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In a transgenic mouse, Golga3/Mea2 gene (human homolog: GOLGA3/golgin-160) was disrupted by a translocation at the site of the transgene integration. Exons 8-24 of the disrupted gene remained intact and formed a fusion gene (DeltaMea2) with the antisense strand of E. coli-derived transgene by means of a cryptic splice signal in there. The protein product of DeltaMea2, virtually a form truncated to 2/3 of the normal size, localized to Golgi apparatus of pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids. DeltaMea2 expression was specific to the testis, but varied among separate seminiferous tubules. It also showed variation among homozygous individuals from 0.5 to 4.3% of the wild type (wt) level. At the lowest levels, neither spermatids nor spermatozoa were present in the homozygous testes, but when the expression of DeltaMea2 increased to 4.3% of the wt level, high sperm production was restored and a sporadic (1/22) fertile homozygous male was obtained. The earliest apoptotic degeneration of pachytene spermatocytes evidenced at 17 dpp in homozygous testes in some discrete seminiferous tubules was preceded by DeltaMea2 expression in a variegated fashion at 16 dpp. These results consistently indicated that in homozygous testes, the pachytene spermatocytes which failed to express DeltaMea2 may undergo apoptotic degeneration. Golga3/Mea2, and DeltaMea2 in homozygotes, in a certain excessive amount may be important for survival of pachytene spermatocytes in the mouse.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether tumor marker pi glutathione transferase (GST-pi) is expressed in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and other chronic liver diseases and to compare its expression with that of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). STUDY DESIGN: Samples used were formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded liver tissues: normal (n = 3), chronic hepatitis B (n = 15), cirrhosis (n = 15) and HCC (n = 30). The expression of AFP and GST-pi was detected by using immunohistochemistry with the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. AFP immunoreactivity was based on the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes, while GST-pi immunoreactivity was based on the nuclei of hepatocytes. RESULTS: In normal liver tissues, AFP was not expressed. However, there was strong staining of GST-pi in bile duct epithelium cells and weak staining in hepatocytes. Our results showed higher AFP immunoreactivity in cases of HCC (36.7%) as compared to cirrhosis (6.7%) and hepatitis B (0%), whereas GST-pi immunoreactivity was lower in cases of HCC (53.3%) as compared to cases of cirrhosis (100.0%) and hepatitis B (93.3%). Percent sensitivity of AFP determination for HCC was 36.7% as compared to 53.3% for GST-pi, thus making GST-pi a more sensitive marker for detection of HCC. This study showed a significant relationship between the intensity and percentage of cells stained in hepatitis B, cirrhosis and HCC for GST-pi immunoreactivity (P < .001, .001 and .05, respectively) but not for AFP (P > .05). Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant relationship between expression of AFP and GST-pi in cirrhosis and HCC cases. Hepatitis B virus infection in HCC cases showed a positive rate of 46.7%, with AFP staining positively in 42.9% of tissues and GST-pi staining positively in 57.1% of tissues. CONCLUSION: AFP is a diagnostic but rather insensitive tissue marker for HCC. However, the absence of AFP in benign chronic liver disease makes this marker useful in differentiating between HCC and other chronic liver diseases, whereas GST-pi can be used as a diagnostic marker for HCC as well as in detecting other chronic liver diseases.  相似文献   
(–)-Hydroxycitric acid (HCA), a natural extract from the dried fruit rind of Garcinia cambogia (family Guttiferae), is a popular supplement for weight management. The dried fruit rind has been used for centuries as a condiment in Southeastern Asia to make food more filling and satisfying. A significant number of studies highlight the efficacy of Super CitriMax (HCA-SX, a novel 60% calcium-potassium salt of HCA derived from Garcinia cambogia) in weight management. These studies also demonstrate that HCA-SX promotes fat oxidation, inhibits ATP-citrate lyase (a building block for fat synthesis), and lowers the level of leptin in obese subjects. Acute oral, acute dermal, primary dermal irritation and primary eye irritation toxicity studies have demonstrated the safety of HCA-SX. However, no long-term safety of HCA-SX or any other (–)-hydroxycitric acid extract has been previously assessed. In this study, we have evaluated the dose- and time-dependent effects of HCA-SX in Sprague-Dawley rats on body weight, hepatic and testicular lipid peroxidation, DNA fragmentation, liver and testis weight, expressed as such and as a % of body weight and brain weight, and histopathological changes over a period of 90 days. The animals were treated with 0, 0.2, 2.0 and 5.0% HCA-SX as feed intake and the animals were sacrificed on 30, 60 or 90 days of treatment. The feed and water intake were assessed and correlated with the reduction in body weight. HCA-SX supplementation demonstrated a reduction in body weight in both male and female rats over a period of 90 days as compared to the corresponding control animals. An advancing age-induced marginal increase in hepatic lipid peroxidation was observed in both male and female rats as compared to the corresponding control animals. However, no such difference in hepatic DNA fragmentation and testicular lipid peroxidation and DNA fragmentation was observed. Furthermore, liver and testis weight, expressed as such and as a percentage of body weight and brain weight, at 30, 60 and 90 days of treatment, exhibited no significant difference between the four groups. Taken together, these results indicate that treatment of HCA-SX over a period of 90 days results in a reduction in body weight, but did not cause any changes in hepatic and testicular lipid peroxidation, DNA fragmentation, or histopathological changes.  相似文献   
The divergent TGF-β superfamily member, macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1 (MIC-1/GDF15), is overexpressed by most cancers, including prostate cancer (PCa). Whilst its circulating levels are linked to cancer outcome, the role MIC-1/GDF15 plays in cancer development and progression is incompletely understood. To investigate its effect on PCa development and spread, we have used TRAMP prostate cancer prone mice bearing a germline deletion of MIC-1/GDF15 (TRAMPMIC-/-). On average TRAMPMIC-/- mice died about 5 weeks earlier and had larger prostatic tumors compared with TRAMP mice that were wild type for MIC-1/GDF15 (TRAMPMIC+/+). Additionally, at the time of death or ethical end point, even when adjusted for lifespan, there were no significant differences in the number of mice with metastases between the TRAMPMIC+/+ and TRAMPMIC-/- groups. However, consistent with our previous data, more than twice as many TRAMP mice overexpressing MIC-1/GDF15 (TRAMPfmsmic-1) had metastases than TRAMPMIC+/+ mice (p<0.0001). We conclude that germ line gene deletion of MIC-1/GDF15 leads to increased local tumor growth resulting in decreased survival consistent with an overall protective role for MIC-1/GDF15 in early primary tumor development. However, in advancing disease, as we have previously noted, MIC-1/GDF15 overexpression may promote local invasion and metastatic spread.  相似文献   
Inflammatory bowel disease is a chronic gastrointestinal inflammatory disorder associated with changes in neuropeptide expression and function, including vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). VIP regulates intestinal vasomotor and secretomotor function and motility; however, VIP’s role in development and maintenance of colonic epithelial barrier homeostasis is unclear. Using VIP deficient (VIPKO) mice, we investigated VIP’s role in epithelial barrier homeostasis, and susceptibility to colitis. Colonic crypt morphology and epithelial barrier homeostasis were assessed in wildtype (WT) and VIPKO mice, at baseline. Colitic responses were evaluated following dinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (DNBS) or dextran-sodium sulfate (DSS) exposure. Mice were also treated with exogenous VIP. At baseline, VIPKO mice exhibited distorted colonic crypts, defects in epithelial cell proliferation and migration, increased apoptosis, and altered permeability. VIPKO mice also displayed reduced goblet cell numbers, and reduced expression of secreted goblet cell factors mucin 2 and trefoil factor 3. These changes were associated with reduced expression of caudal type homeobox 2 (Cdx2), a master regulator of intestinal function and homeostasis. DNBS and DSS-induced colitis were more severe in VIPKO than WT mice. VIP treatment rescued the phenotype, protecting VIPKO mice against DSS colitis, with results comparable to WT mice. In conclusion, VIP plays a crucial role in the development and maintenance of colonic epithelial barrier integrity under physiological conditions and promotes epithelial repair and homeostasis during colitis.  相似文献   


Emotional distress is an important dimension in diabetes, and several instruments have been developed to measure this aspect. The Problem Areas in Diabetes (PAID) scale is one such instrument which has demonstrated validity and reliability in Western populations, but its psychometric properties in Asian populations have not been examined.


This was a secondary analysis of data from patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus recruited through convenience sampling from a diabetes specialist outpatient clinic in Singapore. The following psychometric properties were assessed: Construct validity through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Rasch analysis, concurrent validity through correlation with related scales (Kessler Psychological Distress Scale, Diabetes Health Profile—psychological distress, Audit of Diabetes Dependent Quality of Life), reliability through assessment of internal consistency and floor and ceiling effects, and sensitivity by estimating effect sizes for known clinical and social functioning groups.


203 patients with mean age of 45±12 years were analysed. None of the previously published model structures achieved a good fit on CFA. On Rasch analysis, four items showed poor fit and were removed. The abridged 16-item PAID mapped to a single latent trait, with a high degree of internal consistency (Cronbach ɑ 0.95), but significant floor effect (24.6% scoring at floor). Both 20-item and 16-item PAID scores were moderately correlated with scores of related scales, and sensitive to differences in clinical and social functioning groups, with large effect sizes for glycemic control and diabetes related complications, nephropathy and neuropathy.


The abridged 16-item PAID measures a single latent trait of emotional distress due to diabetes whereas the 20-item PAID appears to measures more than one latent trait. However, both the 16-item and 20-item PAID versions are valid, reliable and sensitive for use among Singaporean patients with diabetes.  相似文献   
The text describes a preventive clinical trial with drug treatment in a very rare neurodegenerative disease (Fatal familial Insomnia, FFI) designed with the help of individuals at genetic risk of developing the disease, asymptomatic carriers, who have agreed to be exposed over a 10-year period to doxycycline, an antibiotic with anti-prion activity. At least 10 carriers of the FFI mutation over 42 y old will be treated with doxycycline (100 mg/die) and the incidence of the disease will be compared to that of an historical dataset. For ethical reasons a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was not feasible, however the study design and the statistical analysis ensure the scientific value of the results. This approach might represent an important breakthrough in terms of potential therapy and knowledge of rare diseases that could give some hopes to these neglected patients.  相似文献   


Evidence of an association between serum vitamin D and cardiovascular disease risk is inconsistent and comes predominantly from studies in high-income settings. We assessed the association between serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25(OH)D) and cardiovascular disease risk factors in a population of young Indian adults.


Cross-sectional analyses of data from APCAPS (Andhra Pradesh Children and Parents Study); a prospective birth cohort study in rural south India. Participants were 1038 (40.3% females) adults aged 18-24 years. Main outcome measures were blood pressures, fasting serum lipids (cholesterols and triglycerides), fasting glucose, insulin, measures of arterial stiffness (aortic augmentation index and aortic pulse wave velocity (aPWV)), carotid intima-media thickness, body mass index (BMI) and body fat (dual X-ray absorptiometry).


Vitamin D deficiency (≤20ng/ml) was observed in 41.1% of this lean (mean BMI: 19.5) and active (mean minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity per day: 186) population. Vitamin D deficiency was associated with higher median body fat in both males (15.9% body fat in vitamin D deficient males vs. 14.6% in non-deficient males, p<0.05) and females (29.1% body fat in vitamin D deficient females vs. 27.8% in non-deficient females, p<0.05) but no associations were observed between vitamin D deficiency and mean BMI or median fat mass index (FMI). Except a weak inverse association with fasting insulin in males, there was no clear association between serum vitamin D levels and cardiovascular disease risk factors in fully adjusted models.


We did not find clear evidence for an association between serum vitamin D levels and cardiovascular disease risk factors. Our results, consistent with the limited evidence from randomised trials of vitamin D supplementation and Mendelian randomisation experiments, suggest that the postulated link between serum vitamin D and cardiovascular disease may be non-causal. Instead, it may be attributable to confounding by lifestyle factors such as obesity and physical inactivity which may provide more fruitful targets for cardiovascular disease prevention.  相似文献   
Cognitive theories of depression posit that perception is negatively biased in depressive disorder. Previous studies have provided empirical evidence for this notion, but left open the question whether the negative perceptual bias reflects a stable trait or the current depressive state. Here we investigated the stability of negatively biased perception over time. Emotion perception was examined in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and healthy control participants in two experiments. In the first experiment subjective biases in the recognition of facial emotional expressions were assessed. Participants were presented with faces that were morphed between sad and neutral and happy expressions and had to decide whether the face was sad or happy. The second experiment assessed automatic emotion processing by measuring the potency of emotional faces to gain access to awareness using interocular suppression. A follow-up investigation using the same tests was performed three months later. In the emotion recognition task, patients with major depression showed a shift in the criterion for the differentiation between sad and happy faces: In comparison to healthy controls, patients with MDD required a greater intensity of the happy expression to recognize a face as happy. After three months, this negative perceptual bias was reduced in comparison to the control group. The reduction in negative perceptual bias correlated with the reduction of depressive symptoms. In contrast to previous work, we found no evidence for preferential access to awareness of sad vs. happy faces. Taken together, our results indicate that MDD-related perceptual biases in emotion recognition reflect the current clinical state rather than a stable depressive trait.  相似文献   
Signaling through the Wnt/β-catenin pathway is a crucial determinant of hepatic zonal gene expression, liver development, regeneration, and tumorigenesis. Transgenic mice with hepatocyte-specific knockout of Ctnnb1 (encoding β-catenin) have proven their usefulness in elucidating these processes. We now found that a small number of hepatocytes escape the Cre-mediated gene knockout in that mouse model. The remaining β-catenin-positive hepatocytes showed approximately 25% higher cell volumes compared to the β-catenin-negative cells and exhibited a marker protein expression profile similar to that of normal perivenous hepatocytes or hepatoma cells with mutationally activated β-catenin. Surprisingly, the expression pattern was observed independent of the cell's position within the liver lobule, suggesting a malfunction of physiological periportal repression of perivenously expressed genes in β-catenin-deficient liver. Clusters of β-catenin-expressing hepatocytes lacked expression of the gap junction proteins Connexin 26 and 32. Nonetheless, β-catenin-positive hepatocytes had no striking proliferative advantage, but started to grow out on treatment with phenobarbital, a tumor-promoting agent known to facilitate the formation of mouse liver adenoma with activating mutations of Ctnnb1. Progressive re-population of Ctnnb1 knockout livers with wild-type hepatocytes was seen in aged mice with a pre-cirrhotic phenotype. In these large clusters of β-catenin-expressing hepatocytes, perivenous-specific gene expression was re-established. In summary, our data demonstrate that the zone-specificity of a hepatocyte's gene expression profile is dependent on the presence of β-catenin, and that β-catenin provides a proliferative advantage to hepatocytes when promoted with phenobarbital, or in a pre-cirrhotic environment.  相似文献   
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