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The species of flies breeding in bovine manure, their parasites and predators as well as other associated arthropods in 3 localities in and near Bangalore are recoreded. The flies areMusca domestica L.,Musca pattoni Austen,Stomoxys calcitrans L.,Physiphora aenea F.,Physiphora demandata F.,Sargus metallinus F.,Sepsis thoracica R.-D.,Sepsis nitens Wiedemann,Sphaerocera scabricula Hal, andLeptocera (Coproica) hirtula Rondani. Four species of hymenopterous pupal parasites of these flies have been obtained:Spalangia cameroni Perkins from pupae ofM. domestica, M. pattoni, S. calcitrans, P. aenea andP. demandata; Spalangia endius Walker from pupae ofM. domestica, M. pattoni andS. calcitrans; Spalangia nigroaenea Curtis from pupae ofM. domestica andS. calcitrans; andDirhinus trichiophthalmus Masi from pupae ofSargus metallinus F. Percentage parasitism of fly puparia in field samples was noted. Four species ofHister andAleochara puberula Klug feeding on various immature stages ofM. domestica, 2 species of scarabaeid beetles, 2 species of ants and a pseudoscorpion were also found in the manure. The importance of biotic regulatory factors in the control of flies is discussed.
Résumé Dans 3 localités de Bangalore ou proches de cette ville, on a inventorié les espèces de mouches vivant dans le fumier de vache, leurs parasites et prédateurs ainsi que d'autres arthropodes associés. Les mouches récoltées sont:Musca domestica L.,Musca pattoni Austen,Stomoxys calcitrans L.,Physiphora aenea F.,Physiphora demandata F.,Sargus metallinus F.,Sepsis thoracica R-D.,Sepsis nitens Wiedemann,Sphaerocera scabricula Hal. etLeptocera (Coproica) hirtula Rondani. Quatre espèces d'hyménoptères parasites des pupes ont été obtenues de ces mouches:Spalangia cameroni Perkins deM. domestica, M. pattoni, S. calcitrans, P. aenea etP. demandata: Spalangia endius Walker deM. domestica, M. pattoni etS. calcitrans, P. aenea etP. demandata; Spalangia endius Walker trans; etDirhinus trichiophthalmus Masi deSargus metallinus F. On a noté le taux de parasitisme des nymphes dans les conditions naturelles. Quatre espèces deHister etAleochara puberula Klug s'attaquant aux divers stades non imaginaux deM. domestica, 2 espèces de scarabeides, 2 espèces de fourmis et un pseudoscorpion ont été également trouvés dans le fumier. L'importance de ces facteurs biotiques dans la régulation des populations de mouches est discutée.

Paper presented at the seminar on utilization of farm wastes for rural industrial growth, National Dairy Research Institute, Bangalore, 31 st December, 1975.

This paper is published with the permission of the Director-General, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi  相似文献   
以壳聚糖为载体,成二醛为交联剂将木瓜蛋白酶固定化。5%戊二醛在4-6℃下处理载体5h,加酶液(3.5mg/mL蛋白,pH7.2)固定12h,活力回收达32%,作用于酪蛋白的半衰期为36天,其表观K_m(酪蛋白)值为0.075%(W/V),溶液酶的K_m值为0.086%;最适pH7.0~7.5,溶液酶为7.0~8.5。固定化酶在pH8.5以下,溶液酶在9.0以下活力稳定。固定化酶在45℃以下,溶液酶在75℃以下稳定。用6mol/L脲洗脱固定化酶4次(5.5h)活力仍有54.5%。用固定化酶处理啤酒浊度比对照下降了1.5-3.7倍,蛋白质含量下降了44%,冷藏(4℃)120天无冷混浊现象发生并保持了啤酒原有风味和理化性状。  相似文献   
Data generated in the new National Cancer Institute drug evaluation program, which is based on inhibition of cell growth in 60 human tumor cell lines, were used to compare new compounds with agents of known mechanism of action in terms of their differential cytotoxicity. Two marine natural products, halichondrin B and homohalichondrin B, appeared repeatedly when the data base was probed with known antimitotic agents. We confirmed that both compounds were highly cytotoxic (IC50 values for L1210 murine leukemia cells of 0.3 and 1 nM, respectively), with accumulation of cells arrested in mitosis at toxic concentrations, that both inhibited the polymerization of purified tubulin, and that both inhibited microtubule assembly dependent on microtubule-associated proteins. Limited amounts of homohalichondrin B, the less active agent, were available, so only halichondrin B was studied in detail. Halichondrin B did not interfere with colchicine binding to tubulin, but it was a noncompetitive inhibitor of the binding of vinblastine to tubulin (apparent Ki, 5.0 microM). Halichondrin B was therefore compared with other agents which interfere with the binding of vinca alkaloids to tubulin (vinblastine, maytansine, dolastatin 10, phomopsin A, rhizoxin) in terms of its effects on tubulin polymerization, inhibition of GTP hydrolysis, inhibition of nucleotide exchange, and stabilization of tubulin, as well as the quantitative assessment of its effects on vinca alkaloid binding and inhibition of cell growth. Since halichondrin B was originally isolated from the same organism as the phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid, and since it is about 50-fold more effective than okadaic acid as an inhibitor of L1210 cell growth, perturbations of cellular microtubules observed following treatment with okadaic acid should be interpreted cautiously.  相似文献   
Q Zhou  Y Zhao  P Li  X Bai  C Ruan 《Radiation research》1992,131(3):285-289
Cultured confluent human umbilical vein endothelial cells were irradiated in vitro with 60Co gamma rays at doses from 0 to 50 Gy. After irradiation thrombomodulin was measured at different times over 6 days in the supernatants of endothelial cell culture medium, on the surface of the cells, and within the cells. At 24 h after irradiation, an increase in the release of thrombomodulin from irradiated endothelial cells and an increase in the number of molecules and the activity of thrombomodulin on the surface of the cells were observed; these reactions were dependent on radiation dose. The capacity of the cells to produce and release thrombomodulin was decreased from 2 to 6 days after exposure to 60Co gamma rays. Our data indicate that radiation can injure endothelial cells, and that thrombomodulin may be used as a marker of radiation-induced injury in endothelial cells. The interrelationship between the dysfunction of irradiated endothelial cells and the pathological mechanisms of acute radiation disease is also discussed.  相似文献   
Testosterone and lipid metabolism was studied in rabbits. The effect of orchidectomy in rabbits fed normal diets and of testosterone propionate administration to these animals on total cholesterol, phospholipids, and triglycerides of serum, liver, aortic arch, thoracic aorta, and abdominal aorta as well as the activity of lipoprotein lipase in the aortic segments and heart was investigated. With a few exceptions, total cholesterol,phospholipids, and triglycerides increased in these tissues in orchidectomized animals and testosterone counteracted this increase. 3 segments of the aorta revealed variations in response to lipids in the orchidectomized animals as well as in the testosterone administered. Lipoprotein lipase activity decreased in the heart and the 3 aortic segments on orchidectomy, and testosterone administration caused increased enzyme activity.  相似文献   
采用室内土培法,研究了砷胁迫(0,50,100和200 mg/kg)对凤尾蕨属中砷超富集植物大叶井口边草(Pteris cretica var.nervosa)和非砷超富集植物剑叶凤尾蕨(Pteris ensiformis)生物量、株高、叶片内源3-吲哚乙酸(IAA)含量、IAA氧化酶(IAAO)活性、砷含量、抗氧化酶(超氧化物歧化酶SOD、过氧化物酶POD、过氧化氢酶CAT)活性以及细胞膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量的影响,并用逐步回归法分析了IAA含量与砷含量、抗氧化酶活性、MDA含量之间的关系。此外,研究了100 mg/kg砷处理下IAA、IAAO、3种抗氧化酶和MDA的时间动态。结果表明,与对照(不加砷)相比,加砷处理下大叶井口边草的株高和生物量未出现显著变化,但剑叶凤尾蕨在中、高浓度砷胁迫下则显著降低;中、高浓度砷胁迫均使2种植物叶片含砷量、IAA含量显著增加和IAAO活性显著下降,但这种改变在大叶井口边草中更为显著;加砷处理使大叶井口边草叶片3种抗氧化酶活性维持或增加,剑叶凤尾蕨中SOD和CAT活性虽能维持,但POD活性则显著下降,说明砷胁迫下大叶井口边草具有更强的抗氧化能力。逐步回归分析结果显示,2种植物叶片IAA含量均与砷含量成显著正相关,但在大叶井口边草中,IAA含量还与CAT活性成显著负相关。时间动态研究表明,第13天,大叶井口边草具有最高的IAA含量、最低的IAAO活性以及最低的CAT活性,而剑叶凤尾蕨中的变化规律则不明显。因此,叶片保持较高的IAA含量、较低的IAAO和CAT活性有助于大叶井口边草超量富集砷。  相似文献   
A series of 1,2,3-triazole analogues as novel fat mass and obesity-associated protein (FTO) inhibitors were synthesised in this study. Among all 1,2,3-triazoles, compound C6 exhibited the most robust inhibition of FTO with an IC50 value of 780 nM. It displayed the potent antiproliferative activity against KYSE-150, KYSE-270, TE-1, KYSE-510, and EC109 cell lines with IC50 value of 2.17, 1.35, 0.95, 4.15, and 0.83 μM, respectively. In addition, C6 arrested the cell cycle at G2 phase against TE-1 and EC109 cells in a concentration-dependent manner. Analysis of cellular mechanisms demonstrated that C6 concentration-dependently regulated epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) pathway and PI3K/AKT pathway against TE-1 and EC109 cells. Molecular docking studies that C6 formed important hydrogen-bond interaction with Lys107, Asn110, Tyr108, and Leu109 of FTO. These findings suggested that C6 as a novel FTO inhibitor and orally antitumor agent deserves further investigation to treat esophageal cancer.  相似文献   
Dear Editor, Clostridium novyi(C.novyi)is a spore-forming anaerobic bacterium and opportunistic pathogen causing severe infectious diseases in humans and animal...  相似文献   
水资源是一切生物赖以生存和不可替代的基本自然资源,生态需水在维持流域生态系统平衡和生态承载力可持续性方面扮演着极其重要的角色,干旱区内陆河流域尤为突出。以疏勒河流域和其所辖县区为不同尺度区域,利用LandsatTM/ETM+/OLI遥感数据(30 m分辨率),解译该流域近20年5期土地利用数据,同时在收集和整理流域多年水文水资源基础数据的基础上,以流域生态需水为研究主线,运用多学科方法和原理,结合遥感技术、GIS技术,通过现场调查和观测,计算了流域及其所辖县区近20年生态承载力和天然植被生态需水量。结果表明:近20年来,伴随流域生态承载力的增加,生态需水量也呈增加趋势,两者呈非常明显的正相关关系,相关系数达0.6076;县域尺度上,生态需水与生态承载力正相关关系也较高,其中林、草地的生态需水与生态承载力拟合优度R~2分别达0.8519、0.7235,说明林、草地生态承载力的变化对生态需水变化的解释能力更强,二者之间的关系更为紧密;基于空间热点分析,该流域生态承载力和生态需水的热点和冷点区域均呈现相似的空间格局,说明二者之间在空间尺度上也呈正相关关系。研究结论可为疏勒河流域生态水资源量的科学配置和调控提供重要的决策依据。  相似文献   
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