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Put the metal to the petal: metal uptake and transport throughout plants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Compared to other organisms, plants have expanded families of transporters that are involved in the uptake and efflux of metals. Fortunately, in many cases, the examination of double mutants has been sufficient to overcome the challenge of studying functionally redundant gene families. Plants that lack two heavy-metal-transporting P-type ATPase family members (HMA2 and HMA4) reveal a function for these transporters in Zn translocation from roots to shoots. Likewise, the phenotype of plants that lack two natural resistance associated macrophage protein (NRAMP) homologs (NRAMP3 and NRAMP4) implicate these metal uptake proteins in the mobilization of vacuolar Fe stores during seed germination. Most families of metal transporters are ubiquitous but the Yellow Stripe1-Like (YSL) family is plant specific and YSL family members have been implicated in the transport of metals that are complexed with a plant specific chelator called nicotianamine (NA).  相似文献   

Key message

A first set of 25 NILs carrying ten BPH resistance genes and their pyramids was developed in the background of indica variety IR24 for insect resistance breeding in rice.


Brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) is one of the most destructive insect pests in rice. Development of near-isogenic lines (NILs) is an important strategy for genetic analysis of brown planthopper (BPH) resistance (R) genes and their deployment against diverse BPH populations. A set of 25 NILs with 9 single R genes and 16 multiple R gene combinations consisting of 11 two-gene pyramids and 5 three-gene pyramids in the genetic background of the susceptible indica rice cultivar IR24 was developed through marker-assisted selection. The linked DNA markers for each of the R genes were used for foreground selection and confirming the introgressed regions of the BPH R genes. Modified seed box screening and feeding rate of BPH were used to evaluate the spectrum of resistance. BPH reaction of each of the NILs carrying different single genes was variable at the antibiosis level with the four BPH populations of the Philippines. The NILs with two- to three-pyramided genes showed a stronger level of antibiosis (49.3–99.0%) against BPH populations compared with NILs with a single R gene NILs (42.0–83.5%) and IR24 (10.0%). Background genotyping by high-density SNPs markers revealed that most of the chromosome regions of the NILs (BC3F5) had IR24 genome recovery of 82.0–94.2%. Six major agronomic data of the NILs showed a phenotypically comparable agronomic performance with IR24. These newly developed NILs will be useful as new genetic resources for BPH resistance breeding and are valuable sources of genes in monitoring against the emerging BPH biotypes in different rice-growing countries.
Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) transplantation alone may be insufficient for treatment of liver fibrosis because of complicated histopathological changes in the liver. Given that miR‐122 plays an essential role in liver fibrosis by negatively regulating the proliferation and transactivation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), this study investigated whether miR‐122 modification can improve the therapeutic efficacy of adipose tissue‐derived MSCs in treating liver fibrosis. MiR‐122‐modified AMSCs (AMSC‐122) were constructed through lentivirus‐mediated transfer of pre‐miR‐122. MiR‐122‐modified AMSCs expressed high level of miR‐122, while they retained their phenotype and differentiation potential as naïve AMSCs. AMSC‐122 more effectively suppressed the proliferation of and collagen maturation in HSCs than scramble miRNA‐modified AMSCs. In addition, AMSC‐derived exosomes mediated the miR‐122 communication between AMSCs and HSCs, further affecting the expression levels of miR‐122 target genes, such as insulin‐like growth factor receptor 1 (IGF1R), Cyclin G(1) (CCNG1) and prolyl‐4‐hydroxylase α1 (P4HA1), which are involved in proliferation of and collagen maturation in HSCs. Moreover, miR‐122 modification enhanced the therapeutic efficacy of AMSCs in the treatment of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)‐induced liver fibrosis by suppressing the activation of HSCs and alleviating collagen deposition. Results demonstrate that miR‐122 modification improves the therapeutic efficacy of AMSCs through exosome‐mediated miR‐122 communication; thus, miR‐122 modification is a new potential strategy for treatment of liver fibrosis.  相似文献   
Lou TF  Gray CW  Gray DM 《Oligonucleotides》2003,13(5):313-324
Two sets of 20-mer phosphorothioate-modified oligodeoxynucleotide DNAs (sODN) and 21-mer or 22-mer small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), targeted to the same coding sites in raf-1 mRNA, were compared for their abilities to reduce the amount of endogenously expressed Raf-1 protein in T24 cells. The amount of Raf-1 protein was monitored by careful quantitation of Western blots. We found that the siRNAs were somewhat less effective than the S-ODNs in reducing the Raf-1 protein level 20 hours after a 4-hour transfection. The siRNA duplexes were characterized by circular dichroism (CD) spectra, and melting temperatures (Tm) were obtained for the siRNA duplexes and DNA x RNA hybrids formed by the S-ODNs. The S-ODNs differed in their effectiveness, the S-ODN that formed the more stable hybrid being the more effective in reducing the Raf-1 protein level, but the two siRNAs were equally effective despite a difference in Tm of about 20 degrees C. Finally, the siRNAs and S-ODNs had a comparable nonspecific effect on a nontargeted (Bcl-2) protein. Our data add to others in the literature that show it can be difficult to select siRNAs that are more effective than antisense ODNs in downregulating endogenously expressed proteins.  相似文献   
目的:探讨无创性肢体缺血预适应在提高小鼠抗应激能力方面的作用。方法:小鼠分为正常组、对照组、预适应组和药物组,进行常压耐缺氧、耐疲劳负重游泳、耐高、低温实验,分别记录各种应激状态下小鼠的耐受时间,测定常压缺氧耐受后小鼠血清中SOD的活性和负重游泳后血清中乳酸的含量。结果:预适应组能显著提高小鼠常压耐缺氧时间,且SOD活性较对照组有显著的提高,但提高的程度均低于普萘洛尔组。预适应组平均游泳时间显著延长,且程度与咖啡因组相当。预适应能明显延长高温下小鼠的存活时间,且延长程度与氯丙嗪没有显著性差异。与正常组比较,预适应组能显著延长小鼠的耐低温时间。结论:无创性肢体缺血预适应能提高小鼠耐缺氧、抗疲劳、耐高温和耐低温的能力。  相似文献   
Lou Z  Xu Y  Xiang K  Su N  Qin L  Li X  Gao GF  Bartlam M  Rao Z 《The FEBS journal》2006,273(19):4538-4547
The Nipah and Hendra viruses are highly pathogenic paramyxoviruses that recently emerged from flying foxes to cause serious disease outbreaks in humans and livestock in Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and Bangladesh. Their unique genetic constitution, high virulence and wide host range set them apart from other paramyxoviruses. These characteristics have led to their classification into the new genus Henpavirus within the family Paramyxoviridae and to their designation as Biosafety Level 4 pathogens. The fusion protein, an enveloped glycoprotein essential for viral entry, belongs to the family of class I fusion proteins and is characterized by the presence of two heptad repeat (HR) regions, HR1 and HR2. These two regions associate to form a fusion-active hairpin conformation that juxtaposes the viral and cellular membranes to facilitate membrane fusion and enable subsequent viral entry. The Hendra and Nipah virus fusion core proteins were crystallized and their structures determined to 2.2 A resolution. The Nipah and Hendra fusion core structures are six-helix bundles with three HR2 helices packed against the hydrophobic grooves on the surface of a central coiled coil formed by three parallel HR1 helices in an oblique antiparallel manner. Because of the high level of conservation in core regions, it is proposed that the Nipah and Hendra virus fusion cores can provide a model for membrane fusion in all paramyxoviruses. The relatively deep grooves on the surface of the central coiled coil represent a good target site for drug discovery strategies aimed at inhibiting viral entry by blocking hairpin formation.  相似文献   
多倍化是植物物种进化的主要动力, 异源多倍体植物在形成早期发生着快速的基因表达变化。本文概述了异源多倍体植物中基因表达变化的特点, 包括基因的沉默、激活和部分同源基因表达水平的变化, 探讨了基因表达变化的分子机制和生物学意义, 并对研究中的问题进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   
Chemical signaling between organisms is a ubiquitous and evolutionarily dynamic process that helps to ensure mate recognition, location of nutrients, avoidance of toxins, and social cooperation. Evolutionary changes in chemical communication systems progress through natural variation within the organism generating the signal as well as the responding individuals. A promising yet poorly understood system with which to probe the importance of this variation exists between D. melanogaster and S. cerevisiae. D. melanogaster relies on yeast for nutrients, while also serving as a vector for yeast cell dispersal. Both are outstanding genetic and genomic models, with Drosophila also serving as a preeminent model for sensory neurobiology. To help develop these two genetic models as an ecological model, we have tested if - and to what extent - S. cerevisiae is capable of producing polymorphic signaling through variation in metabolic volatiles. We have carried out a chemical phenotyping experiment for 14 diverse accessions within a common garden random block design. Leveraging genomic sequences for 11 of the accessions, we ensured a genetically broad sample and tested for phylogenetic signal arising from phenotypic dataset. Our results demonstrate that significant quantitative differences for volatile blends do exist among S. cerevisiae accessions. Of particular ecological relevance, the compounds driving the blend differences (acetoin, 2-phenyl ethanol and 3-methyl-1-butanol) are known ligands for D. melanogasters chemosensory receptors, and are related to sensory behaviors. Though unable to correlate the genetic and volatile measurements, our data point clear ways forward for behavioral assays aimed at understanding the implications of this variation.  相似文献   
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