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By means of gas-liquid chromatography determination it was found that progress of dormancy break of almond buds is a function of relative proportions of free and glycoside-bound abscisic acid. Successive stages of bud break manifest a marked increase of bound abscisic acid accompanied by a parallel decrease in endogenous levels of the free form. Of the two stereoisomers involved it was found that while the cis-trans form maintains a more or less stable level throughout, changes were detected primarily in the trans-trans form. It is thus postulated that the binding of free hormone as well as its total content are of major physiological importance in the process of bud dormancy break.  相似文献   
FLP/FRT-mediated site-specific recombination was studied with a recombination-reporter gene system which allows visualization of -glucuronidase (GUS) expression after site-specific excisional activation of a silent gusA gene. This system was used for characterization of the functional activity of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae native FLP recombinase driven by the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35s promoter [linked to the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) omega translational leader] in mediating site-specific recombination of chromosomal FRT sites in tobacco FLP x FRT-reporter hybrids. Six hybrids were generated from crosses of lines containing either a stably integrated recombination-reporter or a FLP-expression construct. The activated gusA phenotype was specific to hybrid progenies and was not observed in either parental plants or their selfed progenies. Recombination efficiency in whole seedlings was estimated by the percent of radioactivity on a Southern blot which was incorporated into the recombined DNA product. Estimated efficiency mean values for the six crosses ranged from 5.2 to 52.0%. Histochemical analysis in hybrid plants visualized GUS activity with variable chimeric patterns and intensities. Recombination efficiency and GUS expression varied both among and within crosses, while higher recombination efficiency coincided with larger and more intense patterns of GUS activity. These data suggest that recombination is induced randomly during somatic developmental stages and that the pattern and intensity generated in a given plant are affected by factors imposing varibility not only between but also within crosses. Additionally, while recombination in a population of FLP/FRT hybrids may occur in all plants, recombination efficiency may still be low in any given plant. The activity of the native, as compared to a modified, FLP (Kilby et al. 1995) in the activation of transgenic traits in tobacco is discussed.  相似文献   
Y. Leshem  A. W. Galston 《Phytochemistry》1971,10(12):2869-2878
Previous work has shown that tobacco pith tissue contains two constitutive isoperoxidases migrating toward the anode at pH 9·0. Within 24 hr of aseptic culture on basal medium, such tissue develops five new isoperoxidases, three cathodic and two anodic. The appearance of the new isoperoxidases involves de novo protein formation; it is inhibited by anaerobic conditions, by such inhibitors as Actinomycin D, and by the plant hormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). We now find that phenol RNA extracted from parent pith and injected or vacuum infiltrated into cultured pith explants prevents the appearance of the new isozymes; RNA from cultured pith has no such effect. Hydrolysis with 0·3 N KOH, ribonuclease or proteolytic enzymes partially destroys this activity, while treatment with both ribonuclease and proteolytic enzymes completely destroys it. Fractionation of the RNA indicates that part of the repressor activity is associated with an mRNA-like fraction.  相似文献   
Increment of levels of both lipoxygenase and superoxide-dismutase which typically increase with age or upon light deprivation is significantly lowered by cytokinin treatment. It is suggested that cytokinin on the one hand by means of inhibition of polyunsaturated fatty acid catabolism prevents incipient formation of free radicals while on the other serves as a scavenger of radicals already formed.  相似文献   
The prospect that Ca(2+) promotes senescence by activating calmodulin has been examined using cut pea (Pisum sativum co Alaska) foliage as a model system. Senescence was induced by severing 17-day-old plants from their roots and maintaining them in aqueous test solutions in the dark for an additional 4 days. Treatment of the foliage with the Ca(2+) ionophore (A23187) during the senescence-induction period promoted a lateral phase separation of the bulk lipids in microsomal membranes indicating that internalization of Ca(2+) facilitates membrane deterioration. In addition, microsomal membranes from ionophore-treated tissue displayed an increased capacity to convert 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid to ethylene and an increased propensity to produce the superoxide anion (O(2) (tau)). Treatment of the tissue with fluphenazine during the senescence-induction period, which prevents binding of the Ca:Calmodulin complex to enzymes, delayed membrane deterioration as measured by these criteria. It also proved possible to simulate these in situ effects of the Ca(2+) ionophore on ethylene production and O(2) (tau) formation by treating microsomal membranes isolated from young tissue with phospholipase A(2) in the presence of Ca(2+) and calmodulin, and these effects of phospholipase A(2) and Ca:calmodulin were inhibited by calmodulin antagonists. The observations collectively suggest that internalized Ca(2+) promotes senescence by activating calmodulin, which in turn mediates the action of phospholipase A(2) on membranes.  相似文献   
Leshem, Y. Y. 1987. Membrane phospholipid catabolism and Ca2+ activity in control of senescence. A key role in the regulation of plant development and senescence appears to be a finely balanced equilibrium between membrane phospholipid catabolism on the one hand, and synthesis and remodelling on the other. In the catabolic “phosphatidyl-linoleyl(-enyl) cascade”, entering of Ca2+ into the cytosol triggers the catabolic process by binding to calmodulin and activating phospholipase A2, (EC The latter proceeds to release linoleic or linolenic acid from the sn-2 (stereospecific numbering) location of intact phospholipid, thus providing substrate for lipoxygenase (EC The action of lipoxygenase then generates a series of oxy-free radicals, ethylene, endogenous Ca2+ ionophores, malondialdehyde and jasmonic acid. These may recycle to the membrane, causing the entry of more Ca2+ and induction of a further, identical catabolic cycle. With increased cycling, membranes become progressively senescent and undergo biophysical changes altering microviscosity, fluidity, phase configurations of membrane phospholipids and transition temperatures. The cascade does not appear to be specific for the phospholipid substrate, and it is envisaged that besides phospholipase A2, both phospholipase B (EC and lipolytic acylhydrolase could participate in the process. A parallel process counteracting the above, is membrane remodelling and turnover, proceeding initially by the same Ca2+- and possibly calmodulin-triggering, but leading via phospholipase C (EC action and diacylglycerol formation to protein kinase activation and proton pump recharging. It is speculated that auxin and cytoki-nin, albeit by different pathways, induce this route, for which membrane phospho-inositides may be the preferred membrane-associated phospholipid substrate.  相似文献   
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