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Goh KK  Hemar Y  Singh H 《Biopolymers》2005,77(2):98-106
The rheological properties and molecular parameters of a purified exopolysaccharide (EPS) produced by a ropy strain of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus NCFB 2483 were investigated. Using capillary viscometry, an intrinsic viscosity of 2,013 mL/g was obtained. The flow curves were fitted by both the Carreau and the Cross equations for shear-thinning fluids, with the Carreau equation giving a better fit. The Cross equation fitted fairly well the plot of reduced viscosity as a function of reduced shear rate with an exponent value (1 - n) of approximately 0.76, typical of random coil polymers. Furthermore, the concentration dependence of the viscosity plot showed a gradient of approximately 1.1 in the dilute regime and 3.3 in the semidilute regime. Molecular parameters were obtained using a multiangle laser light scattering technique. The 2483 EPS molecules had a weight-average molar mass of approximately 2 x 10(6) Da and a z-average root mean square radius (RMS) of approximately 151 nm. From the light scattering data, the bacterial EPS was also found to have a low polydispersity index (approximately 1.15) and adopt a random coil conformation.  相似文献   
The digesta in four gut compartments (proximal and distal halves of small intestine, caecum, and proximal colon) of a wild hindgut fermenting herbivore, the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula), were investigated by rheometry and permeametry. Digesta from all compartments were highly viscous and exhibited shear-thinning. Apparent viscosity was positively related to dry matter content, and increased from proximal small intestine to colon. Dynamic rheological measurements showed that in small intestinal digesta the elastic modulus was greater than the viscous modulus and their ratios were characteristic of weak gels, indicating that digesta could sustain compression. The apparent viscosity of distal small intestinal digesta was markedly lower when measured by capillary viscometry than by rotatory viscometry, indicating that plug flow was likely to be facilitated by lubrication from a peripheral layer of less viscous fluid; i.e., there was an augmented plug flow. Permeametry showed that fluid was extruded from all digesta on compression at physiological pressures, that there was significant permeability of proximal and distal small intestinal digesta, but that digesta became progressively compacted during permeation, with a concomitant reduction in permeability as dry matter content increased. It is proposed that conditions within the small intestine differ from those of an ideal plug flow reactor as radial mixing and turbulence cannot occur. Instead, we suggest that segmentation and peristalsis aid radial mixing of the fluid phase by compressing the solid phase, with extrusion of fluid through the digesta plug. This extrusion may be followed by resorption of fluid back into the plug when the elasticity of the solid phase of digesta is Hookean, thus aiding the mixing of secreted enzymes with insoluble substrates within the plug.  相似文献   
In 2007, the A/Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1) seasonal influenza virus strain acquired the oseltamivir-resistance mutation H275Y in its neuraminidase (NA) gene. Although previous studies had demonstrated that this mutation impaired the replication capacity of the influenza virus in vitro and in vivo, the A/Brisbane/59/2007 H275Y oseltamivir-resistant mutant completely out-competed the wild-type (WT) strain and was, in the 2008-2009 influenza season, the primary A/H1N1 circulating strain. Using a combination of plaque and viral yield assays, and a simple mathematical model, approximate values were extracted for two basic viral kinetics parameters of the in vitro infection. In the ST6GalI-MDCK cell line, the latent infection period (i.e., the time for a newly infected cell to start releasing virions) was found to be 1-3 h for the WT strain and more than 7 h for the H275Y mutant. The infecting time (i.e., the time for a single infectious cell to cause the infection of another one) was between 30 and 80 min for the WT, and less than 5 min for the H275Y mutant. Single-cycle viral yield experiments have provided qualitative confirmation of these findings. These results, though preliminary, suggest that the increased fitness success of the A/Brisbane/59/2007 H275Y mutant may be due to increased infectivity compensating for an impaired or delayed viral release, and are consistent with recent evidence for the mechanistic origins of fitness reduction and recovery in NA expression. The method applied here can reconcile seemingly contradictory results from the plaque and yield assays as two complementary views of replication kinetics, with both required to fully capture a strain's fitness.  相似文献   
Chytrids have long been recognised as important parasites of microalgae in freshwater systems, able to shape the dynamics of blooms, the gene pool of their host and phytoplankton succession. In the sea however, where the presence of these organisms is erratic and ephemeral, studies concerning chytrids are sparse and confined to metabarcoding surveys or microscopy observations. Despite the scarcity of data, chytrid epidemics are supposed to play an important role in marine biogeochemical cycles, being one of the drivers of phytoplankton dynamics. Here we combine microscopy observations and in silico mining of a single-cell whole genome to molecularly and morphologically characterise a novel chytrid parasite of the dominant diatom genus Skeletonema. Morphological observations highlight features of the thallus and ascertain the parasitic nature of the interaction whilst the genetic markers obtained allows for a phylogenetic reconstruction, placing the new species in the order Rhizophydiales. Thanks to the molecular data obtained we are also able to provide a first investigation of the global distribution of this organism by screening the Ocean Sampling Day (OSD) dataset, highlighting a northern transatlantic dissemination.  相似文献   
The structural properties and morphology of mixed gels made of aqueous preparations of agarose and whey protein were modified by changing thermal treatment and pH. The conformationally dissimilar polymers phase separated and this process was followed by small-deformation dynamic oscillation in shear, differential scanning calorimetry and environmental scanning electron microscopy. Experimental protocol encourages formation of a range of two-phase systems from continuous agarose matrices perforated by liquid-like whey protein inclusions to phase inverted preparations where a soft protein matrix suspends hard agarose-filler particles. These distinct morphologies have widely different mechanical moduli, which were followed by adapting a theoretical analysis (isostress-isostrain and Lewis-Nielsen blending laws) from the literature in synthetic block polymers and polyblends. Based on this framework of thought, reasonable predictions of the elastic moduli in the composite gels were made that led to patterns of solvent partition between the two polymeric networks. It was shown that proteins, in mixture with polysaccharide, exhibit favorable relative affinity (P-factor) for water molecules at a pH above their isoelectric point. This is an unexpected outcome that adds to the central finding of a single P value for the distribution of solvent between the continuous matrix and discontinuous inclusions of binary gels. It was thus proposed that phase continuity and solvent distribution in agarose/whey protein systems are under kinetic control that can be heavily governed by pH changes in the aqueous environment.  相似文献   
Four types of contractile activity were identified and characterised in the isolated triple haustrated proximal colon of the rabbit using high-definition spatiotemporal mapping techniques. Mass peristalses were hexamethonium-sensitive deep circular contractions with associated taenial longitudinal contractile activity that occurred irregularly and propagated rapidly aborad, preceded by a zone of local lumen distension. They were sufficiently sustained for each event to occupy the length of the isolated colonic segment and the contraction persisted longer orally than aborally, the difference being more pronounced when lumen contents were viscous. Haustra were bounded by deep even-spaced ring contractions that progressed slowly aborad (haustral progression). Haustral formation and progression were hexamethonium-sensitive and coordinated across intertaenial domains. Ripples were hexamethonium-resistant phasic circular contractions that propagated predominantly orad at varying rates. In the presence of haustra, they were uncoordinated across intertaenial domains but were more coordinated when haustra were absent. Fast phasic contractions were relatively shallow hexamethonium-resistant contractions that propagated rapidly in a predominantly aborad direction. Fast phasic circular contractions were accompanied by taenial longitudinal muscle contractions which increased in amplitude prior to a mass peristaltic event and following the administration of hexamethonium. On the basis of the concurrence and interaction of these contractile activities, we hypothesise that dual pacemakers are present with fast phasic contractions being modulated by the interstitial cells of Cajal in the Auerbach’s plexus (ICC-MY) while ripples are due to the submucosal ICC (ICC-SM). Further, that ICC-SM mediate the enteric motor neurons that generate haustral progression, while the intramuscular ICC (ICC-IM) mediate mass peristalsis. The orad movement of watery fluid was possibly due to ripples in the absence of haustra.  相似文献   
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