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The exact role of boron in humans is not known although its supplementation causes several important metabolic and inflammatory changes. The objective of this study is to evaluate the possibility of an association between blood boron level and obesity in normal, overweight, obese, and morbidly obese subjects. A total number of 80 subjects, categorized into four groups based on their body mass index as normal, overweight, obese, and morbidly obese, were enrolled in this study. Age, sex, body mass index, and blood boron levels were recorded for each subject. Although the distribution of female and male subjects and blood boron levels were similar between groups, the mean age of normal subjects was significantly lower than the others (p?=?0.002). There was a significant relationship between age and quantitative values of body mass index for each subject (β?=?0.24; p?=?0.003). In addition, between blood boron levels and quantitative values of body mass index for each subject, a significant reverse relationship was detected (β?=??0.16; p?=?0.043). Although age seemed to be an important variable for blood boron level and body mass index, blood boron levels were shown to be lower in obese subjects in comparison to non-obese subjects.  相似文献   
Low‐resistance contact to lightly doped n‐type crystalline silicon (c‐Si) has long been recognized as technologically challenging due to the pervasive Fermi‐level pinning effect. This has hindered the development of certain devices such as n‐type c‐Si solar cells made with partial rear contacts (PRC) directly to the lowly doped c‐Si wafer. Here, a simple and robust process is demonstrated for achieving mΩ cm2 scale contact resistivities on lightly doped n‐type c‐Si via a lithium fluoride/aluminum contact. The realization of this low‐resistance contact enables the fabrication of a first‐of‐its‐kind high‐efficiency n‐type PRC solar cell. The electron contact of this cell is made to less than 1% of the rear surface area, reducing the impact of contact recombination and optical losses, permitting a power conversion efficiency of greater than 20% in the initial proof‐of‐concept stage. The implementation of the LiFx/Al contact mitigates the need for the costly high‐temperature phosphorus diffusion, typically implemented in such a cell design to nullify the issue of Fermi level pinning at the electron contact. The timing of this demonstration is significant, given the ongoing transition from p‐type to n‐type c‐Si solar cell architectures, together with the increased adoption of advanced PRC device structures within the c‐Si photovoltaic industry.  相似文献   
Yu  Zhiming  Wang  Yue  Mei  Fengling  Yan  Haiting  Jin  Zhenhui  Zhang  Pengcheng  Zhang  Xian  T&#;r  Mahmut  Jackson  Stephen  Shi  Nongnong  Hong  Yiguo 《Functional & integrative genomics》2022,22(3):423-428
Functional & Integrative Genomics - Spinach RNA-mimicking GFP (S-RMG) has been successfully used to monitor cellular RNAs including microRNAs in bacterium, yeast, and human cells. However,...  相似文献   

Sixteen Nile crocodiles were collected in the Kruger National Park, South Africa and vicinity during 2010 and 2011. A total of 11 nematode species representing six families were recovered. Heterocheilids were the dominant group, comprising five species, with Dujardinascaris madagascariensis (Chabaud & Caballero, 1966) being the most prevalent (75%), followed by Ingwenascaris sprenti Junker & Mutafchiev, 2017 (68.8%), which was also the second most numerous nematode. While less prevalent (31.3%), Typhlophoros kwenae Junker & Mutafchiev, 2017 was the most abundant species. Micropleura huchzermeyeri Junker & Mutafchiev, 2017 (Micropleuridae) was collected from five crocodiles and Crocodylocapillaria sp. (Capillariidae) occurred in a single host. Three nematodes, Camallanus kaapstaadi Southwell & Kirshner, 1937, Spirocamallanus sp. (both Camallanidae) and Ascarophis sp. (Cystidicolidae), are considered accidental infections, likely ingested with the hosts’ prey. Our findings of D. dujardini (Travassos, 1920), D. madagascariensis and Multicaecum agile (Wedl, 1861) in South Africa constitute new geographical records. Crocodylocapillaria sp. represents a new host and geographical record, while T. kwenae, I. sprenti and M. huchzermeyeri have been described as new species during the course of this survey. Multicaecum agile is here redescribed based on light and scanning electron microscopy. Previously undescribed morphological characters of C. kaapstaadi, typically a parasite of Xenopus spp. (Amphibia: Pipidae), but here found in two Nile crocodiles, are also presented.

Progressive multifocal encephalopathy (PML) is a fatal demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS), caused by the lytic infection of oligodendrocytes by a human polyomavirus, JC virus (JCV). PML is rare disease but mostly develops in patients with underlying immunosuppressive conditions, including Hodgkin's lymphoma, lymphoproliferative diseases, in those undergoing antineoplastic therapy and AIDS. However, consistent with the occurrence of PML under immunocompromised conditions, this disease seems to be also steadily increasing among autoimmune disease patients (multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease), who are treated with antibody-based regimens (natalizumab, efalizumab and rituximab). This unexpected occurrence of the disease among such a patient population reconfirms the existence of a strong link between the underlying immunosuppressive conditions and development of PML. These recent observations have generated a new interest among investigators to further examine the unique biology of JCV.  相似文献   
黑果枸杞不同组织内生细菌群落多样性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
【目的】黑果枸杞是我国荒漠区特有的药用盐生植物,本研究分析了黑果枸杞不同组织中内生细菌群落多样性特征及分布规律。【方法】应用Illumina MiSeq高通量测序技术对黑果枸杞内生细菌的16S rRNAV5-V7区域序列进行测定,并分析群落组成、多样性及功能等生物学信息。【结果】黑果枸杞不同组织内生细菌群落多样性及功能均有较大的差异。花、叶、果、茎和根产生的OTUs分别是182、173、119、187和254,群落多样性表现为根花果、茎叶。从门水平上看,变形菌门是优势菌门,在不同组织中均有分布,花、叶、果、茎和根中的相对丰度分别为87.66%、41.51%、81.76%、97.67%和61.85%。在属水平上显示内生细菌的分布表现出器官差异性。花部能够准确分类的优势菌属为沙雷氏菌属和不动杆菌属,相对丰度分别为11.57%和8.55%。叶部为红球菌属和慢生根瘤菌属,相对丰度分别为29.68%和5.53%。果实中为泛菌属、红球菌属和沙雷氏菌属,相对丰度分别为23.12%、5.52%和4.29%。茎部为沙雷氏菌属和假单胞菌属,相对丰度分别为12.03%和17.71%。根部为盐单胞菌属、Fodinicurvata和Lipingzhangella,相对丰度分别为24.18%、5.16%和4.86%。在不同组织中分布较广的盐单胞菌、沙雷氏菌、不动杆菌、红球菌、泛菌等菌属均具有较高耐盐性和促生、生防、降解有机污染物及抗氧化等功能。PICRUSt功能预测分析显示,黑果枸杞组织中内生细菌功能中涉及丰富的多糖、萜类和酮类、酶及维他命等次生代谢产物的生物合成。【结论】黑果枸杞内生细菌具有丰富的群落和功能多样性,拥有多种益生功能性状,也含有多个与人和植物体代谢相关的功能信息。不同组织优势菌属和功能信息各有不同,其中根部的内生细菌物种最丰富,花部和茎部参与各种代谢调控的细菌丰度最高。此外,不同组织中还含有大量未知种属的微生物类群,这些都为内生细菌功能利用和挖掘新的有益微生物资源提供广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   
于2003年5月~2004年11月,采用标志重捕法对栖息在生态保留带的普通田鼠种群结构和数量动态进行了跟踪研究。结果表明,两年中种群密度夏季最大分别达到410个体/hm2和641个体/hm2,春季最少分别达到166个体/hm2和153个体/hm2,种群数量从7月份开始增长,8月份种群密度减少并于11月份开始重新增长。种群中雌性个体数量比较多,雌性在种群中的居留时间较长,同时存活率比雄性高,这导致种群数量的季节变化。种群周转率比较高,在两个捕鼠期间种群中的80%个体被更新,这表明普通田鼠在生态保留带中的活动非常频繁,不断与周围的其他种群进行交流,提高了种群对环境的适应能力。种群中雌雄个体的巢区之间没有年间变化,活动巢区比较小,巢区长度2003年平均为11 m,最长为37.5 m,2004年平均为13 m,最长为52 m。Pearson相关指数表明种群数量和生态保留带年龄、覆盖率和高度之间没有相关性。  相似文献   
探究了新疆盐生植物黑果枸杞不同组织中内生真菌群落的组成及多样性,为深入研究盐碱、干旱等环境下内生真菌与宿主的互作机制,筛选和开发促生、防病和抗逆等功能的有益内生真菌资源提供科学依据。利用ITS高通量测序技术比较黑果枸杞不同组织真菌群落组成及差异,并采用FUNGuild数据库预测真菌群落生态功能。测序共获得高质量内生真菌序列354 058条,涉及291个OTUs,分属于9门、19纲、34目、50科、60属。α多样性指数分析表明,根、果中真菌群落多样性和丰富度程度较高,叶居中,花的多样性最低,茎的丰富度最低。对黑果枸杞内生真菌群落组成和优势菌群的分析表明,子囊菌门为优势菌门,花、叶、果、茎和根中相对丰度分别为86.85%、72.36%、75.97%、84.44%和85.02%。链格孢属为黑果枸杞植株中的核心属,不同组织中均有分布,在花、叶、果、茎和根中占比分别为85.41%、69.79%、47.07%、79.94%和36.97%。较优势的菌尚有枝孢属、枝顶孢属、新凸轮孢菌属、茎点霉属和楔孢黑粉菌属等真菌。这些菌多具有促生、抗逆等特性,在宿主对盐碱、干旱等极端环境的适应性方面有着潜在功能。各组织独有属的相对丰度均未超过1%。共有菌和独有菌在不同组织中的组成和相对丰度差异较大。经FUNGuild软件平台解析显示,黑果枸杞中病理-腐生-共生营养型的相对丰度最高,在花、叶、果、茎和根中分别为85.41%、69.84%、47.24%、79.98%和37.09%。果和叶中含多种相对丰度≥1%的条件致病菌,而根中腐生真菌种类较多。黑果枸杞中蕴含着功能丰富的内生真菌菌群,在不同组织中的组成及其生态功能差异较大,同时还含有大量未鉴定出种属和未定义的功能菌群,这些可为黑果枸杞功能菌群发掘提供数据参考。  相似文献   
The protective effects of melatonin, vitamin E, and selenium alone or in combination were tested against cadmium-induced oxidative damage in rat testes. A total of 60 male rats were equally divided into five study groups, one of which acted as control receiving subcutaneous injections of physiological saline. The remaining four groups were treated with subcutaneous injections of cadmium chloride at a dose of 1 mg/kg weight. The first study group received no treatment. The second group was treated with a combination of 60 mg/kg vitamin E and 1 mg/kg sodium selenite. Group 3 was treated with 10 mg/kg melatonin, and the fourth group received a combination of vitamin E, sodium selenite, and melatonin at the doses mentioned above. After 1 month, the animals were killed, and the testes were excised for histological inspection and determination of tissue malondialdehyde and the activity of superoxide dismutase. The animals receiving no treatment showed significantly higher malondialdehyde levels and reduced activity of the enzyme (p < 0.05). Treatment with antioxidants resulted in a significant reduction in malondialdehyde when compared to the nontreated animals (p < 0.05) and an increase in the superoxide dismutase activity that was almost the same as the controls. The combination of melatonin, vitamin E, and selenium appears to have the more profound effect against cadmium-induced testicular injury.  相似文献   
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