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X-linked forms of retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) are among the most severe, because of their early onset, often leading to significant vision loss before the 4th decade. Previously, the RP15 locus was assigned to Xp22, by linkage analysis of a single pedigree with "X-linked dominant cone-rod degeneration." After clinical reevaluation of a female in this pedigree identified her as affected, we remapped the disease to a 19.5-cM interval (DXS1219-DXS993) at Xp11.4-p21.1. This new interval overlapped both RP3 (RPGR) and COD1. Sequencing of the previously published exons of RPGR revealed no mutations, but a de novo insertion was detected in the new RPGR exon, ORF15. The identification of an RPGR mutation in a family with a severe form of cone and rod degeneration suggests that RPGR mutations may encompass a broader phenotypic spectrum than has previously been recognized in "typical" retinitis pigmentosa.  相似文献   
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1) is expressed in all EBV-associated malignancies and is essential for EBV-genome maintenance. Antibodies to EBNA1 are abundantly detected in serum of most EBV carriers but EBNA1 escapes recognition by effector T-lymphocytes. To further study the functional and immunological characteristics of EBNA1 it is important to have sufficient quantities of purified EBNA1 available. This paper describes a simple, reproducible method for the production and purification of EBV-encoded EBNA1 expressed in insect cells (bEBNA1). For quantification of EBNA1 expression levels in cell lines and for monitoring bEBNA1 purification and overall yields we developed a quantitative and EBNA1-specific capture ELISA. We observed that EBV-positive cell lines express EBNA1 at different levels, with the B cell lymphoblastoid cell line X50/7 having the highest production. However, much larger quantities (380-fold) were obtained by expressing bEBNA1 in recombinant-baculovirus-infected Sf9 insect cells. Scaling-up experiments revealed that bEBNA1 expression kinetics and protein stability are identical in 1-liter stirred bioreactors when compared to expression in stationary culture flasks. Optimal expression was reached after 72 h following inoculation at 1 pfu/cell, when insect cell viability was about 50%. For purification the nuclear fraction containing most of the bEBNA1 (>95%) was isolated. Solubilized bEBNA1 was purified by a one-step oriP DNA-Sepharose affinity purification procedure, using biotinylated PCR-amplified family of repeats (FR)-domain products immobilized onto streptavidin agarose. A >200-fold specific enrichment was reached and yields of bEBNA1 with an estimated purity of >95%.  相似文献   
A method was developed to study the biodegradation and oxidative biodehalogenation of fluorinated phenols by 19F nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Characterization of the 19F NMR spectra of metabolite profiles of a series of fluorophenols, converted by purified phenol hydroxylase, catechol 1,2-dioxygenase, and/or by the yeast-like fungus Exophiala jeanselmei, provided possibilities for identification of the 19F NMR chemical shift values of fluorinated catechol and muconate metabolites. As an example, the 19F NMR method thus defined was used to characterize the time-dependent metabolite profiles of various halophenols in either cell extracts or in incubations with whole cells of E. jeanselmei. The results obtained for these two systems are similar, except for the level of muconates observed. Altogether, the results of the present study describe a 19F NMR method which provides an efficient tool for elucidating the metabolic pathways for conversion of fluorine-containing phenols by microorganisms, with special emphasis on possibilities for biodehalogenation and detection of the type of fluorocatechols and fluoromuconates involved. In addition, the method provides possibilities for studying metabolic pathways in vivo in whole cells.  相似文献   
We have examined the molecular basis for the selective incorporation of the adhesion molecule ICAM-1 within human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). The process of ICAM-1 incorporation was investigated by using different ICAM-1 constructs in combination with virus capture and immunoprecipitation studies, Western blot and confocal microscopy analyses, and infectivity assays. Experiments conducted with viruses bearing a truncated version of ICAM-1 revealed that the cytoplasmic domain of ICAM-1 governs insertion of this adhesion molecule into HIV-1. Further experiments suggested that there is an association between ICAM-1 and the virus-encoded Pr55(Gag) polyprotein. This study represents the first demonstration that structural Gag polyproteins play a key role in the uptake of a host-derived cell surface by the virus entity. Taken together, our results indicate that interactions between viral and cellular proteins are responsible for the selective uptake of host ICAM-1 by HIV-1. This observation describes a new strategy by which HIV-1 can modulate its replicative cycle, considering that insertion of ICAM-1 within nascent virions has been shown to increase virus infectivity.  相似文献   
We describe the use of zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) for somatic and germline disruption of genes in zebrafish (Danio rerio), in which targeted mutagenesis was previously intractable. ZFNs induce a targeted double-strand break in the genome that is repaired to generate small insertions and deletions. We designed ZFNs targeting the zebrafish golden and no tail/Brachyury (ntl) genes and developed a budding yeast-based assay to identify the most active ZFNs for use in vivo. Injection of ZFN-encoding mRNA into one-cell embryos yielded a high percentage of animals carrying distinct mutations at the ZFN-specified position and exhibiting expected loss-of-function phenotypes. Over half the ZFN mRNA-injected founder animals transmitted disrupted ntl alleles at frequencies averaging 20%. The frequency and precision of gene-disruption events observed suggest that this approach should be applicable to any loci in zebrafish or in other organisms that allow mRNA delivery into the fertilized egg.  相似文献   
Despite sharing more than 91% sequence identity, the tomato Cf-4 and Cf-9 proteins discriminate between two Cladosporium-encoded avirulence determinants, Avr4 and Avr9. Comparative studies between Cf-4 and Cf-9 are thus of particular interest. To investigate Cf-4 protein function in initiating defence signalling, we established transgenic tobacco lines and derived cell suspension cultures expressing c-myc-tagged Cf-4. Cf-4:myc encodes a membrane-localized glycoprotein of approximately 145 kDa, which confers recognition of Avr4. Elicitation of Cf-4:myc and Cf-9:myc tobacco cell cultures with Avr4 and Avr9, respectively, triggered the synthesis of active oxygen species and MAP kinase activation. Additionally, an Agrobacterium-mediated transient assay was used to express Cf-4:myc and a newly engineered fusion protein Cf-4:TAP. Both transiently expressed proteins were found to be functional in an in vivo assay, conferring a hypersensitive response (HR) to Avr4. Consistent with previous observations that Cf-9 is present in a protein complex, gel filtration analysis of microsomal fractions solubilized with octylglucoside revealed that epitope-tagged Cf-4 proteins migrated at a molecular mass of 350-475 kDa. Using blue native gel electrophoresis, the molecular size was confirmed to be approximately 400 kDa. Significantly, this complex appeared to contain only one Cf-4 molecule, supporting the idea that, as previously described for Cf-9, additional glycoprotein partners participate with Cf-4 in the perception of the Avr4 protein. Intriguingly, Cf proteins and Clavata2 (CLV2) of Arabidopsis are highly similar in structure, and the molecular mass of Cf-4 and CLV complexes is also very similar (400 and 450 kDa, respectively). However, extensive characterization of the Cf-4 complex revealed essentially identical characteristics to the Cf-9 complex and significant differences from the CLV2 complex.  相似文献   
In contrast to most gammaherpesviruses, Bovine herpesvirus 4 (BoHV-4) has a broad range of host species both in vitro and in vivo. Several in vitro studies demonstrated that some human cell lines are sensitive or even permissive to BoHV-4. These observations led to the hypothesis that cross-species transmission of BoHV-4 could lead to human infections. In the present study, we investigate the sensitivity of BoHV-4 to neutralization by na?ve human sera in order to determine if humans exhibit innate anti-viral activities against this virus. Our results demonstrate that human sera from na?ve individuals, in contrast to the sera of na?ve subjects from various animal species, neutralize BoHV-4 efficiently. A series of complementary experiments were performed to unravel the mechanism(s) of this neutralization. The data obtained in this study demonstrates that human serum neutralizes BoHV-4 in a complement dependent manner activated by natural antibodies raised against the Galalpha1-3Galbeta1-4GlcNAc-R epitope expressed by bovine cells.  相似文献   
Associations between microbes and animals are ubiquitous and hosts may benefit from harbouring microbial communities through improved resource exploitation or resistance to environmental stress. The pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, is the host of heritable bacterial symbionts, including the obligate endosymbiont Buchnera aphidicola and several facultative symbionts. While obligate symbionts supply aphids with key nutrients, facultative symbionts influence their hosts in many ways such as protection against natural enemies, heat tolerance, color change and reproduction alteration. The pea aphid also encompasses multiple plant-specialized biotypes, each adapted to one or a few legume species. Facultative symbiont communities differ strongly between biotypes, although bacterial involvement in plant specialization is uncertain. Here, we analyse the diversity of bacterial communities associated with nine biotypes of the pea aphid complex using amplicon pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA genes. Combined clustering and phylogenetic analyses of 16S sequences allowed identifying 21 bacterial OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Unit). More than 98% of the sequencing reads were assigned to known pea aphid symbionts. The presence of Wolbachia was confirmed in A. pisum while Erwinia and Pantoea, two gut associates, were detected in multiple samples. The diversity of bacterial communities harboured by pea aphid biotypes was very low, ranging from 3 to 11 OTUs across samples. Bacterial communities differed more between than within biotypes but this difference did not correlate with the genetic divergence between biotypes. Altogether, these results confirm that the aphid microbiota is dominated by a few heritable symbionts and that plant specialization is an important structuring factor of bacterial communities associated with the pea aphid complex. However, since we examined the microbiota of aphid samples kept a few generations in controlled conditions, it may be that bacterial diversity was underestimated due to the possible loss of environmental or transient taxa.  相似文献   
The Lurcher mutation transforms the GRID2 receptor into a constitutively opened channel. In Lurcher heterozygous mice, cerebellar Purkinje cells are permanently depolarized, a characteristic that has been thought to be the primary cause of their death, which occurs from the second postnatal week onward. The more dramatic phenotype of Lurcher homozygotes is thought to be due to a simple gene dosage effect of the mutant allele. We have analyzed the phenotype of Lurcher/hotfoot heteroallelic mutants bearing only one copy of the Lurcher allele and no wild-type Grid2. Our results show that the absence of wild-type GRID2 receptors in these heteroallelic mutants induces an early and massive Purkinje cell death that is correlated with early signs of autophagy. This neuronal death is independent of depolarization and can be explained by the direct activation of autophagy by Lurcher GRID2 receptors through the recently discovered signaling pathway formed by GRID2, n-PIST, and Beclin1.  相似文献   
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