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Paepalanthus subgenus Xeractis (Eriocaulaceae) comprises 28 recognized species endemic to the Espinhaço Range, in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Most species of the subgenus are restricted to small localities and critically endangered, but still in need of systematic study. The monophyly of the subgenus has already been tested, but only with a few species. Our study presents the first phylogenetic hypothesis within the group, based on morphology. A maximum parsimony analysis was conducted on a matrix of 30 characters for 30 terminal taxa, including all species of the subgenus and two outgroups. The biogeographical hypotheses for the subgenus were inferred based on dispersal–vicariance analysis (DIVA). The analysis provided one most‐parsimonious hypothesis that supports most of the latest published subdivisions (sections and series). However, some conflicts remain concerning the position of a few species and the relationships between sections. The distribution and origin(s) of microendemism are also discussed, providing the ground for conservation strategies to be developed in the region. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 167 , 137–152.  相似文献   
Changes in numbers of nesting pairs, clutch size, and brood size of Squacco Herons Ardeola ralloides in the Camargue, southern France were analysed over a 32-year period. The annual numbers of breeding pairs [average 84 pairs pL 30 sd, n = 32 years) exhibited a possible increasing trend, but with considerable variability. This variability is associated with local spring rainfall, which may influence the available surface area of their preferred freshwater habitats. In contrast to population size, clutch size decreased substantially in recent years. Our data do not provide a causal explanation for this change in clutch size, although the reduction temporally corresponds with increasing rice cultivation and with a dramatic increase in the number of Cattle Egrets Bubulcus ibis in the Camargue.  相似文献   
We use an integrative taxonomic approach to revise the genus Anisopteromalus. In particular, we apply multivariate ratio analysis (MRA), a rather new statistical method based on principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA), to numerous body measurements and combine the data with those from our molecular analysis of Cytb and ITS2 genetic markers (on a subset of species) and all available published data on morphology, karyology, behaviour, host associations and geographic distribution. We demonstrate that the analysis of quantitative characters using MRA plays a major role for the integration of name‐bearing types and thus for the association of taxa with names. Six species are recognized, of which two are new: A. cornis Baur sp.n. and A. quinarius Gokhman & Baur sp.n. For Anisopteromalus calandrae (Howard), a well‐known, cosmopolitan parasitoid of stored‐product pests, we have selected a neotype to foster continuity and stability in the application of this important name. The species was sometimes confused with the related A. quinarius sp.n. , another cosmopolitan species that is frequently encountered in similar environments. We also show that several species originally described or later put under Anisopteromalus actually belong to different genera: Cyrtoptyx camerunus (Risbec) comb.n. ; Meraporus glaber (Szelényi) comb.n. ; Dinarmus schwenkei (Roomi, Khan & Khan) comb.n. Neocatolaccus indicus Ayyar & Mani is confirmed as a junior synonym of Oxysychus sphenopterae (Ferrière) syn.n. and Anisopteromalus calandrae brasiliensis (Domenichini) stat.rev. must be considered as a valid but doubtful taxon. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:BDFE96D3‐D0F4‐4012‐90F5‐9A087F7F5864 .  相似文献   
The Holothuriidae is one of the three established families within the large holothuroid order Aspidochirotida. The approximately 185 recognized species of this family are commonly classified in five nominal genera: Actinopyga , Bohadschia , Holothuria , Pearsonothuria and Labidodemas. Maximum parsimony analyses on morphological characters, as inferred from type and nontype material of the five genera, revealed that Labidodemas comprises highly derived species that arose from within the genus Holothuria . The paraphyletic status of the latter, large (148 assumed valid species) and morphologically diverse genus has recently been recognized and is here confirmed and discussed. Nevertheless, we adopt a Darwinian or eclectic classification for Labidodemas , which we retain at generic level within the Holothuriidae. We compare our phylogeny of the Holothuriidae with previous classifications of its genera and subgenera, and make suggestions concerning possible systematic changes.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 144 , 103−120.  相似文献   
Photochemical Activities of Etiochloroplasts Isolated from Plants Greened under Intermittent Light. I. Absorption of Oxygen. Oxygen exchange by isolated etiochloroplasts from wheat leaves (Triticum sativum Lam. cv. Florence Aurore) has been studied with an oxygen electrode. The etiochloroplasts lack an oxygen evolving mechanism and show a light induced oxygen uptake with two components. One component, sensitive to 3-(4-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea, results from electron flow through an active photosystem II and is suppressed by photosystem II electron donors. The other component is inhibited by quinones suggesting that it might represent some mechanism to trap and dissipate excitation energy from chlorophyll in competition with that produced by the presence of artificial traps. The results are discussed in order to explain the apparent lack of coupling between photosystem II, through which some electron flow is operating, and the active photosystem I present in these plastids.  相似文献   
The influence of climatic and local nonclimatic factors on the fire regime of the eastern Canadian boreal forest over the last 8000 years is investigated by examining charred particles preserved in four lacustrine deposits. Herein, we compare the distribution of fire-free intervals (FFIs) and the synchronicity of fire events among sites, using Ripley's K -function to determine the extent of the role of local-scale vs. large-scale processes with respect to fire control. Between 8000 and 5800 cal. bp (calibrated years before present) the climatic and ecological conditions were less conducive to fire events than after this date. After 5800 cal. bp , the number of fires per 1000 years (fire frequency) progressively increased, reaching a maximum ca. 3400 cal. bp . There was a sharp decrease in fire frequency during the last 800 years. Between 8000 and 4000 cal. bp , comparable FFIs and synchronous fire episodes were determined for the study sites. During this period, the fire frequency was predominantly controlled by climate. After 4000 cal. bp , two sites displayed independent fire histories (different FFI distributions or asynchronous fire events), underlining the important influence of local factors, including short-term fuel wetness, characteristics of the watershed and landscape connectivity, in determining fire occurrence. We conclude that climatic changes occurred during the last 4000 years that induced a rise in the water table; this may explain the high spatial heterogeneity in fire history. Current and projected global climatic changes may cause similar spatial variability in fire frequency.  相似文献   
An immunological test that can be made on living animals is developed to identify M. m. musculus mice from the two other short-tailed mice ( M. spicilegus and M. spretoides ) occurring in Eastern Europe. This test uses fractionated albumin antiserum as an immunological marker and is performed using dot-blot immunoassay. One hundred and twelve animals belonging to the three species and originating from wild-caught mice and from laboratory strains were tested. All the M. m. musculus mice were correctly identified with this test. Owing to its simplicity and reliability, this test will be very useful in field surveys, particularly in the zone of sympatry between M. m. musculus and M. spicilegus .  相似文献   
Plant Regeneration from Mesophyll Protoplasts of Several Nicotiana Species   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In a search for model systems in plant cell genetics studies mesophyll protoplasts from eleven species of Nicotiana with low chromosome number (N. acuminata, N. alata, N. glauca, N. glutinosa, N. langsdorffii, N. longiflora, N. otophora, N. paniculata, N. plumbaginifolia, N. suaveolens, N. sylvestris) were shown to divide in a liquid culture medium. Plants were recovered from calli originating from protoplasts of all these species except N. glutinosa.  相似文献   
Although the frontal gland has long been known as a prominent defensive device for termite soldiers in many Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae, almost nothing is known about its function in imagoes. In the present study, we show that the frontal gland of imagoes in Prorhinotermes species is well developed at the time of the nuptial flight, and is filled with a complex mixture of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and nitroalkenes. The sesquiterpene composition varies between Prorhinotermes simplex and Prorhinotermes canalifrons , between geographically distant colonies of P. simplex (Cuba versus Florida), and even between different flights of closely-related subcolonies. The ratio between ( E )-1-nitropentadec-1-ene and sesquiterpenes is sex-specific. The volume of secretory cells decreases in functional kings and queens after colony foundation, and the subcellular organization changes into a form resembling unmodified epidermal cells. Dealate reproductives lose the ability for biosynthesis, and their frontal gland is devoid of volatile compounds found in swarming imagoes. The results obtained in the present study clearly show that the frontal gland is only temporarily active at the time of the dispersal flight. The most likely function of this gland is defence by the toxic nitroalkenes.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 384–392.  相似文献   
1. Assuming that recruitment variation is one of the main sources of fish population and assemblage changes, it is necessary to understand how natural variations in the environment influence 0+ fish abundance. Temperature regimes play an important role in enhancing both spawning activity and survival during early larval fish development. Flow regime variation, which is a powerful source of stream disturbance, is another factor to be taken into account. 2. Responses to these variables need to be assessed using long‐term datasets, since standard statistical approaches fail to provide a causal structure or to quantify the different effects. We therefore used a 26‐year dataset to evaluate the respective effects of seven derived independent variables describing the effects of temperature and flow regimes on the 0+ juvenile abundance of eight fish species in the River Rhone. 3. A clustering procedure using the Kendall tau rank correlation coefficient was implemented and identified three groups of fish according to their synchronic variations in juvenile abundance; i.e. varying with decreasing juvenile abundance, slightly increasing juvenile abundance and increasing juvenile abundance. These clusters provided the basis for building hierarchical log‐Poisson generalized linear models. The Bayesian paradigm gives a reliable framework for model selection, and the best model was determined using the Bayes Factor. 4. The posterior distribution of the regression parameters was coherent with what was expected based on knowledge of the biology of the different species. It indicates that temperature regime drives 0+ juvenile abundance but that flow regime also plays an important regulating role. The models thus detected evidence of the consequences of specific flow events such as larval drift and an increase in available habitat during higher flow discharges. 5. Our study illustrates the advantages of using a hierarchical modelling approach to quantify ecological effects by improving discrimination between the different sources of uncertainty, leading to better precision when estimating regression parameters.  相似文献   
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