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Antimicrobial properties of olive leaf extract on some yeast were examined in this study. Fresh olive leaf extracts were prepared using various solvents (water, ethanol, acetone, ethyl acetate) in Soxhlet apparatus. Antimicrobial effects of these extacts were tested againstSaccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 9763,Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Saccharomyces uvarum, Candida oleophila, Metschnikowia fructicola andKloeckera apiculata. The antifungal activities of these extracts were tested by the disc diffusion assay, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC). All extracts showed various degrees of antifungal effects with 10–28 μg/ml MIC, 20–48 μg/ml MFC and 1.5–9.3 mm inhibitory zone values against yeasts utilised, except water. The results indicated that the tested yeasts were sensitive to acetone and ethyl acetate extracts. It was determined thatSaccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 9763 was the most resistant among the yeasts.  相似文献   
Liquidambar orientalis Mill., commonly called the Anatolian sweetgum or Sigla tree, is endemic to southwestern Turkey. It has been historically significant in traditional medicine. In our research, we delved into the therapeutic attributes of its oil, emphasizing its antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antitumor properties. The primary chemical constituent of the gum is styrene, accounting for 78.5 %. The gum demonstrated antioxidant capabilities in several assays, including in 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2,2′-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS), cupric reducing antioxidant capacity (CUPRAC) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). It displayed bactericidal actions against various gram-positive bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, and gram-negative strains, including Escherichia coli. Additionally, the oil showcased potent antitumor effects against breast (MDA-MB-231), lung (A549), and prostate (PC3) cancer cell lines. These effects were found to be both time- and dose-dependent. L. orientalis Mill. oil showed the best antitumor activity against breast, lung, and prostate cancer cell lines after the 24 h and 48 h treatment. Its oil might induce autophagy in the PC3 prostate cancer cell line, whereas its cytotoxicity against MDA-MB-231 and A549 cancer cell lines might not be correlated with autophagy or apoptosis pathways. In conclusion, the oil from the Sigla tree offers promising therapeutic potential and warrants further exploration.  相似文献   
E-commerce sales are increasing every year and customers who buy goods on the Internet have high service level expectations. In order to meet these expectations, a company’s logistics operations need to be performed carefully. Optimizing only internal warehouse processes will often lead to suboptimal solutions. The interrelationship between the order picking process and the delivery process should not be ignored. Therefore, in this study, an order picking problem and a vehicle routing problem with time windows and release dates are solved simultaneously using a single optimization framework. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that an order picking problem and a vehicle routing problem are integrated. A mixed integer linear programming formulation for this integrated order picking-vehicle routing problem (OP-VRP) is provided. The integrated OP-VRP is solved for small instances and the results are compared to these of an uncoordinated approach. Computational experiments show that integration can lead to cost savings of 14% on average. Furthermore, higher service levels can be offered by allowing customers to request their orders later and still get delivered within the same time windows.  相似文献   
Demirel N  Bulut Y  Hoşgören H 《Chirality》2004,16(6):347-350
Complexation of amino acids as their sodium and potassium salts by optically active diaza crown ethers has been investigated in transport across bulk liquid membranes containing the carriers and in extraction experiments. The observed enantioselectivity was achieved by (noncovalent) steric and repulsive interactions between the side arm of the crown ether and functional group(s) of the amino acids. The highest enantioselectivity was observed in the case of tryptophan.  相似文献   
Recent evidence suggests that a CD8-mediated cytotoxic T-cell response against the regulatory proteins of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) may control infection after pathogenic virus challenge. Here, we evaluated whether vaccination with Tat or Tat and Rev could significantly reduce viral load in nonhuman primates. Rhesus macaques were primed with Semliki forest Virus (SFV) expressing HIV-1 tat (SFV-tat) and HIV-1 rev (SFV-rev) and boosted with modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) expressing tat and rev. A second group of monkey was primed with SFV-tat only and boosted with MVA-tat. A third group received a tat and rev DNA/MVA prime-boost vaccine regimen. Monitoring of anti-Tat and anti-Rev antibody responses or antigen-specific IFN-gamma production, as measured by enzyme-linked immunospot assays revealed no clear differences between the three groups. These results suggest that priming with either DNA or SFV seemed to be equivalent, but the additive or synergistic effect of a rev vaccine could not be clearly established. The animals were challenged by the rectal route 9 weeks after the last booster immunization, using 10 MID(50) of a SHIV-BX08 stock. Postchallenge follow-up of the monkeys included testing seroconversion to Gag and Env antigens, measuring virus infectivity in PBMC by cocultivation with noninfected human cells, and monitoring of plasma viral load. None of the animals was protected from infection as assessed by PCR, but peak viremia was reduced more than 200-fold compared to sham controls in one third (6/18) of vaccinated macaques, whatever the vaccine regimen they received. Interestingly, among these six protected animals four did not seroconvert. Altogether, these results clearly indicated that the addition of early HIV proteins like Tat and Rev in a multicomponent preventive vaccine including structural proteins like Env or Gag may be beneficial in preventive vaccinal strategies.  相似文献   
Pulmonary surfactant is a complex mixture of phospholipids and four surfactant-associated proteins (SP-A, SP-B, SP-C and SP-D). The biological functions of SP-A and SP-D are primarily twofold, namely surfactant homeostasis and host defense. The hydrophobic surfactant proteins, SP-B and SP-C, are required for achieving the optimal surface tension reducing properties of surfactant by promoting the rapid adsorption of surfactant phospholipids along the alveolar surface. Despite the promising findings, only little is known about the extrapulmonary distribution of these proteins. Therefore, in this study, the presence of SP-A, SP-B, SP-C and SP-D in early human placenta has been investigated. First-trimester placental tissues (22–56 days) were obtained from women undergoing curettage during normal pregnancies. In parallel tissue sections, vimentin, cytokeratin-7 and CD-68 immunostainings were used for the identification of mesenchymal cells, trophoblast cells and Hofbauer cells, respectively. According to immunohistochemistry (IHC) results, SP-A, SP-B, SP-C and SP-D immunoreactivities with different staining intensities were observed in trophoblastic layers of chorionic villous tree, trophoblastic cell columns, stromal cells, Hofbauer cells, angiogenic cell cords and vascular endothelium. Fetal hematopoietic cells showed a variable staining pattern for all four surfactant proteins ranging from none to strong intensity. Western blotting of tissue extracts confirmed our IHC results. The presence of surfactant glycoproteins in early human placenta may yield a very important feature of surfactants during first trimester and enables further studies of the role of surfactants in various pregnancy complications.  相似文献   
Ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis triggered by the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is essential for sister chromatid separation and the mitotic exit. Like ubiquitylation, protein modification with the small ubiquitin-related modifier SUMO appears to be important during mitosis, because yeast cells impaired in the SUMO-conjugating enzyme Ubc9 were found to be blocked in mitosis and defective in cyclin degradation. Here, we analysed the role of SUMOylation in the metaphase/anaphase transition and in APC/C-mediated proteolysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We show that cells depleted of Ubc9 or Smt3, the yeast SUMO protein, mostly arrested with undivided nuclei and with high levels of securin Pds1. This metaphase block was partially relieved by a deletion of PDS1. The absence of Ubc9 or Smt3 also resulted in defects in chromosome segregation. Temperature-sensitive ubc9-2 mutants were delayed in proteolysis of Pds1 and of cyclin Clb2 during mitosis. The requirement of SUMOylation for APC/C-mediated degradation was tested more directly in G1-arrested cells. Both ubc9-2 and smt3-331 mutants were defective in efficient degradation of Pds1 and mitotic cyclins, whereas proteolysis of unstable proteins that are not APC/C substrates was unaffected. We conclude that SUMOylation is needed for efficient proteolysis mediated by APC/C in budding yeast.  相似文献   
Elucidation of the kinetics of exposure of neutralizing epitopes on the envelope of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) during the course of infection may provide key information about how HIV escapes the immune system or why its envelope is such a poor immunogen to induce broadly efficient neutralizing antibodies. We analyzed the kinetics of exposure of the epitopes corresponding to the broadly neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies immunoglobulin G1b12 (IgG1b12), 2G12, and 2F5 at the quasispecies level during infection. We studied the antigenicity and sequences of 94 full-length envelope clones present during primary infection and at least 4 years later in four HIV-1 clade B-infected patients. No or only minor exposure differences were observed for the 2F5 and IgG1b12 epitopes between the early and late clones. Conversely, the envelope glycoproteins of the HIV-1 quasispecies present during primary infection did not expose the 2G12 neutralizing epitope, unlike those present after several years in three of the four patients. Sequence analysis revealed major differences at potential N-linked glycosylation sites between early and late clones, particularly at positions known to be important for 2G12 binding. Our study, in natural mutants, confirms that the glycosylation sites N295, N332, and N392 are essential for 2G12 binding. This study demonstrates the relationship between the evolving "glycan shield " of HIV and the kinetics of exposure of the 2G12 epitope during the course of natural infection.  相似文献   
Herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1) and type-2 (HSV-2) are among the most "successful" pathogens and code for a variety of proteins to direct the apoptosis/necrosis responses of the cells they infect. Nitric oxide (NO) is an important intracellular signaling molecule in pathological processes. Acyclovir (ACV) is a chain terminator that targets the viral DNA polymerase as an antiviral agent. In this study, NO signals, and apoptosis/necrosis responses of HEp-2 cells were compared when infected by HSV-1 and -2 for 24 hours against non toxic doses (starting from 48.8, 24.4, 12.2, 6.1, 3 to 1.5 microg/mL) of ACV. In 48.8, 24.4 and 12.2 microg/mL of ACV, HSV-1 had an "upregulating effect" whereas HSV-2 had a "downregulating effect" on NO production, and in 6.1, 3 and 1.5 microg/mL of ACV HSV-1 had a "down-regulating effect" whereas HSV-2 had an "upregulating effect" on NO responses (HSV-1 had a "downregulating effect" on NO production whereas HSV-2 had an "upregulating effect" on NO production without any ACV). In 48.8, 24.4 and 12.2 microg/mL of ACV, HSV-1 had an "anti-apoptotic effect" whereas HSV-2 had a stimulation on "apoptotic effect", and in 6.1, 3 and 1.5 microg/mL of ACV HSV-1 had an "apoptotic effect" and HSV-2 turned to "its natural viral apoptotic effect level" (HSV-1 had an "natural viral apoptotic effect" whereas HSV-2 had a "natural viral apoptotic effect" on apoptosis response without any ACV). In 48.8, and 24.4 microg/mL of ACV, HSV-1 had significant "necrotic effect" on necrotic cellular death, "necrosis" increased in 12.2, 6.1, 3 and 1.5 microg/mL of ACV (HSV-1 had a negligible "necrotic effect" on HEp-2 cells alone), and HSV-2 had a "natural viral necrotic effect" alone; and also in all non toxic ACV concentrations. These results showed that HSV-1 and -2 had different "strategies" on apoptosis/necrosis and NO with and without non toxic ACV. These differences deserve further studies in order to explain the interactions between apoptotic/anti apoptotic, necrotic genes and NO, and ACV in HSV-1 and HSV-2 infections respectively.  相似文献   
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