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Abstract.  Males and females of the burrower bug species Scaptocoris castanea Perty and Scaptocoris carvalhoi Becker emit stridulatory signals when on the roots of soybean. The substrate-borne components of the signal can be recorded on the plant but not on the surrounding soil surface. The stridulatory apparatus is composed of the tergal plectrum (lima) and the stridulitrum (stridulatory vein) on the underside of the hind wings. The male plectrum has one ridge and the female lima has 13 ridges. Stridulitra of different species differ in the length and in the number of teeth. Rubbing of plectrum (lima) ridges over the stridulitrum in one or both directions produces pulse trains. The velocity of signals that are recorded less than 0.5 cm from the bug is below 0.013 mm s−1 on the soil and below 0.066 mm s−1 on the leaf surface. Broadband spectra have a dominant frequency of less than 1 kHz and subdominant peaks extending up to 7 kHz. The dominant frequency of the stridulatory signal transmitted through a plant decreases together with the proportion of its higher frequency spectral components. Signals are attenuated for 3–9 dB cm−1 when transmitted through the soil or soybean leaf and for approximately 1 dB cm−1 when transmitted through soybean stem.  相似文献   
Dopamine (DA) is a physiologically important biogenic amine in insect peripheral and nervous tissues. We recently cloned two DA receptors (BmDopR1 and BmDopR2) from the silkworm Bombyx mori and identified them as D1-like receptors, which activate adenylate cyclase to increase intracellular cAMP levels. In this study, these two receptors were stably expressed in HEK-293 cells, and the dose-responsiveness to DA and their pharmacological properties were examined using cAMP assays. BmDopR1 showed a dose-dependent increase in cAMP levels at DA concentrations up to 10?7 M with EC50 of 3.30 nM, while BmDopR2 required 10?6 M DA for activation. In BmDopR1-expressing cells, DA at 10?6–10?4 M induced 30–50% lower cAMP production than 10?7 M DA. BmDopR2-expressing cells showed a standard sigmoidal dose–response, with maximum cAMP levels attained with 10?5–10?4 M DA and EC50 of 1.30 μM. Both receptors had similar agonist profiles, and the typical vertebrate D1-like receptor agonist SKF-38393 was ineffective. Experiments with antagonists revealed that BmDopR1 exhibits D1-like features. However, the pharmacology of BmDopR2 was distinct from D1-like receptors; the typical vertebrate D1-like receptor antagonist SCH-23390 was less potent than the nonselective antagonist flupenthixol and the D2-like receptor antagonist chlorpromazine. The rank order of activities of several antagonists for BmDopR1 and BmDopR2 was more similar to that of Drosophila melanogaster DA receptors than Apis mellifera DA receptors. These data suggest that DA receptors could be potential targets for specific insecticides or insectistatics.  相似文献   
During development, dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons extend their axons toward the dorsolateral part of the spinal cord and enter the spinal cord through the dorsal root entry zone (DREZ). After entering the spinal cord, these axons project into the dorsal mantle layer after a “waiting period” of a few days. We revealed that the diffusible axonal guidance molecule netrin-1 is a chemorepellent for developing DRG axons. When DRG axons orient themselves toward the DREZ, netrin-1 proteins derived from the ventral spinal cord prevent DRG axons from projecting aberrantly toward the ventral spinal cord and help them to project correctly toward the DREZ. In addition to the ventrally derived netrin-1, the dorsal spinal cord cells adjacent to the DREZ transiently express netrin-1 proteins during the waiting period. This dorsally derived netrin-1 contributes to the correct guidance of DRG axons to prevent them from invading the dorsal spinal cord. In general, there is a complete lack of sensory axonal regeneration after a spinal cord injury, because the dorsal column lesion exerts inhibitory activities toward regenerating axons. Netrin-1 is a novel candidate for a major inhibitor of sensory axonal regeneration in the spinal cord; because its expression level stays unchanged in the lesion site following injury, and adult DRG neurons respond to netrin-1-induced axon repulsion. Although further studies are required to show the involvement of netrin-1 in preventing the regeneration of sensory axons in CNS injury, the manipulation of netrin-1-induced repulsion in the CNS lesion site may be a potent approach for the treatment of human spinal injuries.Key words: netrin-1, dorsal root ganglion, axon guidance, chemorepellent, Unc5, spinal cord, axon regenerationDeveloping axons navigate to their targets by responding to attractive and repulsive guidance cues working in a contact-dependent or diffusible fashion in their environment (reviewed in ref. 1). During early development of the primary sensory system, centrally projecting sensory axons from dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons extend toward the dorsolateral region of the spinal cord (Fig. 1A and C), where they enter the spinal cord exclusively through the dorsal root entry zone (DREZ), and never orient themselves toward the notochord or the ventral spinal cord (Fig. 1A; reviewed in ref. 2). We previously showed that the notochord but not the ventral spinal cord secretes semaphorin 3A (Sema3A), which is known to be a chemorepellent for DRG axons at early developmental stages (Fig. 1A).3 This is the reason why DRG axons never project toward the notochord. Along the same line, it is highly possible that the ventral spinal cord may secrete some chemorepulsive cue other than Sema3A for DRG axons.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Netrin-1 plays a critical role in sensory axonal guidance as an axon chemorepellent. (A) A schematic diagram of a thoracic transverse section of an E10 mouse embryo, summarizing the possible mechanism of netrin-1 action in early DRG axonal guidance. When DRG axons project toward the DREZ in the dorsal spinal cord (dSC), ventrally derived netrin-1 chemorepels DRG axons to prevent them from orienting aberrantly toward the ventral spinal cord (vSC) (upper). NC; notochord. In netrin-1-deficient embryos, some DRG axons misorient themselves toward the ventral spinal cord, because of the absence of netrin-1 proteins in the ventral spinal cord (lower). (B) At E12.5 when DRG axons grow to the marginal zone of the spinal cord longitudinally (arrows) to form the dorsal funiculus (DF), netrin-1 proteins are transiently expressed in a subpopulation of dorsal spinal cord cells adjacent to the dorsal funiculus (upper). In netrin-1-deficient embryos, the dorsal funiculus is disorganized because DRG axons are no longer waiting for invading the dorsal mantle layer (lower). (C) Gain-of-function experiments by electroporation confirm the repulsive activity of netrin-1 toward DRG axons. When netrin-1 is misexpressed in the dorsal spinal cord, the number of DRG axons that enter the DREZ is significantly reduced compared with the control, because some DRG axons fail to project toward the DREZ and turn in the wrong direction.After entering the spinal cord, DRG axons grow to the marginal zone of the spinal cord longitudinally to form the dorsal funiculus without projecting to the dorsal mantle layer for a few days (this delay of the axonal projection to the mantle layer is referred to as the ‘waiting period;’ Fig. 1B). A few days later, proprioceptive afferents of DRGs begin to send collaterals into the dorsal layers, and cutaneous afferents project ventrally through the dorsal layers.4 This evidence raises the possibility that some repulsive cues transiently prevent the collaterals of DRGs from penetrating the dorsal spinal cord during this waiting period.Netrins are a family of secreted proteins that play a key role in axonal guidance, cell migration, morphogenesis and angiogenesis.5 Netrin-1 is a bifunctional axonal guidance cue, attracting some axons including commissural axons via the Deleted in Colorectal Cancer (DCC) receptor and repelling others via Unc5 receptors (reviewed in ref. 6). However, it has not been clear whether netrin-1 plays a role in sensory axonal guidance during development.Several observations strongly suggest a role for netrin-1 in DRG axonal guidance as a repulsive guidance cue during development.7,8 First, in the mouse embryo at embryonic day (E) 10–11.5 when many DRG axons orient themselves to reach the DREZ, netrin-1 is strongly expressed in the floor plate of the ventral spinal cord but not in the dorsal spinal cord (Fig. 1A). Second, at E12.5 when DRG neurons extend their axons longitudinally along the dorsolateral margin of the spinal cord, netrin-1 is expressed in the dorsolateral region adjacent to the DREZ (Fig. 1B), but its expression is down-regulated in the dorsal spinal cord at E13.5 when many collaterals have entered the mantle layer. Third, repulsive netrin-1 receptor Unc5c is expressed in the DRG neurons during development.These observations motivated us to explore whether netrin-1/Unc5c signaling contributes to DRG axonal guidance. We used cell and tissue cultures combined with tissues from netrin-1-deficient mice. We clearly showed that netrin-1 exerts a chemorepulsive activity toward developing DRG axons and that the ventral spinal cord-derived repulsive activity depends on netrin-1 in vitro.8 Additional evidence for a chemorepulsive role of netrin-1 came from the observation of DRG axonal trajectories in netrin-1-deficient mice.7,8 In netrin-1-deficient embryos at E10, we showed that some DRG axons became misoriented toward the ventral spinal cord, probably because of the absence of netrin-1 proteins in the ventral spinal cord (Fig. 1A). In addition, at E12.5 when DRG axons grow to the marginal zone of the spinal cord longitudinally to form the dorsal funiculus, the dorsal funiculus is disorganized in netrin-1-deficient embryos, because in the absence of netrin-1 DRG axons are not waiting for invading the dorsal mantle layer adjacent to the dorsal funiculus (Fig. 1B). Gain-of-function experiments further confirmed the repulsive activity of netrin-1 toward DRG axons (Fig. 1C). These lines of evidence lead us to the conclusion that dorsally derived netrin-1 plays an important role in providing the ‘waiting period’ for extension of collaterals from sensory afferents and that ventrally derived netrin-1 prevents sensory axons from misorienting themselves toward the ventral spinal cord.At later developmental stages (E13.5), DRG axons still possess a weak responsiveness to the chemorepulsive activity of netrin-1 in vitro.8 In addition, both postnatal and adult DRG neurons respond to netrin-1-induced axon inhibition.9 Consistent with these results, DRG neurons at not only later developmental stages (E13.5) but also postnatal stages express the repulsion-mediating netrin-1 receptor Unc5c.8,9Generally, lesioning of the dorsal column projection of sensory axons results in a complete lack of regeneration. The possible explanation for the complete lack of regeneration is that the environment, the lesion site itself and/or oligodendrocytes adjacent to the lesion, may be non-permissive for regenerating axons.10 Sema3A and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) are candidates as major inhibitors of sensory axonal regeneration in the spinal cord, because they are expressed in the lesion site and can inhibit DRG axonal growth in vitro.3,1114 Recently, Kaneko et al. showed that a selective inhibitor of Sema3A also enhances axonal regeneration and functional recovery in a subpopulation of sensory neurons after lesioning of the dorsal column.12 More recently, McMahon''s group clearly demonstrated that enzymatic degradation of CSPGs on the dorsal column lesion of the spinal cord promotes sensory axonal regeneration and functional recovery.13,14 Although these treatments greatly improved functional recovery, complete sensory axonal growth and functional recovery have not been yet achieved after the spinal cord injury. To promote further recovery of sensory axonal regeneration in the CNS, we should focus on other candidate inhibitors of CNS injury sites.Following spinal cord injury, the expression of the attraction- mediating netrin-1 receptor DCC decreases, while the expression level of the repulsive receptor Unc5c returns to normal.15 Levels of netrin-1 expression also stay unchanged in neurons and oligodendrocytes adjacent to the lesion site. Together with the in vitro evidence described above, these data strongly suggest a possible role for netrin-1 as a novel inhibitor of CNS myelin for regenerating DRG axons in the dorsal column-lesioned spinal cord. Further studies will be required to show directly the functional recovery of sensory axons in the spinal cord by perturbation of netrin-1 in and around the lesion site after spinal cord injury.  相似文献   
N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase III (GnT-III) is a key enzyme that inhibits the extension of N-glycans by introducing a bisecting N-acetylglucosamine residue. In this study we investigated the effect of GnT-III on epidermal growth factor (EGF) signaling in HeLaS3 cells. Although the binding of EGF to the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) was decreased in GnT-III transfectants to a level of about 60% of control cells, the EGF-induced activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in GnT-III transfectants was enhanced to approximately 1.4-fold that of the control cells. A binding analysis revealed that only low affinity binding of EGF was decreased in the GnT-III transfectants, whereas high affinity binding, which is considered to be responsible for the downstream signaling, was not altered. EGF-induced autophosphorylation and dimerization of the EGFR in the GnT-III transfectants were the same levels as found in the controls. The internalization rate of EGFR was, however, enhanced in the GnT-III transfectants as judged by the uptake of (125)I-EGF and Oregon Green-labeled EGF. When the EGFR internalization was delayed by dansylcadaverine, the up-regulation of ERK phosphorylation in GnT-III transfectants was completely suppressed to the same level as control cells. These results suggest that GnT-III overexpression in HeLaS3 cells resulted in an enhancement of EGF-induced ERK phosphorylation at least in part by the up-regulation of the endocytosis of EGFR.  相似文献   
We have cloned a partial cDNA of chicken glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and systematically examined its expression pattern as well as that of GDNF-binding components (GDNF family receptor alpha-1 and 2: GFRalpha-1 and 2) and a common signal transduction receptor (c-ret protooncogene: RET) during very early developmental stages. In addition, we also examined the expression pattern of an apparent avian-specific binding component, GFRalpha-4. The cloned chicken cDNA for GDNF had approximately 80% homology to mammalian counterparts. The expression of GDNF mRNA occurred in many spatially and temporally discrete regions such as the intermediate mesoderm, the floor plate of the spinal cord, pharyngeal endoderm contacting the epibranchial placodes, distal ganglia of cranial nerves, subpopulations of mesenchyme cells in the craniofacial region, and in the mesodermal wall of the digestive tract. Both a GDNF receptor signal transduction component (RET) and a binding component (GFRalpha-1 or GFRalpha-2) were independently expressed in nearby interacting tissues such as the somites, peripheral and central nervous system, and mesenchyme cells in the craniofacial region. These observations suggest that possible combinations of novel unidentified receptors acting with RET or with GFRalphas may mediate GDNF-derived signals and indicate that GDNF or other family members may have previously unidentified actions in early organogenesis in the chick embryo.  相似文献   
IGFII, the peptide encoded by the Igf2 gene, is a broad spectrum mitogen with important roles in prenatal growth as well as cancer progression. Igf2 is transcribed from the paternally inherited allele, whereas the linked H19 is transcribed from the maternal allele. Igf2 imprinting is thought to be maintained by differentially methylated regions (DMRs) located at multiple sites such as upstream of H19 and Igf2 and within Kvlqt1 loci. Biallelic expression (loss of imprinting (LOI)) of Igf2 is frequently observed in cancers, and a subset of Wilms' and intestinal tumors have been shown to exhibit abnormal methylation at H19DMR associated with loss of maternal H19 expression, but it is not known whether such changes are common in other neoplasms. Because cancers consist of diverse cell populations with and without Igf2 LOI, we established four independent monoclonal cell lines with Igf2 LOI from mouse hepatic tumors. We here demonstrate retention of normal differential methylation at H19, Igf2, or Kvlqt1 DMR by all of the cell lines. Furthermore, H19 was found to be expressed exclusively from the maternal allele, and levels of CTCF, a multifunctional nuclear factor that has an important role in the Igf2 imprinting, were comparable with those in normal hepatic tissues with no mutational changes detected. These data indicate that Igf2 LOI in tumor cells is not necessarily linked to abnormal methylation at H19, Igf2, or Kvlqt1 loci.  相似文献   
The Orthonectida is a small, poorly known phylum of parasites of marine invertebrates. Their phylogenetic placement is obscure; they have been considered to be multicellular protozoans, primitive animals at a "mesozoan" grade of organization, or secondarily simplified flatworm- like organisms. The best known species in the phylum, Rhopalura ophiocomae, was collected on San Juan Island, Wash. and a complete 18S rDNA sequence was obtained. Using the models of minimum evolution and parsimony, phylogenetic analyses were undertaken and the results lend support to the following hypotheses about orthonectids: (1) orthonectids are more closely aligned with triploblastic metazoan taxa than with the protist or diploblastic metazoan taxa considered in this analysis; (2) orthonectids are not derived members of the phylum Platyhelminthes; and (3) orthonectids and rhombozoans are not each other's closest relatives, thus casting further doubt on the validity of the phylum Mesozoa previously used to encompass both groups.   相似文献   
The rearrangement of integrated HBV DNA sequences in three different hepatoma cell lines, huH-1, huH-2, KG-55-T from Japanese patients, were studied by blot hybridization using whole HBV genome or a HBsAg or HBcAg DNA as a probe. The characteristic existence of multiple integration sites of HBV DNA sequences in each HindIII-restricted hepatoma cell DNA was revealed by the HBV genome probe. Detection of the isolated HBsAg gene in the HindIII fragment indicates that the integration of HBV DNA was not always related to the maintenance of the whole viral genome, and that movement of the HBsAg gene to another location occurred by rearrangement. On the other hand, the presence of the HBV DNA sequence without the intact HBcAg gene was shown in some of the HindIII fragments, when the HBcAg gene, probe was used, but a HindIII fragment, containing only the HBcAg gene, was not detected so far. The absence of the intact HBcAg gene suggests that the viral genome may lose a part of the HBcAg gene in the process of integration. This is consistent with recent findings of Ogston et al. (1982) that in Woodchuck hepatocellular carcinoma viral sequences are extensively rearranged.  相似文献   
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