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为构建灰盖拟鬼伞Coprinopsis cinerea的核定位蛋白重组表达系统,本研究通过蛋白序列比对和信息学分析,预测了灰盖拟鬼伞组蛋白H2B的核定位序列,构建了融合组蛋白H2B核定位序列的绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,GFP)重组表达载体,将该载体转入灰盖拟鬼伞AmutBmut菌...  相似文献   
液体培养蛹虫草虫草素和腺苷的代谢量   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为提高虫草素和腺苷的代谢量,用高效液相色谱法作检测手段,以二者含量为检测指标,对液体培养的氮源种类、氮源水平、碳源水平、动态变化、培养体系的虫草素及腺苷含量和总量进行研究,结果表明:不仅蚕蛹粉,豆粕和豆粉也是很好的氮源;培养液以3%氮源、4%碳源为佳;振荡培养8d,培养液中虫草素总量是菌丝体中虫草素总量的6倍多;振荡培养7~9d,可使每瓶培养物的虫草素和腺苷总量达到10mg以上。  相似文献   
不同林地清理方式对杉木林土壤肥力的影响   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
研究了杉木林采伐迹地及采伐后的炼山迹地的土壤物理性质、养分含量、微生物数量和酶活性.结果表明,采伐迹地的非毛管孔隙比杉木林地增加23%,自然含水量和毛管持水量则下降2%;炼山迹地土壤容重比杉木林地增加10%,非毛管孔隙、自然含水量和毛管持水量分别下降61%、48%和26%.采伐迹地有机质、全N、全P和全K含量分别比杉木林地下降14%、14%、3%和22%,炼山迹地分别下降37%、37%、47%和7%.采伐迹地碱解N和有效K含量分别比杉木林地增加24%和31%,有效P含量比杉木林地下降1%;炼山迹地的碱解N、有效P和有效K含量分别比杉木林地下降2%、43%和40%.采伐迹地的细菌、真菌和放线菌数量比杉木林地增加1.4、11.3和0.8倍;炼山迹地细菌数量比杉木林地减少24%,真菌和放线菌数量增加了.0和0.倍.采伐迹地脲酶、过氧化氢酶和纤维素分解酶活性分别为杉木林地1.9、1.6和2.1倍,而炼山迹地分别为后者的3.4%、90%和106%.湿润土壤有机质、全N和全P含量高,疏松多孔的土壤有利于碱解N、速效P、速效K积累和脲酶活性的增加.真菌数量随毛管孔隙的增加而减少.通气良好有利于提高土壤过氧化氢酶活性.  相似文献   
植物不同器官的碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量及其生态化学计量特征能够反映植物内部的养分分配与平衡关系。该研究以福建安溪3种不同管理模式的铁观音茶园为研究对象, 设置了常规管理模式下的茶园(M1)、间作套种模式下的茶园(M2)和现代技术管理模式下的茶园(M3) 3种样地, 分析茶树根、茎、叶器官的C、N、P含量及其化学计量学特征, 养分的变异特征与异速生长关系。结果表明: M2和M3管理模式下茶树根、茎、叶N、P含量均显著高于M1管理模式, C含量差异不明显; 茶树根、茎、叶C:N、C:P、N:P均表现为M1 > M2 > M3。茶树不同器官C、N、P含量差异较大, 根据变异来源分析, 管理模式因素对C、N、P含量变异的影响均达到显著水平。根茎叶N-P的异速生长关系表明茶树不同器官的养分需求存在相似性; 土壤pH和容重是影响C:N、C:P、N:P的重要因素, 而土壤含水量和盐度对茶树根和叶C含量的影响较大。总体来讲, 间作套种以及现代化滴灌、水肥等管理模式可以改善茶树对养分的吸收效率, 对解决土壤养分不均衡问题具有正面效应。  相似文献   
叶火香  崔林  何迅民  韩宝瑜 《生态学报》2010,30(22):6019-6026
为评价茶园间作几种常见经济作物对重要害虫假眼小绿叶蝉及其主要天敌蜘蛛类群数量和空间格局的影响,遂选乌牛早品种纯茶园、乌牛早分别与柑桔、杨梅和吊瓜的间作茶园、以及安吉白茶与吊瓜间作茶园,2007年9月上旬—2008年12月下旬,每旬1次调查茶丛上、中、下层叶蝉和各种蜘蛛的数量。结果表明:(1)与纯茶园相比,间作茶园叶蝉种群数量和蜘蛛类群个体数量显著地增加,间作茶园蜘蛛种数显著地增加;(2)间作茶园茶丛上、中、下层叶蝉、蜘蛛个体数量分布明显区别于纯茶园茶丛上、中、下层叶蝉、蜘蛛个体数量分布;(3)茶丛上层的嫩梢是制作高档茶的原料,而纯茶园茶丛上层叶蝉虫口百分率为54.16%,间作茶园茶丛上层叶蝉虫口百分率皆减小,并且叶蝉高峰期间蜘蛛的跟随效应增强;(4)间作增加了经济收入并减少了防治次数。认为:(1)间作可在一定程度上调控叶蝉种群、蜘蛛类群的数量和空间格局;(2)间作可减轻叶蝉为害造成的产值损失,增强了茶园群落对于叶蝉的自然控制潜能。  相似文献   
复合菌系WSD-5具有高效的分解能力和产酶能力,以探明WSD-5的协同分解机理和优化高效组合为目的,通过纯培养分离手段,获得了11株细菌和3株真菌。16S rDNA比对结果表明,细菌分别为Pseudomonas sp.、Pseudomonas aeruginosa、Achromobacter sp.、Stenotrophomonas sp.、Bacillus fusiformis、Bacillus cereus、Brevundimonas sp.、Ochrobactrum sp.、Cytophaga sp.、Benzo(a)pyrene-degrading bacter、Flavobacterium sp.的近缘种;26S rDNA比对结果表明3株真菌分别为Pseudallescheria boydii、Coprinus cinereus的近缘种。分离菌株中有4株细菌和3株真菌能在CMC平板上产生透明圈,但以糖化力法测定酶活结果只有3株真菌具有产酶能力。3株真菌的酶活动态测定结果,酶活的高峰均出现在7?14 d,并且呈现多峰变化;3株真菌的酶活种类表现为,滤纸酶活性、纤维素内切酶活性和外切酶活性均以菌株F1最高,分别达到了1.05、5.53和0.56 U/mL,β-葡萄糖甘酶活性和木聚糖酶活性以菌株FC最高,分别达到0.44和58.95 U/mL,其木聚糖酶活为F1最高值的6倍。  相似文献   
The dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor vildagliptin (VLD), a widely used anti‐diabetic drug, exerts favourable effects on vascular endothelium in diabetes. We determined for the first time the improving effects of VLD on mitochondrial dysfunction in diabetic mice and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) cultured under hyperglycaemic conditions, and further explored the mechanism behind the anti‐diabetic activity. Mitochondrial ROS (mtROS) production was detected by fluorescent microscope and flow cytometry. Mitochondrial DNA damage and ATP synthesis were analysed by real time PCR and ATPlite assay, respectively. Mitochondrial network stained with MitoTracker Red to identify mitochondrial fragmentation was visualized under confocal microscopy. The expression levels of dynamin‐related proteins (Drp1 and Fis1) were determined by immunoblotting. We found that VLD significantly reduced mtROS production and mitochondrial DNA damage, but enhanced ATP synthesis in endothelium under diabetic conditions. Moreover, VLD reduced the expression of Drp1 and Fis1, blocked Drp1 translocation into mitochondria, and blunted mitochondrial fragmentation induced by hyperglycaemia. As a result, mitochondrial dysfunction was alleviated and mitochondrial morphology was restored by VLD. Additionally, VLD promoted the phosphorylation of AMPK and its target acetyl‐CoA carboxylase in the setting of high glucose, and AMPK activation led to a decreased expression and activation of Drp1. In conclusion, VLD improves endothelial mitochondrial dysfunction in diabetes, possibly through inhibiting Drp1‐mediated mitochondrial fission in an AMPK‐dependent manner.  相似文献   
颗粒污泥形成快、抗冲击能力强、悬浮性好是新型高浓度有机废水厌氧处理系统的重要特征。为了研究颗粒污泥中古菌组成多样性及其功能特征, 采集活性污泥样品, 提取总基因组DNA, 应用PCR-DGGE和16S rDNA克隆测序技术对系统内古菌群落进行研究。结果表明: 古菌克隆文库中克隆子的近缘种归属于Methanosaeta、Methanosarcina、Methanobacterium和Methanomethylovorans 4个类群, 所占文库容量比例依次为58.2%、23.6%、12.7%和3.6%, 1个克隆子未能找到相似菌株, 占1.8%。系统发育分析找到了未知克隆子C10、C11、C13和C19的相似菌株FJ618821、AB479397、AJ244290和AB447878, 并明确相应的分类地位。古菌类群以乙酸利用型Methanosaeta、Methanosarcina为主, 说明甲烷形成过程以乙酸途径为主。中间代谢产物VFAs组成与不同产甲烷菌代谢功能分析的结果证明了古菌群落组成多样性与其代谢功能的对应关系。  相似文献   
Chen H  Sun H  You F  Sun W  Zhou X  Chen L  Yang J  Wang Y  Tang H  Guan Y  Xia W  Gu J  Ishikawa H  Gutman D  Barber G  Qin Z  Jiang Z 《Cell》2011,147(2):436-446
STAT6 plays a prominent role in adaptive immunity by transducing signals from extracellular cytokines. We now show that STAT6 is required for innate immune signaling in response to virus infection. Viruses or cytoplasmic nucleic acids trigger STING (also named MITA/ERIS) to recruit STAT6 to the endoplasmic reticulum, leading to STAT6 phosphorylation on Ser(407) by TBK1 and Tyr(641), independent of JAKs. Phosphorylated STAT6 then dimerizes and translocates to the nucleus to induce specific target genes responsible for immune cell homing. Virus-induced STAT6 activation is detected in all cell-types tested, in contrast to the cell-type specific role of STAT6 in cytokine signaling, and Stat6(-/-) mice are susceptible to virus infection. Thus, STAT6 mediates immune signaling in response to both cytokines at the plasma membrane, and virus infection at the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   
Low copy number proteins within macromolecular complexes, such as viruses, can be critical to biological function while comprising a minimal mass fraction of the complex. The Bacillus subtilis double-stranded DNA bacteriophage phi 29 gene 13 product (gp13), previously undetected in the virion, was identified and localized to the distal tip of the tail knob. Western blots and immuno-electron microscopy detected a few copies of gp13 in phi 29, DNA-free particles, purified tails, and defective particles produced in suppressor-sensitive (sus) mutant sus13(330) infections. Particles assembled in the absence of intact gp13 (sus13(342) and sus13(330)) had the gross morphology of phi 29 but were not infectious. gp13 has predicted structural homology and sequence similarity to the M23 metalloprotease LytM. Poised at the tip of the phi 29 tail knob, gp13 may serve as a plug to help restrain the highly pressurized packaged genome. Also, in this position, gp13 may be the first virion protein to contact the cell wall in infection, acting as a pilot protein to depolymerize the cell wall. gp13 may facilitate juxtaposition of the tail knob onto the cytoplasmic membrane and the triggering of genome injection.  相似文献   
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