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Expression vectors that yield mono-, di-, and tricistronic mRNAs upon transfection of COS-1 cells were used to assess the influence of the 5' nontranslated regions (5'NTRs) on translation of reporter genes. A segment of the 5'NTR of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) allowed translation of an adjacent downstream reporter gene (CAT) regardless of its position in the mRNAs. A deletion in the EMCV 5'NTR abolishes this effect. Poliovirus infection completely inhibits translation of the first cistron of a dicistronic mRNA that is preceded by the capped globin 5'NTR, whereas the second cistron preceded by the EMCV 5'NTR is still translated. We conclude that the EMCV 5'NTR contains an internal ribosomal entry site that allows cap-independent initiation of translation. mRNA containing the adenovirus tripartite leader is also resistant to inhibition of translation by poliovirus.  相似文献   
Agonistic behaviour was studied in three groups each of free-ranging and semi-free-ranging brown lemurs (Eulemur fulvus) at Berenty, Madagascar and the Duke University Primate Center (DUPC) respectively. The purpose of the study was to answer questions arising from the work of other researchers regarding the frequency and intensity of agonism in this species. Authors of field studies generally concluded that agonism was rare and mild, whereas those who had studied semi-free-ranging or captive animals at the DUPC reported intense agonism during the peaks of the mating and birth seasons, with sometimes fatal wounding occurring among captive animals. I recorded 30 agonistic behaviours or “signals” which I grouped into seven general categories — cuffs, other physical contact, threats, chases, third party intervention, unprovoked submissive signals, and reciprocal aggression. The seven categories represent the types of signals which initiated or otherwise defined agonistic interactions, regardless of whether or not there was a submissive response to aggression. The relative percentages of all agonism constituted by the seven categories were not found to be significantly different between study sites. Agonistic signals were also classified as either subtle or obvious, a classification which crosscut the seven categories. At both study sites, the majority of agonistic signals initiating or defining interactions were subtle. Rates of agonism for the Berenty groups, studied during the birth season only, were significantly lower than those for the DUPC groups during the birth season, possibly due to (1) easier observation conditions at the DUPC, and (2) the impossibility of successful emigration at the DUPC, which might have resulted in social stresses translating into higher rates of agonism. In only one DUPC group was there significant variation in rates of agonism between seasons. I found agonistic behaviour to be mild, at both study sites, in the senses of subtlety of both aggressive and submissive signals, unlikelihood of response to aggression, and virtual absence of wounding; and I noted that serious wounding during other studies at the DUPC involved animals captive in caged runs. Comparing rates of the study groups with rates reported in other research for brown lemurs, other lemuriform species, and some New and Old World anthropoid species, I concluded thatE. fulvus agonism was in fact not rare except in comparison to baboons and macaques.  相似文献   
Naturally occurring enzymes may be modified by covalently attaching hydrophobic groups that render the enzyme soluble and active in organic solvents, and have the potential to greatly expand applications of enzymatic catalysis. The reduction of elemental sulfur to hydrogen sulfide by a hydrogenase isolated from Pyrococcus furiosus has been investigated as a model system for organic biocatalysis. While the native hydrogenase catalyzed the reduction of sulfur to H(2)S in aqueous solution, no activity was observed when the aqueous solvent was replaced with anhydrous toluene. Hydrogenase modified with PEG p-nitrophenyl carbonate demonstrated its native biocatalytic ability in toluene when the reducing dye, benzyl viologen, was also present. Neither benzyl viologen nor PEG p-nitrophenyl carbonate alone demonstrated reducing capability. PEG modified cellulase and benzyl viologen were also incapable of reducing sulfur to H(2)S, indicating that the enzyme itself, and not the modification procedure, is responsible for the conversion in the nonpolar organic solvent. Sulfide production in toluene was tenfold higher than that produced in an aqueous system with equal enzyme activity, demonstrating the advantages of organic biocatalysis. Applications of bio-processing in nonaqueous media are expected to provide significant advances in the areas of fossil fuels, renewable feedstocks, organic synthesis, and environmental control technology. (c) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
On the inducibility of nitrate transport by tobacco cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The question as to whether the nitrate transport system is induced by nitrate was addressed using a cell suspension of the XD line of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi as an experimental system. The cells were grown on area as the sole nitrogen source, and tungstate was used to render nitrate reductase non-functional. To avoid shock due to vacuum filtration, the cells, were harvested by gravity filtration. Nitrate uptake by cells, which were harvested, transferred to fresh medium, and immediately exposed to nitrate (freshly harvested cells), displayed a lag period of about 3 h.
In cells which were given incubation periods in fresh medium before exposure to nitrate (preincubated cells), the lag period was considerably shortened. After 3 h of preincubation in the absence of nitrate (recovered cells), the lag period was almost completely eliminated. Cycloheximide inhibited nitrate uptake by recovered cells within minutes, and prevented the development of nitrate uptake in freshly harvested cells. Cycloheximide did not affect uptake of α-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) within the first 2 h after its addition. Recovery of the membrane potential from a low value just after the harvest of the cells to a maximal value 3 h later, was observed using the lipophilic cation methyltriphenylphosphonium (MTPP+), supplied at low concentrations, as a probe. Depolarization of the membrane potential by MTPP+, at the millimolar range, caused a rapid inhibition of nitrate uptake by recovered cells. The results indicate that nitrate transport by the XD cells depends on the membrane potential and on protein components with short half life. In addition, it requires a continuous protein synthesis. The effects of physical manipulation on nitrate uptake are discussed.  相似文献   
Calcium deficiency in zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) is associated with reduced growth and a reduced ability to transport auxin (Allan and Rubery, 1991, Planta 183, 604–612). An investigation of the effects of calcium-deficiency on zucchini hypocotyl cells was made using weak-acid uptake and 31P-nuclear-magneticresonance (31P-NMR) spectroscopy in vivo and in tissue extracts. Calcium-deficient tissue had the same cytoplasmic and vacuolar pHs as normal tissue when extracellular pH was near neutral. At acidic external pH the vacuolar pH was lower in deficient tissue. Adenine nucleotides were present predominantly as ATP in both control and calcium-deficient tissues. Addition of calcium to calcium-deficient tissue, under conditions which cause recovery of auxin transport induced no changes in the 31P-NMR spectra of deficient tissue. The content of mobile, phosphorylated metabolites was reduced in calcium-deficient tissue in comparison to control tissue. However, a substantial increase in the content of phosphorylcholine occurs in calcium-deficient tissues compared with controls; this may reflect changes in lipid turnover in calcium-stressed cells. We wish to thank Drs. Terry Moore and Jamie Vandenberg for technical assistance and Professor Peter Morris for providing the gated oxygen device. A.C.A. thanks the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust for a Prince of Wales Scholarship and the O.R.S. Awards Scheme for an award.  相似文献   
We assayed a variety of tick (Amblyomma hebraeum Koch; Acari, Ixodidae) tissues for a number of amino acids throughout the feeding and early reproductive periods. Our HPLC assay could detect as little as 2–5 pmol per sample of the following: GABA, glycine, serine, glutamine, alanine, taurine, glutamate and aspartate. All of these amino acids could be detected in the salivary gland, synganglion (=total CNS in acarines), haemolymph, Gené's organ, seminal receptacle and ovary. GABA reached high levels in the salivary gland of freshly engorged ticks (685 nmol g-1) and in the synganglion it exceeded 1000 nmol g-1 throughout most of the feeding cycle and the first week post-engorgement. GABA also reached a peak titre in the haemolymph of 40 nmol ml-1. Taurine levels peaked at 1065 nmol g-1 in the salivary gland from large partially fed ticks. Glutamate and aspartate were likewise found in the salivary gland and synganglion at high concentrations. For most of the amino acids there is insufficient information to correlate these titres (and fluctuations of titres) to neuromodulatory functions. It is possible, however, that the high GABA titre in the salivary gland of engorged ticks is correlated with an augmented level of fluid secretion.Deceased: Department of Pharmacology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G 2E9.  相似文献   
A high-density growth approach was utilized to produce mutated diphtheria toxin from two strains of Corynebacterium diphtheria: C7 ()(tox-201, tox-9) and C7 ()(tox-107). The cross-reacting mutants (CRM) of the diphtheria toxin are CRM9 and CRM107; both of them carry the mutation in their binding site and, as a result, have 1/300 of the systemic toxicity of the wild-type diphtheria toxin. Since iron inhibits diphtheria toxin production, the traditional approach has been to grow the bacteria in a very low iron concentration. The procedure described here involved the use of a modified, non-deferrated, growth medium that provided fast and high-density growth of the bacteria, and which, when associated with simultaneous depletion of glucose and iron, enhanced the toxin production. Oxygen-enriched air was supplied to enable the bacteria to grow to a cell density giving an absorbance of 70 at 600 nm (15–20 g/l dry weight). The maximum toxin concentration in the culture supernatant was 150 mg/l. The CRM products, which remained stable following microfiltration and ultrafiltration, could be easily purified using a two-step chromatography procedure.  相似文献   
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