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镉胁迫对大蒜苗生理特性的影响及施钙的缓解效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过营养液水培方式,研究了镉(Cd2+)对大蒜苗生长、光合特性、叶片酶活性及主要矿质元素吸收的影响及增施不同浓度钙(Ca2+)对镉胁迫大蒜苗的缓解效应. 结果表明:与正常生长的大蒜苗相比,施镉能明显降低大蒜苗的形态指标(株高、假茎粗、假茎长及鲜质量),减少叶片的色素含量、净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(E)及气孔导度(gs),减弱叶片中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性并增加丙二醛(MDA)含量,减少根中矿质元素(N、P、K、Ca、Mg)含量并增加Cd含量. 增施钙能显著促进镉胁迫大蒜苗的生长,随所增施钙浓度的提高,大蒜苗的形态指标均呈现先增大后减小的趋势,在其浓度为2或3 mmol·L-1时达到峰值;同时,增施钙也可有效提高镉胁迫大蒜叶片的色素含量及光合参数(Pn、E、gs),其变化趋势与形态指标类似,均在所增施钙浓度为2或3 mmol·L-1时最高;另外,增施钙能增强镉胁迫大蒜叶片的抗氧化酶(SOD、POD、CAT)活性并降低MDA含量,还可增加根中矿质元素(N、P、K、Ca、Mg)含量并减少Cd含量,且施钙浓度为2或3 mmol·L-1时效果最好.
目的 观察早期腰椎置管引流加鞘内注射两性霉素B治疗伴有恶性高颅压隐球菌性脑膜炎的临床效果及探讨临床应用的可行性.方法 详细分析和归纳整理了我科应用腰椎置管法治疗的4例隐球菌性脑膜炎患者的临床资料.结果 4例患者经早期腰椎置管引流加鞘内注射两性霉素B治疗后临床症状迅速改善.经联合治疗后,痊愈3例,好转1例,4例患者随访至今均无复发.结论 早期腰椎置管引流加鞘内注射两性霉素B治疗隐球菌性脑膜炎能有效的降低隐球菌脑膜炎患者的高颅压,改善临床症状,提高疗效.  相似文献   
矮牵牛编码F3′5′H的蓝色基因表达载体构建及转化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
类黄酮3',5'羟基化酶(Flavonoid-3',5'hydroxylase,F3'5'H)是花色苷代谢途径中的一个关键酶,能使花色素合成趋向于形成蓝色的飞燕草色素,从而使花色向蓝紫色偏移.本研究从蓝紫色矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida)花瓣中克隆了编码F3'5,H的蓝色基因Hf1,并通过PCR技术获得百合花特异表达启动子(PchsA),将百合PchsA与Hf1基因融合,构建了百合花特异表达启动子调控的Hf1基因植物表达载体,通过农杆菌介导的叶盘法转化粉红色矮牵牛.抗性筛选和PCR检测鉴定转基因植株,结果表明,成功地获得了转基因阳性植株.  相似文献   
农田生态系统耕作方式显著影响土壤微生物群落结构和功能,进而影响土壤微生物介导的土壤碳循环过程.以免耕结合作物秸秆还田为核心的保护性耕作是提升土壤碳汇功能和肥力的重要措施,其中土壤微生物发挥了关键作用.尽管有较多关于保护性耕作下微生物群落结构与功能的研究,但由于土壤系统的复杂性、环境因素以及微生物群落评价方法的差异性,尚...  相似文献   
微生物发酵降解植物甾醇侧链,生产雄甾-4-烯-3,17-二酮(AD),雄甾-1,4-二烯-3,17-二酮(ADD),和9α-羟基-AD甾体药物中间体的工业生物技术对改变制造甾体激素药物半合成原料薯蓣皂素短缺的现状,实现甾体激素药物半合成原料多元化,合理利用我国甾体植物资源具有重要意义。重点评述了近期微生物法断植物甾醇侧链制AD、ADD和9α-羟基-AD的研究现状,内容包括:1)微生物菌种选育;2)菌种相关的细胞生理,酶学性质和生物催化过程;3)相关酶的细胞定位及生物反应器;4)发酵工艺选择和甾醇原料的合理利用。  相似文献   
目的:观察新生儿体内母源性乙型肝炎表面抗体(抗-HBs)对乙型肝炎疫苗接种后抗体应答的远期影响。方法:2006年10月-2007年1月在南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院产前检查并住院分娩的单胎足月妊娠妇女中,选择抗-HBs阳性孕妇32例,抗-HBs阴性孕妇32例,其新生儿均按0、1、6方案接种重组(酵母)乙型肝炎疫苗,检测两组儿童乙型肝炎疫苗第3针接种后2年血清抗-HBs浓度。结果:新生儿接种乙型肝炎疫苗第3针后2年,母源性抗-HBs阴性组与阳性组儿童抗-HBs阳性率分别为90.6%与87.5%,其抗-HBs几何平均浓度分别为73.48mIU/ml与75.49mIU/ml,两组间抗-HBs阳性率与GMC的差异均无统计学意义(P=1.000,P=0.778);6例母源性抗-HBs>1000mIU/ml儿童中1例抗-HBs转阴(16.7%),而母源性抗-HBs<1000mIU/ml组和母源性抗-HBs组的儿童抗-HBs转阴率分别仅为7.69%和11.1%,但差异无统计学意(P=0.811)。结论:新生儿目前按照0,1,6方案接种乙型肝炎疫苗,能够有效保护其抵抗乙型肝炎病毒的感染;母源性抗-HBs对新生儿接种乙型肝炎疫苗...  相似文献   
A series of studies claimed that deep root development of plant established in karst regions was facilitated by fractured bedrock beneath the shallow soils; however, bedrock is not a uniform medium for root proliferation. We hypothesized plant species that survived in different karst habitats had some other rooting characteristics rather than deep penetration. To test the hypothesis, coarse root systems of two widely distributed woody species (one tree and one shrub) growing in three typical rocky karst habitats (shallow soil, loose rocky soil and exposed rock) were excavated in karst region of southwest China. Root systems were investigated based on four parameters: maximum rooting depth, maximum radial extent, root tapering pattern and root curvature. In all the three habitats, maximum rooting depths were no deeper than 120 and 40 cm for the tree and shrub species, respectively. Maximum radial extents were extremely large compared with maximum rooting depth, indicating that rooting characteristics were dominated by horizontal extension rather than deep penetration. Roots of both species growing in shallow soil habitat tapered gradually and curved slightly, which was consistent with the specific characteristics of this habitat. On the contrary, roots of the tree species growing in the other two habitats tapered rapidly but curved slightly, while roots of the shrub species tapered gradually but curved strongly. It was speculated that limited depths and rapid tapering rates of the tree roots were likely compensated by their utmost radial extensions, while the shrub species might benefit from its root curvature as the associated root tropisms may increase the ability of root to encounter more water and contribute to potentially high resource absorption efficiency. Our results highlight the importance of taking shallow-rooted species into account in understanding the distribution of natural plant communities and predicting future vegetation dynamics in karst regions.  相似文献   
In this work, the gelation of three-dimensional collagen and collagen/hyaluronan (HA) composites is studied by time sweep rheology and time lapse confocal reflectance microscopy (CRM). To investigate the complementary nature of these techniques, first collagen gel formation is investigated at concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 mg/mL at 37°C and 32°C. The following parameters are used to describe the self-assembly process in all gels: the crossover time (tc), the slope of the growth phase (kg), and the arrest time (ta). The first two measures are determined by rheology, and the third by CRM. A frequency-independent rheological measure of gelation, tg, is also measured at 37°C. However, this quantity cannot be straightforwardly determined for gels formed at 32°C, indicating that percolation theory does not fully capture the dynamics of collagen network formation. The effects of collagen concentration and gelation temperature on kg, tc, and ta as well as on the mechanical properties and structure of these gels both during gelation and at equilibrium are elucidated. Composite collagen/HA gels are also prepared, and their properties are monitored at equilibrium and during gelation at 37°C and 32°C. We show that addition of HA subtly alters mechanical properties and structure of these systems both during the gelation process and at equilibrium. This occurs in a temperature-dependent manner, with the ratio of HA deposited on collagen fibers versus that distributed homogeneously between fibers increasing with decreasing gelation temperature. In addition to providing information on collagen and collagen/HA structure and mechanical properties during gelation, this work shows new ways in which rheology and microscopy can be used complementarily to reveal details of gelation processes.  相似文献   
基于滨海盐土5个试验点的土壤含水量和室内土壤表面高光谱反射率,综合分析了350~2500 nm波段范围内土壤含水量与土壤光谱之间的关系,并基于比值光谱指数(RSI)、归一化光谱指数(NDSI)和差值光谱指数(DI)确定了光谱参数,进而构建土壤含水量估测定量模型.结果表明: 滨海盐土原始光谱反射率与土壤含水量呈显著负相关关系,且最大负相关出现在1930 nm(r=0.86)附近.对RSI、NDSI和DI的直线回归方程、幂函数回归方程进行对比,以RSI(R1407,R1459)为自变量构建的土壤含水量指数函数线性回归方程决定系数最大(0.780),标准误较小(0.016),拟合方程为y=0.00001e9.72053x.估测模型能够更好地监测滨海盐土土壤水分状况.基于RSI(R1407,R1459)构建的模型可实现对江苏省滨海盐土土壤水分的精确监测.  相似文献   
为进一步研究pemt2对肝癌细胞生长抑制的作用机制提供方便的实验模型,构建了pLNCX-pemt2重组体.将目的基因pemt2连接入含有neo抗性基因的真核细胞表达载体pLNCX中,构建pLNCX-pemt2重组子,并用磷酸钙沉淀法将其转入大鼠肝癌CBRH-7919细胞中,应用PCR、Western印迹及[3H]SAM参入等技术对其转染、表达及活性进行鉴定.转染pLNCX-pemt2的大鼠肝癌细胞,PEMT2成功表达(分子量为22.5kD);高表达克隆PEMT2的表达量对照组高约5倍,其活性比对照组高2.1倍;细胞生长的倍增时间从21.54±7.08h延长到43.22±7.11h.结果表明,pLNCX-pemt2重组体转入肝癌细胞后,PEMT2蛋白得到高效表达,明显抑制肝癌细胞生长.  相似文献   
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