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The broad-host-range IncP plasmids RP4, R68.45, RP1::Tn501, and and pUB307 were transferred directly to extremely acidophilic Thiobacillus thiooxidans from Escherichia coli by conjugation at frequencies of 10-5 to 10-7 per recipient. The ability of T. thiooxidans to receive and express the antibiotic resistance markers was examined. The plasmid RP4 was transferred back to E. coli from T. thiooxidans at a frequency of 1.0 × 10-3 per recipient.  相似文献   
黄连木五倍子的生态研究与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、产地自然概况黄连木五倍子最早发现于河南省南部信阳市郊贤山脚下(东经114°0′,,北纬32°10′)。该地为低山丘陵,海拔90一320m,南部紧连鸡公山厂傍依南湾水库和狮河。  相似文献   
本文研究了PHA刺激18小时收获的脐血T细胞条件培养液(PHA-TCM)对正常人骨髓CFU-c的影响。结果显示PHA-TCM能够显著抑制CFU-c的生长,这种抑制与PHA-TCM浓度有关。并发现经PHA-TCM作用后M型集落比例明显降低。PHA-TCM中未检出IFN和IL-2活性。进一步研究证实,PHA-TCM中CFU-c抑制活性是一种对酸碱敏感对热相对不敏感的蛋白质,其分子量大于10,000道尔顿。  相似文献   
Abstract: The mechanism of unidirectional transport of sodium from blood to brain in pentobarbital-anesthetized rats was examined using in situ perfusion. Sodium transport followed Michaelis-Menten saturation kinetics with a V max of 50.1 nmol/g/min and a K m of 17.7 m M in the left frontal cortex. The kinetic analysis indicated that, at a physiologic sodium concentration, ∼26% of sodium transport at the blood-brain barrier (BBB) was carrier mediated. Dimethylamiloride (25 µ M ), an inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchange, reduced sodium transport by 28%, whereas phenamil (25 µ M ), a sodium channel inhibitor, reduced the transfer constant for sodium by 22%. Bumetanide (250 µ M ) and hydrochlorothiazide (1.5 m M ), inhibitors of Na+-K+-2Cl/NaCl symport, were ineffective in reducing blood to brain sodium transport. Acetazolamide (0.25 m M ), an inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase, did not change sodium transport at the BBB. Finally, a perfusate pH of 7.0 or 7.8 or a perfusate P co 2 of 86 mm Hg failed to change sodium transport. These results indicate that 50% of transcellular transport of sodium from blood to brain occurs through Na+/H+ exchange and a sodium channel in the luminal membrane of the BBB. We propose that the sodium transport systems at the luminal membrane of the BBB, in conjunction with Cl/HCO3 exchange, lead to net NaCl secretion and obligate water transport into the brain.  相似文献   
A complementary DNA (cDNA) clone from a Porphyra purpurea (Roth) C. Agardh sporophyte-specific subtracted cDNA library was found to encode a protein similar to serine proteases of the chymotrypsin class. The encoded protein contains a typical signal peptide and is particularly similar to chymotrypsins in the regions surrounding the active site residues and the activation site where cleavage of the propeptide occurs. In addition, the six cysteine residues characteristic of chymotrypsins are conserved. However, two of the three residues of the active site His/Asp/Ser charge relay triad have been replaced, indicating that the protein is unlikely to have peptidase activity. Northern hybridization confirmed that this cDNA is derived from an abundant, sporophyte-specific messenger RNA (mRNA). The presence of signal peptide on the encoded protein and the abundance of its mRNA suggested that this protein might be localized in the cell wall. Consequently, sporophyte cell walls were isolated and a major protein having a molecular weight similar to that estimated for the encoded protein was purified. N-terminal sequence analysis indicated that this cell wall protein is identical to that encoded by the cDNA with the amino terminus of the mature protein beginning at the activation site. This cell wall structural protein appears to have evolved from a chymotrypsin-like progenitor but has been adapted to bind cell wall proteins and/or polysaccharides rather than to cleave proteins.  相似文献   
独叶草叶二叉分枝脉序中网结脉和盲脉的形态学研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
对独叶草营养叶二叉分枝脉序及其中的网结脉和盲脉的形态学研究表明:(1)网结脉中2条完全汇合的与靠近脉中完全分离的叶脉之间未发现任何形式的维管束汇合的中间类型及网结脉中具有不同程度的连接脉退化痕迹的事实表明,网结脉不可能由靠近脉产生,相反,由于网结脉中联结脉的退化而形成开放脉;(2)盲脉是通过伴随着齿退化的达齿脉的退化、网结脉中联结脉的间断、非网结脉由分枝处间断三种方式产生的;(3)越裂片脉的出现及其可以形成网结脉的现象表明独叶草营养叶可能曾具有较为复杂的脉序,这种叶脉也呈现出退化的趋势;(4)独叶草营养叶的二叉分枝脉序可能是一种退化性状,而网结脉的出现可能是这种退化过程中的残留痕迹。  相似文献   
对一组病理相关蛋白基因在烟草 ( N icotiana tabacum cv. Wisconsin 38)中的表达情况进行了研究 ,包括 :碱性几丁质酶、β- 1 ,3-葡萄糖苷酶、渗透蛋白及伸展蛋白。RNA杂交实验表明在正常烟草植株中上述 4个基因具有发育和器官专一性的表达。在含有细胞分裂素生物合成基因的转基因烟草丛生芽中 ,这 4个基因的表达受过量合成的内源细胞分裂素和载体效应的共同调节 ,细胞分裂素降低这些基因的表达 ,而载体效应则促进它们的表达。热激处理也明显降低这 4种基因的表达水平。上述结果表明这些病理相关蛋白基因具有复杂的调控系统  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae cyclase-associated protein (CAP or Srv2p) is multifunctional. The N-terminal third of CAP binds to adenylyl cyclase and has been implicated in adenylyl cyclase activation in vivo. The widely conserved C-terminal domain of CAP binds to monomeric actin and serves an important cytoskeletal regulatory function in vivo. In addition, all CAP homologs contain a centrally located proline-rich region which has no previously identified function. Recently, SH3 (Src homology 3) domains were shown to bind to proline-rich regions of proteins. Here we report that the proline-rich region of CAP is recognized by the SH3 domains of several proteins, including the yeast actin-associated protein Abp1p. Immunolocalization experiments demonstrate that CAP colocalizes with cortical actin-containing structures in vivo and that a region of CAP containing the SH3 domain binding site is required for this localization. We also demonstrate that the SH3 domain of yeast Abp1p and that of the yeast RAS protein guanine nucleotide exchange factor Cdc25p complex with adenylyl cyclase in vitro. Interestingly, the binding of the Cdc25p SH3 domain is not mediated by CAP and therefore may involve direct binding to adenylyl cyclase or to an unidentified protein which complexes with adenylyl cyclase. We also found that CAP homologous from Schizosaccharomyces pombe and humans bind SH3 domains. The human protein binds most strongly to the SH3 domain from the abl proto-oncogene. These observations identify CAP as an SH3 domain-binding protein and suggest that CAP mediates interactions between SH3 domain proteins and monomeric actin.  相似文献   
A gene, sts14, coding for a highly expressed mRNA in pistils of Solanum tuberosum, was isolated. Northern blot and in situ analyses demonstrated that the gene was expressed throughout pistil development in both the stylar cortex and the stigma. The deduced STS14 protein displays similarity to the pathogenesis-related PR-1 proteins. A possible function for protection or guidance of the pollen tubes through the pistil is discussed.  相似文献   
The life cycle of the red alga Porphyra purpurea alternates between two morphologically distinct phases: a shell-boring, filamentous sporophyte and a free-living, foliose gametophyte. From a subtracted cDNA library enriched for sporophyte-specific sequences, we isolated a cDNA encoding an unusual elongation factor 1 (EF-1) that is expressed only in the sporophyte. A second EF-1 gene that is expressed equally in the sporophyte and the gametophyte was isolated from a genomic library. These are the only EF-1 genes detectable in P. purpurea. The constitutively expressed gene encodes and EF-1 very similar to those of most eukaryotes. However, the sporophyte-specific EF-1 is one of the most divergent yet described, with nine insertions or deletions ranging in size from 1 to 26 amino acids. This is the first report of a developmental stage-specific EF-1 outside of the animal kingdom and suggests a fundamental role for EF-1 in the developmental process.  相似文献   
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