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Zinc plays an important role in cell-mediated immune function. Altered cellular immune response resulting from zinc deficiency leads to frequent microbial infections, thymic atrophy, decreased natural killer activity, decreased thymic hormone activity, and altered cytokine production. In this study, we examined the effect of zinc deficiency on IL-2 and IFN-gamma in HUT-78 (Th0) and D1.1 (Th1) cell lines and TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, and IL-8 in the HL-60 (monocyte-macrophage) cell line. The results demonstrate that zinc deficiency decreased the levels of IL-2 and IFN-gamma cytokines and mRNAs in HUT-78 after 6 h of PMA/p-phytohemagglutinin (PHA) stimulation and in D1.1 cells after 6 h of PHA/ionomycin stimulation compared with the zinc-sufficient cells. However, zinc deficiency increased the levels of TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, and IL-8 cytokines and mRNAs in HL-60 cells after 6 h of PMA stimulation compared with zinc-sufficient cells. Actinomycin D study suggests that the changes in the levels of these cytokine mRNAs were not the result of the stability affected by zinc but might be the result of altered expression of these cytokine genes. These data demonstrate that zinc mediates positively the gene expression of IL-2 and IFN-gamma in the Th1 cell line and negatively TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, and IL-8 in the monocyte-macrophage cell line. Our study shows that the effect of zinc on gene expression and production of cytokines is cell lineage specific.  相似文献   
SR proteins constitute a family of splicing factors that play key roles in both constitutive and regulated splicing in metazoan organisms. The proteins are extensively phosphorylated, and kinases capable of phosphorylating them have been identified. However, little is known about how these kinases function, for example, whether they target specific SR proteins or whether the kinases themselves are regulated. Here we describe properties of one such kinase, Clk/Sty, the founding member of the Clk/Sty family of dual-specificity kinases. Clk/Sty is autophosphorylated on both Ser/Thr and Thr residues, and using both direct kinase assays and SR protein-dependent splicing assays, we have analyzed the effects of each type of modification. We find not only that the pattern of phosphorylation on a specific SR protein substrate, ASF/SF2, is modulated by autophosphorylation but also that the ability of Clk/Sty to recognize different SR proteins is influenced by the extent and nature of autophosphorylation. Strikingly, phosphorylation of ASF/SF2 is sensitive to changes in Tyr, but not Ser/Thr, autophosphorylation while that of SC35 displays the opposite pattern. In contrast, phosphorylation of a third SR protein, SRp40, is unaffected by autophosphorylation. We also present biochemical data indicating that as expected for a factor directly involved in splicing control (but in contrast to recent reports), Clk/Sty is found in the nucleus of several different cell types.  相似文献   
In a previous study, we found that the SHIP2 protein became tyrosine phosphorylated and associated with the Shc adapter protein in response to the treatment of cells with growth factors and insulin (T. Habib, J. A. Hejna, R. E. Moses, and S. J. Decker, J. Biol. Chem. 273:18605-18609, 1998). We describe here a novel interaction between SHIP2 and the p130(Cas) adapter protein, a mediator of actin cytoskeleton organization. SHIP2 and p130(Cas) association was detected in anti-SHIP2 immunoprecipitates from several cell types. Reattachment of trypsinized cells stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of SHIP2 and increased the formation of a complex containing SHIP2 and a faster-migrating tyrosine-phosphorylated form of p130(Cas). The faster-migrating form of p130(Cas) was no longer recognized by antibodies to the amino terminus of p130(Cas) and appeared to be generated through proteolysis. Interaction of the SHIP2 protein with the various forms of p130(Cas) was mediated primarily through the SH2 domain of SHIP2. Immunofluorescence studies indicated that SHIP2 localized to focal contacts and to lamellipodia. Increased adhesion was observed in HeLa cells transiently expressing exogenous WT-SHIP2. These effects were not seen with SHIP2 possessing a mutation in the SH2 domain (R47G). Transfection of a catalytic domain deletion mutant of SHIP2 (DeltaRV) inhibited cell spreading. Taken together, our studies suggest an important role for SHIP2 in adhesion and spreading.  相似文献   
Taurine is activelytransported at the retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) apical membrane inan Na+- and Cl-dependent manner. Diabetes mayalter the function of the taurine transporter. Because nitric oxide(NO) is a molecule implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetes, we askedwhether NO would alter the activity of the taurine transporter incultured ARPE-19 cells. The activity of the transporter was stimulatedin the presence of the NO donor 3-morpholinosydnonimine. Thestimulatory effects of 3-morpholinosydnonimine were not observed duringthe initial 16-h treatment; however, stimulation of taurine uptake waselevated dramatically above control values with 20- and 24-htreatments. Kinetic analysis revealed that the stimulation wasassociated with an increase in the maximal velocity of the transporterwith no significant change in the substrate affinity. The NO-induced increase in taurine uptake was inhibited by actinomycin D and cycloheximide. RT-PCR analysis and nuclear run-on assays provided evidence for upregulation of the transporter gene. This study providesthe first evidence of an increase in taurine transporter geneexpression in human RPE cells cultured under conditions of elevatedlevels of NO.

Ten aromatic amino acid auxotrophs of Sinorhizobium meliloti (previously called Rhizobium meliloti) Rmd201 were generated by random mutagenesis with transposon Tn5 and their symbiotic properties were studied. Normal symbiotic activity, as indicated by morphological features, was observed in the tryptophan synthase mutants and the lone tyrosine mutant. The trpE and aro mutants fixed trace amounts of nitrogen whereas the phe mutant was completely ineffective in nitrogen fixation. Histology of the nodules induced by trpE and aro mutants exhibited striking similarities. Each of these nodules contained an extended infection zone and a poorly developed nitrogen fixation zone. Transmission electron microscopic studies revealed that the bacteroids in the extended infection zone of these nodules did not show maturation tendency. A leaky mutant, which has a mutation in trpC, trpD, or trpF gene, was partially effective in nitrogen fixation. The histology of the nodules induced by this strain was like that of the nodules induced by the parental strain but the inoculated plants were stunted. These studies demonstrated the involvement of anthranilic acid and at least one more intermediate of tryptophan biosynthetic pathway in bacteroidal maturation and nitrogen fixation in S. meliloti. The alfalfa plant host seems to provide tryptophan and tyrosine but not phenylalanine to bacteroids in nodules.  相似文献   
This report describes the primary structure and functional characteristics of human ATA1, a subtype of the amino acid transport system A. The human ATA1 cDNA was isolated from a placental cDNA library. The cDNA codes for a protein of 487 amino acids with 11 putative transmembrane domains. The transporter mRNA ( approximately 9.0 kb) is expressed most prominently in the placenta and heart, but detectable level of expression is evident in other tissues including the brain. When expressed heterologously in mammalian cells, the cloned transporter mediates Na(+)-coupled transport of the system A-specific model substrate alpha-(methylamino)isobutyric acid. The transport process is saturable with a Michaelis-Menten constant of 0. 89 +/- 0.12 mM. The Na(+):amino acid stoichiometry is 1:1 as deduced from the Na(+)-activation kinetics. The transporter is specific for small short-chain neutral amino acids. The gene for the transporter is located on human chromosome 12.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: The database of structural motifs in proteins (DSMP) contains data relevant to helices, beta-turns, gamma-turns, beta-hairpins, psi-loops, beta-alpha-beta motifs, beta-sheets, beta-strands and disulphide bridges extracted from all proteins in the Protein Data Bank primarily using the PROMOTIF program and implemented as a web-based network service using the SRS. The data corresponding to the structural motifs includes; sequence, position in polypeptide chain, geometry, type, unique code, keywords and resolution of crystal structure. This data is available for a representative data set of 1028 protein chains and also for all 10 213 proteins in the Protein Data Bank. The three-dimensional coordinates for all structural motifs (except sheet and disulphide bridge) are also available for the representative data set. Using features in SRS, DSMP can be queried to extract information from one or more structural motifs that may be useful for sequence-structure analysis, prediction, modelling or design. AVAILABILITY: http://www. cdfd.org.in/dsmp.html  相似文献   
Osmotin is a plant PR-5 protein. It has a broad spectrum of antifungal activity, yet also exhibits specificity for certain fungal targets. The structural bases for this specificity remain unknown. We show here that full sensitivity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells to the PR-5 protein osmotin is dependent on the function of MNN2, MNN4 and MNN6. MNN2 is an alpha-1, 2-mannosyltransferase catalyzing the addition of the first mannose to the branches on the poly l,6-mannose backbone of the outer chain of cell wall N-linked mannans. MNN4 and MNN6 are required for the transfer of mannosylphosphate to cell wall mannans. Null mnn2, mnn4 or mnn6 mutants lack phosphomannans and are defective in binding osmotin to the fungal cell wall. Both antimannoprotein antibody and the cationic dye alcian blue protect cells against osmotin cytotoxicity. MNN1 is an alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase that adds the terminal mannose to the outer chain branches of N-linked mannan, masking mannosylphosphate. Null mnn1 cells exhibit enhanced osmotin binding and sensitivity. Several cell wall mannoproteins can bind to immobilized osmotin, suggesting that their polysaccharide constituent determines osmotin binding. Our results demonstrating a causal relationship between cell surface phosphomannan and the susceptibility of a yeast strain to osmotin suggest that cell surface polysaccharides of invading pathogens control target specificity of plant PR-5 proteins.  相似文献   
GJB2 encodes the protein Connexin 26, one of the building blocks of gap junctions. Each Connexin 26 molecule can oligomerize with five other connexins to form a connexon; two connexons, in turn, can form a gap junction. Because mutations in GJB2 are the most common cause of congenital severe-to-profound autosomal recessive nonsyndromic hearing loss, the effect of the Connexin 26 allele variants on this dynamic 'construction' process and the function of any gap junctions that do form is particularly germane. One of the more controversial allele variants, M34T, has been hypothesized to cause autosomal dominant nonsyndromic hearing loss. In this paper, we present clinical and genotypic data that refutes this hypothesis and suggests that the effect of the M34T allele variant may be dependent on the mutations segregating in the opposing allele.  相似文献   
Major zinc binding protein purified from renal brush border membrane (BBM) (R. Kumar, R. Prasad, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1419 (1999) 23) was reconstituted into liposomes and its functional characteristics were investigated. Physical incorporation of the major zinc binding protein into the proteoliposomes was checked by SDS-PAGE, which showed a single band on silver staining. The structural integrity of the proteoliposomes was assessed by phase contrast microscopy, which revealed the proteoliposomes as globular structures and intact boundaries. Further structural integrity/leakiness of the proteoliposomes was checked by monitoring efflux of Zn(2+) from the pre-loaded proteoliposomes in the presence of either 2 mM Ca(2+) or Cd(2+) or Zn(2+). It was observed that even after 2 h of the initiation of efflux, 85-95% of Zn(2+) was retained in the proteoliposomes, thereby indicating that proteoliposomes were not leaky and maintained structural integrity during the uptake study. Zinc uptake into the proteoliposomes followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics with affinity constant (K(m)) of 1.03 mM and maximal velocity (V(max)) of 1333 nmol/mg protein per min. The uptake process followed first-order kinetics with a rate constant (k) of 1. 09x10(-3) s(-1). The specificity of zinc transport system was determined by studying the interaction of divalent cations viz. Ca(2+) and Cd(2+) with the zinc uptake. It was observed that Cd(2+) competitively inhibited the zinc uptake process with inhibitory concentration (K(i)) of 2.9 mM. Kinetic analysis of inhibitory effect of Cd(2+) on zinc uptake revealed an increase in K(m) to 1.74 mM without influencing V(max). Zn(2+) uptake into the proteoliposomes was found to be temperature sensitive and Arrhenius plot showed a breakpoint at 27 degrees C. The apparent energies of activation (E(a)) were found to be 7.09 and 2.74 kcal/mol below and above the breakpoint, respectively. The initial velocity of Zn(2+) uptake increased with the increase in outwardly directed proton gradient ([H](i) greater than [H](o)). The Zn(2+) uptake was inhibited by DCCD, thereby suggesting the involvement of -COOH groups in the translocation of Zn(2+) across the lipid bilayer. The ratio of acidic to basic amino acids (1.26) strongly indicates that it is an acidic protein. The cysteine content in this protein was insignificant, which further corroborates the possibility that the acidic amino acids might be prominent candidates for binding to zinc. The findings of the present study confirms that 40 kDa major zinc binding glycoprotein purified from renal BBM is a zinc transporter involved in the influx of Zn(2+) into the epithelial cells of the renal tubular system.  相似文献   
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