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Esashi, Y., Fuwa, Nn Kojima, K. and Hase, S. 1986. Light actionsin the germination of cocklebur seeds. IV. Disappearance ofred light-requirement for the germination of upper seeds subjectto anoxia, chilling, cyanide or azide pretreatmenL—J.exp. Bot. 37: 1652–1662. The effects on the germination of positively photoblastic uppercocklebur (X anthium pennsylvanicum Wallr.) seeds by pretreatingwith anoxia, chilling, cyanide or azide, which stimulates theirdark germination, were examined in relation to light actions.Prior to experiments, seeds were pre-soaked at 23 °C inthe dark for 1 or 2 weeks to remove the pre-existing Pfr. Whenthe prctreatment conditions were suboptimal for germinationinduction, the stimulating effects of the pretreatments on germinationduring a subsequent dark period at 23 °C were manifest onlywhen seeds were irradiated with red light before or after thepretreatment Red light promotion was reversed by blue or far-redlight treatment. However, both prc-chilling for 6 d at 8 °Cand prctreatment with 1· 5 mol m – 3 NaN3 for 2d could induce full germination without red light exposure.On the other hand, both pre-exposure to anoxia for 8 d and pretreatmentwith 30 mol m–3 KCN could induce the dark germinationonly when germination occurred at 33 °C which is known toaugment the ratio of an alternative respiration flux to a cytochromeone. Moreover, the dark germination in response to these inductionswere strongly inhibited by the inhibitors of alternative respiration,propyl gallate and benzohydroxamic acid, applied during a subsequentdark period. It was thus suggested that Pfr has some relationto the operation of two respiration systems of cocklebur seeds,but it is not indispensable to germination of this positivelyphotoblastic seed. Key words: Anoxia, azide, blue light, chilling cyanide, dark germination, far-red light, red light, seed germination, X anthium pennsylvanicum  相似文献   
Abstract. Elongation responses of intact coleoptiles of rice (Oryza sativa L. ev. Sasanishiki) explants to various gases were examined under submerged conditions in continuously flowing gas-saturated incubation media. Reduced O2 tension (hypoxia). CO2 and especially C2H4 significantly stimulated coleoptile elongation; the optimal concentrations of O2, CO2 and C2H4 when applied singly were 0.07 m3 m-3, 0.10 m3 m-3, and 3 cm3, respectively. However, in addition to these gases other as yet unknown factors were involved in the enhanced elongation of rice coleoptiles under water. The actions of CO2 and C2H4, unlike that of hypoxia, were accompanied by increases in dry weight of the coleoptiles. The effect of C2H4 occurred independently of O2 concentrations, whereas that of CO2 occurred above 0.08 m3 m-3O2. Maximum elongation of rice coleoptiles under submerged conditions was obtained when the flowing medium was saturated with a gas mixture containing 0.10 m3 m-3 O2, 0.10 m3 m-3 CO2 and 10 cm3 m-3 C2H4, greatly surpassing elongation in static media. However, elongation in static media was greater than that in a closed atmosphere. The intercellular C2H4 concentration in explants growing in static media was higher than that in a closed atmosphere. These results showed that the coleoptile elongation of rice seedlings under water may be regulated by the accumulation of CO2 and C2H4 in and around the seedlings under hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   
Elongation of coleoptile segments, having or not having a tip,excised from rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Sasanishiki) seedlingswas promoted by exogenous ethylene above 0.3 µl l–1as well as by IAA above 0.1 µM. Ethylene production ofdecapitated segments was stimulated by IAA above 1.0µM,and this was strongly inhibited by 1.0 µM AVG. AVG inhibitedthe IAA-stimulated elongation of the decapitated segment witha 4 h lag period, and this was completely recovered by ethyleneapplied at the concentration of 0.03 µl l–1, whichhad no effect on elongation without exogenous IAA. The effectsof IAA and ethylene on elongation were additive. These factsshow that ethylene produced in response to IAA promotes ricecoleoptile elongation in concert with IAA, probably by prolongingthe possible duration of the IAA-stimulated elongation, butthat they act independently of each other. Moreover, AVG stronglyinhibited the endogenous growth of coleoptile segments withtips and this effect was nullified by the exogenous applicationof 0.03 µl l–1 ethylene. These data imply that theelongation of intact rice coleoptiles may be regulated cooperativelyby endogenous ethylene and auxin in the same manner as foundin the IAA-stimulated elongation of the decapitated coleoptilesegments. Key words: oryza sativa, Ethylene, Auxin, Coleoptile growth  相似文献   
Germination responses to light were studied in the upper andlower seeds of cocklebur (Xanthium pennsylvanicum Wallr.). Thelower seed was dark-germinating and negatively photoblastic;the upper one had a red-light (R) requirement and was positivelyphotoblastic. Germination of the lower seeds was inhibited bya prolonged single irradiation with R, blue (B) or far-red (FR)light applied during imbibition. The maximal inhibitory effectof a single irradiation occurred 9 h and 13 h after the startof soaking at 33 °C and 23 °C, respectively. However,the inhibitory effect of R differed from that of B and FR, byonly delaying germination. A single exposure to B or FR lightcould be replaced by intermittent B or FR irradiation, and theireffects were repeatedly reversible by the following R irradiation.If the upper seeds were not exposed to R during imbibition,they failed to germinate even at 33 °C which was optimalfor germination, and the promotive effect of R increased withdelay of its application time. The photoperceptive locus incocklebur seeds was the axial tissue for all B, R and FR. Lightreceived by the cotyledonary tissue had little effect. Germinationdimorphism in response to light is discussed with respect tothe phytochrome content and the ageing of axial tissues. Key words: Blue light, Dimorphism, Far red light, Germination, Red light, Xanthium seed  相似文献   
Ethylene Production in Pea and Cocklebur Seeds of Differing Vigour   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Relationships between seed vigour and ethylene (C2H4) productionwere studied using C2H4-responsive fatty cocklebur seeds (Xanthiumpennsyhanicum Wallr.) and C2H4-insensitive starchy pea seeds(Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska), which had been harvested in differentyears and subjected to different storage conditions. In bothspecies, the seeds with the highest vigour evolved the largestamounts of C2H4 during a period of water imbibition. The reductionof C2H4 production in cocklebur seeds occurred concomitantlywith the reduction in the growth potentials of both axial andcotyledonary tissues. Similarly, the activity of ACC-C2H4 conversionincreased with soaking, and was greater in seeds of high vigourcompared with those of low vigour. However, the change in ACCcontent in pea seeds differed from that in cocklebur seeds.That is, pea seeds with high vigour accumulated less ACC duringan imbibition period than those with low vigour. From theseresults it was suggested that the inferior C2H4 production bylow vigour pea seeds is mainly attributable to low ACC-C2H4conversion, whereas that by low vigour cocklebur seeds is dueto the shortage of ACC supply in addition to the reduced ACC-C2H4conversion. However, germination of deteriorated cocklebur seedswas not restored by exposure to ACC or C2H4, suggesting thatthe loss of seed vigour reduces the responsiveness of seedsto C2H4 as well as C2H4 production. Key words: Pea, cocklebur, seed vigour, ethylene production, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid  相似文献   
Non-dormant, lower seeds of cocklebur (Xanthium pensylvanicum Wallr.) germinated with unimodal flush after 20 and 36 h from the start of water imbibition at 33 and 23°C, respectively. At 28°C, however, germination occurred bimodally, the time of each peak coinciding with that at 23 and 33°C. This type of germination behavior was induced even at 33°C, when the seeds were contacted with some osmotica. Further, the application of different osmotica at 28°C caused a rhythmic multimodal germination with a period of about 16 h. It was suggested that an endogenous rhythmicity may be involved in the control of cocklebur seed germination.  相似文献   
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