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We demonstrated that each of various polyclonal lymphocyte activators (PLA) exhibits two types of adjuvant action to initiate the carrier-specific helper T-cell response to otherwise nonimmunogenic antigen. Type 1 action was characterized as that to initiate the T-cell response to subcutaneous injection of soluble bovine γ-globulin (BGG), and type 2 as that to initiate the response to intravenous injection of aggregated BGG. Each of various PLA showed these two types of adjuvant action in a dissociated fashion. The capsular polysaccharide of Klebsiella pneumoniae (CPS-K) showed both types of action to the highest degrees. Lipopolysaccharide of Escherichia coli exhibited type 2 action as markedly as CPS-K, but failed to show type 1 action. Concanavalin A showed definite type 1 action, but not type 2 action. Polyadenylic-uridylic acid showed definite type 2 action, but not type 1 action. Type 1 and type 2 actions of dextran sulfate were minimal. A hypothetical view is presented to consider that type 1 adjuvant action is directed to two mutually independent sites whereas type 2 action is directed to one site.  相似文献   
EGFR is involved in the density-dependent inhibition of cell growth, while coexpression of EGFR with erbB2 can render normal cells transformed. In this study, we have examined the effect of a species of p185 that contains the transmembrane domain and the extracellular domain of p185(c-neu), on growth properties of a human malignant mesothelioma cell line that coexpresses EGFR and erbB2. The ectodomain form of p185(c-neu) enhanced density-dependent inhibition of cell growth and we found that p21 induction appeared to be responsible for this inhibitory effect. Previously, the extracellular domain species was shown to suppress the transforming abilities of EGFR and p185(c-neu/erbB2) in a dominant-negative manner. The ability of this subdomain to affect tumor growth is significant, as it reduced in vivo tumor growth. Unexpectedly, we found that the domain did not abrogate all of EGFR functions. We noted that EGFR-induced density-dependent inhibition of cell growth was retained. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors of EGFR did not cause density-dependent inhibition of cell growth of malignant mesothelioma cells. Therefore, simultaneously inhibiting the malignant phenotype and inducing density-dependent inhibition of cell growth in malignant mesothelioma cells by the extracellular domain of p185(c-neu) may represent an important therapeutic advance.  相似文献   
Peptide:N-glycanase (PNGase) is the deglycosylating enzyme, which releases N-linked glycan chains from N-linked glycopeptides and glycoproteins. Recent studies have revealed that the cytoplasmic PNGase is involved in the degradation of misfolded/unassembled glycoproteins. This enzyme has a Cys, His, and Asp catalytic triad, which is required for its enzymatic activity and can be inhibited by "free" N-linked glycans. These observations prompted us to investigate the possible use of haloacetamidyl derivatives of N-glycans as potent inhibitors and labeling reagents of this enzyme. Using a cytoplasmic PNGase from budding yeast (Png1), Man9GlcNAc2-iodoacetoamide was shown to be a strong inhibitor of this enzyme. The inhibition was found to be through covalent binding of the carbohydrate to a single Cys residue on Png1, and the binding was highly selective. The mutant enzyme in which Cys191 of the catalytic triad was changed to Ala did not bind to the carbohydrate probe, suggesting that the catalytic Cys is the binding site for this compound. Precise determination of the carbohydrate attachment site by mass spectrometry clearly identified Cys191 as the site of covalent attachment. Molecular modeling of N,N'-diacetylchitobiose (chitobiose) binding to the protein suggests that the carbohydrate binding site is distinct from but adjacent to that of Z-VAD-fmk, a peptide-based inhibitor of this enzyme. These results suggest that cytoplasmic PNGase has a separate binding site for chitobiose and other carbohydrates, and haloacetamide derivatives can irreversibly inhibit that catalytic Cys in a highly specific manner.  相似文献   
The accumulation of alpha1,2fucosylated antigens, such as Y (Fucalpha1,2Galbeta1,4 [Fucalpha1,3]GlcNAcbeta), Le(b) (Fucalpha1,2Galbeta1,3-[Fucalpha1,4]GlcNAcbeta), and H type 2 (Fucalpha1,2 Galbeta1,4GlcNAcbeta) occurs specifically within human colorectal tumor tissues and can be detected by an antifucosylated antigen antibody, such as the YB-2 antibody. In the present investigation, we found that the expression of these antigens bearing an alpha1,2-linked fucose correlated with the resistance of the tumor cells to anticancer treatments. Addition of an exogenous sugar acceptor for alpha1,2fucosyltransferase to the cell medium resulted in suppression of alpha1,2fucosylated antigen expression on the tumor cells and increased susceptibility to anticancer treatment. The increased susceptibility may be attributed to cancer cell-mediated priming by sugar acceptors for alpha1,2fucosyltransferase added to the medium.  相似文献   
The effects of the availability of light (high, medium and low) and soil water (wet and dry) on morphological and physiological traits responsible for whole plant carbon gain and ramet biomass accumulation were examined in a splitter-type clonal herbaceous species Primula sieboldii, a spring plant inhabiting broad range of light environments including open grassland and oak forest understory. Growth experiments were conducted for three genets originated from natural microhabitats differing in light and soil water availability. Ramets of a genet from high light and wet microhabitat, which were grown in low light (relative photon flux density: R-PPFD of 5%) showed 41% less light-saturated photosynthetic rate, 50% less dark respiration rate and earlier defoliation than the ramets in high light (R-PPFD of 61%). The estimation of daily photosynthesis revealed that the light acclimation response in leaf gas exchange contributes to efficient carbon gain of whole plants, irrespective of experimental light conditions. Water stress increased root weight ratio, decreased ramet leaf area, petiole length and photosynthetic capacity. These morphological effects of water stress were larger in high and medium light regimes than in low light regime. The consequence of the above responses was recognized in the relative growth rate of the ramets. The relative growth rate of the ramets in high light with wet regime was four-fold of that in low light plus wet regime, and was 1.5-fold of that in high light plus dry regime. However, even in low light and/or dry regimes, ramets kept positive relative growth rates and produced gemma successfully. We could not detect significant variation in growth responses among genets. The high photosynthetic plasticity revealed in the present study should enable Primula sieboldii to inhabit in a broad range of light and soil water availability.  相似文献   
We examined the effect of administering an isoflavone-rich fermented soybean extract (FSBE) on the serum cholesterol concentrations in male rats and in intact and ovariectomized (OVX) female rats. Dietary FSBE decreased the serum cholesterol concentrations in intact female and OVX rats, but did not affect the concentrations in male rats. Dietary FSBE increased the hepatic total and esterified cholesterol contents in the intact female rats, but decreased them in the OVX rats. This hypocholesterolemic effect was not a simple estrogenic effect because it has appeared in some reports that estrogen administration decreased serum cholesterol both male and female rats. Dietary FSBE increased the hepatic low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) gene expression in the intact female rats as has previously been reported from many studies, but did not affect that of the OVX rats. Further investigation is needed into the hypocholesterolemic mechanism of FSBE.  相似文献   
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