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We investigated changes in wildfire risk over the 1901?2002 (ad ) period with an analysis of broad‐scale patterns of July monthly drought code (MDC) variability on 28 forested ecoregions of the North American and Eurasian continents. The MDC is an estimate of the net effect of changes in evapotranspiration and precipitation on cumulative moisture depletion in soils, and is well correlated with annual fire statistics across the circumboreal (explaining 25–61% of the variance in regional area burned). We used linear trend and regime shift analyses to investigate (multi‐) decadal changes in MDC and percentage area affected by drought, and kernel function for analysis of temporal changes in the occurrence rates of extreme drought years. Our analyses did not reveal widespread patterns of linear increases in dryness through time as a response to rising Northern Hemisphere land temperatures. Instead, we found heterogeneous patterns of drought severity changes that were inherent to the nonuniformly distributed impacts of climate change on dryness. Notably, significant trends toward increasing summer moisture in southeastern and southwestern boreal Canada were detected. The diminishing wildfire risk in these regions is coherent with widely reported decreases in area burned since about 1850, as reconstructed by dendrochronological dating of forest stands. Conversely, we found evidence for increasing percentage area affected by extreme droughts in Eurasia (+0.57% per decade; P<0.05) and occurrence rates of extreme drought years in Eurasian taiga (centered principally on the Okhotsk–Manchurian taiga, P=0.07). Although not statistically significant, temporal changes in occurrence rates are sufficiently important spatially to be paid further attention. The absence of a linear trend in MDC severity, in conjunction with the presence of an increase in the occurrence rate of extreme drought years, suggest that fire disturbance regimes in the Eurasian taiga could be shifting toward being increasingly pulse dependent.  相似文献   
Microsatellite loci were developed from Parnassius apollo and Euphydryas aurinia, two endangered Palaearctic butterfly species. Respectively, six and five polymorphic loci were characterized from an enriched partial genomic library. Genetic diversity range from three to 25 alleles for the first species and from seven to 21 for the second. Although the presence of null alleles is suspected, these polymorphic loci are likely to provide important information on the fine scale genetic structure among populations of these species.  相似文献   
  • 1 Arthropod densities and apparent leaf damage were compared within the canopy ecotone and the shrub layer of a lowland rain forest in Cameroon, using a branch clipping method.
  • 2 Most of the individuals collected consisted of ants (average 44%) and various herbivores (31%). Overall arthropod densities amounted to 17 individuals per sample, which, on average, consisted of 0.85 m2 of foliage area. Arthropod densities were lower than on temperate foliage.
  • 3 Arthropod densities were about 3 times higher in the canopy than within the shrub layer. In particular, ants and herbivores were significantly more abundant in the canopy than within the shrub layer. Usually, layer effects rather than site effects appeared to cause greater variance in arthropod abundance.
  • 4 Arthropod species-richness, as estimated by the number of operational taxonomic units sorted, was higher in canopy samples than in samples obtained from the shrub layer. However, apparent leaf damage was higher within the shrub layer (10.9%) than on the canopy (5.2%).
  • 5 Possible factors responsible for the high densities of ants and herbivores on the canopy and for the high leaf damage within the shrub layer are discussed.
Abstract Termites are major decomposers in tropical ecosystems. To characterize their assemblages in terms of taxonomical and functional composition, Jones and Eggleton (2000, Journal of Applied Ecology 37, 191–203) recently proposed a standardized sampling protocol based on belt transects of 100 m × 2 m. We evaluated the representativeness of samples obtained by this protocol, and its suitability to calculate diversity statistics, by replicating it in an area of naturally fragmented subtropical forest. We sampled six 100 m transects in separate small forest islets, and one transect extended to 500 m in a large islet, recording presence/absence data (occurrences) of termite species in successive quadrats of 5 m × 2 m. In the large islet, strips of 100 m within the 500 m transect produced extremely variable species richness figures. This variability was primarily due to heterogeneity in the spatial distribution of soil‐dwelling termites. Combining non‐contiguous quadrats allowed us to span a broader diversity of microhabitats for an equal effort, providing less variable results and faster species accumulation. Individual transects of 100 m in small forest islets yielded too few samples to allow reliable estimations of total species richness, although these transects when pooled constituted a useful data set for comparison with other sites. In the focal habitat, a single 100 m transect appeared therefore inadequate to allow a reliable characterization of the termite assemblage, even at the level of a single forest islet. To improve the rate of species accumulation and to obtain diversity statistics allowing intersite comparisons, we suggest the use of smaller, non‐contiguous quadrats, and that sampling be continued until stable diversity estimates are obtained. In the habitat studied, such an alternative protocol could be adequately combined with a standardized protocol for collecting ground‐dwelling ants.  相似文献   
The rockhopper penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome) is a conspicuous apex marine predator that has experienced marked population declines throughout most of its circumpolar breeding distribution. The cause(s) for the declines remain elusive, but the relatively large spatio‐temporal scale over which population decreases have occurred implies that ecosystem‐scale, at‐sea factors are likely to be involved. We employ stable isotope analyses of carbon (13C/12C, expressed as δ13C) and nitrogen (15N/14N, δ15N) in time‐series of rockhopper penguin feather samples, dating back to 1861, in order to reconstruct the species' ecological history. Specifically, we examine whether rockhopper penguin population decline has been associated with a shift towards lower primary productivity in the ecosystem in which they feed, or with a shift to a diet of lower trophic status and lower quality, and we use long‐term temperature records to evaluate whether shifts in isotope ratios are associated with annual variations in sea surface temperature. Having controlled temporally for the Suess Effect and for increases in CO2 concentrations in seawater, we found that overall, δ13C signatures decreased significantly over time in rockhopper penguins from seven breeding sites, supporting the hypothesis that decreases in primary productivity, and hence, carrying capacity, for which δ13C signature is a proxy, have been associated with the decline of penguin populations. There was some evidence of a long‐term decline in δ15N at some sites, and strong evidence that δ15N signatures were negatively related to sea surface temperatures across sites, indicative of a shift in diet to prey of lower trophic status over time and in warm years. However, a site‐by‐site analysis revealed divergent isotopic trends among sites: five of seven sites exhibited significant temporal or temperature‐related trends in isotope signatures. This study highlights the utility of stable isotope analyses when applied over relatively long timescales to apex predators.  相似文献   
Abstract: Decapod crustacean material collected recently from the lower Callovian (Middle Jurassic) in Maine‐et‐Loire (north‐west France) comprises two new species of prosopid and one new species of tanidromitid crabs, of the genera Nodoprosopon and Tanidromites, respectively. Also represented in this faunule is a probable paguroid anomuran, in the form of isolated chelae here assigned to the genus Orhomalus, as well as appendicular remains of unknown affinity; some of the latter might belong to prosopid crabs. These anomurans and brachyurans co‐occur with a diverse benthic fauna in limestones with abundant iron ooids; their main interest lies in the fact that they add valuable data to the rather poor record of Middle Jurassic decapod crustaceans.  相似文献   
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