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Material barrier properties to microbes are an important issue in many pharmaceutical applications like wound dressings. A wide range of biomaterials has been used to manage the chronic inflamed wounds. Eight hydrogel membranes of poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) with κ-carrageenan (KC) and Lactobacillus bulgaricus extract (LAB) have been prepared by using freeze–thawing technique. To evaluate the membranes efficiency as wound dressing agents, various tests have been done like gel fraction, swelling behavior, mechanical properties, etc. The antibacterial activities of the prepared membranes were tested against the antibiotic-resistant bacterial isolates. In addition, the safety usage of the prepared hydrogel was checked on human dermal fibroblast cells. The anti-inflammatory properties of the prepared hydrogel on LPS-PBMC cell inflammatory model were quantified using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). The analysis data of TGA, SEM, gel fraction, and swelling behavior showed changes in properties of prepared PVA\KC\LAB hydrogel membrane than pure PVA hydrogel membrane. The antibacterial activities of the prepared membranes augmented in LAB extract-prepared membranes. Out of the eight used hydrogel membranes, the PVAKC4 hydrogel membrane is the safest one on fibroblast cellular proliferation with a maximum proliferation percentage 97.3%. Also, all the used hydrogel membrane showed abilities to reduce the concentration of IL-2 and IL-8 compared with both negative and positive control. In addition, almost all the prepared hydrogel membrane showed variable abilities to downregulate the expression of TNF-α gene with superior effect of hydrogel membrane KC1. PVA/KC/LAB extract hydrogel membrane may be a promising material for wound dressing application and could accelerate the healing process of the chronic wound because of its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.  相似文献   
There has been some speculation about the salt independence of Schistosoma japonicum glutathione S-transferase (Sj26GST, EC., but this aspect has not been carefully studied before. To establish the basis for a further development of this dependence, we have performed a methodical study of the influence of some important ions and their concentration on the binding properties of glutathione to Sj26GST by means of isothermal calorimetry and fluorescence quenching. Salts like NaCl, Na2SO4 and MgSO4 do not change practically the affinity of the protein for its substrate, whilst MgCl2 has the effect of decreasing the affinity as its concentration rises. However, the enthalpy change is not affected by all the salts studied, and so, the entropy change is the causal factor in dropping the affinity. We also looked at the conformational stability of the protein under different conditions to check the structural changes they provide, and found that the unfolding parameters are practically not affected by the salt concentration. We discuss the results in terms of the chaotropic nature of the ions implied.  相似文献   
The production of beta-glucosidase by the ligninolytic fungus Pleurotus ostreatus has been studied in different culture media containing agro-industrial wastes. The enzyme is purified by anion-exchange chromatography, the molecular mass and isoelectric point of purified beta-glucosidase are measured by sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and isoelectric focusing and the stability and kinetic parameters of the enzyme assessed by spectrophotometry. It has been established that the retention time, molecular mass and isoelectric point of the enzyme depend on the composition of the culture media while the activity and stability of beta-glucosidases of different origin were very similar. The combined chromatographic and electrophoretic methods have proved to be suitable techniques for the purification and characterisation of the beta-glucosidases produced by the ligninolytic fungus Pleurotus ostreatus in different culture media.  相似文献   
Mesosternal (MS) bristles in Drosophila are a pair of machrochaetae found at the sternal end of the sternopleural (STP) microchaetae, and are thought to be invariable. In a closely related drosophilid genus, Zaprionus, their number is four and, in contrast to Drosophila, they show interspecific and intraspecific variability. The genetic basis of MS bristle number variability was studied in Z. indianus, the only cosmopolitan species of the genus. The trait responded rapidly to selection and two lines were obtained, one lacking any bristles (0-0) and the other bearing the normal phenotype (2-2). Other symmetrical phenotypes, (1-1) and (3-3), could also be selected for, but with lesser success. By contrast, STP bristle number did not vary significantly between the two lines (0-0) and (2-2), revealing its genetic independence from MS bristle number. Reciprocal crosses between these two lines showed that MS bristle number is mainly influenced by a major gene on the X chromosome (i.e. F1 males always resembled their mothers) with codominant expression (i.e. heterozygous F1 females harboured an average phenotype of 2 bristles). However, trait penetrance was incomplete and backcrosses revealed that this variability was partly due to genetic modifiers, most likely autosomal. The canalization of MS bristle number was investigated under different temperatures, and the increased appearance of abnormal phenotypes mainly occurred at extreme temperatures. There was a bias, however, towards bristle loss, as shown by a liability (developmental map) analysis. Finally, when ancestral and introduced populations were compared, the latter were far less stable, suggesting that genetic bottlenecks may perturb the MS bristle number canalization system. MS bristle number, thus, appears to be an excellent model for investigating developmental canalization at both the quantitative and the molecular level.  相似文献   
dUTPase (deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate nucleotide hydrolase) is an enzyme responsible for maintaining low levels of intracellular dUTP and thus prevents uracil incorporation into DNA by DNA polymerases during replication and repair processes. The thermodynamics of binding for both dUTP and dUMP (deoxyuridine 5'-monophosphate) to the D80A mutant form of Trypanosoma cruzi dUTPase have been investigated by fluorescence spectroscopy and high-sensitivity isothermal titration calorimetry. In the presence of magnesium, approximately a 30-fold decrease in the value of the k(cat) and a 15-fold increase in the K(m) for dUTP hydrolysis was calculated while a 5-fold decrease was observed in the affinity for dUMP. In the absence of magnesium, the affinity for dUTP binding was similar for both enzymes while that for dUMP was lowered 3-fold as a consequence of the mutation. Calorimetric titrations in several buffers with different ionization heats rendered similar proton exchanges during the binding of dUMP. Thus, apparently the side chain of Asp 80 does not seem to vary its protonation state during the binding process. The enthalpy change values for the D80A mutant hardly change with temperature and, in addition, were Mg(2+) independent. We conclude that the D80A mutation induces only a slight conformational change in the active site yet results in a significant alteration of nucleotide binding and modifies the ability of the enzyme to discriminate between dUTP and dUMP when magnesium is present.  相似文献   
Adaptive introgression is ubiquitous in animals, but experimental support for its role in driving speciation remains scarce. In the absence of conscious selection, admixed laboratory strains of Drosophila asymmetrically and progressively lose alleles from one parental species and reproductive isolation against the predominant parent ceases after 10 generations. Here, we selectively introgressed during 1 year light pigmentation genes of D. santomea into the genome of its dark sibling D. yakuba, and vice versa. We found that the pace of phenotypic change differed between the species and the sexes and identified through genome sequencing common as well as distinct introgressed loci in each species. Mating assays showed that assortative mating between introgressed flies and both parental species persisted even after 4 years (~60 generations) from the end of the selection. Those results indicate that selective introgression of as low as 0.5% of the genome can beget morphologically distinct and reproductively isolated strains, two prerequisites for the delimitation of new species. Our findings hence represent a significant step toward understanding the genome‐wide dynamics of speciation‐through‐introgression.  相似文献   
Ovulation failure was associated with a reduction in pre-mating concentrations of oestradiol-17β and prolactin (PRL). The present study aimed to evaluate whether pre-mating PRL levels have a role in the reproductive efficiency of doe rabbits. A total of 78 multiparous California does (2nd parity) were divided, according to plasma pre-mating PRL, into five categories, >20–25, >25–30, >30–35, >35–40, and >40–45 ng/ml. Does in all categories were naturally mated and kindled, then their reproductive measurements and progesterone (P4) levels were determined. Results show that pre-mating PRL averaged 23.60 ± 0.78, 28.00 ± 0.83, 33.46 ± 0.43, 38.17 ± 0.49 and 41.98 ± 0.68 ng/ml in five categories (p < 0.05), respectively, representing the highest distribution (38.5%) in the 3rd-category. Live body weight of doe rabbits, at mating, pregnancy, and parturition increased (p < 0.05) with increasing pre-mating PRL level. The number of services, litter size, and pregnancy rate increased (p < 0.05) by increasing PRL levels. Reproductive traits and P4 level at mid-pregnancy of does, and the average weight of kits at birth increased (p < 0.05) by increasing PRL levels. The pre-mating PRL profile is important for the identification of reproductive performance in doe rabbits.  相似文献   
Ipomoea carnea Jacq., a native shrub of South America, grows in dense populations along river beds, river banks, canals and other waterlogged (wetland) areas. It has become naturalised along canals, drains, road sides and field edges in the Nile Delta, Egypt. The rapid growth rate, spread and adaptability from xeric to aquatic habitats indicates that this plant may potentially become a disastrous invasive species in Egyptian water bodies. Fifty established stands covering seven habitats (railway sides, waste lands, road sides, drain and canal banks, road dividers and field edges) in the Nile Delta were used in this experiment. In each stand, 20 ramets were permanently marked to estimate the monthly variations in such growth variables as phenology, height and diameter of the ramet canopy, number of flowers, leaves and fruits. The results showed a significant variation in growth variables relative to habitat types. Generally, I. carnea populations along the railway sides and field edges had the lowest values for most variables; while those of the road dividers, road sides and canal banks produced the highest values. The growth of I. carnea follows a seasonal pattern where the highest values for most growth variables were obtained during September and October and the lowest were recorded during June and July. The greatest flower and fruit production was observed between September and December. Similarly, it was shown that the flowering time varied in relation to habitat types; it began earlier on road sides and canal banks, but later on railway sides, road dividers and waste lands. Leaf areas of I. carnea populations in the wet habitats (e.g. drain and canal banks) were higher than those in other habitats. These results are discussed in relation to other related studies.  相似文献   
In contrast to male genitalia that typically exhibit patterns of rapid and divergent evolution among internally fertilizing animals, female genitalia have been less well studied and are generally thought to evolve slowly among closely-related species. As a result, few cases of male-female genital coevolution have been documented. In Drosophila, female copulatory structures have been claimed to be mostly invariant compared to male structures. Here, we re-examined male and female genitalia in the nine species of the D. melanogaster subgroup. We describe several new species-specific female genital structures that appear to coevolve with male genital structures, and provide evidence that the coevolving structures contact each other during copulation. Several female structures might be defensive shields against apparently harmful male structures, such as cercal teeth, phallic hooks and spines. Evidence for male-female morphological coevolution in Drosophila has previously been shown at the post-copulatory level (e.g., sperm length and sperm storage organ size), and our results provide support for male-female coevolution at the copulatory level.  相似文献   
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