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The mahseers (Tor, Neolissochilus and Naziritor) are an important group of fishes endemic to Asia with the conservation status of most species evaluated as threatened. Conservation plans to revive these declining wild populations are hindered by unstable taxonomy. Molecular phylogeny studies with mitochondrial genome have been successfully used to reconstruct the phylogenetic tree and to resolve taxonomic ambiguity. In the present study, complete mitochondrial genome of Tor tor has been sequenced using ion torrent next-generation sequencing platform with coverage of more than 1000 ×. Comparative mitogenome analysis shows higher divergence value at ND1 gene than COI gene. Further, occurrence of a distinct genetic lineage of T. tor is revealed. The phylogenetic relationship among mahseer group has been defined as Neolissochilus hexagonolepis ((T. sinensis (T. putitora, T. tor), (T. khudree, T. tambroides)).  相似文献   
About 34% of the strains of Yersinia enterocolitica isolated from raw milk were found to produce lecithinase. A selected strain produced phospholipase C at 22°C and 37°C; production was optimum at 37°C in the stationary phase (14–16 h). A decrease in phospholipase C activity at various storage temperatures (—5°C, 4°C, 37°C) was also observed, although the enzyme was active over a wide range of temperature (5–65°C) and pH (3mD5–7mD5). The phospholipase C was partially purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation and Sephadex column chromatography, and characterized.  相似文献   
Protoplasts from growing regions of etiolated pea stems takeup glucose more rapidly than fructose when supplied for briefperiods at low concentrations. The uptake of the two hexosesis differentially inhibited by galactoac and by reagents thatcurtail ATP synthesis, and uptake of one hexose is not preventedby the other, even at a 100-fold excess. Sucrose uptake is muchslower than that of either hexose and is correlated with theappearance of invertase activity in the medium. Label from [14C-glc]-sucroseis taken up more rapidly than from [14C-fru]-sucrose. It isconcluded that these cells take up supplied sucrose only afterhydrolysis to hexoses, which are then absorbed by differentcarrier-mediated processes. Key words: Glucose, fructose, invertase, pea, protoplast, sucrose  相似文献   
THE Lyon hypothesis of X chromosome inactivation predicts that in mammalian females, somatic cells are mosaic with respect to whether the active X chromosome is of maternal or paternal origin and that this chromosomal mosaicism is heritable somatically1. Studies of cell clones derived from females who were heterozygous for genes at one of several X-linked loci2–6 have provided good evidence for such mosaicism. Proof that only one of the two X chromosomes, however, is active in any given cell rests on the demonstration that the cell or its clone expresses all of the X-linked genes from one parent and none from the other parent. For this purpose it is useful to examine cloned cells from female subjects for genetic markers representing allelic genes at two or more of the parental loci. This study was undertaken to determine whether genes at the X-linked loci for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) are consistently expressed in the eis position in cloned cells as would be expected from a single parental contribution.  相似文献   
The paper presents effects of phosphorus deficiency and seasonal variations on nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism of Japanese mint (Mentha arvensis L. var. piperascens, Holmes). Mint plants were grown in sand cultures under full nutrition and under phosphorus deficiency conditions during winter and summer. Various nitrogen and sugar fractions were determined in the component parts at specified periods of growth stages. Phosphorus deficiency disturbed the nitrogen metabolism at the stages for amide and amino acid formation, which resulted in an accumulation of carbohydrates. The content of total soluble and total nitrogen was higher and that of insoluble nitrogen was lower in summer as compared with winter plants. Of the soluble fractions, the ammonia, amide and nitrate nitrogen were higher and the ‘rest’ nitrogen lower in winter plants. Nitrate formed the highest bulk of the pool of soluble nitrogen in winter, whereas in summer ‘rest’ nitrogen was most abundant. The content of total sugar in winter plants far exceeded that of summer plants, which was wholly due to increase in sucrose content. Glucose was the predominant reducing sugar in both seasons. However, the summer plants were richer in glucose than those from the winter.  相似文献   
The present study deals with structure and functioning of threeareas of Himalayan oak forest. Low- and mid-altitude oaks, namelyQuercus leucotrichophora, and Quercus floribunda, form predominantevergreen forests in Central and Western Himalaya. The totaltree basal cover ranged between 33·89 m2 ha–1 (Q.floribunda site) to 36·83 m2 ha–1 (Q. leucotrichophorasite). The density ranged between 570 and 760 individuals ha–1.Allometric equations relating biomass of different tree componentsto GBH (girth at breast height) were significant with the exceptionof leaf biomass in Q. leucotrichophora and Rhododendron arboreum.Total vegetation biomass (29·40–467·0 tha–1) was distributed as 377·1 t ha–1 intrees, 5·40 t ha–1 in shrubs and 1·23 tha–1 in herbs. Total forest floor biomass ranged between4·6 and 6·2 t ha–1. Of the total annuallitter fall (4·7–4·8 t ha–1), 77·5% was contributed by leaf litter, 17·8 % by wood litterand 4·7 % by miscellaneous litter. Turnover rate of treelitter varied from 0·66 to 0·70. Net primary productionof total vegetation ranged between 15·9 and 20·6t ha–1 yr–1, of which the contribution of trees,shrubs and herbs was 81·2 %, 8·6 % and 10·2%, respectively. A compartment model of dry matter on the basisof mean data across sites was developed to show dry matter storageand flow of dry matter within the system. Quercus leucotrichophora forest, Q. floribunda forest, Q. lanuginosa forest, biomass, litter fall, net primary production, compartmental transfer  相似文献   
The ontogenic changes in several component processes of photosynthesiswere measured in chickpeas. Gas exchange characteristics ofintact leaves were studied to analyse the effects of ambientconditions under which chickpeas are usually grown. The CO2assimilation rate per unit leaf area remained fairly high duringthe vegetative stage, reaching a peak at early pod-fill anddeclining subsequently throughout pod development. The intercellularCO2 partial pressure (C1) remained more or less constant (195µbar) during vegetative growth and the early stages ofseed-filling. With falling RWC and PAR interception, the stomatalconductance declined more rapidly than the CO2 assimilationrate resulting in a value of C1 less than that normally existingunder ambient conditions. From the A/C1-analysis, CO2 assimilationduring pod-filling appears to be limited by the RuBP-regenerationcapacity because the carboxylation efficiency and in vitro RuBPCaseactivity were initially unaffected. However, as leaves aged,the carboxylation efficiency and in vitro RuBPCase activitydecreased abruptly with increasing leaf temperatures above 30°C, and the C1 was greater than normally existing values(195 µbar), suggesting an increased mesophyll limitationof photosynthesis. It is suggested that a decline in the CO2assimilation rate of leaves during pod development and an acceleratedsenescence are induced by adverse ambient conditions, particularlyplant water stress and high leaf temperature. Key words: Cicer arietinum L., gas exchange, photosynthesis, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. Alloxysta pleuralis (Cameron) is a cynipoid (Hymenoptera) hyperparasitoid of aphids (Homoptera) through their aphidiid (Hymenoptera) parasitoids.
2. It was recorded attacking five aphidiids, Lysiphlebus delhiensis (Subba Rao & Sharma), Trioxys indicus Subba Rao & Sharma, Aphidius uzbekistanicus Luzhetzki, Lipolexis scutellaris Mackauer and Lysiphlebia mirzai Shuja-Uddin (in order of preference) out of eight species of aphidiid parasitoids tested.
3. Percentage of hyperparasitism of aphids infesting cucurbits, cereals and pulses is higher than in solanaceous crops. Maximum hyperparasitism was recorded on the T. indicus/Aphis gossypii Glover/cucurbit complex.
4. The aphid host as well as the food plants significantly influence its efficiency.
5. A.pleuralis is abundant in northeastern Uttar Pradesh in winter (December–March) when large areas of pulses, cereals and cucurbits are infested with aphids serving as hosts for the primary parasitoids.  相似文献   
Male gametes and fertilization in angiosperms   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
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