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1. A novel approach using a Gaussian white noise as stimulus is described which allowed quantitative analysis of neuronal responses in the cercal system of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana. Cerci were stimulated by air displacement which was modulated by a sinusoidal and a white noise signal. During the stimulation, intracellular recordings were made from a uniquely identifiable, nonspiking, local interneuron which locates within the terminal abdominal ganglion. The white noise stimulation was cross-correlated with the evoked response to compute first- and second-order kernels that could define the cell's response dynamics. 2. The interneuron, cell 101, has an exceptionally large transverse neurite that connects two asymmetrical dendritic arborizations located on both sides of the ganglion. 3. The first-order Wiener kernels in cell 101 were biphasic (differentiating). The waveforms of the kernels produced by the ipsilateral and contralateral stimulations were roughly mirror images of each other: the kernels produced by wind stimuli on the side ipsilateral to the cell body of the interneuron are initially depolarized and then hyperpolarized, whereas those on the other side are initially hyperpolarized. The polarity reversal occurred along the midline of the animal's body, and no well-defined kernel was produced by a stimulus directed head on or from the tail. 4. Mean square error (MSE) between the actual response and the model prediction suggests that the linear component in cell 101 comprises half of the cell's total response (MSEs for the linear models were about 50% at preferred directions), whereas the second-order, non-linear component is insignificant. The linear component of the wind-evoked response was bandpass with the preferred frequency of 70-90 Hz. 5. Accounting for a noise, we reasonably assumed that at high frequencies the graded response in cell 101 is linearly related to a modulation of the air displacement and sensitive to the rate of change of the signal (i.e., wind velocity) and the direction of its source. It is suggested that the dynamics of the first-order kernel simply reflect the dynamics of sensory receptors that respond linearly to wind stimulation.  相似文献   
Summary In vitro translation in the rabbit reticulocyte system and transient expression in Cos7 cells were performed to characterize the protein encoded by a chromosome 6-linked human cDNA clone, whose nucleotide sequence is homologous to that of Escherichia coli guanosine monophosphate reductase (GMP reductase) cDNA. The molecular weight of the peptide produced by the cDNA was about 37,000 Dalton, and the protein produced in the Cos7 cells exhibited GMP reductase activity, substantiating that the cDNA is for human GMP reductase. The corresponding genomic clones were obtained from two human genomic libraries. The gene spans about 50 Kb and is composed of 9 exons, which encode 345 amino acid residues. Organization of exons and introns was established by DNA sequencing of each exon and splicing junctions. The gene contains two potential SpI binding sites within exon 1, and a functional atypical polyadenylation signal in exon 9.  相似文献   
Summary Examination of nucleotide sequences of genomic DNA samples obtained from several unrelated Caucasians and orientals revealed the existence of four variant alleles in the chromosome 6-linked quanosine monophosphate reductase locus. The wild-type gene has T at position 42 (counting from A of the chain initiation codon), C at 630, G at 700, and T at 766, i.e., its structure is T(42)-C(630)-G(700)-T(766). The variant gene, T-T-G-T, was found in about 10% of the loci examined. The C-to-T change at 630 was silent and did not induce any amino acid substitution (His at amino acid residue 210), but it created an additional NcoI cleavage site in the variant gene. The frequency of another variant, the T-C-G-A gene, was about 30%. The T-to-A change at 766 caused an amino acid substitution PheIle at amino acid residue 256 in the variant protein. Frequencies of the C-C-G-T variant and the T-C-A-T variant were probably lower than 5% in Caucasians and orientals.  相似文献   
Summary The response dynamics of cercal afferents in the cockroach, Periplaneta americana, were determined by means of a cross-correlation technique using a Gaussian white noise modulation of wind as a stimulus. The white noise stimulus could evoke sustained firing activity in most of the afferents examined (Fig. 1). The spike discharges were unitized and then cross-correlated with the stimulus to compute 1st- and 2nd-order Weiner kernels. The Ist-order kernels from a total of 28 afferents were biphasic and closely matched the time differential of a pulse (Figs. 1, 3 and 4). The amplitude and waveform of the kernels depended on the stimulus angle in such a way that the kernels were the mirror image of those on the polar opposite side (Figs. 2 and 3). The 2nd-order kernels were also differential. They had 2 diagonal peaks and 2 off-diagonal valleys in a 2-dimensional plot with 2 time axes (Figs. 1, 5 and 6). This 4-eye configuration was basically invariant irrespective of the stimulus angle, although the kernels varied in amplitude when the stimulus angle was changed. The time between the peak and a following trough of the 1st-order kernel was constant and had a mean of 4.6±0.1 ms, whereas the time between 2 diagonal peaks of the 2nd-order kernels was 4.7±0.1 ms (Figs. 4 and 6), suggesting that wind receptors (filiform sensilla) on cerci act as a band-pass filter with a peak frequency of about 106 Hz. The peak time, however, varies from 2.3 to 6.9 ms in both kernels, which may reflect the spatial distribution of the corresponding hairs on the cercus. The summation of the 1st- (linear) and 2nd-order (nonlinear) models precisely predicted the timing of the spike firing (Fig. 8). Thus, these 2 lower-order kernels can totally characterize the response dynamics of the wind receptors. The nonlinear response explains the directional sensitivity of the sensory neurons, while the differentiating 1st-order kernel explains the velocity sensitivity of the neurons. The nonlinearity is a signal compression in which one of the diagonal peaks of the 2nd-order kernel always offsets the downward phase of the 1st-order kernel (Fig. 7) and obviously represents a half-wave rectification property of the wind receptors that are excited by hair movement in only one direction and inhibited by hair movement in the polar opposite direction.  相似文献   
Summary Eachl-amino acid (AA) in plasma and brain remains unchanged all day long while normal diet is available. But once restriction ofl-lysine (Lys) was introduced, strong anorexia happened. When Lys deficient diet was offered to rats, their growth were decreased depending upon dietary Lys intake, and they ingested Lys solution in choice quantitatively and both appetite and growth normalized. The recognition site for the deficit in rat's brain was identified by brain oxygenation using a functional MRI that higher signals in the ventromedial hypothalamus and lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) appeared, at 30–50 minutes after Lys injection i.p. and then recovered. Degree of Lys hunger, assayed by bar-pressing (50mg pellet of normal diet/30 presses), was suppressed by Lys micro-injection into the LHA, similar to free Lys ingestion but any other AA never did, suggesting the LHA as recognition site for Lys deficit in rats with Lys deficiency due to AA homeostasis.  相似文献   
A mutant of Escherichia coli K12 has been found to produce straight flagellar filaments. Electron micrographs of the negatively stained filaments were analysed by optical diffraction and filtering methods. The filament appears to consist of a one-start basic helix with 11 subunits in two turns and with a pitch of 26 Å. One class of the rows of subunits runs closely parallel to the filament axis. We have found that the addition of acridines to the filament suspension induces side-by side aggregation of the filaments. The optical diffraction pattern of the aggregates is similar to that of untreated filaments.Straight filaments were observed to be reconstructed on polymerization of the isolated mutant flagellin in vitro. When the straight-type flagellin copolymerizes with normal-type flagellin, the wave form of the resultant filaments is either normal or heteromorphous. The latter consists of straight and normal-type parts.These results indicate that the straight filament described here is a novel type and differs from that of a mutant of Salmonella with respect to structure (O'Brien & Bennett, 1972) and to the wave form of the copolymer product (Asakura, 1970; Asakura & Iino, 1972).  相似文献   
A rapid screening method for amber fla mutants of E. coli was devised and many mutants were obtained. In addition, strains with deletions of the fla genes in the his-uvrC region were isolated from high-temperature survivors of a λcI857 lysogen in which the prophage is located between his and fla. Utilizing these mutants, eleven fla genes (I—XI) and one hag gene were identified in the his-uvrc region, in the following order: his-supD-I-II-(III, IV)-V-(VI, VII)-VIII-IX-hag-(X, XI)-uvrC. The fla genes X and XI and hag are located at about 42.5 min and the other fla genes at about 43.0 min on the E. coli genetic map (Bachmann, Low and Taylor 1976). Mutants of fla gene X showed a slight sensitivity to chi phage, although they lack the flagellar filament.  相似文献   
A new polymorphic 40-nucleotide repeat in the human dopamine transporter gene is described. It may underlie individual differences in susceptibility to several neuropsychiatric diseases.  相似文献   
Tobacco mesophyll protoplasts were fused with protoplasts fromcultured cells by electric fusion. When the fusion productswere cultured for 2 d, chloroplast division was observed inthe heterokaryocytes under fluorescence microscopy after stainingwith DAPI, while such chloroplast division was not observedwhen mesophyll protoplasts alone were cultured in the same condition. 3Permanent address: Research Institute of House Food IndustryCo. Ltd., Mikuriya Sakaemachi, Higashi-Osaka-shi, Osaka, 577Japan. (Received June 21, 1988; Accepted November 22, 1988)  相似文献   
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