14, 1988; Accepted June 19, 1989)  相似文献   
A transgenic wheat line constitutively expressing genes encoding a class IV acidic chitinase and an acidic beta-1,3-glucanase, showed significant delay in spread of Fusarium head blight (scab) disease under greenhouse conditions. In an earlier work, we observed a lesion-mimic phenotype in this transgenic line when homozygous for transgene loci. Apoplastic fluid (AF) extracted from the lesion-mimic plants had pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins belonging to families of beta-1,3-glucanases, chitinases, and thaumatin-like proteins (TLPs). AF had growth inhibitory activity against certain fungal pathogens, including Fusarium graminearum and Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici. Through a two-step ion-exchange chromatography protocol, we recovered many PR proteins and a few uncharacterized proteins. Three individual protein bands corresponding to a TLP (molecular mass, 16 kDa) and two beta-1,3-glucanases (molecular mass, 32 kDa each) were purified and identified by tandem mass spectrometry. We measured the in vitro antifungal activity of the three purified enzymes and a barley class II chitinase (purified earlier in our laboratory) in microtiter plate assays with macroconidia or conidiophores of F. graminearum and Pyrenophora tritici-repentis. Mixtures of proteins revealed synergistic or additive inhibitory activity against F. graminearum and P. tritici-repentis hyphae. The concentrations of PR proteins at which these effects were observed are likely to be those reached in AF of cells exhibiting a hypersensitive response. Our results suggest that apoplastic PR proteins are antifungal and their antimicrobial potency is dependent on concentrations and combinations that are effectively reached in plants following microbial attack.  相似文献   
Pigment-dispersing factor (PDF) is a neuropeptide widely distributed in insect brains and plays important roles in the circadian system. In this study, we used RNA interference to study the role of the pigment-dispersing factor (pdf) gene in regulating circadian locomotor rhythms in the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus. Injections of pdf double-stranded RNA (dspdf) effectively knocked down the pdf mRNA and PDF peptide levels. The treated crickets maintained the rhythm both under light-dark cycles (LD) and constant darkness (DD). However, they showed rhythms with reduced nocturnal activity with prominent peaks at lights-on and lights-off. Entrainability of dspdf-injected crickets was higher than control crickets as they required fewer cycles to resynchronize to the LD cycles shifted by 6 h. The free-running periods of the dspdf-injected crickets were shorter than those of control crickets in DD. These results suggest that PDF is not essential for the rhythm generation but involved in control of the nocturnality, photic entrainment, and fine tuning of the free-running period of the circadian clock.  相似文献   
Efficient reproduction using natural mating and reproduction technology [in vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer (ET)] was investigated in IRS2 deficient mice with C57BL/6JJcl genetic background (Irs2(-/-) mice) as a typical type 2 diabetes model. From the results using various combinations of Irs2(-/-) and Irs2(-/+) mice, the combination of female Irs2(-/+) x male Irs2(-/-) was found to be more efficient than other combinations. In applications of reproduction technology using IVF and ET, the combination of female Irs2(-/+) x male Irs2(-/-) involves the possibility of Irs2(-/-) production by repeats using female Irs2(-/+) mice. However, reproductive continuity using this combination is difficult because of dependence on human technique and the cost of ET. Therefore, we concluded that Irs2(-/-) mice should be produced by embryo transfer using Irs2(-/-) mice from a colony consisting of female Irs2(-/+) x male Irs2(-/-).  相似文献   
Molting, or the replacement of the old exoskeleton with a new cuticle, is a complex developmental process that all insects must undergo to allow unhindered growth and development. Prior to each molt, the developing new cuticle must resist the actions of potent chitinolytic enzymes that degrade the overlying old cuticle. We recently disproved the classical dogma that a physical barrier prevents chitinases from accessing the new cuticle and showed that the chitin-binding protein Knickkopf (Knk) protects the new cuticle from degradation. Here we demonstrate that, in Tribolium castaneum, the protein Retroactive (TcRtv) is an essential mediator of this protective effect of Knk. TcRtv localizes within epidermal cells and specifically confers protection to the new cuticle against chitinases by facilitating the trafficking of TcKnk into the procuticle. Down-regulation of TcRtv resulted in entrapment of TcKnk within the epidermal cells and caused molting defects and lethality in all stages of insect growth, consistent with the loss of TcKnk function. Given the ubiquity of Rtv and Knk orthologs in arthropods, we propose that this mechanism of new cuticle protection is conserved throughout the phylum.  相似文献   
Recovery of phosphorous from swine wastewater through crystallization   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
All the phosphate rock Japan needs must be presently imported from abroad because the country has no subterranean phosphorous resources. Therefore, there is a need to accelerate the development of and establish the technologies for phosphorous recovery from waste and wastewater. Swine wastewater has a high potential for phosphorous recovery in Japan. A reactor for removing and recovering phosphorous from swine wastewater was designed with dual functions, crystallization through aeration and separation of formed struvite by settling. However, a dehydration, composting and characterization process was first needed before using sediment sludge, including struvite, on farmland, since the struvite will settle along with huge amounts of other suspended solids (organic matter). For the recovery of pure struvite, an accumulation device was designed and its efficiency examined. The device has a struvite-accumulation face made of stainless steel wire mesh (1 mm in diameter, 1 cm(2) square) to reduce its total weight. During submergence in the aeration column of the demonstration reactor, struvite cross-bridged and accumulated on the face of the device. The struvite could be scraped off easily with only a light brushing, and was found to be approximately 95% pure. Because this device is a very simple structure, it is thought to be acceptable to swine farmers.  相似文献   
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