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The site-specific recombination systems of bacteriophages λ and HK022 share the same mechanism and their integrase proteins show strong homology. Nevertheless the integrase protein of each phage can only catalyze recombination between its own att sites. Previous work has shown that the specificity determinants in the att sites are located within the sequences that bind the integrase to the core of att. DNA fragments that carry attL and attR sites of each phage were challenged with each of the two integrases and the DNA-protein complexes were examined by the gel- retardation technique. The results show that each integrase can form higher-order DNA-protein complexes only with its cognate att sites, suggesting that differences in the mode of binding to the core are responsible for the specificity difference between the two integrases. Received: 16 November 1999 / Accepted: 26 January 2000  相似文献   
MutY participates in the repair of oxidatively damaged DNA by excising adenine from dA:dG and dA:8-oxodG mispairs; this DNA glycosylase can be cross-linked to DNA through Lys-142. We have investigated the properties of a mutant protein in which Lys-142 is replaced by glutamine. Using the rifampicin resistance assay, MutY K142Q was shown to complement the mutY mutator phenotype to the same extent as wild-type MutY. Although MutY K142Q does not form a Schiff base with DNA, it retains in part the catalytic properties of wild-type enzyme. The K142Q mutation selectively impairs processing of DNA containing dA:dG mispairs but not that of substrates containing dA:8-oxodG. Decreased substrate processing is mediated primarily via an increase in K(D) (21.8 nM for MutY vs 298 nM for MutY K142Q). The catalytic constant, measured in single turnover experiments, was not significantly affected. At pH < 6.0, the activity of MutY K142Q on the dA:dG mispair was approximately the same as for wild-type protein, suggesting that a dG(anti) to dG(syn) transition is effected at low pH. The three-dimensional structure of the catalytic domain of MutY K142Q, determined at 1.35 A resolution, shows no significant differences between wild-type and mutant protein, indicating that Lys-142 is not critical for maintaining the conformation of MutY. We conclude that Lys-142 recognizes guanine in the dA:dG mispair, helping position this residue in the syn conformation and facilitating binding of substrate DNA. Lys-142 is not involved in the catalytic steps of base excision.  相似文献   
HK022 coliphage site-specific recombinase Integrase (Int) can catalyze integrative site-specific recombination and recombinase-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) reactions in mammalian cell cultures. Owing to the promiscuity of the 7 bp overlap sequence in its att sites, active ‘attB’ sites flanking human deleterious mutations were previously identified that may serve as substrates for RMCE reactions for future potential gene therapy. However, the wild type Int proved inefficient in catalyzing such RMCE reactions. To address this low efficiency, variants of Int were constructed and examined by integrative site-specific recombination and RMCE assays in human cells using native ‘attB’ sites. As a proof of concept, various Int derivatives have demonstrated successful RMCE reactions using a pair of native ‘attB’ sites that were inserted as a substrate into the human genome. Moreover, successful RMCE reactions were demonstrated in native locations of the human CTNS and DMD genes whose mutations are responsible for Cystinosis and Duchene Muscular Dystrophy diseases, respectively. This work provides a steppingstone for potential downstream therapeutic applications.  相似文献   
Sertoli cell tumors are very rare testicular tumors, representing 0.4% to 1.5% of all testicular malignancies. They are subclassified as classic, large-cell calcifying, and sclerosing Sertoli cell tumors (SSCT) based on distinct clinical features. Only 42 cases of SSCTs have been reported in the literature. We present a case of a 23-year-old man diagnosed with SSCT.Key words: Testicular neoplasm, Sertoli cell tumor, Sclerosing Sertoli cell tumorA 23-year-old man was referred to the Cleveland Clinic Department of Urology (Cleveland, OH) for an incidentally detected right testicular mass. The mass was identified during a work-up for transient left testicular discomfort. His only notable medical history was nephrolithiasis. There was no personal or family history of testicular cancer or cryptorchidism. On physical examination, he was a well-nourished, well-masculinized young man without gynecomastia. Testicular examination revealed normal volume and consistency bilaterally without other relevant findings. Testicular ultrasonography demonstrated an 8 mm × 6 mm × 6 mm hypoechoic, solid mass in the posterior right testicle with peripheral flow on color Doppler (Figure 1).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Testicular ultrasound demonstrating an 8 mm × 6 mm × 6 mm hypoechoic, solid mass in the posterior right testicle (blue arrows).The remainder of the ultrasound examination yielded normal results. Lactic dehydrogenase, B-human chorionic gonadotropin, and α-fetoprotein levels were all within the normal range. After a thorough review of the options, the patient was then taken to the operating room for inguinal exploration. Intraoperative ultrasound confirmed a superficial 8-mm hypoechoic testis lesion. A whiteyellow, well-demarcated nodule was widely excised and a frozen section was sent to pathology for examination. The frozen section examination revealed the lesion to be a neoplasm with differential diagnosis including sclerosing Sertoli cell tumor (SSCT), adenomatoid tumor, and a variant of Leydig cell tumor. Because the final diagnosis could not be determined from frozen section, the decision was made to perform a right radical orchiectomy. Pathologic examination revealed a grossly unifocal, well-circumscribed, white, firm mass of 0.8 cm. Microscopically the lesion was composed of solid and hollow tubules and occasional anastomosing cords distributed within the hypocellular, densely collagenous stroma. Although the lesion was somewhat well circumscribed, entrapped seminiferous tubules with Sertoli-only cells were present within the tumor (Figure 2). Tumor cells had pale or eosinophilic cytoplasm with small and dark nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli. The tumor was confined to the testis and margins were negative. A diagnosis of SSCT was reached, supported by positive immunostain results for steroidogenic factor 1, focal inhibin, and calretinin expression, and negative stain results for cytokeratin AE1/AE3 and epithelial membrane antigen in the tumor (Figure 3). The postoperative course was unremarkable. Computed tomography scan of the abdomen and pelvis and chest radiograph were negative for metastatic disease.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Low-power examination revealing a well-circumscribed tumor composed of solid and hollow tubules and occasional anastomosing cords distributed within the hypocellular, densely collagenous stroma. Hematoxylin and eosin stain, original magnification ×40. (B) High-power examination. Note entrapped seminiferous tubules lacking spermatogenesis. Hematoxylin and eosin stain, original magnification ×100.Open in a separate windowFigure 3Nuclear expression of steroidogenic factor 1 in the tumor as well as benign Sertoli cells in entrapped seminiferous tubules (original magnification ×200). (B) Focal calretinin expression in the tumor (inhibin had a similar staining pattern; original magnification ×100).  相似文献   
Large numbers of neurons are eliminated by apoptosis during nervous system development. For instance, in the mouse dorsal root ganglion (DRG), the highest incidence of cell death occurs between embryonic days 12 and 14 (E12-E14). While the cause of cell death and its biological significance in the nervous system is not entirely understood, it is generally believed that limiting quantities of neurotrophins are responsible for neuronal death. Between E12 and E14, developing DRG neurons pass through tissues expressing high levels of axonal guidance molecules such as Semaphorin 3A (Sema3A) while navigating to their targets. Here, we demonstrate that Sema3A acts as a death-inducing molecule in neurotrophin-3 (NT-3)-, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)- and nerve growth factor (NGF)-dependent E12 and E13 cultured DRG neurons. We show that Sema3A most probably induces cell death through activation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)/c-Jun signaling pathway, and that this cell death is blocked by a moderate increase in NGF concentration. Interestingly, increasing concentrations of other neurotrophic factors, such as NT-3 or BDNF, do not elicit similar effects. Our data suggest that the number of DRG neurons is determined by a fine balance between neurotrophins and Semaphorin 3A, and not only by neurotrophin levels.  相似文献   
R Kaplan  L Cohen    E Yagil 《Journal of bacteriology》1975,124(3):1159-1164
The fate of the internally formed nucleotides resulting from the degradation of ribonucleic acid was studied. Prelabeled Escherichia coli cells were submitted to carbon starvation, and the acid-soluble products were separated by thin-layer chromatography. It was determined that free bases constitute some 75% of the end product, the balance consisting of nucleoside diphosphates, 5'-nucleoside monophosphates, 3'-nucleoside monophosphates, and nucleosides. The majority of degradation products, including phosphorylated derivatives, were excreted into the medium. The amount of products in the pool remained constant. The soluble products formed by E. coli mutants lacking either 5'-nucleotidase (Ush-) or 3'-nucleotidase (Cpd-) were compared with those produced by the parental strain with both enzymes. The results obtained indicated that 5'-nucleotidase is involved in the degradation of internally foromed nucleotides but that 3'-nucleotidase takes no part in the process.  相似文献   
Uptake of adenosine 5'-monophosphate by Escherichia coli.   总被引:18,自引:14,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Adenosine 5'-monophosphate is dephosphorylated before its uptake by cells of Escherichia coli. This is demonstrated by using a radioactive double-labeled culture, and with a 5'-nucleotidase-deficient, mutant strain. The adenosine formed is further phosphorolyzed to adenine as a prerequisite for its uptake and incorporation. The cellular localization of the enzymes involved in the catabolism of adenosine 5'-monophosphate is discussed.  相似文献   
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