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Although numerous genetic markers are available for studying chimerism after bone marrow transplantation (BMT), there remains a need for a practical and highly informative method that is applicable in the early posttransplantation period. Using DNA restriction-fragment-length polymorphisms (RFLPs), we have evaluated the feasibility of developing a single synthetic oligonucleotide probe to study post-BMT chimerism. We have thus tested three candidate probes, termed O-3315-32, O-3315-80, and O-AY-29, that are homologous to tandemly repetitive sequences. Our results demonstrated donor-specific and recipient-specific fragments in 11 of 11 HLA-matched sibling pairs tested using probes O-3315-32 and O-3315-80. When probe O-AY-29 was used, 14 of 17 sibling pairs showed both donor and recipient markers, one had only a recipient marker, and two were identical. We showed that each of the three synthetic probes was effective in documenting donor marrow engraftment, mixed hematopoietic chimerism, the patient's pre-BMT phenotype (by using cultured skin fibroblasts obtained after BMT), and the origin of the malignant hematopoietic cells (i.e., of donor or recipient origin) in patients who developed recurrent hematologic malignancy following BMT. Compared with the use of cloned genomic probes, there are several important advantages to the use of synthetic oligonucleotide probes in studying post-BMT chimerism. Synthetic probes have absolute hybridization specificity and can be designed to suit the purposes of an individual study, since they have adjustable specificity that can be altered by changes in the length of the probe and by changes in the hybridization temperature. A single synthetic probe analogous to several highly polymorphic loci can have a polymorphism information content sufficiently high so that all but a small percentage of BMT patients could be followed easily; for example, if a probe were complementary to three highly polymorphic unlinked loci, it would discriminate approximately 98% of sibling donor/recipient pairs. This would be accomplished using only one restriction-endonuclease digestion and only one gel electrophoresis. Since other genetic markers, e.g., red blood cell antigens, immunoglobulin allotypes, and chromosome analysis, are not uniformly informative and, in some cases, cannot be used in the early posttransplantation period, the use of synthetic oligonucleotide probes for analysis of DNA RFLP is emerging as the method of choice for studies of post-BMT chimerism. This method will allow for the development of new knowledge that has not been possible with previous methods.  相似文献   
Cytologic examination of the pleural effusion from a patient with acute leukemia, leukocytosis and bleeding revealed the presence of many leukemic cells, "lymphocytes" and erythrocytes. The significance of these cellular changes was investigated by simultaneous study of blood and effusion leukocytes by morphologic, cytochemical and immunochemical methods. Both the leukemic blasts and the "lymphocytes" in the effusion and the blood were found to be neoplastic and contained antigens characteristic of both myeloid cells (OKM-1) and lymphoblasts (C-ALLA, common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen). These results, when analyzed in the context of the clinical findings, were indicative of acute leukemia with pleural involvement. Such a clinically oriented approach may further enhance the potential of cytodiagnosis in patients with serous effusions.  相似文献   
Diagnosis and follow-up of bone metastases in breast cancer patients usually rely on symptoms and imaging studies. Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b (TRACP 5b) is a specific marker of osteoclasts and is herein proposed as a marker of bone metastasis in breast cancer patients. An immunoassay using a monoclonal antibody, 14G6, was used to measure the activity of serum TRACP 5b at pH 6.1 in 30 early breast cancer patients without bone metastasis and in 30 aged-matched breast cancer patients with bone metastasis. Another 60 normal volunteers were recruited as controls. Bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP), a traditional marker of bone turnover, was also measured in selected cases. The overall mean TRACP 5b activity in normal women was 2.83 ± 1.1 U/I, and it increased with age. The mean TRACP 5b activity in early breast cancer patients did not differ from that of the normal group (2.93 ± 0.64 vs. 2.83 ± 1.1 U/I; p=0.66), whereas it was significantly higher in breast cancer patients with bone metastasis (5.42 ± 2.5 vs. 2.83 ± 1.1 U/I; p<0.0001). BAP activity was significantly higher in breast cancer patients with bone metastasis than in early breast cancer patients (p=0.004). Serum TRACP 5b activity correlated well with BAP activity in breast cancer patients with bone metastasis (p<0.0001), but not in normal individuals or in patients without bone metastasis. TRACP 5b activity can be considered a surrogate indicator of bone metastasis in breast cancer patients.  相似文献   
The complexes of Cu(I), Cu(II), Ni(II), Zn(II) and Co(II) with a new polypyridyl ligand, 2,3-bis(2-pyridyl)-5,8-dimethoxyquinoxaline (L), have been synthesized and characterized. The crystal structures of these complexes have been elucidated by X-ray diffraction analyses and three types of coordination modes for L were found to exist in them. In the dinuclear complex [Cu(I)L(CH3CN)]2·(ClO4)2 (1), L acts as a tridentate ligand with two Cu(I) centers bridged by two L ligands to form a box-like dimeric structure, in which each Cu(I) ion is penta-coordinated with three nitrogen atoms and a methoxyl oxygen atom of two L ligands, and an acetonitrile. In [Cu(II)L(NO3)2]·CH3CN 2, the Cu(II) center is coordinated to the two nitrogen atoms of the two pyridine rings of L which acts as a bidentate ligand. The structures of [Ni(II)L(NO3)(H2O)2]·2CH3CN·NO3 (3), [Zn(II)L(NO3)2 (H2O)]·2CH3CN (4) and [Co(II)LCl2(H2O)] (5) are similar to each other in which L acts as a tridentate ligand by using its half side, and the metal centers are coordinated to a methoxyl oxygen atom and two bipyridine nitrogen atoms of L in the same side. The formation of infinite quasi-one-dimensional chains (1, 4 and 5) or a quasi-two-dimensional sheet (2) assisted by the intra- or intermolecular face-to-face aryl stacking interactions and hydrogen bonds may have stabilized the crystals of these complexes. Luminescence studies showed that 1 exhibits broad, structureless emissions at 420 nm in the solid state and at 450 nm in frozen alcohol frozen glasses at 77 K. Cyclic voltammetric studies of 1 show the presence of an irreversible metal-centered reduction wave at approximately −0.973 V versus Fc+/0 and a quasi-reversible ligand-centered reduction couple at approximately −1.996 V versus Fc+/0. The solution behaviors of these complexes have been further studied by UV-Vis and ESR techniques.  相似文献   
This study investigates the effect of water depth on stable isotope composition and density-band formation in the skeletal material of the zooxanthellate coral Porites lutea. In February 1991, several colonies were stained with Alizarin red-S and then transferred from 6 to 40 m. Ten years later, in February 2001, one colony was retrieved and analyzed. This provided us with the unique opportunity to maintain the corals genetic integrity and hence to isolate environmental factors affecting skeletal isotopic composition and density patterns. Despite extreme environmental changes experienced by the corals, the downward transplants showed no mortality after 10 years. Acclimatization of the coral to the deep-water environment involved changes in mean annual extension rates and colony morphology. The growth rate at 6 m was 5.66±0.47 mm/year, almost twice the growth rate following transplantation to 40 m, which was 3.00±0.37 mm/year. A significant difference in mean annual 18O between the shallow and deep growth phases (–3.10±0.10 and –2.80±0.14, respectively) and amplitude (1.14±0.15 and 1.49±0.20, respectively) was detected. Mean annual 13C in the shallow growth phase was –1.58±0.12, significantly heavier than that of the deep growth phase which was –1.92±0.14. The phase relation between 18O and 13C was also depth dependent. These results suggest that the role of the kinetic effect in determining skeletal isotopic composition of deep-water hermatypic corals in the study site is greater than in that of shallow-water colonies. The timing of density-band formation was found to be depth independent. At both depths, low-density skeleton is produced during summer, and high-density skeleton is produced during winter, implying that it is intrinsically controlled rather than environmentally governed. The implications of these results on paleoclimate and sea level reconstruction are discussed.  相似文献   
Many cyclins are degraded by the ubiquitination/proteasome pathways involving the anaphase-promoting complex and SCF complexes. These degradations are frequently dependent on phosphorylation by cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), providing a self-limiting mechanism for CDK activity. Here we present evidence from in vitro and in vivo assay systems that the degradation of human cyclin A can be inhibited by kinase-inactive mutants of CDK2 and CDC2. One obvious interpretation of these results is that like other cyclins, CDK-dependent phosphorylation of the cyclin A may be involved in cyclin A degradation. Our data indicated that CDK2 can phosphorylate cyclin A on Ser-154. Site-directed mutagenesis of Ser-154 abolished the phosphorylation by recombinant CDK2 in vitro and the majority of cyclin A phosphorylation in the cell. Activation of CDK2 and binding to SKP2 or p27(KIP1) were not affected by the phosphorylation of Ser-154. Surprising, in marked contrast to cyclin E, where phosphorylation of Thr-380 by CDK2 is required for proteolysis, degradation of cyclin A was not affected by Ser-154 phosphorylation. It is likely that the stabilization of cyclin A by the kinase-inactive CDKs was mainly due to a cell cycle effect. These data suggest an important difference between the regulation of cyclin A and cyclin E.  相似文献   
The increasing prevalence of HIV-1 among men having sex with men (MSM) calls for an investigation of HIV-1 prevalence and incidence in MSM by early diagnosis to assist with early preventive interventions in Hong Kong. The participants were recruited randomly from MSM communities within a one-year period. Rapid HIV Test (RHT) and real-time dried blood spot (DBS)-based quantitative polymerase chain reaction (DBS-qPCR) were used for the early diagnosis of 474 participants. Risk behavior analysis was performed by studying information obtained from the participants during the study period. The HIV-1 prevalence and incident rates in the studied MSM population were 4.01% (19/474) and 1.47% (7/474), respectively. Three infected participants were found at the acute phase of infection by DBS-qPCR. Only 46.4% (220/474) MSM were using condoms regularly for anal sex. HIV infection significantly correlated with unprotected receptive anal sex and syphilis infection. An increased number of infections was found among foreign MSM in Hong Kong. This study is the first to use DBS-qPCR to identify acutely infected individuals in a community setting and to provide both the prevalence and incident rates of HIV-1 infection among MSM in Hong Kong. The risk analysis provided evidence that behavior intervention strengthening is necessary to fight against the increasing HIV-1 epidemic among MSM in Hong Kong and surrounding regions in Asia.  相似文献   
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