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新疆塔里木河下游土壤特性及其对物种多样性的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
结合塔河下游大西海子至台特玛湖区段的8个地下水监测断面、31个土壤剖面的217个土样分析数据,利用非参数检验、单因素方差分析和灰色关联方法,分析了塔河下游土壤特性及其对物种多样性变化的影响.研究结果表明,塔河下游土壤除全磷外,有机质等指标存在垂直分布差异,出现显著差异的土层深度为50cm.塔河下游上段的土壤养分含量相对较高,下段较低;物种多样性指数自上段至下段的下降趋势与有机质等的变化相同,而植物群落退化则表现为从复合群落到单一群落的演变趋势,即从乔(胡杨为主)、灌(柽柳为主)、草复合群落演变到单一的柽柳灌丛群落.灰色关联分析表明塔河下游上层(0~50cm)土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾含量与物种多样性的相关性较高.塔河下游土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾等在一定程度上对物种多样性变化有一定影响.  相似文献   
Vitellogenin (Vg) was isolated using gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography from plasma of rosy barb (Puntius conchonius) treated with estrogen (estradiol-17beta). The purified Vg was stained positive for carbohydrate, lipid and phosphorus and was rich in Ala (10.58%), Asp (8.46%), Glu (10.30%), Leu (11.23%), Lys (7.22%) and Val (7.49%). It appeared as a single band of approximately 450 kDa in native PAGE and was reduced to a single band of approximately 167 kDa under SDS-PAGE, suggesting that it is probably composed of three identical polypeptide subunits. Double-immunodiffusion assay showed that the plasma from female rosy barb reacted with the mouse antisera against rosy barb Vg, forming a single immunoprecipitin line, while the plasma from male rosy barb or female zebrafish showed no such reactivity, confirming the existence of the sex- and species-specific reactivity for rosy barb Vg antisera.  相似文献   

Key message

Different groundwater conditions affect leaf hydraulic conductance and leaf pressure–volume parameters in Populus euphratica at the extremely arid zone in the northwest of China.


Efficient water transport inside leaves constitutes a major determinant of plant function, especially in drought-stressed plants. The previous researches have reported the correlation between leaf hydraulic properties and water availability. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that water relation parameters of Populus euphratica in an extremely arid zone of China are sensitive and acclimated to groundwater depth. We measured leaf hydraulic conductance (K leaf) using rehydration kinetics methods (RKM), pressure–volume (P–V) curves, and leaf vulnerability curves of P. euphratica growing at four groundwater depth gradients. We also assessed the hydraulic safety margins across groundwater depth gradients. We found that K leaf–max shows an increasing trend as the groundwater depth increases, while osmotic potential at full turgor (πft) and turgor loss point (Ψtlp) exhibits a decreasing trend, suggesting that increased tolerance to drought is formed as the groundwater depth increases. Furthermore, safety margins showed positive and negative variations under different groundwater depths, indicating that P. euphratica has formed special drought survival strategies, which can be summarized as a “conservative” strategy in favorable water conditions or a “risk” strategy in severe drought stress.
The characteristic of change in value of Tarim River ecosystem service function and its causes are discussed by combining the remote-sensing images with social statistical data related to the change in land utilization of Tarim River Main stream area during 1973–2005 and applying correlation analysis, regressional analysis and principal component analysis methods. The results show a right ascension state in the value of Tarim River ecosystem service function over the past 30 years. Of which, the Cropland ecosystem service function is of the largest increment in the economic value, which is far in excess of other ecosystem systems; the capacity of forest, grassland and wetland in service supply and value attribution show a downward tendency relatively; the area of Cropland and unused land ecosystems increase while that of forest, grassland and wetland ecosystems decrease, which indicates that the integral capacity and balance of the ecosystem in the region investigated has been affected severely and the ecosystem deteriorated; the economic activity of human is the key factor to regulate the change in economic value of Tarim River ecosystem service function and its trend in development.  相似文献   
The characteristic of change in value of Tarim River ecosystem service function and its causes are discussed by combining the remote-sensing images with social statistical data related to the change in land utilization of Tarim River Main stream area during 1973–2005 and applying correlation analysis, regressional analysis and principal component analysis methods. The results show a right ascension state in the value of Tarim River ecosystem service function over the past 30 years. Of which, the Cropland ecosystem service function is of the largest increment in the economic value, which is far in excess of other ecosystem systems; the capacity of forest, grassland and wetland in service supply and value attribution show a downward tendency relatively; the area of Cropland and unused land ecosystems increase while that of forest, grassland and wetland ecosystems decrease, which indicates that the integral capacity and balance of the ecosystem in the region investigated has been affected severely and the ecosystem deteriorated; the economic activity of human is the key factor to regulate the change in economic value of Tarim River ecosystem service function and its trend in development.  相似文献   
重叠PCR法合成轮状病毒抗原基因VP4   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用重叠延伸PCR(overlap extension PCR)法获得轮状病毒VP4基因.根据Genbank中鼠VP4基因的序列设计34对引物,用overlap PCR法合成VP4全基因的两个片段A、B,将A、B分别连入pMD19-T simple载体,测序结果显示,成功合成了VP4全基因.证明了重叠延伸PCR法是获得目的基因的有效方法.  相似文献   
植物利用细胞表面模式识别受体(PRRs)来感知病原相关分子模式(PAMPs), 进而触发自身的免疫反应(PTI)。在植物免疫过程中, PRRs在细胞内的正确定位对其生理功能的发挥至关重要。PRRs蛋白可以在内质网(ER)上合成, 并通过胞吐被分泌到质膜(PM)上。此外, PRRs蛋白也可以通过胞吞进行胞内循环或降解。细胞可以通过胞内转运降解PRRs蛋白以终止信号转导, 也可以通过形成胞内体进行信号传递。该文概述了PRRs蛋白及其配体的研究进展以及PRRs蛋白的胞内转运在植物免疫中的重要作用。  相似文献   
西北干旱荒漠区生态系统可持续管理理念与模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈亚宁  陈亚鹏  朱成刚  李卫红 《生态学报》2019,39(20):7410-7417
结合对西北干旱区水资源短缺、资源开发中的生态与经济矛盾突出、气候变暖可能加剧干旱区荒漠化以及生态水权与长效保障机制缺失等问题的分析诊断,探讨了荒漠区生态系统可持续管理面临的问题与难点,分析提出了荒漠生态系统植被保育的生态水位与生态阈值,阐述了荒漠-绿洲过渡带生态融合以及绿洲生态系统安全的生态防护梯度等干旱区生态系统管理理念;结合干旱区极端环境自然条件,在多年现场试验基础上,研发集成了退化群落改造与生态多样性构建技术、植物群落结构优化配置、组装与生态融合技术、生态系统恢复水分利用与生态自维持技术以及胡杨萌蘖更新技术等多种适宜荒漠植被恢复与重建的技术模式,并进行了成功实践和试验示范,为干旱荒漠区生态系统可持续管理提供了重要科技支撑。  相似文献   
塔里木河中游植物种群在四种环境梯度上的生态位特征   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:28  
分析了塔里木河中游19种植物在土壤含水量、土壤有机质、土壤pH值和土壤总含盐量各资源维上的生态位宽度和生态位重叠。结果表明,按照各资源维上生态位宽度平均值的大小可把19种植物分成3类,第一类群的物种是该流域植物群落中的建群种,对荒漠河岸环境有良好的适应性;第二类群的物种对环境资源的利用能力较弱于第一类群的物种;第三类群的物种中,大部分植物对流域环境的生态适应性较弱.但个别植物生态位宽度变窄有其特定的原因.从4个资源维、19种植物生态位重叠指数的变化上可以看出。该地区物种在一定程度上对环境资源需求分化或者物种的生态位发生位移,致使种对间生态位重叠程度降低,而土壤水和土壤盐分则是许多物种的限制因子。  相似文献   
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