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The extrachromosomal rRNA genes (rDNA) of Tetrahymena thermophila contain 0.4% N6-methyladenine. C3 strain rDNA was isolated, hypermethylated in vitro, and microinjected into B strain host cells. Clonal cell lines were established, and transformants were selected on the basis of resistance to paromomycin, conferred by the injected rDNA. The effects of methylation by three enzymes which methylate the sequence 5'-NAT-3', the dam, EcoRI, and ClaI methylases, were tested. Hypermethylation of the injected rDNA had no effect on transformation efficiency relative to mock-methylated controls. The injected C3 strain rDNA efficiently replaced host rDNA as the major constituent of the population of rDNA molecules. Hypermethylation of the injected DNA was not maintained through 20 to 25 cell generations.  相似文献   
To determine the effects of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) on the different cell types that exist in bone, cell populations (I-IV), progressively enriched in osteoblastic cells relative to fibroblastic cells, were prepared from fetal rat calvaria using timed collagenase digestions. TGF-beta did not induce anchorage-independent growth of these cells, nor was anchorage-dependent growth stimulated in most populations studied, despite a two- to threefold increase in the synthesis of cellular proteins. In all populations the synthesis of secreted proteins increased 2-3.5-fold. In particular, collagen, fibronectin, and plasminogen activator inhibitor synthesis was stimulated. However, different degrees of stimulation of individual proteins were observed both within and between cell populations. A marked preferential stimulation of plasminogen activator inhibitor was observed in each population, together with a slight preferential stimulation of collagen; the effect on collagen expression being directed primarily at type I collagen. In contrast, the synthesis of SPARC (secreted protein acidic rich in cysteine/osteonectin was stimulated approximately two-fold by TGF-beta, but only in fibroblastic populations. Collectively, these results demonstrate that TGF-beta stimulates matrix production by bone cells and, through differential effects on individual matrix components, may also influence the nature of the matrix formed by different bone cell populations. In the presence of TGF-beta, osteoblastic cells lost their polygonal morphology and alkaline phosphatase activity was decreased, reflecting a suppression of osteoblastic features. The differential effects of TGF-beta on bone cell populations are likely to be important in bone remodeling and fracture repair.  相似文献   
记录了麻痹猫的体感皮层(SI)神经元的自发和隐神经的A类和C类纤维传入诱发放电(A-ED和C-ED)。用NCCVF分析神经元放电。结果表明,SI区神经元对同时刺激隐神经的A类和C类纤维的反应呈多种型式:(1)A-ED和C-ED共存,包括Ⅰ.A-ED和C-ED始终相互伴随出现;Ⅱ.在刺激之初,只出现A-ED,但是,当阻断A类纤维传入并由C类纤维传入诱发神经元放电后,再同时刺激A类和C类纤维时,A-ED和C-ED便同时出现。(2)A-ED制约C-ED,特点是,只要A-ED存在,C/ED就不出现。只有阻断A类纤维传入后,C-ED才产生。(3)单一A-ED,不管在什么刺激条件下,这类神经元都只有A-ED,而不产生C-ED 结论:根据反应型式的不同,可将SI区的神经元分为Ⅰ.A类和C类纤维传入同时驱动的神经元;Ⅱ.A-ED制约C-ED的神经元;Ⅲ.只由A类纤维传入驱动的神经元。  相似文献   
胚胎性癌细胞(简称EC细胞)作为一类肿瘤(畸胎瘤)的干细胞近年受到广泛的重视,从胚胎学、肿瘤学和分子生物学等许多学科领域都应用它作为实验材料,离体诱导分化研究是其中的一个方面。B 7-2 EC细胞是我们从129品系小鼠的自发睾丸畸胎瘤中分离克隆得到的一株多能EC细胞,它在同种同基因小鼠  相似文献   
本文继先前工作后,进一步应用正常健康人外周血单个核细胞(PBMNC)经塑料培皿粘附技术把单核细胞分离出来,经培养进一步纯化,随后动态观察培养0,2,4,6和8天的单核-巨噬细胞的形态变化和对新鲜分离同种异基因个体PBMNC中NK活性的影响。实验表明,体外分化6天和8天的巨噬细胞质/核比例和胞浆内空泡显著增加,细胞直径约为0天时的2倍。这些细胞和PBMNC之比为0.5:1时,引起了NK细胞活性的50%以上抑制(4小时~(51)Cr标记K 562肿瘤的同位素释放试验)。这种抑制效应不为过氧化氢酶(Catalase 4000单位/毫升)和前列腺素合成酶的抑制剂(Indom 1×10~(-5)M)所阻断。实验证明,同种异基因个体的NK细胞不能识别巨噬细胞表面抗原,从而排除了巨噬细胞和K562肿瘤抗原竞争的可能性。实验还表明,巨噬细胞对NK活性的抑制是不受HLA约束的。应用高频超声振荡破碎巨噬细胞膜方法和免疫调变技术进一步提示,人体巨噬细胞对NK活性的抑制与巨噬细胞体积无关,而与体外分化所赋有的固有特性和它们分泌的免疫调节分子有关。  相似文献   
用琼脂糖平板等电聚焦电泳法,由胸腺素组分五中分离出三种在聚焦电泳谱上是单一谱线的多肽成份——CP1、CP2和CP3,等电点分别为4.3、4.9和5.6。测定了这些多肽对脐带血中淋巴细胞形成羊红细胞玫瑰花的影响。与对照相比,CP1(2微克/0.6毫升),和CP3(0.2-2微克/毫升)分别在统计学上呈显著和非常显著差异。在相同测定条件下,这三种多肽成份的活性均高于化学合成的胸腺多肽——胸腺素α_1。  相似文献   
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