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To address the central question of how climate change influences tree growth within the context of global warming, we used dendroclimatological analysis to understand the reactions of four major boreal tree species –Populus tremuloides, Betula papyrifera, Picea mariana, and Pinus banksiana– to climatic variations along a broad latitudinal gradient from 46 to 54°N in the eastern Canadian boreal forest. Tree‐ring chronologies from 34 forested stands distributed at a 1° interval were built, transformed into principal components (PCs), and analyzed through bootstrapped correlation analysis over the period 1950–2003 to identify climate factors limiting the radial growth and the detailed radial growth–climate association along the gradient. All species taken together, previous summer temperature (negative influences), and current January and March–April temperatures (positive influences) showed the most consistent relationships with radial growth across the gradient. Combined with the identified species/site‐specific climate factors, our study suggested that moisture conditions during the year before radial growth played a dominant role in positively regulating P. tremuloides growth, whereas January temperature and growing season moisture conditions positively impacted growth of B. papyrifera. Both P. mariana and P. banksiana were positively affected by the current‐year winter and spring or whole growing season temperatures over the entire range of our corridor. Owing to the impacts of different climate factors on growth, these boreal species showed inconsistent responsiveness to recent warming at the transition zone, where B. papyrifera, P. mariana, and P. banksiana would be the most responsive species, whereas P. tremuloides might be the least. Under continued warming, B. papyrifera stands located north of 49°N, P. tremuloides at northern latitudes, and P. mariana and P. banksiana stands located north of 47°N might benefit from warming winter and spring temperatures to enhance their radial growth in the coming decades, whereas other southern stands might be decreasing in radial growth.  相似文献   
Plusquellec, Y., Lafuste, J. & Webb, G. E. 1990 10 15: Organisation de type tétracoralliaire des rides septales de Palaeacis (Cnidaria, Carbonifére). Lethaia, Vol. 23, pp. 385–397. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164. Precedemment signalée chez Kerforneidictyum (Pleurodictyforme dévonien), la rare disposition des rides septales suivant un mode tétracoralliaire est décrite chez un Palaeack sp. du Viséen d'Algérie et chez P. cuneiformis subsp. A du Viseen d'Australie. Chez Palaeacis sp. sont mises en evidence une ride septale cardinale forte en position externe opposée à une ride antipode déterminant un plan de symétrie bilatérale; de part et d'autre une zone systématiquement confuse marque l'emplacement des rides alaires. La reconnaissance des périantipodes prête à discussion et ce secteur présente une originalité certaine par rapport à celui des Tétracoralliaires. Chez P. cuneiformis subsp. A, une coupe transversale montre la présence de quatre rides proéminentes qui fusionnent dans I'axe du corallite et I'existence d'une symétrie bilatérale. La position systématique du genre Palaeacis est discutée: son attribution aux Tétracoralliaires est exclue, ancun caractére n'est incompatible avec le statut de Tabulé, la création d'une unité taxon-omique nouvelle regroupant Palaeacis, Trachypsammia et les Pleurodictyformes est envisageable mais actuellement prématurée. ? Palaeacis, Tabulata, Rugosa, rides septales, systématique, relations deparenré, Viséen. The tetracoral pattern of septal ridges described in Kerforneidictyum (Devonian Pleurodictyum-like coral) is scar'ce in the Tabulata, but has been found in Palaeacis sp. from the Visean of Algeria and in P. cuneiformis subsp. A from the Visean of Australia. Palaeacis sp. shows a strong cardinal septal ridge in peripheral position, just opposite the counter ridge. thus creating a plane of bilateral symmetry: an area on both sides. which is always blurred, indicates the position of the alar ridges. counter-lateral ridges are not easily identified and yield differing interpretation. Compared with the Rugosa this area presents distinctive features. In P. cuneiformis subsp. A, a transverse section exhibits four well-developed septal ridges that coalesce in the axis of the corallite with obvious bilateral symmetry. The systematic position of the genus Palaeacis is questioned: Rugosa it is not; it may belong to Tabulata: however, erecting a new higher taxon for Palaeacis, Trachypsammia and other Pleurodictyum-like corals is premature at our present state of knowledge. ? Palaeacis, Tabulata, Rugosa, septal ridges, systematic. affinities, Visean.  相似文献   
Microsatellite loci were developed from Parnassius apollo and Euphydryas aurinia, two endangered Palaearctic butterfly species. Respectively, six and five polymorphic loci were characterized from an enriched partial genomic library. Genetic diversity range from three to 25 alleles for the first species and from seven to 21 for the second. Although the presence of null alleles is suspected, these polymorphic loci are likely to provide important information on the fine scale genetic structure among populations of these species.  相似文献   
Some plant species from which viruses are difficult to transmit to other species by sap inoculation contain substances that inhibit infection. The extent to which infection is inhibited by these substances depends on the species of plants to which inoculations are made and not on the identity of the virus. The inhibitors are largely ineffective in preventing infection of the species which contain them.
Infection of cucumber was less affected than any of the other species by all the inhibitors tested.  相似文献   
We investigated changes in wildfire risk over the 1901?2002 (ad ) period with an analysis of broad‐scale patterns of July monthly drought code (MDC) variability on 28 forested ecoregions of the North American and Eurasian continents. The MDC is an estimate of the net effect of changes in evapotranspiration and precipitation on cumulative moisture depletion in soils, and is well correlated with annual fire statistics across the circumboreal (explaining 25–61% of the variance in regional area burned). We used linear trend and regime shift analyses to investigate (multi‐) decadal changes in MDC and percentage area affected by drought, and kernel function for analysis of temporal changes in the occurrence rates of extreme drought years. Our analyses did not reveal widespread patterns of linear increases in dryness through time as a response to rising Northern Hemisphere land temperatures. Instead, we found heterogeneous patterns of drought severity changes that were inherent to the nonuniformly distributed impacts of climate change on dryness. Notably, significant trends toward increasing summer moisture in southeastern and southwestern boreal Canada were detected. The diminishing wildfire risk in these regions is coherent with widely reported decreases in area burned since about 1850, as reconstructed by dendrochronological dating of forest stands. Conversely, we found evidence for increasing percentage area affected by extreme droughts in Eurasia (+0.57% per decade; P<0.05) and occurrence rates of extreme drought years in Eurasian taiga (centered principally on the Okhotsk–Manchurian taiga, P=0.07). Although not statistically significant, temporal changes in occurrence rates are sufficiently important spatially to be paid further attention. The absence of a linear trend in MDC severity, in conjunction with the presence of an increase in the occurrence rate of extreme drought years, suggest that fire disturbance regimes in the Eurasian taiga could be shifting toward being increasingly pulse dependent.  相似文献   
Abstract: Decapod crustacean material collected recently from the lower Callovian (Middle Jurassic) in Maine‐et‐Loire (north‐west France) comprises two new species of prosopid and one new species of tanidromitid crabs, of the genera Nodoprosopon and Tanidromites, respectively. Also represented in this faunule is a probable paguroid anomuran, in the form of isolated chelae here assigned to the genus Orhomalus, as well as appendicular remains of unknown affinity; some of the latter might belong to prosopid crabs. These anomurans and brachyurans co‐occur with a diverse benthic fauna in limestones with abundant iron ooids; their main interest lies in the fact that they add valuable data to the rather poor record of Middle Jurassic decapod crustaceans.  相似文献   
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