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Structural changes associated with corolla wilting may serve as a mechanism for effecting self-pollination. Low pollinator visitation, high seed production and a corolla that persists after anthesis indicates that Pedicularis dunniana is autogamous. Delayed autonomous self-pollination is facilitated by corolla wilting. Wilting of the upper lip (galea) brought the pollen laden anthers into contact with the stigma resulting in the deposition of self pollen on the stigma. The seed set of flowers either emasculated, or with restrained galeae thus preventing anthers brushing against the stigma, was significantly lower than that of open-pollinated flowers. This demonstrates that autogamy occurs in this species through corolla wilting. Germination experiments indicated that outcross seedlings were more vigorous than selfed seedlings as a result of inbreeding depression. It is likely that autogamy provides reproductive assurance for P. dunniana under conditions of pollinator scarcity.  相似文献   
A total of 218 batches of blood preparations produced from different raw materials have been studied by means of enzyme immunoassay kits (Abbott Laboratories, USA). The assays have revealed that the preparations under study are nonstandard with respect to the content and isolation rate of HBsAg, the marker of hepatitis B virus. These data necessitate search for the ways of improving the quality of blood preparations.  相似文献   
The authors describe human cancer strains established from 6 cell lines transplanted to nude mice and rats: cancer of the liver, colon, lung, bladder and Burkitt's lymphoma. In spite of a long history (for several years) of cell line transfers in vitro, on transplantation of tumor cells, nude animals established tumors histologically identical to the primary cancer.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies against the T cell differentiation antigen Lyt-1 were effective in the therapy of transplanted mouse tumors. A possible mechanism whereby anti-Lyt-1 antibodies directly bind and affect the tumor cells was excluded by the following findings: a) growth of lymphoid and nonlymphoid tumors (which lack Lyt-1 antigen) was affected by anti-Lyt-1 antibodies; and b) the curative effect of passively administered anti-Lyt-1 anti-bodies was abrogated in mice depleted of T cells, supporting a mechanism whereby host Lyt-1+ cells were involved in tumor therapy. Treatment with anti-Lyt-1 antibodies was not accompanied by depletion of Lyt-1+ cells from lymphoid organs, indicating that the administered antibodies altered Lyt-1+ cell functions without affecting their frequency. In view of the in vitro enhancing effects of anti-Lyt-1 antibodies on a variety of immune responses (including lymphokine secretion and generation of cytotoxic T cell), it is suggested that the potentiation of Lyt-1+ cell activity by passively administered anti-Lyt-1 antibodies results in tumor rejection.  相似文献   
Interpopulation hybridization can increase the viability of small populations suffering from inbreeding and genetic drift, but it can also result in outbreeding depression. The outcome of hybridization can depend on various factors, including the level of genetic divergence between the populations, and the number of source populations. Furthermore, the effects of hybridization can change between generations following the hybridization. We studied the effects of population divergence (low vs. high level of divergence) and the number of source populations (two vs. four source populations) on the viability of hybrid populations using experimental Drosophila littoralis populations. Population viability was measured for seven generations after hybridization as proportion of populations facing extinction and as per capita offspring production. Hybrid populations established at the low level of population divergence were more viable than the inbred source populations and had higher offspring production than the large control population. The positive effects of hybridization lasted for the seven generations. In contrast, at the high level of divergence, the viability of the hybrid populations was not significantly different from the inbred source populations, and offspring production in the hybrid populations was lower than in the large control population. The number of source populations did not have a significant effect at either low or high level of population divergence. The study shows that the benefits of interpopulation hybridization may decrease with increasing divergence of the populations, even when the populations share identical environmental conditions. We discuss the possible genetic mechanisms explaining the results and address the implications for conservation of populations.  相似文献   
Both efficient gene transfer and the exact identification of gene product are required for gene therapy. Gene transfection of green fluorescence protein (GFP) might be useful for the reporter. After in vivo cotransfection of GFP and beta-galactosidase (beta-Gal) genes in Sendai virus-coated proteoliposomes to rat hearts, we compared the sensitivity and specificity of three methods: GFP detection, histochemical staining (HC) of beta-Gal activity, and immunostaining (IS) of the beta-Gal protein. Fluorescence microscopy and double staining of HC and IS revealed that both GFP and IS were equally sensitive and fourfold superior to HC at the peak of gene expression. However, different from skeletal muscle, the GFP of transfected cardiomyocytes showed two demerits: the fluorescence quenching due to the intense staining of beta-Gal activity, and nonspecific autofluorescence from myocardium. Thus, specific IS would be so far the most reliable to identify the gene product in heart.  相似文献   
Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) was expressed in CV-1 (green monkey kidney) cells using a vaccinia virus transient expression system [(1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83, 8122]. The system involved infection of cells with a recombinant vaccinia virus carrying the T7 RNA polymerase gene and transfection with a plasmid containing the mouse POMC sequence flanked by the T7 RNA polymerase promoter at its 5'-end and the T7 RNA polymerase terminator at its 3'-end. Assay of the medium from transfected cells showed that 1-2 micrograms of immunoreactive ACTH was produced/10(6) cells. Analysis of the same medium by SDS-PAGE/Western blots revealed a band of 30-36 kDa, which was immunostained with both ACTH and beta-endorphin antisera. Labeling the transfected cells with [3H]Arg, followed by immunoprecipitation and SDS-PAGE showed the synthesis of a major peak of POMC, 33 kDa. Purified [3H]POMC expressed by CV-1 cells was cleaved in vitro by bovine intermediate lobe secretory vesicle pro-opiomelanocortin-converting enzyme to ACTH intermediates (19-25 kDa), beta-lipotropin and beta-endorphin. Thus, this work has demonstrated a technique for expressing microgram quantities of prohormones in mammalian cells, suitable for use as substrates for prohormone-converting enzymes in vitro.  相似文献   
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