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Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell research has been growing a new height throughout the world due to its potentialities in medical applications. We can explore several therapeutic applications through the iPS cell research. In this review, we have first discussed the development of iPS cells, reprogramming factors, and effectiveness of iPS cells. Then we have emphasized the potential applications of iPS cells in pharmaceutical and medical sectors, such as, study of cellular mechanisms for spectrum of disease entities, disease-specific iPS cell lines for drugs discovery and development, toxicological studies of drugs development, personalized medicine, and regenerative medicine.  相似文献   
以细胞质雄性不育花椰菜ogura-A和相应的保持系ogura-B为材料进行ISSR及DDRTPCR分析.选用30条ISSR引物,经扩增共产生306条清晰可辨的条带.每条引物可产生6-12条带,其中引物ISSR3在两系中呈现多态性扩增,在保持系中特异扩增出一条1100 bp的片段,序列分析表明该片段与油菜、拟南芥线粒体基因组的部分序列高度相似.推测其可能来源于花椰菜线粒体基因组.在DDRT-PCR分析中,选用3条锚定引物、15条随机引物进行组合,最终共获得1 122条大小在1 000-50 bp的带.经反向Northern杂交验证只有4条带特异的存在于两系中,分别命名为ogura-A205、ogura-A383、ogura-B307、ogura-B352.其中ogura-A205、ogura-A 383只在细胞质雄性不育系中表达,而ogura-B307、ogura-B352在保持系中呈现特异性表达,分析表明四个差异序列均为首次报道.其中ogura-A205、ogura-B307至今尚未发现与之相似的序列,有待于进一步研究;ogura-A383、ogura-352与报道的拟南芥、大白菜等的叶绿体基因的一些片段具较高相似性,推测ogura-A33、ogura-B352搅可能来源于花椰菜叶绿体基因组.以上结果为进一步阐明花椰菜细胞质雄性不育及育性保持的分子机制提供了新线索.  相似文献   
细胞凋亡的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵晶  赵文阁  陈辉 《生物学杂志》2002,18(3):9-10,8
细胞凋亡(apoptosis)是一种主动的细胞死亡,是机体维持自身稳定的一种基本生理机制,参与许多疾病的病理过程,具有重要的生理病理意义,近年来倍受关注,本文概括介绍有关细胞凋亡的研究进展。  相似文献   
描述在甘肃临夏盆地晚中新世地层中发现的貘属新种和政貘(Tapirus hezhengensis sp. nov.),它是貘属中已知最小的种之一。在基本特征上,临夏盆地的和政貘与现生貘已相当接近,前臼齿完全臼齿化,门齿、犬齿的数目和形态也与现生貘一致。东亚晚中新世缺少貘科化石的材料,和政貘的发现对中国第四纪貘类的来源提供了重要线索,显示中中新世起源于欧洲的真貘在晚中新世时期已扩散至东亚。貘类通常适应于潮湿的热带森林环境,但和政貘在华北三趾马动物群中的发现说明这类动物也能够生活于干旱的温带草原地区。  相似文献   
A β-glucosidase effectively releasing diosgenin from spirostanosides of Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H. Wright (DZW), named AfG, was purified from a strain of Aspergillus fumigates. The molecular weight of AfG was 113 kDa. Analysis of protein fragments by ESI-Q-TOF indicated that AfG was a β-glucosidase. The circular dichroism spectrum suggested that the main secondary structure of AfG in Milli-Q water was α-helixes. Atomic force microscopy revealed that it was a globular protein. AfG maintained high activity from pH 3.6 to 5.0 and from 50 to 90°C. With the strong heat stability, AfG retained 55% of its original activity at 65°C for 120 h. AfG utilized muti-3-O-glycosides of various steroidal saponins from DZW as substrate, such as trillin, diosgenin diglucoside, dioscin, deltonin and gracillin, to yield diosgenin, suggesting the possibility of producing diosgenin from total saponins of DZW using a single enzyme.  相似文献   
Chromosome segment duplications are integral in genome evolution by providing a source for the origin of new genes. In the rice genome, besides an ancient polyploidy event known in the rice common ancestor, it had been identified that there was a special segmental duplication involving chromosomes 11 and 12, but the biological role of this duplication remains unknown. In this study, by using a set of chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) and near isogenic lines (NILs) derived from the indica cultivar 9311 and japonica cultivar Nipponbare, a major QTL (qS12) resulting in hybrid male sterility was mapped within ~400 kb region adjacent to the special duplicated segment on the short arm of chromosome 12. Compared to the japonica cultivar Nipponbare, the two sides of the qS12 candidate region were inverted in the indica cultivar 9311. Among 47 of the 111 rice genotypes evaluated by molecular markers, the inverted sides were detected, and found completely homologous to indica cultivar 9311. These results suggested that the two inverted sides protect the sequence in the qS12 regions from recombination. On the short-arm of chromosome 12, two QTLs S-e and S25, in addition to qS12, were previously detected as a distinct segregation distortion and pollen semi-sterility loci. We propose these three hybrid sterility loci are the same locus, and the duplicated segment on chromosome 12 may play a prominent role in diversification, i.e., sub-speciation of cultivated rice.  相似文献   
研究了大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.)花药-花粉培养中不同预处理对花药内源激素(ABA,IAA,IPA)含量和过氧化物酶活性的影响。结果表明:1. 经甘露醇预处理不同天数,同一种基因型的3种内源激素的变化和不同基因型的同一种内源激素的变化规律十分相似,均是在预处理初期含量急剧增加,最高值在0.5或1 d 处。以后开始逐渐下降;最后,保持在一定的水平上。2. 在甘露醇预处理过程中,两种基因型花药过氧化物酶活性的变化规律也十分相似。在预处理前期(从开始到第3天)活性呈直线上升,第3天达到最大值。从第3天到第5天活性减弱。最后,活性又开始增强。3. 在低温预处理过程的初期(2~5 d) 两种基因型花药过氧化物酶活性都出现第一个小峰。在第14天(“Harrington”)或第21天(“Igri”)又出现第二个峰值,但后者较高。在预处理的后期(从第28天到第35天)两种基因型花药过氧化物酶的活性又呈现上升的趋势。同甘露醇预处理后期变化一致  相似文献   
甘肃矿产资源丰富,矿区酸性矿坑水(acid mine drainage,AMD)及周边土壤中嗜酸微生物种类丰富,具有相当大的研究价值.本研究通过Illumina高通量测序方法,对甘肃省4个矿区AMD及周边土壤中的细菌群落组成、相似性及功能组成进行分析.结果 表明,煤矿样品GNM细菌物种组成最为丰富,金矿样品LNJ1与紫金矿样品LNZJK细菌组成最相似,与属于铜矿的BYT物种较相近,与LNJ1同地区的LNJ2样品细菌组成相比较远.所有样品细菌主要分为放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteriodetes)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和变形菌门(Proteobacteria)四大门,其中变形菌门(Proteobacteria)丰度最高.放线菌门(Actinobacteria)中不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter)、类诺卡氏属(Nocardioides)和芽球菌属(Blastococcus)表现出较高丰度;厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)中微小杆菌属(Exiguobacterium)和芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)表现出较高丰度,且微小杆菌属(Exiguobacterium)丰度极高.通过功能预测发现,与煤矿样品GNM相比,LNJ1、LNJ2、BYT和LNZJK4个金属矿区样品中的微生物具有较强的氨基酸与碳源的转运与代谢、转录等功能以及较低的能量生产与转运、无机离子转运与代谢能力.通过探究AMD中的细菌多样性及其与重金属之间的相互关系,了解AMD采样区微生物群落结构,以期挖掘出更为丰富的具有重金属抗性的菌株资源,以应用于生物浸矿和环境修复等领域.  相似文献   
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