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Successful immune reconstitution would enhance resistance of beige/scid mice to chronic infection with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, but may cause damage to intestinal tissue. Therefore, we investigated the effect of adoptive transfer of BALB/c mouse splenocytes on lesion severity and intestinal physiology in beige/scid mice infected with M. paratuberculosis. Mice were inoculated intraperitoneally (i.p.) with M. paratuberculosis, and two weeks later were inoculated i.p. with viable spleen cells from immune-competent BALB/c mice. Mice were necropsied 12 weeks after infection when engraftment of lymphocytes, clinical disease, pathologic lesions, and intestinal electrophysiologic parameters were evaluated. Lymphocytes were rare in control beige/scid mice not inoculated with spleen cells. In contrast, high numbers of CD4+, CD8+, and B220+ lymphocytes were detected in the spleen of all beige/scid mice (n = 24) inoculated with spleen cells, indicating that adoptive transfer resulted in successful engraftment of donor lymphocytes (immune reconstitution). Immune reconstitution of M. paratuberculosis-infected beige/ scid mice significantly reduced the severity of clinical disease and pathologic lesions, and numbers of bacteria in the liver. However, intestinal electrophysiologic parameters studied in vitro indicated that intestinal tissues from reconstituted beige/scid mice had reduced short-circuit current responses (due to reduced ion secretion) following electrical, glucose, and forskolin stimulation. These abnormal responses suggested that neural or epithelial cells in the intestine were damaged. We conclude that successful immune reconstitution of beige/scid mice enhance their resistance to M. paratuberculosis infection, but may cause pathophysiologic changes associated with intestinal inflammation.  相似文献   
The sensitivity of the melting transition temperature of aqueous dispersions of dipalmitoyl- and distearoylphosphatidylcholine to hydrostatic pressure is used to allow measurement of the rates of isothermal freezing and melting of the lipids by rapidly changing the pressure. The degree of order of the lipids is measured by monitoring a ratio of two points in the Raman spectrum of the lipids which changes sharply at the melting temperature. Use of this Raman order ratio allows correlation between the order of the sample and the rates of transition in a manner which is impossible by monitoring only turbidity. Our longest relaxation times range upwards from a few seconds for both compounds. The freezing rates are slowest when the samples are initially fully melted, and the melting rates are slowest when the samples are initially frozen. These results imply that nucleation of the growing phase dominates the kinetics of both freezing and melting.  相似文献   
We surveyed internists, family physicians, and psychiatrists regarding their clinical experiences in assessing and treating alcohol abuse, practice characteristics, political and religious beliefs, attitudes toward substance abuse, beliefs about the efficacy of treatment, personal experiences with substance use, and sociodemographic variables. Despite the high prevalence of alcohol abuse, a third of the physicians neither regularly counseled nor referred any patients for outpatient rehabilitation, and more than half had not referred anyone for inpatient treatment. A greater breadth of experience treating alcohol problems was positively correlated with the volume of outpatients and inpatients seen, younger age, more work in primary rather than specialty patient care, less academic work, a stronger belief in the efficacy of treating alcoholism, membership in the Republican party, and a greater religiosity.  相似文献   
A disposable immunosensor cartridge was developed that allows antibodies to be immobilized on the surface for the detection of myoglobin, a marker for the early assessment of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) using fluorescence techniques. The anti-myoglobin antibody was immobilized on a polystyrene substrate based on covalent bonding via silanization. The immunosensor chip layers were fabricated from sheets by CO(2)-laser ablation. The functionalized polystyrene surfaces were characterized by contact angle measurement, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and atomic force microscopy (AFM). After the antigen-antibody reaction as a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with a horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody (HRP-anti-myoglobin), addition of fluorogenic substrate produced a fluorescent dye which was quantified on-chip using fluorescent technique. The immunosensor response was linear for myoglobin concentrations between 20 and 230 ng/ml (r=0.991, n=3). The detection limit was found to be 16 ng/ml, which is lower than the clinical cut-off value for myoglobin in healthy patients. This protocol could be extended to the detection of other important cardiac markers simultaneously in microchannels.  相似文献   
Nucleosome remodeling has been shown, in many cases, to involve cis displacement of nucleosomes on the DNA. This process seems similar to the long-recognized random diffusion of nucleosomes along DNA, but the remodeling process is unidirectional and ATP dependent. Several years ago, we developed a model for nucleosome migration, based on the diffusion of "twist-defects" within the nucleosomal DNA. This has been modified into a model that incorporates ATP-dependent defect generation, and can account for many observations concerning remodeling. However, certain experimental studies in recent years have cast doubt on the applicability of the twist-diffusion model for remodeling, and seem to favor instead a "reptation" model. We discuss herein these problems and propose a resolution.  相似文献   
The biotransformation of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), a possible carcinogenic food antioxidant, includes o-demethylation to 2-tert-butyl(1,4)hydroquinone (TBHQ) which can subsequently be oxidized to 2-tert-butyl(1,4)paraquinone (TBQ). In this study, we have examined the capacity of Cu, a nuclei- and DNA-associated transition metal, to mediate the oxidation of TBHQ. In phosphate buffered saline (PBS), autooxidation of TBHQ to TBQ was not detectable, while Cu(II) at micromolar concentrations strongly catalyzed the oxidation of TBHQ to TBQ. Oxidation of TBHQ by Cu(II) was accompanied by the utilization of O(2) and the concomitant generation of H(2)O(2). Using electron spin resonance spectroscopy, it was observed that Cu(II) mediated the one electron oxidation of TBHQ to a semiquinone anion radical. The formation of a semiquinone anion radical, the utilization of O(2) and the generation of H(2)O(2) and TBQ could be completely blocked by bathocuproinedisulfonic acid (BCS) and reduced glutathione (GSH), two Cu(I)-chelators. 4-Pyridyl-1-oxide-N-tert-butylnitrone (POBN)-spin trapping experiments showed that the reaction of TBHQ with Cu(II) resulted in the generation of POBN-CH(3) and POBN-CH(OH)CH(3) adducts in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and ethanol, respectively, suggesting the formation of hydroxyl radical or a similar reactive intermediate. The formation of POBN-CH(3) adduct from the TBHQ/Cu(II)+DMSO could be completely inhibited by catalase, GSH or BCS, indicating that the hydroxyl radical or its equivalent is generated from the interaction of H(2)O(2) with Cu(I). Incubation of supercoiled phiX-174 plasmid DNA with the TBHQ/Cu(II) resulted in extensive DNA strand breaks, which could be prevented by catalase or BCS. Incubation of rat hepatocytes with TBHQ in PBS led to increased formation of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) in nuclear DNA. The TBHQ-induced formation of 8-OHdG was markedly reduced in the presence of cell permeable Cu(I)-specific chelator, bathocuproine or neocuproine, suggesting that a Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox mechanism may also be involved in the induction of oxidative DNA damage by TBHQ in hepatocytes. Taken together, the above results conclusively demonstrate that the activation of TBHQ by Cu(II) results in the formation of TBQ, semiquinone anion radical and reactive oxygen species (ROS), and that the ROS formed may participate in oxidative DNA damage in both isolated DNA and intact cells. These reactions may contribute to the carcinogenicity as well as other biochemical activities observed with BHA in animals. To our knowledge this study provides the first evidence that endogenous cellular Cu may be capable of bioactivating TBHQ, leading to oxidative DNA damage in cultured cells.  相似文献   
We describe a method for preparing nuclear spreads from cells of live, unfixed zebrafish embryos at the late-gastrula (∼8000 cell) stage of development. The method consists of a sequence of four steps: (1) a slow, gentle lysis, in low to moderate salt concentration, of cells and then nuclei, to release DNA-containing fibres; (2) spreading of the released fibres by a transverse fluid flow; (3) electrostatic, and possibly also covalent, attachment of the spread fibers to poly(l-lysine)-coated glass microscope slides; and (4) continued incubation to produce periodic cleavage of the DNA within the fibres, apparently through activation of endogenous nucleases. The nuclear spreads are imaged with epifluorescence, at a spatial resolution approaching the Rayleigh limit (∼230 nm for blue light). The epifluorescent signal is provided from Hoechst 33258 bound specifically to the DNA, from a dye-coupled antibody conjugate bound specifically to histone H1 in the fibres, or from a DNA nick end-labelling assay. The spontaneous cleavage of DNA-containing fibres in step (4) of the above procedure can be blocked by the chelating agents EGTA and EDTA, by the caspase-2,3,7 inhibitor N-acetyl-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-aldehyde, and by the caspase-1,4,5 inhibitors N-acetyl-Tyr-Val-Ala-Asp-aldehyde and N-acetyl-Tyr-Val-Ala-Asp-chloromethyl ketone. These data suggest that the spontaneous cleavage of fibres is catalysed by nucleases that become activated through a caspase-mediated mechanism. The involvement of caspase-dependent nucleases would suggest that an apoptosis pathway is activated in the spreads during their prolonged incubation. If bona fide apoptosis is induced in living zebrafish embryos by treatment with camptothecin (a topoisomerase I poison), and then nuclear spreads are prepared, we observe a similar fragmentation of the spread fibres. However, in this case the fragmentation is more rapid and complete. We hypothesize that, during the early phase of apoptosis, one or more endogenous nucleases are activated by a caspase-mediated mechanism. The nuclease(s) then specifically recognize and cleave a susceptible, periodically repeating feature of interphase chromatin. Received: 19 September 1997; in revised form: 14 November 1997 / Accepted: 15 November 1997  相似文献   
Changes in the shape and size of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes at the phase transition at 41.5°C have been monitored by light microscopy. All liposomes change size or shape at the transition and those with simple topologies such as spheres and cylinders can be readily measured. The surface area of these is some 24% greater above the transition than below. This surface area change is virtually identical to that predicted by crystallographic measurements on this system. Also, the rate of transition from one state to another is seen to proceed more rapidly in the smaller liposomes. Optical microscopic observation provides a rapid simple method for monitoring the dependence of the lipid bilayer area on temperature.  相似文献   
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