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马立克氏病病毒超强毒感染鸡羽髓蛋白质组分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】羽毛是细胞游离马立克氏病病毒(Marek’s disease virus,MDV)释放的部位,为了解感染MDV后鸡羽中宿主基因表达的变化及对病毒感染的应答,进行了MDV感染鸡的羽髓蛋白质组学分析。【方法】1日龄无特定病原体(specific pathogen free,SPF)鸡人工感染MDV超强毒RB1B株(1000PFU),感染后21d采集鸡羽毛,提取羽髓蛋白,以17cm,pH5-8的IPG胶条进行二维电泳,以未感染病毒的SPF鸡羽髓蛋白为对照,使用PDQuest软件对二维电泳图谱进行差异蛋白分析,并选取部分差异斑点进行质谱鉴定。【结果】PDQuest软件分析发现攻毒组和对照组表达差异大于两倍的蛋白点有41个,其中攻毒组表达上调的蛋白点25个,下调的蛋白点7个,新出现的蛋白点有9个。质谱分析共成功鉴定了21个斑点,对应于20个蛋白。如载脂蛋白AI(apolipoprotein AI)、14-3-3 sigma(两个斑点均为该蛋白)、癌蛋白18(stathmin)等。【结论】功能预测表明这些蛋白涉及到宿主的抗病毒应答、物质代谢、细胞骨架成分、细胞增殖相关等方面。  相似文献   
农作物遗传多样性农家保护的现状及前景   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
农作物地方品种的有效保护是农业生物多样性的可持续利用的基础。由于现代农业的集约化生产方式使大量农作物地方品种被少数高产改良品种所取代,造成农作物基因库的严重“基因流失”(genetic erosion)。农家保护是在农业生态系统中进行的动态保护,被保护的生物多亲性可在其生境中继续进化而产生新的遗传变异,在而是农业生物多样性就地保护的重要途径。然而,尽管人们对作物品种资源农家保护的兴趣不断增长,也有大量有关农家的保护的研究和案例分析,但目前为止还没有比较成功的农家保护实例报道。因此,对农家保护的机制及科学问题进行深入的研究,并寻求一条新的途径来充分发挥农家保护应有的作用,显得格外重要。利用生物多样性布局的水稻混合间栽的生产模式,不仅解决了病害控制的问题,而且也保护了水稻地方品种的多样性。这种混合间栽的生物多样性布局和生产方式可能成为农保护的一条新途径。  相似文献   
环状病毒M14 dSRNA基因组的进一步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
游志勇  陈涛 《病毒学报》1990,6(2):189-191
M14病毒是1981年从北京郊区捕获的三带喙库蚊中分离获得。其生物学、形态学和理化特性均符合呼肠孤病毒科环状病毒的特点。聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳将其dsRNA基因组分离成11条区带。但最近的进一步研究发现,它是由12个片段的RNA组成。又用猴轮状病毒SA11株作为标准,测定了每个片段的分子量。 白纹伊蚊细胞C6/36纯系,由日本长畸大学热带医学研究A.Igarashi教授惠赠,并照他的方法培养传代。  相似文献   
Rhizobia specifically interacts with the host, leguminous plants, leading to the formation of nitrogen-fixing root nodules. The Rhizobium genes essential for nodule formation are called nodulation genes (nod or nol). The expression of nod genes requires the presence of host signals, generally flavonoids, and the product of regulatory nodD gene, NodD[1,2]. The expression of nod genes results in the synthesis of Nod factors, which serve as the signal molecules to elicit root cor-tical cells di…  相似文献   
You B  Yan G  Zhang Z  Yan L  Li J  Ge Q  Jin JP  Sun J 《The Biochemical journal》2009,418(1):93-101
Mst1 (mammalian sterile 20-like kinase 1) is a ubiquitously expressed serine/threonine kinase and its activation in the heart causes cardiomyocyte apoptosis and dilated cardiomyopathy. Its myocardial substrates, however, remain unknown. In a yeast two-hybrid screen of a human heart cDNA library with a dominant-negative Mst1 (K59R) mutant used as bait, cTn [cardiac Tn (troponin)] I was identified as an Mst1-interacting protein. The interaction of cTnI with Mst1 was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation in both co-transfected HEK-293 cells (human embryonic kidney cells) and native cardiomyocytes, in which cTnI interacted with full-length Mst1, but not with its N-terminal kinase fragment. in vitro phosphorylation assays demonstrated that cTnI is a sensitive substrate for Mst1. In contrast, cTnT was phosphorylated by Mst1 only when it was incorporated into the Tn complex. MS analysis indicated that Mst1 phosphorylates cTnI at Thr(31), Thr(51), Thr(129) and Thr(143). Substitution of Thr(31) with an alanine residue reduced Mst1-mediated cTnI phosphorylation by 90%, whereas replacement of Thr(51), Thr(129) or Thr(143) with alanine residues reduced Mst1-catalysed cTnI phosphorylation by approx. 60%, suggesting that Thr(31) is a preferential phosphorylation site for Mst1. Furthermore, treatment of cardiomyocytes with hydrogen peroxide rapidly induced Mst1-dependent phosphorylation of cTnI at Thr(31). Protein epitope analysis and binding assays showed that Mst1-mediated phosphorylation modulates the molecular conformation of cTnI and its binding affinity to TnT and TnC, thus indicating functional significances. The results of the present study suggest that Mst1 is a novel mediator of cTnI phosphorylation in the heart and may contribute to the modulation of myofilament function under a variety of physiological and pathophysiological conditions.  相似文献   
探讨多聚ADP-核糖聚合酶(PARP)抑制剂3-氨基苯甲酰胺(3-AB)对400μmo1/L氯化锌损伤PC12细胞的保护作用及其对锌造成的细胞死亡类型的影响.应用MTT法,免疫细胞化学和Western印迹分别测定PC12细胞的存活率和PARP活性;用Hoechst 33342/PI荧光双染色、膜联蛋白V结合实验及DNA断裂分析等方法检测细胞死亡类型.结果表明在400μmol/L氯化锌的作用下,细胞存活率降至(22.7±4.6)%,PARP活性增强,坏死、凋亡和正常细胞百分比分别为(58.4±6.3)%、(18.0±5.6)%及(23.6±4.2)%;3-AB使细胞存活率提高至(76.9±4.7)%,PARP活性减弱,坏死细胞百分数降至(19.2±5.2)%,而正常和凋亡细胞百分数增加到(43.3±1.9)%和(37.5±6.5)%.实验证明,PARP参与了高浓度锌诱导的PC12细胞损伤,抑制PARP活性可提高细胞的存活率,而这种保护作用在于减少细胞的坏死而非凋亡.  相似文献   
辣椒素及其受体   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Luo H  Wan Y  Han JS 《生理科学进展》2003,34(1):11-15
可以感受痛觉刺激的初级感觉神经元的周围末梢被称为伤害性感受器。这些小直径神经元的末梢可将化学、机械和热刺激信号转化为动作电位,并将这些信息上传到中枢,最后使机体产生痛觉或不舒服的感受。但到目前为止,人们对这些可探测到伤害性刺激的分子所知甚少。1997年成功克隆的辣椒素受体亚型1(vanilloid receptor subtype1,VR1)是近年来科学家们研究的“热点分子”,它是表达于伤害性感受器上的非选择性阳离子通道,已有诸多证据表明其可探测和整合诱发痛觉的化学和热刺激信号,基因敲除小鼠的研究分析也有力证明了该离子通道参与了疼痛及组织损伤后痛觉过敏的产生,而且是热诱发疼痛发生过程的关键分子。  相似文献   
Although dietary selenium (Se) deficiency results in phenotypes associated with selenoprotein depletion in various organs, the brain is protected from Se loss. To address the basis for the critical role of Se in brain function, we carried out comparative gene expression analyses for the complete selenoproteome and associated biosynthetic factors. Using the Allen Brain Atlas, we evaluated 159 regions of adult mouse brain and provided experimental analyses of selected selenoproteins. All 24 selenoprotein mRNAs were expressed in the mouse brain. Most strikingly, neurons in olfactory bulb, hippocampus, cerebral cortex, and cerebellar cortex were exceptionally rich in selenoprotein gene expression, in particular in GPx4, SelK, SelM, SelW, and Sep15. Over half of the selenoprotein genes were also expressed in the choroid plexus. A unique expression pattern was observed for one of the highly expressed selenoprotein genes, SelP, which we suggest to provide neurons with Se. Cluster analysis of the expression data linked certain selenoproteins and selenocysteine machinery genes and suggested functional linkages among selenoproteins, such as that between SelM and Sep15. Overall, this study suggests that the main functions of selenium in mammals are confined to certain neurons in the brain.  相似文献   
A major aim of synthetic biology is to program novel cellular behavior using engineered gene circuits. Early endeavors focused on building simple circuits that fulfill simple functions, such as logic gates, bistable toggle switches, and oscillators. These gene circuits have primarily focused on single-cell behaviors since they operate intracellularly. Thus, they are often susceptible to cell-cell variations due to stochastic gene expression. Cell-cell communication offers an efficient strategy to coordinate cellular behavior at the population level. To this end, we review recent advances in engineering cell-cell communication to achieve reliable population dynamics, spanning from communication within single species to multispecies, from one-way sender-receiver communication to two-way communication in synthetic microbial ecosystems. These engineered systems serve as well-defined model systems to better understand design principles of their naturally occurring counterparts and to facilitate novel biotechnology applications.  相似文献   
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