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水稻蜡质基因 5’非翻译区中的第一内含子具有增强基因表达的作用 ,本实验室曾检测到该内含子中的一段 171bp长的g片段与水稻未成熟种子核蛋白存在特异性结合。本文进一步用凝胶滞后实验和足印实验确定了该核蛋白在g片段上的结合位点位于蜡质基因转录起始点下游 783~ 818bp处 ,该结合位点富含AT碱基 ;Southwesternblot实验测出该蛋白的分子量约为 2 0kD。用硫酸铵分步沉淀和肝素 Sepharose柱层析的方法对这一蛋白进行了初步纯化。还初步检测了此蛋白DNA结合活性对温度的耐受性。以上特征提示它可能属于HMG类DNA结合蛋白  相似文献   
云南阳宗海酵母菌种群结构及产胞外酶测试北大核心CSCD   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究阳宗海酵母菌种群结构,分析生物因子及非生物因子对酵母菌种群分布的影响;测试阳宗海酵母菌产胞外酶活性。【方法】水样用醋酸纤维素滤膜过滤,原位培养分离酵母菌;梯度稀释法分离土样和底泥样品;对分离得到的菌株进行DNA提取和测序,分析26S rDNA的D1/D2区域,并结合形态及生理生化指标进行鉴定;用产酶筛选培养基对分离得到的酵母菌进行产胞外酶活性测试。【结果】共分离得到201株酵母菌,鉴定分属于15个属48个种,其中包括10个潜在的新种;普鲁兰类酵母(Aureobasidium pullulans),库德里阿兹威氏毕赤酵母(Pichia kudriavzevii),胶红酵母(Rhodotorula mucilaginosa),Cryptococcus podzolicus是优势种;15.9%的酵母菌具有产胞外酶活性,主要是脂肪酶和淀粉酶。【结论】阳宗海酵母菌有较为丰富的多样性,人为活动对阳宗海酵母菌分布影响较大,其次浊度、电导率也是影响酵母菌种群分布的重要因素;阳宗海产胞外酶酵母菌可能参与湖泊生态系统的自然循环。  相似文献   
2009年8月在广东省龙川县定南水河采集到一份弯枝藻属的标本,其形态特征介于弯枝藻(Compsopogon caeruleus)和疏枝弯枝藻(Csparsus)之间。植物体株高10~18cm,主轴直径180~270μm,微收缢;中轴细胞近球形和扁球形,横壁收缢明显,直径150-200μm,高100~110μm;皮层细胞1层,中轴细胞缢缩处为2—3层;多角形或卵形,长25~35μm,直径20-25μm;分枝直出至侧生,某些基部细胞特化为假根;分枝顶端渐尖、急尖或二叉状;单孢子球形,直径10—14μm。该标本可能为弯枝藻和疏枝弯枝藻在演化过程中的一种过渡类型。  相似文献   
东北地区近44年的气候暖干化趋势分析及可能影响   总被引:76,自引:9,他引:76  
孙凤华  杨素英  陈鹏狮 《生态学杂志》2005,24(7):751-755,762
东北地区位于我国最高纬度,是受全球气候变暖影响增温最显著的地区之一,有其独特的气候变化特点。利用东北地区近44年来较密集的气象观测资料,运用Yamamoto检测、趋势系数和气候倾向率等方法分析了该区域的气候时空变化规律、突变特征和暖干化趋势等,并初步探讨了这种变化对生态环境的可能影响。结果表明,东北地区总体气候变化存在暖干化倾向,气候暖干化趋势存在着季节性差异和地域性差异,暖干化趋势在夏、秋季及环境脆弱区的三江平原和科尔沁沙地及周边地区表现更为明显,由此引起的生态环境变化问题应引起重视。  相似文献   
小G蛋白一类是低分子量GTP结合蛋白,其分子量大约20~30 kDa。小G蛋白作为重要的分子开关参与了细胞许多重要生理信号途径的调控。近几年在植物中的研究、尤其是对模式植物水稻抗病分子机制的研究发现,Rho家族的小G蛋白在植物抗病信号传导途径的调控中起了关键的作用。本文对植物特有的Rho家族小G蛋白在植物免疫反应中的最新研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   
豆豉抗栓作用的研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
对豆豉提取物进行了哈白兔体内体外溶栓、抗凝试验,分别以蚓激酶和尿激酶按大、中、小剂量组作对照实验,均有显著的溶解血栓功能.另外,对豆鼓提取物纤溶活性、纤维蛋白溶酶原激活活性的测定及溶解天热血块、凝血时间影响的药理学试验,结果证明豆鼓提取物对家兔的动脉血栓形成有抑制作用和溶解血栓作用。  相似文献   
磁性细菌胞内可以产生磁性颗粒,因此具有趋磁性,基于这种特性,利用磁分离的原理,本研究开发了一种磁性细菌分离仪,提供了一种分离磁性细菌的新方法。以氧化亚铁硫杆菌为例,使用磁性细菌分离仪进行分离,可以得到强磁菌和弱磁菌。利用透射电镜观察,强磁菌胞内磁性颗粒明显多于弱磁菌;半固体平板磁泳实验也表明强磁菌趋磁性明显强于弱磁菌。各项实验结果表明磁性细菌分离仪可以有效地分离磁性细菌,这是一种分离磁性细菌的新方法,将促进磁性细菌分离培养的研究。  相似文献   
Interleukin-33 is a newly described member of the interleukin-1 family. Recent research suggests that IL-33 is increased in lungs and plays a critical role in chronic airway inflammation in cigarette smoke-induced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) mice. To determine the role of IL-33 in systemic inflammation, we induced COPD mice models by passive cigarette smoking and identified the IL-33 expression in bronchial endothelial cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of them. After isolation, PBMCs were cultured and stimulated in vitro. We measured expressions of interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 in PBMCs in different groups. The expression of IL-33 in bronchial endothelial cells and PBMCs of COPD mice were highly expressed. Stimulated by cigarette smoke extract (CSE), the expression of IL-6 and IL-8 were induced and enhanced by IL-33. PBMCs of COPD mice produced more IL-6 and IL-8 stimulated by CSE and IL-33. Expression of IL-6 and IL-8 were decreased when stimulated by IL-33 together with soluble ST2. The mRNA production of ST2 in IL-33 stimulated PBMCs was increased. Being pretreated with several kinds of MAPK inhibitors, the secretions of IL-6 and IL-8 in PBMCs did not decrease except for the p38 MAPK inhibitor. We found that IL-33 could induce and enhance the expression of IL-6 and IL-8 in PBMCs of COPD mice via p38 MAPK pathway, and it is a promoter of the IL-6 and IL-8 production in systemic inflammation in COPD mice.  相似文献   
A comparative study of the efficiency of contaminant removal between five emergent plant species and between vegetated and unvegetated wetlands was conducted in small-scale (2.0 m×1.0 m×0.7 m, lengthxwidthxdepth) constructed wetlands for domestic wastewater treatment in order to evaluate the decontaminated effects of different wetland plants. There was generally a significant difference in the removal of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP), but no significant difference in the removal of organic matter between vegetated and unvegetated wetlands. Wetlands planted with Canna indica Linn., Pennisetum purpureum Schum., and Phragmites communis Trin. had generally higher removal rates for TN and TP than wetlands planted with other species. Plant growth and fine root (root diameter ≤ 3 mm) biomass were related to removal efficiency. Fine root biomass rather than the mass of the entire root system played an important role in wastewater treatment. Removal efficiency varied with season and plant growth. Wetlands vegetated by P. purpureum significantly outperformed wetlands with other plants in May and June, whereas wetlands vegetated by P. communis and C. indica demonstrated higher removal efficiency from August to December. These findings suggest that abundance of fine roots is an important factor to consider in selecting for highly effective wetland plants. It also suggested that a plant community consisting of multiple plant species with different seasonal growth patterns and root characteristics may be able to enhance wetland performance.  相似文献   
家蚕线粒体ND2、COⅠ和若干tRNA基因的克隆及序列分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
克隆并测定了家蚕(Bombyx mori)线粒体基因组3468bp的EcoRⅠ和HindⅢ双酶一段序列,根据序列同源性比较,该DNA片段包括3个蛋白质编码基因:ND2基因、COⅠ基因和COⅡ基因5′端399bp的序列,以及6个tRNA基因和一个尚待确定的tRNA^Met基因。家蚕与果蝇的ND2基因序列同源性约69.7%,COⅠ基因的同源性约83.8%,COⅡ基因5′端的同源性约80%,这表明细胞色素氧化酶基因在物种间比烟酰胺腺漂呤二核苷酸脱氢酶基因保守,6个推定的tRNA基因序列与果蝇相应tRNA基因序列差异较大,另外,除tRNA^Chn基因的二级结构相似外,其它tRNA基因的二级结构与果蝇相应tRNA基因的二级结构也有较大差异。  相似文献   
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