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We monitored the behavior of plasma membrane (PM) isolated from tobacco cells (BY-2) under hydrostatic pressures up to 3.5 kbar at 30 °C, by steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy using the newly introduced environment-sensitive probe F2N12S and also Laurdan and di-4-ANEPPDHQ. The consequences of sterol depletion by methyl-β-cyclodextrin were also studied. We found that application of hydrostatic pressure led to a marked decrease of hydration as probed by F2N12S and to an increase of the generalized polarization excitation (GPex) of Laurdan. We observed that the hydration effect of sterol depletion was maximal between 1 and 1.5 kbar but was much less important at higher pressures (above 2 kbar) where both parameters reached a plateau value. The presence of a highly dehydrated gel state, insensitive to the sterol content, was thus proposed above 2.5 kbar. However, the F2N12S polarity parameter and the di-4-ANEPPDHQ intensity ratio showed strong effect on sterol depletion, even at very high pressures (2.5-3.5 kbar), and supported the ability of sterols to modify the electrostatic properties of membrane, notably its dipole potential, in a highly dehydrated gel phase. We thus suggested that BY-2 PM undergoes a complex phase behavior in response to the hydrostatic pressure and we also emphasized the role of phytosterols to regulate the effects of high hydrostatic pressure on plant PM.  相似文献   
Mechanism of force generation of a viral DNA packaging motor   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A large family of multimeric ATPases are involved in such diverse tasks as cell division, chromosome segregation, DNA recombination, strand separation, conjugation, and viral genome packaging. One such system is the Bacillus subtilis phage phi 29 DNA packaging motor, which generates large forces to compact its genome into a small protein capsid. Here we use optical tweezers to study, at the single-molecule level, the mechanism of force generation in this motor. We determine the kinetic parameters of the packaging motor and their dependence on external load to show that DNA translocation does not occur during ATP binding but is likely triggered by phosphate release. We also show that the motor subunits act in a coordinated, successive fashion with high processivity. Finally, we propose a minimal mechanochemical cycle of this DNA-translocating ATPase that rationalizes all of our findings.  相似文献   

This article aims at comparing reference methods for the assessment of cancer risk from exposure to genotoxic carcinogen chemical substances and to ionizing radiation. For chemicals, cancer potency is expressed as a toxicological reference value (TRV) based on the most sensitive type of cancer generally observed in animal experiments of oral or inhalation exposure. A dose–response curve is established by modelling experimental data adjusted to apply to human exposure. This leads to a point of departure from which the TRV is derived as the slope of a linear extrapolation to zero dose. Human lifetime cancer risk can then be assessed as the product of dose by TRV and it is generally considered to be tolerable in a 10–6–10–4 range for the public in a normal situation. Radiation exposure is assessed as an effective dose corresponding to a weighted average of energy deposition in body organs. Cancer risk models were derived from the epidemiological follow-up of atomic bombing survivors. Considering a linear-no-threshold dose-risk relationship and average baseline risks, lifetime nominal risk coefficients were established for 13 types of cancers. Those are adjusted according to the severity of each cancer type and combined into an overall indicator denominated radiation detriment. Exposure to radiation is subject to dose limits proscribing unacceptable health detriment. The differences between chemical and radiological cancer risk assessments are discussed and concern data sources, extrapolation to low doses, definition of dose, considered health effects and level of conservatism. These differences should not be an insuperable impediment to the comparison of TRVs with radiation risk, thus opportunities exist to bring closer the two types of risk assessment.

Recent studies have revealed large unexplained variation in heat requirement‐based phenology models, resulting in large uncertainty when predicting ecosystem carbon and water balance responses to climate variability. Improving our understanding of the heat requirement for spring phenology is thus urgently needed. In this study, we estimated the species‐specific heat requirement for leaf flushing of 13 temperate woody species using long‐term phenological observations from Europe and North America. The species were defined as early and late flushing species according to the mean date of leaf flushing across all sites. Partial correlation analyses were applied to determine the temporal correlations between heat requirement and chilling accumulation, precipitation and insolation sum during dormancy. We found that the heat requirement for leaf flushing increased by almost 50% over the study period 1980–2012, with an average of 30 heat units per decade. This temporal increase in heat requirement was observed in all species, but was much larger for late than for early flushing species. Consistent with previous studies, we found that the heat requirement negatively correlates with chilling accumulation. Interestingly, after removing the variation induced by chilling accumulation, a predominantly positive partial correlation exists between heat requirement and precipitation sum, and a predominantly negative correlation between heat requirement and insolation sum. This suggests that besides the well‐known effect of chilling, the heat requirement for leaf flushing is also influenced by precipitation and insolation sum during dormancy. However, we hypothesize that the observed precipitation and insolation effects might be artefacts attributable to the inappropriate use of air temperature in the heat requirement quantification. Rather than air temperature, meristem temperature is probably the prominent driver of the leaf flushing process, but these data are not available. Further experimental research is thus needed to verify whether insolation and precipitation sums directly affect the heat requirement for leaf flushing.  相似文献   
The contribution of raft domains to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 entry was assessed. In particular, we asked whether the CD4 and CCR5 HIV-1 receptors need to associate with sphingolipid-enriched, detergent-resistant membrane domains (rafts) to allow viral entry into primary and T-cell lines. Based on Triton X-100 solubilization and confocal microscopy, CD4 was shown to distribute partially to rafts. In contrast, CCR5 did not associate with rafts and localized in nonraft plasma membrane domains. HIV-1-receptor partitioning remained unchanged upon viral adsorption, suggesting that viral entry probably takes place outside rafts. To directly investigate this possibility, we targeted CD4 to nonraft domains of the membrane by preventing CD4 palmitoylation and interaction with p56(lck). Directed mutagenesis of both targeting signals significantly prevented association of CD4 with rafts, but did not suppress the HIV-1 receptor function of CD4. Collectively, these results strongly suggest that the presence of HIV-1 receptors in rafts is not required for viral infection. We show, however, that depleting plasma membrane cholesterol inhibits HIV-1 entry. We therefore propose that cholesterol modulates the HIV-1 entry process independently of its ability to promote raft formation.  相似文献   
Transplantation of spermatogonial stem cells into syngeneic or immunosuppressed recipient mice or rats can result in donor-derived spermatogenesis and fertility. Recently, this approach has been employed to introduce a transgene into the male germline. Germ-cell transplantation in species other than laboratory rodents, if successful, holds great promise as an alternative to the inefficient methods currently available to generate transgenic farm animals that can produce therapeutic proteins in their milk or provide organs for transplantation to humans. To explore whether germ-cell transplantation could result in donor-derived spermatogenesis and fertility in immunocompetent recipient goats, testis cells were transplanted from transgenic donor goats carrying a human alpha-1 antitrypsin expression construct to the testes of sexually immature wild-type recipient goats. After puberty, sperm carrying the donor-derived transgene were detected in the ejaculates of two out of five recipients. Mating of one recipient resulted in 15 offspring, one of which was transgenic for the donor-derived transgene. This is the first report of donor cell-derived sperm production and transmission of the donor haplotype to the next generation after germ-cell transplantation in a nonrodent species. Furthermore, these results indicate that successful germ-cell transplantation is feasible between immunocompetent, unrelated animals. In the future, transplantation of genetically modified germ cells may provide a more efficient alternative for production of transgenic domestic animals.  相似文献   
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