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In an attempt to understand the significance of predation in the evolution of prey species, the ecological and morphological characteristics of bacterial species under predation by a ciliated protozoa,Cyclidium sp., were investigated. Serial transfer at 7 day intervals was applied to the bacterial populations in the presence or absence ofCyclidium. Although cells of the parental bacterial strain are typically short rods up to 1.5 μm long, cells of much greater length, up to 20 μm long (type L) were found in populations exposed to predation fromCyclidium. However, the wildtype, shorter length bacteria persisted even after the appearance of type L. Type L was not observed in the singl bacterial culture throughout the serial transfers. Type L appeared to improve the ability to escape predation by elongating cell size, but growth rate and saturation density were decreased.  相似文献   
Summary Primary cultures of 9-d-gestation Syrian hamster embryo (E9) cells are distinct from primary cultures of later gestational age in terms of their growth and differentiation. First, primary E9 cell cultures express multiple mesenchymal differentiation lineages (e.g., adipocyte, myoblast) only rarely seen in cultures of 13-d-gestation fetal (F13) cells. Second, although most primary E9 cultures have a limited in vitro proliferative life span and exhibit cellular senescence similar to primary cultures of F13 cells, E9 cultures seem to have higher frequency of escape from senescence and conversion to continuous cell lines compared to F13 cells. Moreover, this frequency can be further increased 4- to 5-fold by continuous exposure of the E9 cells to tumor promoters or epidermal growth factor. Eleven continuous cell lines have been isolated from unreated, promoter-treated, or epidermal growth factor-treated primary E9 cultures. Seven of these are neoplastic or preneoplastic. However, the remaining four do not show any evidence of being in neoplastic progression and three of these continue to express the same differentiated phenotype observed in ther parental primary cell cultures. These studies were supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health (AG 01998), Bethesda, MD, and the U.S. Department of Energy (DE-A-C02-76-EVO-3280), Washington, DC.  相似文献   
The pigment cell-specific gene, located at the brown (b)-locus in mouse, encodes the protein that determines the type of melanin synthesized. This protein is known as tyrosinase-related protein, but here we tentatively term it b-locus protein to avoid confusions with the related sequence cross-hybridizing to the tyrosinase gene. In order to identify the mutation at the b-locus, we have cloned and characterized the b-locus protein gene of BALB/c mouse (b/b, c/c). The gene is about 18 kb long and organized into 8 exons and 7 introns. Sequence analysis of the b-locus protein gene reveals four base changes within the protein-coding regions: two missense mutations and two silent mutations. Two missense mutations result in the Cys to Tyr substitution at position 86 (codon 110) and the Arg to His substitution at position 302 (codon 326) of a b-locus protein molecule. Using allele-specific amplification, we confirmed that these missense mutations are actually present in the genomic DNA of two b-mutant strains examined, BALB/c and DBA/2 (b/b, C/C) mice, suggesting that these mutations are specific for the mutant mice at the b-locus. Moreover, we are able to show that the b-locus protein containing Tyr 86 is not reactive with the anti-b-locus protein monoclonal antibody, TMH-1, in transient expression assays.  相似文献   
Abstract: The tissue distribution of neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) was investigated in rats at 1 month of age using a newly established, sensitive two-site enzyme immunoassay system for NT-3, as well as the immunocytochemical localization of this protein. The immunoassay for NT-3 enabled us to quantify NT-3 at levels > 3 pg per assay. In the rat brain, NT-3 was detectable only in the olfactory bulb (0.54 ng/g wet weight), cerebellum (0.71 ng/g), septum (0.91 ng/g), and hippocampus (6.3 ng/g). By contrast, NT-3 was widely distributed in peripheral tissues. Appreciable levels of NT-3 were also found in the thymus (31 ng/g), heart (38 ng/g), diaphragm (21 ng/g), liver (45 ng/g), pancreas (892 ng/g), spleen (133 ng/g), kidney (40 ng/g), and adrenal gland (46 ng/g). An antibody specific for NT-3 bound to pyramidal cells in the CA2-CA4 regions of the hippocampus, to A cells in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, to unidentified cells in the red pulp of the spleen, to liver cells, and to muscle fibers in the diaphragm from rats at 1 month of age. Molecular masses of NT-3-immunoreactive proteins in the hippocampus and pancreas were 14 and 12 kDa, respectively. Thus, in rats, NT-3 was detected in restricted regions of the brain and in the visceral targets of the nodose ganglia at high concentrations. Our present results suggest that NT-3 not only functions as a classical target-derived neurotrophic factor but also can play other roles.  相似文献   
Genetic studies have uncovered many genes that are involved in the first steps of neuronal development inDrosophila.Less is known about the intermediate steps during which individual precursor cells follow either the neuronal pathway or the glial pathway. We report the identification of a novel bHLH gene,biparous,expressed in neuronal and glial precursors inDrosophila.Unlike most bHLH genes,biparousexpression continues to the final stages of neurogenesis in the embryo. Expression ofbiparousis not observed in end stage postmitotic neurons and precedes the expression ofrepo,a gene activated in later stages of glial differentiation. The bHLH domain is sufficiently different from previously described bHLH domains to imply a novel function.  相似文献   
Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase; EC is a regulatory enzyme of fatty acid synthesis, and in some higher-plant plastids is a multi-subunit complex consisting of biotin carboxylase (BC), biotin-carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP), and carboxyl transferase (CT). We recently described a Nicotiana tabacum L. (tobacco) cDNA with a deduced amino acid sequence similar to that of prokaryotic BC. We here provide further biochemical and immunological evidence that this higher-plant polypeptide is an authentic BC component of ACCase. The BC protein co-purified with ACCase activity and with BCCP during gel permeation chromatography of Pisum sativum L. (pea) chloroplast proteins. Antibodies to the Ricinus communis L. (castor) BC co-precipitated ACCase activity and BCCP. During castor seed development, ACCase activity and the levels of BC and BCCP increased and subsequently decreased in parallel, indicating their coordinate regulation. The BC protein comprised about 0.8% of the soluble protein in developing castor seed, and less than 0.05% of the protein in young leaf or root. Polypeptides cross-reacting with antibodies to castor BC were detected in several dicotyledons and in the monocotyledons Hemerocallis fulva L. (day lily), Iris L., and Allium cepa L. (onion), but not in the Gramineae species Hordeum vulgare L. (barley) and Panicum virgatum L. (switchgrass). The castor endosperm and pea chloroplast ACCases were not significantly inhibited by long-chain acyl-acyl carrier protein, free fatty acids or acyl carrier protein. The BC polypeptide was detected throughout Brassica napus L. (rapeseed) embryo development, in contrast to the multi-functional ACCase isoenzyme which was only detected early in development. These results firmly establish the identity of the BC polypeptide in plants and provide insight into the structure, regulation and roles of higherplant ACCases.Abbreviations ACCase acetyl-CoA carboxylase - ACP acyl carrier protein - BC biotin carboxylase - BCCP biotin carboxyl carrier protein - CT carboxyl transferase - MF multi-functional - MS multi-subunit We thank our colleagues Nicki Engeseth and Vicki Eccleston for advice on fatty acid analysis and Sarah Hunter for providing the developing Iris seed. This work was supported in part by grant MCB 9406466 from NSF. Acknowledgement is also made to the Michigan Agriculture Experiment Station for its support of this research.  相似文献   
Japanese fireflies of the subfamily Luciolinae are biochemically analyzed using 13 allozymes, and the phylogenetic relationships obtained from this analysis are compared with their flash communication systems. As a result, the Japanese Luciolinae can be divided into three groups.Hotaria parvula andH. tsushimana together withLuciola yayeyamana andL. kuroiwae from the first group, and they use the same communication system.L. lateralis, Curtos okinawana, andC. costipennis make up the second group, and their communication systems are also the same.L. cruciata makes up the last one, and its communication system is different from the other fireflies of Luciolinae. Therefore, their taxonomical arrangement and communication systems are not congruent. However, the genetic similarity deduced by allozymic analysis of the members of the Japanese Luciolinae is highly consistent with their flash communication systems.  相似文献   
A smut fungus onPrimula sieboldii was newly found in Japan and identified asUrocystis tranzscheliana by comparative morphology. This species causes systemic infection ofP. sieboldii and produces sori in its ovaries.Contribution No. 121, Laboratories of Plant Pathology and Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba.  相似文献   
We examined serum copper (Cu), serum zinc (Zn), and the serum copper/zinc ratio (Cu/Zn) in 162 patients. All of them were seen to have an abnormal shadow in the chest X-ray films, that is, 109 patients with lung cancer (LC) and 53 patients with no lung cancer (NLC). The mean Cu and Cu/Zn in LC patients were significantly higher than those in NLC patients (p<0.05). In LC patients, Cu and Cu/Zn were higher and Zn was lower in advanced tumors than early ones. There was a significantly clear relation between Cu or Cu/Zn and the tumor (T) stages. When the relative risk (RR) of LC was estimated, it was seen that the higher Cu and Cu/Zn became, the higher RR became. Furthermore, we showed the sensitivity of the receiver operator characteristic of the test (ROC) curve for Cu, Cu/Zn, and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) to diagnose LC, as explained in a paragraph of methods.The determinations of Cu, Zn, and Cu/Zn are simple and inexpensive. They also appear to have a great diagnostic value in determining the local invasion of LC and as a screening test in the high-risk patients for LC.  相似文献   
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