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The goldfish visual pathway displays a remarkable capacity for continued development and plasticity. The intermediate filament proteins in this pathway are unexpected and atypical, suggesting these proteins provide a structure that supports growth and plasticity. Using a goldfish retina lambda gt10 library, we have isolated a full-length cDNA clone that encodes a novel type III intermediate filament protein. The mRNA for this protein is located in retinal ganglion cells, and its level dramatically increases during optic nerve regeneration. The protein is transported into the optic nerve within the slow phase of axonal transport. We have named this protein plasticin because it was isolated from a neuronal pathway well known for its plasticity.  相似文献   
Xylanase and xylosidase activities in avocado fruit   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The activities of xylanase and xylosidase were demonstrated in mature avocado (Persea americana Mill.) fruits from different cultivars. When monitored on the day of harvest during the season at 1-month intervals, xylanase activity decreased and xylosidase activity increased between January and February and then remained stable until May. When monitored during the ripening process (January harvest), xylanase activity was constant, and xylosidase activity reached a peak at the climax of ethylene evolution and cellulase activity. Xylanase, which originated from Trichoderma viride and was added to the medium in which avocado discs were incubated, induced ethylene evolution.  相似文献   
The central nervous system provides feedback regulation at several points within the peripheral auditory apparatus. One component of that feedback is inhibition of cochlear hair cells by release of acetylcholine (ACh) from efferent brainstem neurons. The mechanism of hair cell inhibition, and the character of the presumed cholinergic receptor, however, have eluded understanding. Both nicotinic and muscarinic, as well as some non-cholinergic ligands can affect the efferent action. We have made whole-cell, tight-seal recordings from short (outer) hair cells isolated from the chick's cochlea. These are the principal targets of cochlear efferents in birds. ACh hyperpolarizes short hair cells by opening a cation channel through which Ca2+ enters the cell and subsequently activates Ca(2+)-dependent K+ current (Fuchs & Murrow 1991, 1992). Both curare and atropine are effective-antagonists of cholinergic inhibition at 3 microM, whereas trimethaphan camsylate and strychnine block at 1 microM. The normally irreversible nicotinic antagonist, alpha-bungarotoxin, reversibly blocked the hair cell response, as did kappa-bungarotoxin. The half-blocking concentration for alpha-bungarotoxin was 26 nM. It is proposed that the hair cell AChR is a ligand-gated cation channel related to the nicotinic receptor of nerve and muscle.  相似文献   
R Rudolph  I Fuchs  R Jaenicke 《Biochemistry》1986,25(7):1662-1669
Malate dehydrogenase occurs in virtually all eucaryotic cells in mitochondrial and cytoplasmic forms, both of which are composed of two identical subunits. The reactivation of the mitochondrial isoenzyme has been the subject of previous studies [Jaenicke, R., Rudolph, R., & Heider, I. (1979) Biochemistry 18, 1217-1223]. In the present study, the reconstitution of cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase from porcine heart after denaturation by guanidine hydrochloride has been determined. The enzyme is denatured by greater than 1.2 M guanidine hydrochloride; upon reconstitution, approximately 60% of the initial native enzyme can be recovered. The kinetics of reconstitution after maximum unfolding by 6 M guanidine hydrochloride were analyzed by fluorescence, far-ultraviolet circular dichroism, chemical cross-linking with glutaraldehyde, and activity measurements. After fast folding into structured intermediates (less than 1 min), formation of native enzyme is governed by two parallel slow and very slow first-order folding reactions (k1 = 1.3 X 10(-3) S-1 and k2 = 7 X 10(-5) S-1 at 20 degrees C). The rate constant of the association step following the slow folding reaction (determined by k1) must be greater than 10(6) M-1 S-1. The energy of activation of the slow folding step is of the order of 9 +/- 1 kcal/mol; the apparent rate constant of the parallel very slow folding reaction is virtually temperature independent. The intermediates of reassociation must be enzymatically inactive, since reactivation strictly parallels the formation of native dimers. Upon acid dissociation (pH 2.3), approximately 35% of the native helicity is preserved, as determined by circular dichroism.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Antibodies to synthetic peptides were employed in order to map domains on the alpha-subunit of the acetylcholine receptor to which several monoclonal antibodies are directed. Five peptides corresponding to residues 1-20, 126-143, 169-181, 330-340 and 351-368 of the receptor alpha-subunit were synthesized and antibodies against them were elicited. The anti-peptide antibodies were employed along with the monoclonal antibodies to identify fragments of S. aureus V8 protease digested- alpha-subunit in immunoblotting experiments. Our results demonstrate that a highly immunogenic region of the alpha-subunit is located on a carboxy-terminal 14 kDa portion of the alpha-subunit. This region also seems to undergo antigenic changes during muscle development. A monoclonal antibody directed against the cholinergic binding site of the acetylcholine receptor reacted with an 18 kDa segment of the alpha-subunit which bound alpha-bungarotoxin as well as antibodies directed against peptide 169-181.  相似文献   
Sequence and expression of a human type II mesothelial keratin   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Using mRNA from cultured human mesothelial cells, we constructed bacterial plasmids and lambda phage vectors that contained cDNA sequences specific for the keratins expressed in these cells. A cloned cDNA encoding keratin K7 (55 kD) was identified by positive hybrid selection. Southern Blot analysis indicated that this sequence is represented only once in the human genome, and Northern Blot analysis demonstrated that the gene encoding K7 is expressed in abundance in cultured bronchial and mesothelial cells, but only weakly in cultured epidermal cells and not at all in liver, colon, or exocervical tissue. The predicted amino acid sequence of this keratin has revealed a striking difference between this keratin and the type II keratins expressed in epidermal cells: whereas all of the epidermal type II keratins thus far sequenced have long nonhelical termini rich in glycine and serine, this mesothelial type II keratin has amino and carboxy terminal regions that are unusually short and lack the inexact repeats of glycine and serine residues.  相似文献   
Individually tagged Sparus aurata were kept in tanks with running sea water (21°± 2°C) during their second and third years of life. Gonads were biopsied and blood was sampled at monthly intervals. Thirteen of 50 fish in the second year and 24 of 35 fish in the third year were phenotypically females. Fish kept under 16L/8D photoperiod from July 1981 to August 1982 did not reach maturation; waves of initial ovarian growth alternated with waves of atresia. When photoperiod was shortened as from August 1982, gonadal development commenced within a month and proceeded at a rate higher than that of the control fish reared under natural photoperiod. Under natural photoperiod oestradiol serum levels (E2) were relatively low during the resting phase, May-October (108 ± 11 pg ml−1), and during the late vitellogenic phase (502 ± 76 pg ml−1). High levels (1669 ± 312 and 1240 ± 172pg ml−1) occurred during the early vitellogenic and the maturational phases. The high level of E2 during the spawning season of S. aurata is explained by earlier reports indicating a prolonged breeding season with daily release of eggs, and alternating daily surges of E2 and 17α, 20β, dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one, possibly a 'maturational progestin' in this fish. In phenotypic males, E2 was highest during early spermatogenic phases (745 ± 142pg ml−1) but was low (155 ± 11 pg ml−1) in males with running sperm.  相似文献   
When the chemical carcinogen N-2-acetylaminofluorene binds to DNA in vivo, two major adducts are formed, both at position C-8 of the guanine residue. One of these (the acetylaminofluorene adduct) retains the acetyl group, while the other (the aminofluorene adduct) is the corresponding deacetylated form. Unlike -AAF adducts, which trigger important structural changes of the DNA secondary structure (either the insertion-denaturation model or the induction of a Z-DNA structure, depending upon the local nucleotide sequence), -AF adducts bind to the C-8 of guanine residues without causing any major conformational change of the B-DNA structure. Well-defined adducts (either -AF or -AAF) can be formed in vitro by reacting DNA with either N-hydroxy-N-2-aminofluorene or N-acetoxy-N-2-acetylaminofluorene. Specific cleavage of the phosphodiester backbone at -AF adducts can be achieved by treating -AF-modified DNA in 1 M-piperidine at 90 degrees C. This observation led us to construct the spectrum for -AF binding to a defined DNA restriction fragment. It is found that only guanine residues react to form alkali-labile lesions and that the reactivity among the different guanines is similar. In a forward mutation assay, namely the inactivation of the tetracycline resistance gene, we found previously that more than 90% of mutations induced by -AAF adducts are frameshift mutations. Using the same assay, we show here that -AF adducts induce primarily base substitution mutations (85%), mainly of the G to T transversion type. There is therefore a strong correlation between the nature of the carcinogen-induced conformational change of the DNA structure and the corresponding mutation specificity. The -AF-induced base substitution mutations depend upon the umuC gene function(s). The data obtained in our forward mutation assay are compared to the data previously obtained in the histidine reversion assay (Ames test).  相似文献   
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