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Multivariate analysis provides an effective context for the examination of some significant aspects of biodiversity and conservation. The framework is a multidimensional space that integrates sample sites, taxa and environments. This approach enables terms such as representativeness, complementarity and irreplaceability to be integrated within an intuitive and practical framework for reserve design. Cluster analysis is proposed to determine what is there by defining a set of complementary clusters. These clusters are sampled in a representative manner; from the core outward. The degree of irreplaceability of a site is defined as the multivariate distance of each potential reserve site to its nearest neighbour.  相似文献   
1982年在四川省采集吸血蠓时,发现库蠓属(culicoides)两个新种。现记述如下。新种模式标本分别保藏于四川省成都铁路局中心卫生防疫站和中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   
Recent work on oral narrative has emphasized differences in textual and performative approaches, which in turn has tended to widen the distinction between two fundamental categories of anthropological thought: structure and process. This paper argues that, at least for the interpretation of South American myth, an integrated approach is essential. After reviewing the epistemological basis of current problems in myth studies, the paper attempts a structural analysis of myths with the theme of a metamorphic conjugal union between human and nonhuman. Processual considerations are introduced in the form of syncretic myth, and the argument is advanced that there exist syncretic transformations of a structural nature. Identifying these provides the beginnings of a bridge between structure and process, and leads to an examination of the performative context of the subject myth. Other narrative genres, dealing with explicitly ethnic concepts, are implicated in the processual sequence of the telling and interpretation of the tale. The attempted synthesis of structure and process in narrative analysis leads to an engagement with two difficult problems: the relationship between ethnicity and kinship; and the transition from myth to history. [myth, structure, process, ethnicity, kinship]  相似文献   
A numerical taxonomic study has been carried out to establish the relationship of group F to other biochemically similar organisms within the family Vibrionaceae. A total of 154 strains were examined including 59 of group F. Out of 114 characters determined for each strain 100 were used to compute average Euclidean distances between strains. Four methods of clustering were used, all of which gave very similar results.
Strains resembling Vibrio anguillarum fell into clusters corresponding to V. anguillarum, Beneckea nereida and a previously unrecognized group, phenon 5. Strains of the Aeromonas hydrophila/punctata group formed a heterogenous phenon within which certain subdivisions, perhaps artificial, could be discerned.
Group F strains all fell in one closely-knit cluster distinct from all the species of Vibrio, Aeromonas, Plesiomonas and Photobacteriwn studied. Group F strains could be divided into two biovars, I and II. Both biovars are present in aquatic, particularly estuarine, environments throughout the world but biovar I strains have also been isolated from humans with diarrhoea. It is concluded that group F is a synonym of group EF6 and that the strains within these groups should be classified in a new species named Vibrio fluvialis. The type strain is NCTC 11327.  相似文献   
Pollen from chasmogamous flowers of Salpiglossis sinuata L. could not be induced to germinate in vitro unless stigmatal extract was applied to the culture medium. The substance that induces pollen germination in the stigmatal extract is water-soluble and heat-stable. Crosses could not be achieved between chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers because of structural incompatibility. Pollinated pistils of chasmogamous flowers release a large amount of ethylene. The burst of ethylene release is due to an interaction between pollen tubes and stylar tissue and is directly proportional to the quantity of pollen placed on the stigma. Cleistogamous flower buds also produce a burst of ethylene at the time of pollination within the closed flower. The ethylene release may be a cause of reduced corolla development associated with cleistogamous flowers.  相似文献   
日本松干蚧的重要天敌——隐斑瓢虫的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隐斑瓢虫是近年来在杭州地区发现的日本松干蚧的一种重要捕食性天敌。该虫在杭州一年发生四代,其年发生规律基本上和日本松干蚧的生活周期相吻合,而且能在松林中形成比较稳定的群落。根据测定,隐斑瓢虫对日本松干蚧各虫态的捕食能力较强,一头成虫的日平均捕食量为:显露若虫13.33头,雌成虫4.27头,卵囊3.67个(每个卵囊内平均有卵265.5粒),雄蛹28.27只;一头幼虫全期(或2—4龄和3—4龄)分别能捕食显露若虫39.20—105.56头,雌成虫40.80—47.79头,卵囊39.38—41.79个,雄蛹220.50只。它在引进辽宁省沈阳和旅大地区后,不仅仍能正常的捕食日本松干蚧(显露若虫),其成虫和幼虫喂以各种蚜虫均能正常生殖和发育,并且一年可以繁殖三代:冬季,只要在0℃以上的温度条件下,给予少量的糖水等作补充营养,亦能安全的越冬。据此,作者认为隐斑瓢虫在浙江杭州和辽宁,均具有作为控制日本松干蚧的发生来加以饲养繁殖与利用的价值。  相似文献   
Growth rates in vitro of Pseudomonas syringae and Xanthomonas pruni were measured over the temperature range 0–36 °C. The estimated temperature optimum for X. pruni was 31 °C, with a doubling time of 1.53 h. The estimated temperature optimum for P. syringae was 28 °C with a doubling time of 1.27 h, although analysis showed no significant difference in the doubling times over the range 23–33 °C, indicating an unusual plateau at the maximum rate of growth of this organism. P. syringae and related plant pathogenic Pseudomonas spp. grew well at low temperatures, but X. pruni did not. Cultures of P. syringae and X. pruni had a very short lag phase after their incubation temperature was changed from 4 °C to a temperature close to their optimum (29 °C). When the incubation temperature of these organisms was changed from 11.5–29 °C, X. pruni grew without a lag phase at the rate expected for the higher temperature. However, the initial growth rate of P. syringae at the higher temperature was significantly greater than that at which the organism subsequently developed. The ecological significance of these points is discussed. The usefulness of the Arrhenius coefficients as characteristics of these organisms is discussed.  相似文献   
The mechanism of action of antileishmanial compounds is poorly understood. Ultrastructural changes in Leishmania tropica within human macrophages exposed in vitro to Pentostam, pentamidine, amphotericin B, WR 6026, ketoconazole, and Formycin B were examined in these experiments. In Pentostam-treated cultures, some organisms exhibited diminished definition of mitochondrial and other membranes, while other organisms had completely disintegrated. Pentostam-exposed macrophages demonstrated loss of membrane definition in the absence of further alterations; it is therefore hypothesized that impaired macrophage membrane function may contribute towards the effect of this drug against macrophage-contained organisms. Leishmania parasites in pentamidine-treated cultures initially demonstrated swollen kinetoplasts and fragmentation of the kinetoplast DNA core. The initial observed effect of the other four drugs on the parasites was cytoplasmic condensation. These ultrastructural studies suggest that all five non-antimonial drugs may have different mechanisms of action than antimony (Pentostam) against Leishmania.  相似文献   
PIKE, L. M., HU, A., RENZAGLIA, K. S. & MUSICH, P. R., 1992. Liverwort genomes display extensive structural variations. Analyses of the total genomic DNA of eight species of liverworts and two species of green algae by thermal denaturation and CsCl buoyant density gradient centrifugation reveal a high degree of structural complexity and interspecific heterogeneity. The hepatic taxa exhibit two or more DNA components of varying base composition. Average G4-C contents of total cellular DNA calculated from melting profiles are similarly variable, ranging from 38% to 53% G + C. The green alga Chara , a member of the ancestral line to land plants, shows similarities with liverworts in possessing multiple DNA components of comparable complexity, whereas Hydrodiciyon DNA displays a single component. Detailed hybridization analyses of individual density gradient fractions using α-tubulin, rRNA and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit (rbcL) gene probes were performed to locate the low-copy number and moderately repetitive nuclear genes, and the chloroplast chromosome, respectively. The location of each gene within the density gradient is highly variable among the organisms examined; a-tubulin occurs in fractions ranging from 44–64% G + C, rDNA in 50–64% G + C fractions, and the RbcL gene is located in fractions from 30–59% G + C. For a given species, the two nuclear genes normally overlap in their distributions within the gradient. In most instances, neither gene occurs in the major DNA components, indicating that these components may contain repetitive DNAs. The observed variation in the density of the rbcL gene implies substantial reorganization of the chloroplast genome. The overall differences in the genomic components within and between taxa provide insight into the dynamics of DNA structure that have occurred during the extended evolutionary history of these organisms.  相似文献   
Field-caged and open-plot populations of the aphid Sitobion avenae on winter wheat (cv. Maris Widgeon) were sampled approximately twice-weekly in the summer of 1978. Cage populations began at growth stage 10.2 (Feekes scale) (Zadoks, G. S. 52); they were removed by spraying with pirimicarb at growth stages 10.54 (71), 11.1–11.2 (77) and 11.2–11.3 (85) respectively. All cage populations reduced mean weight per grain but the effect per aphid unit was lowest in the population of longest duration. Although the aphid index in the open plots was higher than that in the early cage treatment, yield was unaffected. Cage infestations affected the breadmaking quality of the grain: percentage flour extraction was reduced and there was an increase in colour, nicotinic acid content and thiamine (vitamin B1) content of the flour; percentage nitrogen in the flour was unaffected but there was a reduction in baking value and in the high molecular weight glutenin content; infestation also reduced α-amylase activity. Different aspects of grain quality did not change in parallel with one another or with yield changes and thus damage thresholds will vary according to the yield/quality measure under consideration.  相似文献   
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