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Dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH, EC is present in both membrane-bound and soluble forms in neurosecretory vesicles. This study was designed to investigate the differences between membrane-bound and soluble DBH and how they may arise from translation of a single mRNA. Antisera to a peptide corresponding to the carboxyl terminus of rat DBH was found to specifically immunoprecipitate the 77- and 73-kDa subunits of newly synthesized DBH in rat brain. Thus, both soluble and membrane-bound forms contain the same carboxyl terminus. To investigate differences at the amino terminus, full-length rat DBH mRNA, translated in a cell-free system, produced a 66-kDa peptide. An additional higher molecular mass product was synthesized upon co-translational addition of microsomal membranes. This product was glycosylated since it bound to concanavalin A-Sepharose and reverted to the 66-kDa polypeptide after treatment with endoglycosidase H. This glycosylated product was resistant to protease digestion and fractionated with microsomal membranes on sucrose gradients, indicating that it is incorporated into the microsomal membranes. Amino-terminal sequencing of the glycosylated translation product indicated that the amino-terminal "signal" sequence was not cleaved. The results indicate that in the cell-free system newly synthesized DBH undergoes glycosylation and incorporation into microsomal membranes without cleavage of the NH2-terminal signal sequence.  相似文献   
DNAs extracted from Vibrio vulnificus seeded into oyster homogenates were evaluated as templates for the polymerase chain reaction. Several extraction procedures were examined, and it was determined that DNA recovered from cells lysed by guanidine isothiocyanate, extracted with chloroform, and precipitated with ethanol was most suitable for use as a polymerase chain reaction template. The region targeted was a 519-bp portion of the cytotoxin-hemolysin gene of V. vulnificus. This region was amplified only when DNA from this species was present in the homogenate. V. vulnificus seeded into oyster homogenates at an initial level of 10(2) CFU/g of oyster meat was consistently observed after 24 h of incubation in alkaline peptone water.  相似文献   
Y Q Feng  S G Sligar 《Biochemistry》1991,30(42):10150-10155
The structure and stability of apocytochrome b562 were explored using absorption and circular dichroism spectroscopic methods. The polypeptide chain retains a well-defined structure when the prosthetic heme group is removed from cytochrome b562. Circular dichroism measurements estimate 60% helicity for apocytochrome b562, compared with 80% helicity found in holocytochrome b562. At low pH, apocytochrome b562 displays a midpoint pH of 2.9, while ferricytochrome b562 displays a midpoint pH of 2.3. The unfolding of the apoprotein by urea and heat can be well approximated by the two-state transition model. The stability of apocytochrome b562 is significantly reduced from that of the holoprotein. The free energy of stabilization (delta G degrees) and the midpoint transition temperature (Tm) for apocytochrome b562 are found to be 3.2 +/- 0.5 kcal/mol and 52.3 +/- 0.9 degrees C, respectively, compared with 6.6 +/- 0.5 kcal/mol and 67.2 +/- 0.5 degrees C for ferricytochrome b562. The smaller heat capacity change upon unfolding of apocytochrome b562 than that of ferricytochrome b562, estimated from the thermodynamic parameters, indicates that apocytochrome b562 possesses a smaller hydrophobic core than holocytochrome b562. Size-exclusion chromatography studies indicate that the apoprotein is slightly more extended in molecular dimension than ferricytochrome b562. The data suggest that apocytochrome b562 resembles a "molten globule" or a "collapsed form" of the holoprotein, in which secondary structure formation is largely complete while the global folding is either only partially complete or dynamically expanded.  相似文献   
Y Q Feng  A J Wand  S G Sligar 《Biochemistry》1991,30(31):7711-7717
The 1H and 15N resonances of uniformly enriched apocytochrome b562 (106 residues) have been assigned. The assignment work began with the identification of the majority of HN-H alpha-H beta subspin systems in two-dimensional DQF-COSY and TOCSY spectra of unlabeled protein in D2O and in 95% H2O/5% D2O buffer. Intraresidue and interresidue NOE connectivities were then searched for in two-dimensional homonuclear NOESY spectra recorded on unlabeled protein and in the three-dimensional NOESY-HMQC spectrum recorded on uniformly 15N-enriched protein. Those data, combined with the main-chain-directed assignment strategy (MCD), led to the assignment of the main-chain and many side-chain resonances of 103 of the 106 residues. Qualitatively, the helical conformation is found to be the dominant secondary structure in apocytochrome b562 as it is in holocytochrome b562. The helical segments in apocytochrome b562 overlap extensively with the helical regions defined in the crystal structure of ferricytochrome b562. In addition, a number of tertiary NOEs have been identified which indicate that the global fold of the apoprotein at least partially resembles the four-helix bundle of the holoprotein. The results presented here, together with the evidence obtained with other methods [Feng and Sligar (1991) Biochemistry (submitted)], support the notion that the interior of the protein is fluid and may correspond to a molten globule state.  相似文献   
R Gollamudi  Z X Feng 《Chirality》1991,3(6):480-483
alpha,alpha'-Bis[3-(N,N-diethylcarbamoyl)piperidino]-p-xylene dihydrobromide, a novel antiplatelet agent, was resolved into three isomers A, B, and C, on a chiral alpha 1-acid glycoprotein analytical column using a mobile phase of 0.025 M phosphate buffer containing 0.025 M tetrabutylammonium hydrogen sulfate, at a pH of 6.5. The effect of molarity, temperature, pH, flow rate, and organic modifiers on the enantioselectivity was examined. Based on circular dichroic spectra at 220 nm, A and C appear to be the (-)- and (+)-enantiomers, respectively, and B the meso diastereomer. Attempts at resolution using Pirkle type columns gave unsatisfactory results. It appears that both hydrophobic and polar interactions between the compound and the stationary phase are important determinants of resolution.  相似文献   
Cereal aphids infesting spring wheat in southwestern Idaho were surveyed during 1988 and 1989 for the presence of entomophthoralean fungi and hymenopterous parasitoids. Cereal aphids killed by the fungi (cadavers) and parasitoids (mummies) includedDiuraphis noxia (Mordvilko),Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker),Sitobion avenae (F.), andSchizaphis graminum (Rondani). Taylor's power law was used to describe the relationships between mean densities of cadavers or mummies (number per tiller) and associated variances. Except forS. graminum mummies, which were at low levels throughout the growing seasons and tended to be randomly distributed, Taylor's slopes exceeded 1.0 for all the aphid cadavers and mummies, indicating varying degrees of clumping in spatial pattern. The spatial patterns ofD. noxia andM. dirhodum cadavers were similar, simply reflecting those of their own populations, but more aggregated than were their respective mummies resulting from parasitoid attack. The intercepts and slopes from the power law analysis were used to generate functional relationships between the proportion of wheat tillers bearing cadavers or mummies of each aphid species and the mean density, and develop optimal numerical (direct counting) and binomial (presence or absence) sample size curves for both cadavers and mummies of each aphid species.   相似文献   
用薄层聚丙烯酰胺凝胶等电聚焦电泳分析了上海地区202例汉族胃癌病人及202例正常对照组的运铁聋白(Tf)和α_1-抗胰蛋白酶(α_1-AT)亚型的分布,发现胃癌组Tfc_1c_1纯合子频率(0.3713)和Tfc_1基因频率(0.5718)显著低于对照组(分别为0.5149和0.6782),均为p<0.01,胃癌组Tfc_2c_2纯合子频率(0.2228)和Tfc_2基因频率(0.4019)显著高于对照组(分别为0.1436,p<0.05和0.2970,p<0.01),胃癌组和对照组的α_1-抗胰蛋白酶亚型分布无显著差异。用薄层聚丙烯酰胺等电聚焦结合免疫固定分析了上海地区200例汉族胃癌病人和200例正常对照组的组特异性成分(Gc)亚型分布,发现胃癌组Go1F表型频率(0.22)和Gc1F基因频率(0.4375)均显著高于正常对照组(分别为0.14和0.3600,均为p<0.05)。  相似文献   
D E Stevenson  R Feng  A C Storer 《FEBS letters》1990,277(1-2):112-114
Nitrilase from Rhodococcus ATCC 39484 was found to consist of two species of Mr 40,258 +/- 2 and 40,388 +/- 2 Da. When the enzyme was incubated with nitrile substrates and the reaction quenched with acid, higher Mr species were observed. The mass differences were consistent with addition of a substrate molecule to each species. These results represent the first reported demonstration that this, or any other nitrilase forms a covalent intermediate with its substrates. The observation that the intermediate, suggested to be either a thioimidate or an acylenzyme, can be trapped by acidification indicates that the rate of breakdown of the intermediate is rate-limiting.  相似文献   
The Green's function technique is applied to a study of breathing modes in a DNA double helix which contains a region of different base pairs from the rest of the double helix. The calculation is performed on a G-C helix in the B conformation with four consecutive base pairs replaced by A-T. The average stretch in hydrogen bonds is found amplified around the A-T base pair region compared with that of poly(dG)-poly(dC). This is likely related to the A-T regions lower stability against hydrogen bond melting. The A-T region may be considered to be the initiation site for melting in such a helix.  相似文献   
Commercial crystalline phosphocreatine generally contains a contaminant, probably pyrophosphate, that can inhibit nucleoside triphosphatases and may therefore cause errors in steady-state kinetic studies of creatine kinase-coupled r reactions. Ion-exchange chromatography reveals the presence of pyrophosphate in some batches of phosphocreatine sufficient to account for the observed inhibition. Chromatographically purified phosphocreatine shows no inhibitory effect.  相似文献   
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