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Human serum albumin (HSA) and human parathyroid hormone (1-34) [PTH (1-34)] fusion protein [HSA/PTH (1-34)] is a promising long-acting form of PTH (1-34) for osteoporosis treatment. Secretory expression of intact HSA/PTH (1-34) in Pichia pastoris GS115 was accompanied by two degradation fragments, with molecular weights around 66 kDa, in addition to the well-known ~45 kDa HSA-truncated fragment, resulting in a low yield of intact protein. In this study, two internal cleavage sites were identified in the PTH (1-34) portion of the fusion protein by Western Blot analysis. To minimize proteolytic cleavages, several protease genes including PEP4 (encoding proteinase A), PRB1 (proteinase B) and seven YPSs genes (yapsin family members) were knocked out respectively by disruption of the individual genes and the selective combinations. Reduced degradation was observed by single disruption of either PEP4 gene or YPS1 gene, and the lowest level of degradation was observed in a pep4yps1△ double disruptant. After 72 h of induction, more than 80 % of the HSA/PTH (1-34) secreted by the pep4yps1△ double disruptant remained intact, in comparison to only 30 % with the wild-type strain.  相似文献   
We characterized the signaling and ion transport pathways that mediate epidermal growth factor receptor physiological control in SV40-immortalized rabbit corneal epithelial cells (tRCEC). Our evaluation employed single-cell fluorescence imaging to measure the intracellular [Na+]i in these cells loaded with the Na+ sensitive dye, SBFI. EGF (1 to 5 ng/ml) transiently increased [Na+]i from 10 mm to as much as 35 mm after 25 min, which was followed by a decline towards its control value. These increases waned at higher EGF concentrations up to 50 ng/ml. Both inhibition of EGF receptor-linked tyrosine kinase activity (50 μm RG-13022) and cPLA2 activity (10 μm AACOCF3) obviated EGF-induced increases in [Na+]i. In contrast, PGE2 (10 μg/ml) and cAMP (2 mm) increased [Na+]i by 25 mm. Inhibition of NKCC activity through exposure to either Cl-free Ringers or 300 μm furosemide in NaCl Ringers eliminated EGF-induced increases in [Na+]i. Similarly, EGF failed to increase [Na+]i following inhibition of: 1) PKA activity (10 μm H-89); 2) Erk1/2 (15 μm PD98059) or 3) p38 (15 μm SB203580) activity. Stimulation protein kinase C activity (0.1 μm PMA) transiently increased [Na+]i followed by a decline towards its baseline value. EGF-induced increases in [Na+]i were unaltered by inhibition of K+ conductance (100 μm 4-AP). Taken together, EGF stimulates Erk1/2; p38 and cPLA2 activity. Their stimulation increases PGE2 and cAMP levels resulting in PKA and NKCC activation. Received: 18 December 2000/Revised: 24 May 2001  相似文献   
A mutation involving an A-to-G nucleotide replacement at position 985 of the medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) cDNA was found in homozygous form in 18 unrelated MCAD-deficient families and in heterozygous form in 4 families. By PCR amplification and sequencing of cDNA from a compound heterozygote, we have detected a new mutation in an MCAD-deficient patient in whom one MCAD allele produces mRNA that is missing 4 bp in the MCAD cDNA, while the other allele carries the A-to-G-985 mutation. The presence of this 4-bp deletion was confirmed in the patient's genomic DNA by dot-blot hybridization with allele-specific oligonucleotide probes and by restriction analysis of PCR products. A rapid screening test for this 4-bp deletion was developed, based on mismatched primer PCR amplification. The deletion created a new restrictive-enzyme site which yielded two DNA fragments. The 4-bp deletion was not found in the three remaining MCAD chromosomes not harboring the A-to-G-985 mutation, nor it was present in 20 chromosomes from 10 unrelated normal Caucasians. The PCR-based method for screening these two mutations can detect over 93% of all MCAD mutations.  相似文献   
西南干旱河谷是分布于我国亚热带横断山区的隐域性河谷景观, 其环境受季风气候、岭-谷地形环境和人类开发活动的共同影响。适应于季节性干旱和垂直气候分异, 干旱河谷具有独特的植被和丰富的物种多样性资源。在过去几十年中, 干旱河谷的气候变化以增温为一致特征, 同时经历着广泛的人类活动干扰, 特别是道路建设、水利工程、矿山开发和城镇化驱动的土地利用变化, 造成了普遍的植被破坏、生境退化和生物入侵, 给乡土植物多样性资源和生态系统稳定性带来了严重威胁, 然而至今对干旱河谷生物多样性的保护仍基本属于空白。因此, 建议及时建立干旱河谷的生物多样性保护体系; 因地制宜采取退化植被修复、立体农业规划、特色植物资源利用和风景旅游开发等措施, 以维持干旱河谷生态系统的可持续性; 落实生态文明建设的相关政策, 以保障西南生态屏障的生态安全和生态服务能力。  相似文献   
Urea solution is one of the most commonly employed protein denaturants for protease digestion in proteomic studies. However, it has long been recognized that urea solution can cause carbamylation at the N termini of proteins/peptides and at the side chain amino groups of lysine and arginine residues. Protein/peptide carbamylation blocks protease digestion and affects protein identification and quantification in mass spectrometry analysis by blocking peptide amino groups from isotopic/isobaric labeling and changing peptide charge states, retention times, and masses. In addition, protein carbamylation during sample preparation makes it difficult to study in vivo protein carbamylation. In this study, we compared the peptide carbamylation in urea solutions of different buffers and found that ammonium-containing buffers were the most effective buffers to inhibit protein carbamylation in urea solution. The possible mechanism of carbamylation inhibition by ammonium-containing buffers is discussed, and a revised procedure for the protease digestion of proteins in urea and ammonium-containing buffers was developed to facilitate its application in proteomic research.  相似文献   
本文从不同年龄、不同地域的银杏叶、茎、根部组织中分离得到20株银杏内共生真菌,经过发酵复筛有5株的产黄酮能力超过5μg/m L。实验对菌株的最佳发酵产黄酮条件进行了优化,优化条件为:3%葡萄糖、0.5%蛋白胨、0.4%酵母膏、0.3%KH2PO4、0.01%Mg SO4·7H2O;起始p H值7.0、最适发酵温度28℃、摇床转速为140 r/min、装液量125 m L/250 m L。在此条件下,该系列菌株在发酵7 d左右产黄酮量可达6.4μg/m L。  相似文献   
Apelin is the endogenous ligand of the G-protein-coupled receptor, apelin–angiotensin receptor-like 1 (APJ). Vascular smooth muscle cells express both apelin and APJ, which are important regulatory factors in the cardiovascular system. Apelin-13 significantly stimulated vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. However, little is known about the precise cellular mechanisms responsible for vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation induced by apelin-13. Here, we present novel data that indicate the key role of NADPH oxidase 4-derived reactive oxygen species in proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells treated with apelin-13. Apelin-13 stimulated reactive oxygen species production in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. Furthermore, DPI impaired apelin-13-induced reactive oxygen species generation and vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. Apelin-13-treatment increased the expression of NADPH oxidase 4 in a dose-dependent manner. Down-regulation of NADPH oxidase 4 using siRNA prevented apelin-13-induced reactive oxygen species generation and vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. An increase in reactive molecules can trigger the activation of ERK stress-sensitive signaling pathways. Additionally, siRNA-NOX4 and DPI reversed the phosphorylation of ERK induced by apelin-13. Apelin-13 induced vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation by NOX4-derived ROS via the ERK signaling pathway.  相似文献   
Glycogen storage disease type 1a is caused by a deficiency in glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase), a nine-helical endoplasmic reticulum transmembrane protein required for maintenance of glucose homeostasis. To date, 75 G6Pase mutations have been identified, including 48 mutations resulting in single-amino acid substitutions. However, only 19 missense mutations have been functionally characterized. Here, we report the results of structure and function studies of the 48 missense mutations and the DeltaF327 codon deletion mutation, grouped as active site, helical, and nonhelical mutations. The 5 active site mutations and 22 of the 31 helical mutations completely abolished G6Pase activity, but only 5 of the 13 nonhelical mutants were devoid of activity. Whereas the active site and nonhelical mutants supported the synthesis of G6Pase protein in a manner similar to that of the wild-type enzyme, immunoblot analysis showed that the majority (64.5%) of helical mutations destabilized G6Pase. Furthermore, we show that degradation of both wild-type and mutant G6Pase is inhibited by lactacystin, a potent proteasome inhibitor. Taken together, we have generated a data base of residual G6Pase activity retained by G6Pase mutants, established the critical roles of transmembrane helices in the stability and activity of this phosphatase, and shown that G6Pase is a substrate for proteasome-mediated degradation.  相似文献   
低能离子束介导水稻遗传转化的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了低能离子束介导遗传转化的原理,比较了离子束介导法与其他遗传转化方法的优缺点,重点对离子束介导水稻遗传转化的最新研究进展进行了评述,同时提出了问题和展望.  相似文献   
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