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Aims: Isolation, characterization and identification of Phaffia sp. ZJB 00010, and improvement of astaxanthin production with low‐energy ion beam implantation. Methods and Results: A strain of ZJB 00010, capable of producing astaxanthin, was isolated and identified as Phaffia rhodozyma, based on its physiological and biochemical characteristics as well as its internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA gene sequence analysis. With low‐energy ion beam implantation, this wild‐type strain was bred for improving the yield of astaxanthin. After ion beam implantation, the best mutant, E5042, was obtained. The production of astaxanthin in E5042 was 2512 μg g?1 (dry cell weight, DCW), while the wild‐type strain was about 1114 μg g?1 (DCW), an increase of 125·5%. Moreover, the fermentation conditions of mutant E5042 for producing astaxanthin were optimized. The astaxanthin production under the optimized conditions was upscaled and studied in a 50‐l fermentor. Conclusions: A genetically stable mutant strain with high yield of astaxanthin was obtained using low‐energy ion beam implantation. This mutant may be a suitable candidate for the industrial‐scale production of astaxanthin. Significance and Impact of the Study: Astaxanthin production in Phaffia rhodozyma could be fficiently improved by low‐energy ion beam implantation, which is a new technology in the mutant breeding of micro‐organisms. The mutant obtained in this work could potentially be utilized in industrial production of astaxanthin.  相似文献   
Optimization of pyrazinoindolone inhibitors of MAPKAP-K2 (MK2) provides a reasonable balance of cellular potency and physicochemical properties. Mechanistic studies support the inhibition of MK2 which is responsible for the sub-micromolar cellular efficacy.  相似文献   
At present, there is an extensive body of literature documenting the participation of estrogen receptors (ER) and progesterone receptors (PR) in mammary gene expression. Yet, the precise roles of these receptors in regulating mammary development, carcinogenesis and the growth of a subset of tumors still remain unclear. Mammary glands are composed of various cell types with different developmental potentials. Further, ultimately, that it is their mutual interactions which dictate the behavior of mammary epithelial cells. Therefore, to resolve the roles of ER and PR in normal mammary growth, differentiation and carcinogenesis, analyses for the expression of these receptors at the level of individual cell types is of paramount importance. Accordingly, in the present studies using immunolocalization techniques, we document the ontogeny and cellular distribution of ER and PR during mammary development and in response to ovarian hormones and aging. In addition, we discuss the potential biological significances of the expression patterns of ER and PR during various physiological states. We believe that the observations reported here should provide a conceptual framework(s) for elucidating the roles of ER and PR in normal and neoplastic mammary tissues.  相似文献   
By use of pro-dual-drug concept the synthesis of 6-beta-[(R)-2-(clavaminio-9-N-yl)-2-(4-hydroxyphenylacetamido)]penicillanic acid (10), 6-beta-[(R)-2-(amino)-2-(4-(clavulano-9-O-yl)phenylacetamido)]penicillanic acid (13), (Z)-4-[2-(amoxycillin-4-O-yl)ethylidene]-2-(clavulano-9-O-yl)-3-methoxy-Delta(alpha,beta)-butenolide (19), and 3-[(amoxicillin-4-O-yl)methyl]-7-(phenoxyacetamido)-(1-oxo)-3-cephem-4-carboxylic acid (23) was accomplished. Unlike penicillin G, ampicillin, or amoxicillin, these four heretofore undescribed compounds 10, 13, 19, and 23 showed notable activity against beta-lactamase (betaL) producing microorganisms, Staphylococcus aureus A9606, S. aureus A15091, S. aureus A20309, S. aureus 95, Escherichia coli A9675, E. coli A21223, E. coli 27C7, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 18S-H, and Klebsiella pneumoniae A20634 TEM. In comparison with amoxicillin (9), alpha-amino-substituted compound 10 and butenolide derivative 19 showed a broadened spectrum of antibacterial activity; yet they were found to be less active than 13 and 23. Like clavulanic acid (7) or cephalosporin-1-oxide (21), the newly synthesized compounds 10, 13, 15, 16, 19, or 23 functioned as potent inhibitors of various bacterial betaLs.  相似文献   
The key role played by Fgf10 during early lung development is clearly illustrated in Fgf10 knockout mice, which exhibit lung agenesis. However, Fgf10 is continuously expressed throughout lung development suggesting extended as well as additional roles for FGF10 at later stages of lung organogenesis. We previously reported that the enhancer trap Mlcv1v-nLacZ-24 transgenic mouse strain functions as a reporter for Fgf10 expression and displays decreased endogenous Fgf10 expression. In this paper, we have generated an allelic series to determine the impact of Fgf10 dosage on lung development. We report that 80% of the newborn Fgf10 hypomorphic mice die within 24 h of birth due to respiratory failure. These mutant mouse lungs display severe hypoplasia, dilation of the distal airways and large hemorrhagic areas. Epithelial differentiation and proliferation studies indicate a specific decrease in TTF1 and SP-B expressing cells correlating with reduced epithelial cell proliferation and associated with a decrease in activation of the canonical Wnt signaling in the epithelium. Analysis of vascular development shows a reduction in PECAM expression at E14.5, which is associated with a simplification of the vascular tree at E18.5. We also show a decrease in α-SMA expression in the respiratory airway suggesting defective smooth muscle cell formation. At the molecular level, these defects are associated with decrease in Vegfa and Pdgfa expression likely resulting from the decrease of the epithelial/mesenchymal ratio in the Fgf10 hypomorphic lungs. Thus, our results indicate that FGF10 plays a pivotal role in maintaining epithelial progenitor cell proliferation as well as coordinating alveolar smooth muscle cell formation and vascular development.  相似文献   
Mitochondria play central roles in cellular metabolism and apoptosis and are a major source of reactive oxygen species (ROS). We investigated the role of ROS and mitochondria in radiation-induced apoptosis in multiple myeloma cells. Two distinct levels of ROS were generated following irradiation: a small increase observed early, and a pronounced late increase, associated with depletion of reduced glutathione (GSH) and collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential (deltapsi(m)). Exogenous ROS and caspase-3 induced deltapsi(m) drop and cytochrome c release from mitochondria, which could be prevented by molecular (dominant-negative caspase-9) and pharmacologic (zVAD-fmk) caspase inhibitors and overexpression of Bcl-2. Exogenous ROS also induced mitochondrial permeability transition (PT) pore opening and cytochrome c release in isolated mitochondria, which could be blocked by inhibition of PT with cyclosporin A. These results indicate that the late ROS production is associated with increased PT pore opening and decreased deltapsi(m), and GSH, events associated with caspase activation and cytochrome c release.  相似文献   
Objective: Chromosome segregation during mitosis requires a physically large proteinaceous structure called the kinetochore to generate attachments between chromosomal DNA and spindle microtubules. It is essential for kinetochore components to be carefully regulated to guarantee successful cell division. Depletion, mutation or dysregulation of kinetochore proteins results in mitotic arrest and/or cell death. HEC1 (high expression in cancer) has been reported to be a kinetochore protein, depletion of which, by RNA interference, results in catastrophic mitotic exit. Materials and methods and results: To investigate how HEC1 protein is controlled post‐translation, we analysed the role of anaphase‐promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C)‐Cdh1 in degradation of HEC1 protein. In this study, we show that HEC1 is an unstable protein and can be targeted by endogenous ubiquitin‐proteasome system in HEK293T cells. Results of RNA interference and in vivo ubiquitination assay indicated that HEC1 could be ubiquitinated and degraded by APC/C‐hCdh1 E3 ligase. The evolutionally conserved D‐box at the C‐terminus functioned as the degron of HEC1, destruction of which resulted in resistance to degradation mediated by APC/C‐Cdh1. Overexpression of non‐degradable HEC1 (D‐box destroyed) induced accumulation of cyclin B protein in vivo and triggered mitotic arrest. Conclusion: APC/C‐Cdh1 controls stability of HEC1, ensuring normal cell cycle progression.  相似文献   
Tracing the evolution of ancient diseases depends on the availability and accessibility of suitable biomarkers in archaeological specimens. DNA is potentially information-rich but it depends on a favourable environment for preservation. In the case of the major mycobacterial pathogens, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae, robust lipid biomarkers are established as alternatives or complements to DNA analyses. A DNA report, a decade ago, suggested that a 17,000-year-old skeleton of extinct Bison antiquus, from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming, was the oldest known case of tuberculosis. In the current study, key mycobacterial lipid virulence factor biomarkers were detected in the same two samples from this bison. Fluorescence high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) indicated the presence of mycolic acids of the mycobacterial type, but they were degraded and could not be precisely correlated with tuberculosis. However, pristine profiles of C(29), C(30) and C(32) mycocerosates and C(27) mycolipenates, typical of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, were recorded by negative ion chemical ionization gas chromatography mass spectrometry of pentafluorobenzyl ester derivatives. These findings were supported by the detection of C(34) and C(36) phthiocerols, which are usually esterified to the mycocerosates. The existence of Pleistocene tuberculosis in the Americas is confirmed and there are many even older animal bones with well-characterised tuberculous lesions similar to those on the analysed sample. In the absence of any evidence of tuberculosis in human skeletons older than 9,000 years BP, the hypothesis that this disease evolved as a zoonosis, before transfer to humans, is given detailed consideration and discussion.  相似文献   


The main goal of this study is to examine the associations between illness conditions and out-of-pocket medical expenditure with other types of household consumptions. In November and December of 2011, a survey was conducted in three cities in western China, namely Lan Zhou, Gui Lin and Xi An, and their surrounding rural areas.


Information on demographics, income and consumption was collected on 2,899 households. Data analysis suggested that the presence of household members with chronic diseases was not associated with characteristics of households or household heads. The presence of inpatient treatments was significantly associated with the age of household head (p-value 0.03). The level of per capita medical expense was significantly associated with household size, presence of members younger than 18, older than 65, basic health insurance coverage, per capita income, and household head occupation. Adjusting for confounding effects, the presence of chronic diseases was negatively associated with the amount of basic consumption (p-value 0.02) and the percentage of basic consumption (p-value 0.01), but positively associated with the percentage of insurance expense (p-value 0.02). Medical expenditure was positively associated with all other types of consumptions, including basic, education, saving and investment, entertainment, insurance, durable goods, and alcohol/tobacco. It was negatively associated with the percentage of basic consumption, saving and investment, and insurance.


Early studies conducted in other Asian countries and rural China found negative associations between illness conditions and medical expenditure with other types of consumptions. This study was conducted in three major cities and surrounding areas in western China, which had not been well investigated in published literature. The observed consumption patterns were different from those in early studies, and the negative associations were not observed. This study may complement the existing rural studies and provide useful information on western Chinese cities.  相似文献   
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