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Behavioural lateralisation is an effective way for animals to manage daily tasks by specialising behaviour to either side of the body. Many types of lateralisation are linked to the function of each brain hemisphere. Lateralisation of monitoring behaviour in mother–infant relationships occurs in a wide range of mammals, where infants frequently use their left eye to monitor their mother. However, few studies have focused on this type of spatial relationships among adults in daily life, such as during foraging. The present study focused on monitoring adult feral horse behaviour using quantitative analysis of spatial relationships, using drone technology. We found that horses form a localised spatial relationship with their nearest neighbour. Specifically, the nearest neighbour was located to the left rear of a target individual significantly more frequently than to the right rear. Furthermore, the nearest neighbour was less frequently located behind a target individual. We propose that this relationship is caused by a left-eye preference, because information via the left eye predominantly proceeds to the right hemisphere, which is dominant for social processing.  相似文献   
This study investigated the difference in stand transpiration (E) between upper (UP) and lower (LP) slope plots of a Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) watershed to obtain catchment‐scale E estimates. Sap flux‐based stand‐scale E estimates were conducted on the UP and LP, which had contrasting stand structures (diameter at breast height and tree height) despite being the same age. The plant area index was similar in the UP and LP, while the total sapwood area (AS_stand) and the mean sap flux density (JS) in the UP were 23% and ~30% lower, respectively, than those of the LP. Stand‐scale E is the product of the AS_stand and JS in a stand. As a result, E in the UP was ~50% lower than that in the LP. This ratio was relatively constant throughout the year, which was supported by a similar decline in E, which resulted from soil water decline in the UP and LP. Canopy conductance (GC) in the UP was ~50% smaller than that of the LP. In contrast to previous studies that showed a consistent JS along a slope, the differences in E between the UP and LP were caused by differences in AS_stand and JS, probably because the UP exhibited a lower GC per unit leaf area than the LP. Additionally, evapotranspiration (ET), the sum of sap flux‐scaled E plus rainfall interception, was 8–14% lower than the catchment water balance ET (precipitation minus runoff), which suggests the feasibility of calculating sap flux‐scaled E for the two slope positions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Circular dichroism (CD) calculations of flexible natural products have been difficult because of the large number of low‐energy conformers and ambiguous Boltzmann distributions. In this article, through electronic (ECD) and vibrational (VCD) studies on a natural product, (+)‐daurichromenic acid, we demonstrate that derivatization of a flexible molecule can dramatically reduce its flexibility. This work also shows the usefulness of derivatization for diminishing computational expenses required for optimization and CD calculations, and for increasing the reliability of the assignment of absolute configuration. Chirality 28:453–459, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
p52SHC (SHC) and GRB2 are adaptor proteins involved in the RAS/MAPK (ERK) pathway mediating signals from cell-surface receptors to various cytoplasmic proteins. To further examine their roles in signal transduction, we studied the translocation of fluorescently labeled SHC and GRB2 to the cell surface, caused by the activation of ERBB receptors by heregulin (HRG). We simultaneously evaluated activated ERK translocation to the nucleus. Unexpectedly, the translocation dynamics of SHC were sustained when those of GRB2 were transient. The sustained localization of SHC positively correlated with the sustained nuclear localization of ERK, which became more transient after SHC knockdown. SHC-mediated PI3K activation was required to maintain the sustainability of the ERK translocation regulating MEK but not RAF. In cells overexpressing ERBB1, SHC translocation became transient, and the HRG-induced cell fate shifted from a differentiation to a proliferation bias. Our results indicate that SHC and GRB2 functions are not redundant but that SHC plays the critical role in the temporal regulation of ERK activation.  相似文献   
Motile cilia of multiciliated epithelial cells undergo synchronized beating to produce fluid flow along the luminal surface of various organs. Each motile cilium consists of an axoneme and a basal body (BB), which are linked by a “transition zone” (TZ). The axoneme exhibits a characteristic 9+2 microtubule arrangement important for ciliary motion, but how this microtubule system is generated is not yet fully understood. Here we show that calmodulin-regulated spectrin-associated protein 3 (CAMSAP3), a protein that can stabilize the minus-end of a microtubule, concentrates at multiple sites of the cilium–BB complex, including the upper region of the TZ or the axonemal basal plate (BP) where the central pair of microtubules (CP) initiates. CAMSAP3 dysfunction resulted in loss of the CP and partial distortion of the BP, as well as the failure of multicilia to undergo synchronized beating. These findings suggest that CAMSAP3 plays pivotal roles in the formation or stabilization of the CP by localizing at the basal region of the axoneme and thereby supports the coordinated motion of multicilia in airway epithelial cells.  相似文献   
Background and AimsHybridization is the main driver of plant diversification, and gene flow via hybridization has multifaceted effects on plant evolution. Carex angustisquama is an extremophyte that grows on soils heavily acidified by volcanism. Despite its habitat distinct from that of other species, this species is known to form interspecific hybrids, implying interspecific gene flow. It is crucial to verify the extent and direction of interspecific gene flow between C. angustisquama and closely related species to understand the evolutionary process of an extremophyte in solfatara fields.MethodsIn this study, expressed sequence tag–simple sequence repeat markers were utilized to infer the extent and direction of interspecific gene flow between C. angustisquama and closely related species.Key ResultsBayesian clustering and simulation analyses revealed that all individuals of the three hybrid species were classified into the first hybrid generation or first backcross to C. angustisquama; therefore, current interspecific gene flow is limited. Moreover, in the Bayesian inference of historical gene flow based on multispecies samples, the model that assumed no interspecific gene flow was the most strongly supported across all species pairs, including phylogenetically close but ecologically distinctive species pairs.ConclusionsOur results revealed that interspecific gene flow between C. angustisquama and its related species has been limited both currently and historically. Moreover, our results of Bayesian inference of historical gene flow indicated that extrinsic, rather than intrinsic, factors probably act as isolating barriers between Carex species, with hybrid breakdown via microhabitat segregation being the probable potential barrier. Overall, our findings provide insights into the evolutionary process of an extremophyte in solfatara fields and offer an important example of the mechanisms of diversification of the speciose genus Carex.  相似文献   
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