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Eelgrass (Zostera marina) population estimates show a decreasing trend worldwide in the second half of the twentieth century. Mexico lacks long-term time series to determine trends for major eelgrass populations and has made no conservation efforts. Therefore, we present the first report on the historic presence of this annual coastal ecosystem in two wetlands of the Gulf of California (GC), the Infiernillo Channel (CIF, largest Z. marina population inside GC) and Concepcion Bay (BCP, the only eelgrass population along GC’s west coast), combining field surveys (1999–2010), aerial photography (2000–2010), satellite imagery (1972–2005), and published reports (1994–2007). Three parameters were used as indicators of conservation status: shoot density, seed banks, and aerial coverage. Average shoot density in the CIF (741 shoots m?2) was 3.8 times higher than in BCP (194 shoots m?2), and average seed bank density was similar in both wetlands (17,442 seeds m?2 vs. 17,000 seeds m?2). Opportunistic seagrass Ruppia maritima was observed in both wetlands, with higher abundance in summer when Z. marina disappears due to high water temperatures. Eelgrass coverage was three orders of magnitude greater in the CIF (9725 ha) than in BCP (3 ha). The striking difference between these wetlands is the lack of environmental protection for BCP and the protection of the CIF by the Seri indigenous community, which increases human pressure in the former, putting it at high risk of disappearing. Conservation of eelgrass meadows is not only necessary to preserve their ecosystem services but to insure the survival of migratory populations (Pacific brant goose, Branta bernicla), endangered species (Black turtle, Chelonia mydas), and fisheries-related species.  相似文献   
Watermelon production is threatened by fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. niveum (FON) in continuous cultivation system. Some elements, mainly allelochemicals, released from living roots or decayed plants might be associated with the disease. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the possible impact of coumarin, one kind of watermelon allelochemical, on FON. Furthermore, possible new mechanisms might be investigated during the ecological interactions of plant-microbe. Results showed that coumarin strongly inhibited growth of FON leading to a decrease in its biomass, dry weight of mycelia of FON in a liquid culture. The dry weight was decreased by 62.9% compared with control. The hyphal growth of FON on plates was stopped at high (>400 mg l−1) concentrations of coumarin. At 320 mg l−1, sporulation and enzyme activities of FON were also severely suppressed by coumarin. The yield of conidia, and the activities of proteinase, cellulase, and amylase were reduced by 98.9%, 79.7%, 29.8% and 15.9% respectively. However, conidial germination and mycotoxin (MT) production of FON were greatly stimulated, being increased by 55.7% and 14.9 fold at 320 mg l−1 respectively. We conclude that coumarin acted as an allelochemical substance to inhibit growth and pathogenic enzyme activities of FON but to stimulate mycotoxin production and conidial germination. It was suggested that coumarin acted as a signal transduction element bridging plant and pathogen in the process of plant-microbe interactions.  相似文献   
Changes in fatty acid patterns, digestive and metabolic enzyme activities and egg production rates (EPR) were studied in the small calanoid copepod Temora longicornis. Female copepods were collected in spring 2005 off Helgoland (North Sea). In the laboratory one group of copepods was fed with the cryptophycean Rhodomonas baltica for a period of 3 days. Another group of copepods was maintained without food. According to the fatty acid patterns, animals from the field were feeding on a more detrital, animal-based and to a minor extent to a diatom-based diet. Under laboratory conditions, females rapidly accumulated fatty acids such as 18:4 (n-3), 18:3 (n-3) and 18:2 (n-6) which are specific of R. baltica. Diatom-specific fatty acids such as 16:1 (n-7) were strongly reduced. In fed animals the activities of digestive and metabolic enzymes remained constant and egg production rates were highest on day 2. Starving animals, in contrast, showed significantly reduced faecal pellet production and EPR. Proteolytic enzyme activity decreased rapidly within 24 h and remained at a low level until the end of the experiment. Citrate synthase decreased continuously as well. T. longicornis rapidly reacts to dietary changes and food depletion. It has limited energy stores and, thus, strongly depends on continuous food supply.  相似文献   
Li X  Jiang B  Pan B 《Biotechnology letters》2007,29(4):593-597
Phenyllactic acid (PLA) is a novel antimicrobial compound derived from phenylalanine (Phe). Lactobacillus sp. SK007, having high PLA-producing ability, was isolated from Chinese traditional pickles. When 6.1 mM phenylpyruvic acid (PPA) was used to replace Phe as substrate at the same concentration, PLA production increased 14-fold and the fermentation time decreased from 72 h to 24 h with growing cells. With resting cells, however, 6.8 mM PLA could be obtained as optimal yield using the following conditions: 12 mM PPA, 55 mM glucose, pH 7.5, 35°C and 4 h.  相似文献   
Fatty aldehydes are an important group of fragrance and flavor compounds that are found in different fruits and flowers. A biotechnological synthesis of fatty aldehydes based on Escherichia coli cells expressing an α-dioxygenase (αDOX) from Oryza sativa (rice) is presented. α-Dioxygenases are the initial enzymes of α-oxidation in plants and oxidize long and medium-chain C n fatty acids to 2-hydroperoxy fatty acids. The latter are converted to C n − 1 fatty aldehydes by spontaneous decarboxylation. Successful expression of αDOX in E. coli was proven by an in vitro luciferase assay. Using resting cells of this recombinant E. coli strain, conversion of different fatty acids to the respective fatty aldehydes shortened by one carbon atom was demonstrated. The usage of Triton X 100 improves the conversion rate up to 1 g aldehyde per liter per hour. Easy reuse of the cells was demonstrated by performing a second biotransformation without any loss of biocatalytic activity.  相似文献   
The significance of teaching to the evolution of human culture is under debate. We contribute to the discussion by using a quantitative, cross-cultural comparative approach to investigate the role of teaching in the lives of children in two small-scale societies: Aka foragers and Ngandu farmers of the Central African Republic. Focal follows with behavior coding were used to record social learning experiences of children aged 4 to 16 during daily life. “Teaching” was coded based on a functional definition from evolutionary biology. Frequencies, contexts, and subtypes of teaching as well as the identity of teachers were analyzed. Teaching was rare compared to observational learning, although both forms of social learning were negatively correlated with age. Children received teaching from a variety of individuals, and they also engaged in teaching. Several teaching types were observed, including instruction, negative feedback, and commands. Statistical differences in the distribution of teaching types and the identity of teachers corresponded with contrasting forager vs. farmer foundational cultural schema. For example, Aka children received less instruction, which empirically limits autonomous learning, and were as likely to receive instruction and negative feedback from other children as they were from adults. Commands, however, exhibited a different pattern suggesting a more complex role for this teaching type. Although consistent with claims that teaching is relatively rare in small-scale societies, this evidence supports the conclusion that teaching is a universal, early emerging cognitive ability in humans. However, culture (e.g., values for autonomy and egalitarianism) structures the nature of teaching.  相似文献   
The antifungal action of four essential oils of Foeniculum vulgare (fennel), Thymus vulgaris (thyme), Eugenia caryophyllata (Clove) and Salvia officinalis (sage) was tested in vitro against Penicillium digitatum Sacc. Direct contact and vapour phase were used to test the antifungal activity of these essential oils against P. digitatum that is responsible for green mould rot of citrus fruits. The vapour phase and direct contact of clove and thyme essential oils exhibited the strongest toxicity and totally inhibited the mycelial growth of the test fungus. Thyme and clove essential oils completely inhibited P. digitatum growth either when added into the medium 600 μl l−1 or by their volatiles with 24 μl per 8 cm diameter Petri dish. In in vitro mycelial growth assay showed fungistatic and fungicidal activity by clove and thyme essential oils. Sage and fennel oils did not show any inhibitory activity on this fungus. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was done to study the mode of action of clove oil in P. digitatum and it was observed that treatment with the oil leads to large alterations in hyphal morphology.  相似文献   
During an occurrence of Hole-Rotten Disease of Laminaria japonica in a cultivating farm in Ma Shan Shandong province, China, 42 Gram-negative epiphytic marine bacteria were isolated and purified on Zobell 2216E marine agar medium. Morphological and biochemical characteristics of each isolated bacterium were studied, and molecular identification of bacterial strains was conducted with polymerase chain reaction amplification to 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Based on nearly full length of 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, the isolated strains were bacteria that belong to genus Pseudoalteromonas, Vibrio, Halomonas and Bacillus. The percentage of each group was 61.9%, 28.6%, 7.1% and 2.4% respectively. The results of pathogenicity assay showed that 12 strains could cause the disease symptoms in sporophytes of L. japonica. They belonged to the genera Pseudoalteromonas, Vibrio and Halomonas with 58.3%, 33.3%, 8.3% respectively. The results suggest that these bacteria are the dominant marine bacteria on diseased sporophytes of L. japonica and may be the potential pathogenic bacteria associated with Hole-Rotten Disease of L. japonica.  相似文献   
We have evaluated the induction of the flocculent phenotype of Kloeckera apiculata by glucose mc1 and propose a pathway involved in carbohydrate flocculation induction. Pulses of glucose were given to cells growing in glucose-poor medium (2 g l(-1)) and the flocculation percentage was measured. To elucidate the mechanism involved in flocculation induction, cycloheximide was injected into the cultures 120 min before the glucose pulse. 2,4-Dinitrophenol or cAMP was added to the media instead, or simultaneously with glucose, while a protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor was added 30 min before the glucose pulse. With 20 and 50 g l(-1) glucose pulse, the yeast flocculation percentage arises to 55 and 65%, respectively. The quantity of proteins and the reflocculating capacity of a lectinic protein extract from the yeast cell wall increase as the concentration of glucose pulse was higher. Cycloheximide prevented the glucose-induced flocculation, while cAMP or 2,4-dinitrophenol increased it 4- and 5-fold, respectively. PKA inhibitor completely prevented the glucose induction flocculation. The flocculent phenotype of K. apiculata mc1 was induced by glucose and the mechanism seems to imply de novo protein (lectin) synthesis via the PKA transduction pathway. This work contributes to the elucidation of the mechanism involved in flocculation induction by glucose of a non-Saccharomyces wine yeast, K. apiculata, which has not been reported. The induction of flocculation by glucose could be a biotechnological tool for the early removal of the indigenous microorganisms from the grape must before the inoculation of a selected starter strain to conduct the alcohol fermentation.  相似文献   
Adaptation of Microcystis aeruginosa (Cyanobacteria) to resist the herbicide glyphosate was analysed by using an experimental model. Growth of wild-type, glyphosate-sensitive (Gs) cells was inhibited when they were cultured with 120 ppm glyphosate, but after further incubation for several weeks, occasionally the growth of rare cells resistant (Gr) to the herbicide was found. A fluctuation analysis was carried out to distinguish between resistant cells arising from rare spontaneous mutations and resistant cells arising from other mechanisms of adaptation. Resistant cells arose by rare spontaneous mutations prior to the addition of glyphosate, with a rate ranging from 3.1 × 10−7 to 3.6 × 10−7 mutants per cell per generation in two strains of M. aeruginosa; the frequency of the Gr allele ranged from 6.14 × 10−4 to 6.54 × 10−4. The Gr mutants are slightly elliptical in outline, whereas the Gs cells are spherical. Since Gr mutants have a diminished growth rate, they may be maintained in uncontaminated waters as the result of a balance between new resistants arising from spontaneous mutation and resistants eliminated by natural selection. Thus, rare spontaneous pre-selective mutations may allow the survival of M. aeruginosa in glyphosate-polluted waters via Gr clone selection.  相似文献   
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