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硅介导的水稻对二化螟幼虫钻蛀行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
韩永强  刘川  侯茂林 《生态学报》2010,30(21):5967-5974
采用对二化螟敏感(汕优63)和中抗(盐丰47)的水稻品种,设置硅酸钙处理,观察二化螟蚁螟和三龄幼虫在不同处理稻茎上的钻蛀率、蛀入率和蛀入耗时,同时测定不同处理植株的硅细胞数量及植株与土壤的二氧化硅含量,旨在明确水稻施用硅肥对二化螟幼虫钻蛀行为的影响以及这种影响在不同龄期幼虫和不同抗虫性水稻品种间是否存在差异。蚁螟和三龄幼虫钻蛀率随硅肥施用量增加而降低(幅度为5%—28%)。蚁螟蛀入率在硅肥处理之间和水稻品种之间均没有差异;三龄幼虫蛀入率随硅肥施用量增加而显著下降10%—40%,盐丰47上的蛀入率显著低于汕优63(差异10%—30%)。蚁螟蛀入耗时随硅肥施用量增加而显著延长,三龄幼虫蛀入耗时与品种抗性有显著关系。稻茎硅含量随硅肥施用量增加而增大,并且与三龄幼虫蛀入率呈负相关、与三龄幼虫蛀入耗时呈正相关关系。因此,施用硅肥可直接抑制二化螟幼虫钻蛀,蛀入耗时的延长可间接地延长幼虫暴力于其它防治措施的时间;施用硅肥对三龄幼虫成功蛀入的影响大于对蚁螟的影响;相对于抗虫品种,施用硅肥能在更大程度上增强感虫品种对二化螟幼虫钻蛀行为的抑制作用。  相似文献   
渭北旱塬苹果园地产量和深层土壤水分效应模拟   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张社红  李军  王学春  王亚莉 《生态学报》2011,31(13):3767-3777
为了研究实时气象条件下渭北旱塬不同生长年限苹果园地产量变化趋势和深层土壤水分变化规律,在模型适用性与模拟精度验证基础上,应用WinEPIC模型模拟研究了1962—2001年期间洛川旱塬苹果园地产量演变动态和深层土壤水分效应。结果表明:(1) 在模拟研究期间,洛川旱塬4—40年生苹果园产量整体上呈波动性下降趋势,初期产量逐渐增加,11—23年生达到最大值(平均为28.8 t/hm2),之后随降水量年际波动呈现出明显的波动性降低趋势。(2) 40年间苹果园地遭受的干旱胁迫日数呈波动性上升趋势,与年降水量波动趋势相反。(3) 1—15年生期间苹果园地平均年耗水量高于同期年降水量,导致苹果园地0—10 m土层土壤强烈干燥化,逐月土壤有效含水量波动性降低,1—10年生、11—20年生和21—40年生期间发生土壤干燥化并且程度逐渐加剧,但干燥化速率逐渐减缓,土壤干燥化速率分别为95.4 mm/a、12 mm/a和1.5 mm/a。(4) 随生长年限的延长,苹果园地0—10 m土层土壤湿度逐渐降低、土壤干层分布深度逐渐加大,在14年生时超过了10 m,20年生以后2—10 m 土层形成稳定的土壤干层。因此,基于土壤水分利用的苹果生长与果园利用的合理年限为20 a,最长不宜超过23 a。  相似文献   
王辉  谢永生  杨亚利  揣峻峰 《生态学报》2011,31(20):6013-6021
为了揭示铁杆蒿群落在植被演替中的作用,通过研究铁杆蒿茎叶浸提液对铁杆蒿草地4种优势植物(百里香、大针茅、本氏针茅和赖草)的种子萌发及幼苗生长的干扰,结果表明:高浓度的铁杆蒿浸提液(甲醇浸提液和水浸提液)使得百里香、大针茅、本氏针茅和赖草的种子发芽指数降低,发芽率、芽长和根长低于对照,种子平均发芽时间延长达1.13-2.16 d。而低浓度浸提液(0.005 g/mL)使得百里香的发芽要高于对照11.63%(水浸提液)、15.12%(甲醇浸提液)。在幼苗生长期,铁杆蒿浸提液对4种受试植物幼苗芽和根的生长受到不同程度的抑制,不同浓度的浸提液对植物的化感作用强度不同,随浓度的增加,抑制作用越强,0.1 g/mL相对其他浓度有显著性差异;其中0.005 g/mL浸提液对本氏针茅和赖草的幼苗生长有促进作用,幼根生长高出对照19.00%、16.06%,水浸提液对幼芽促进了2.33%、9.06%,在0.1 g/mL浓度下,本氏针茅或大针茅的生长完全受到抑制,芽长和根长抑制率为100%;同一浓度下的不同浸提液对植物的抑制作用也不同,其中百里香对铁杆蒿浸提液的敏感度是最低的;甲醇浸提液的化感作用要强于水浸提液。在封育过程中,百里香群落向铁杆蒿群落的过渡,铁杆蒿的化感作用是该草地演替的一个重要影响因子。  相似文献   
秦青  刘晶茹  于强  马奔  谭宏利  解林红  温亚利 《生态学报》2020,40(20):7255-7266
大熊猫是生态保护的旗舰物种,保护大熊猫及其栖息地具有重要的示范作用和科学价值。中国致力于建设以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系,分析大熊猫保护地生态安全,为建立大熊猫国家公园提供理论依据,具有重要意义。以四川省为例,选取被划入或将来可能被划入大熊猫保护地的典型县域,构建大熊猫保护地生态安全评价指标体系,采用熵权法、层次分析法进行综合评价,并结合空间相关性分析,从时间和空间两个维度对大熊猫保护地生态安全状况进行时空动态分析。结果表明:(1)2003-2017年四川省大熊猫保护地生态安全综合指数呈波动性上升趋势,生态环境改善显著,但仍有部分县域出现不同程度的环境恶化现象。(2)各县域生态安全状况表现出较强的差异性,并且相邻县域生态安全指数存在显著的空间正相关性和空间集聚性。(3)大熊猫保护地生态安全与周边社会经济发展之间矛盾依然尖锐,相邻县域之间的经济发展和生态保护状况相互影响的作用明显,需联合治理,共同促进生态平衡,提高大熊猫及其栖息地保护效果。  相似文献   
The Indian Ocean is the least known ocean in the world with the biogeography of marine species in the West Indian Ocean (WIO) understudied. The hydrography of WIO is characterized by four distinct oceanographic systems and there were few glacial refugia formations in the WIO during the Pleistocene. We used the widely distributed intertidal barnacle Tetraclita to test the hypothesis that the distribution and connectivity of intertidal animals in the WIO are determined by the major oceanographic regime but less influenced by historical events such as Pleistocene glaciations. Tetraclita were studied from 32 locations in the WIO. The diversity and distribution of Tetraclita species in the Indian Ocean were examined based on morphological examination and sequence divergence of two mitochondrial genes (12S rDNA and COI) and one nuclear gene (histone 3, H3). Divergence in DNA sequences revealed the presence of seven evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) of Tetraclita in WIO, with most of them recognized as valid species. The distribution of these ESUs is closely tied to the major oceanographic circulation systems. T. rufotincta is distributed in the Monsoonal Gyre. T. ehsani is present in the Gulf of Oman and NW India. Tetraclita sp. nov. is associated with the Hydrochemical Front at 10°S latitude. T. reni is confined to southern Madagascan and Mauritian waters, influenced by the West Wind Drift. The endemic T. achituvi is restricted to the Red Sea. Tetraclita serrata consists of two ESUs (based on mtDNA analysis) along the east to west coast of South Africa. The two ESUs could not be distinguished from morphological analysis and nuclear H3 sequences. Our results support that intertidal species in the West Indian Ocean are associated with each of the major oceanographic circulation systems which determine gene flow. Geographical distribution is, however, less influenced by the geological history of the region.  相似文献   
Imitation Switch (ISWI) chromatin remodelers are known to function in diverse multi‐subunit complexes in yeast and animals. However, the constitution and function of ISWI complexes in Arabidopsis thaliana remain unclear. In this study, we identified forkhead‐associated domain 2 (FHA2) as a plant‐specific subunit of an ISWI chromatin‐remodeling complex in Arabidopsis. By in vivo and in vitro analyses, we demonstrated that FHA2 directly binds to RLT1 and RLT2, two redundant subunits of the ISWI complex in Arabidopsis. The stamen filament is shorter in the fha2 and rlt1/2 mutants than in the wild type, whereas their pistil lengths are comparable. The shorter filament, which is due to reduced cell size, results in insufficient pollination and reduced fertility. The rlt1/2 mutant shows an early‐flowering phenotype, whereas the phenotype is not shared by the fha2 mutant. Consistent with the functional specificity of FHA2, our RNA‐seq analysis indicated that the fha2 mutant affects a subset of RLT1/2‐regulated genes that does not include genes involved in the regulation of flowering time. This study demonstrates that FHA2 functions as a previously uncharacterized subunit of the Arabidopsis ISWI complex and is exclusively involved in regulating stamen development and plant fertility.  相似文献   
Electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) to fuels and value‐added industrial chemicals is a promising strategy for keeping a healthy balance between energy supply and net carbon emissions. Here, the facile transformation of residual Ni particle catalysts in carbon nanotubes into thermally stable single Ni atoms with a possible NiN3 moiety is reported, surrounded with a porous N‐doped carbon sheath through a one‐step nanoconfined pyrolysis strategy. These structural changes are confirmed by X‐ray absorption fine structure analysis and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The dispersed Ni single atoms facilitate highly efficient electrocatalytic CO2 reduction at low overpotentials to yield CO, providing a CO faradaic efficiency exceeding 90%, turnover frequency approaching 12 000 h?1, and metal mass activity reaching about 10 600 mA mg?1, outperforming current state‐of‐the‐art single atom catalysts for CO2 reduction to CO. DFT calculations suggest that the Ni@N3 (pyrrolic) site favors *COOH formation with lower free energy than Ni@N4, in addition to exothermic CO desorption, hence enhancing electrocatalytic CO2 conversion. This finding provides a simple, scalable, and promising route for the preparation of low‐cost, abundant, and highly active single atom catalysts, benefiting future practical CO2 electrolysis.  相似文献   
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