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The conformation between the substrate-binding site and heme of cytochrome P-450 was studied by excitation energy transfer. Cytochrome P-450 was obtained from the hepatic microsomes of polychlorinated biphenyl-treated male rats, and ten polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were used as substrates. The energy transfer from the substrate to the heme of the enzyme was measured according to the F?rster equation. On the basis of the assumption that the substrates are bound at different positions in the plane of the same substrate-binding site, the position of the heme in relation to the substrate-binding site was determined in solution and in the presence of synthetic phospholipid. The results demonstrated that the distance between the substrate-binding site and the heme of cytochrome P-450 was greater when the enzyme was incorporated into micelles of phospholipid than when in solution, and that the conformational relationship of the substrate-binding site towards the heme was changed by an angle of 21 degrees on incorporation of the enzyme into phospholipid micelles.  相似文献   
The present study deals with an attempt to describe how the plasma cholesterol level is related to input into the plasma of cholesterol synthesized in the liver and in the intestine. It has previously been shown in our laboratory that, for a given absorption of alimentary cholesterol, the rat plasma cholesterol level decreases when internal secretion of cholesterol (cholesterol synthesized in the organs and poured into the plasma) increases. This relationship was established using rats in which the major source of cholesterol synthesis was the intestine. We used rats fed a cystine-enriched diet (5%) which was previously shown to increase cholesterolemia and internal secretion of cholesterol. It was first demonstrated that a significant positive linear correlation exists between individual values of cholesterolemia and those of internal secretion of cholesterol. Secondly, using [14C]acetate as the cholesterol precursor it was shown that ingestion of the cystine-enriched diet increased hepatic but not intestinal cholesterogenesis. Individual values of cholesterolemia were linearly correlated to those of [14C]acetate incorporation into the hepatic sterols. Results obtained by this method were validated by determining the 13C-labeling pattern of cholesterol synthesized de novo by the liver and the intestine after [13C]acetate infusion. Indeed, this labelling indicated that the dilution of exogenous acetyl-CoA in the liver was not changed by cystine feeding, whereas that in the intestine was enhanced. It is concluded that the plasma cholesterol level varies with internal cholesterol secretion, depending on the organ which determines the variations of this secretion: it decreases when intestinal cholesterogenesis increases, whereas it increases when hepatic cholesterogenesis increases. Finally, the use of [14C]acetate coupled with lipoprotein analysis in rats fed the cystine-enriched diet, in control rats and in rats fed a cholesterol-enriched diet, allowed a new linear correlation to be demonstrated: between cholesterol concentration in LDL2 (lipoproteins of density 1.040-1.063 g/ml) and [14C]acetate incorporation into liver sterols. Our results suggest that LDL2 are produced by the liver in relation to cholesterogenesis in this organ.  相似文献   
Three fractions of cytochrome P-450scc (denoted as fractions a, b, and c) were purified by a new procedure from bovine adrenocortical mitochondria. The amino-acid content analyses of these three fractions showed no difference. NH2-terminal amino-acid sequences of cytochrome P-450scc fractions, a and b agreed completely with the sequence deduced by nucleotide sequence of cDNA of cytochrome P-450scc mRNA (Morohashi, K., Fujii-Kuriyama, Y., Okada, Y., Sogawa, K., Hirose, T., Inayama, S. and Omura, T. (1984) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 81, 4647-4651), whereas the sequence of fraction c showed a missing of isoleucine at the NH2-terminal. COOH-terminal ámino-acid sequences of fractions a, b and c were -Gln-Ala-COOH, identical with the deduced sequence from the cDNA. Measurements of the enzymatic activities of cholesterol side-chain cleavage reaction revealed no distinct difference among these three fractions. Although each of these fractions appeared as a single protein staining band upon SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, these fractions showed heterogeneities upon two-dimensional electrophoresis and chromatofocusing. Fraction a contained the major form of cytochrome P-450scc, and its isoelectric point was estimated to be pH 7.8 by isoelectric focusing under both native and denatured conditions, and this value was confirmed by chromatofocusing. Neither of the carbohydrate-specific stainings (such as periodic acid-Schiff staining and lectin-peroxidase stainings using concanavalin A, wheat-germ agglutinin, and soybean agglutinin) of purified cytochrome P-450scc fractions after the electrophoretic resolution on SDS-polyacrylamide gel could show cytochrome P-450scc fractions as glycoproteins, suggesting that the heterogeneities were not due to the glycosylation state.  相似文献   
V79-UF cells were isolated from Chinese hamster V79 cells as a cell line that requires exogenous unsaturated fatty acids for growth. V79-UF cells incorporated arachidonic acid into phospholipids. The molecular species of diacyl phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine containing arachidonic acid comprised 61.4 and 70.5% of the total phospholipid molecular species in total membranes and 58.1 and 64.7% in plasma membrane, respectively. Polyunsaturated molecular species were distributed in a higher amount in the intracellular membranes than in the plasma membrane. No significant difference was seen in the diffusion coefficient between the plasma membranes from cells supplemented with oleic and arachidonic acids in spite of a distinct difference in the degree of unsaturation between the molecular species of these plasma membranes. The amount of cholesterol in the plasma membrane was higher in the cells grown in the presence of arachidonic acid than in those grown in the presence of oleic acid.  相似文献   
Lipid metabolism in various regions of squid giant nerve fiber   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The purpose of this investigation was to compare the incorporation of radioactivity from various precursors into lipids of different regions of squid giant nerve fiber systems including axoplasm, axon sheath, giant fiber lobes which contain stellate ganglion cell bodies, and the remaining ganglion including giant synapses. To identify the labeled lipids, stellate ganglia including giant fiber lobes and the remaining tissue were first incubated separately with [14C]glucose, [32P]phosphate, [14C]serine, [14C]acetate and [3H]myristate. The radioactivity from glucose, after conversion to glycerol and fatty acids, was incorporated into most lipids, including triacylglycerol, free fatty acids, cardiolipin, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine, sphingomyelin and ceramide 2-aminoethylphosphanate [corrected]. The radioactivity from serine was largely incorporated into phosphatidylserine and, to a lesser extent, into other phospholipids, mainly as the base component. The sphingoid bases of ceramide and sphingomyelin were also significantly labeled. Saturated and monounsaturated and, to a lesser extent, polyunsaturated fatty acids of these lipids were synthesized from acetate, glucose and myristate. Among the major lipids, cholesterol was not labeled by any of the radioactive compounds used. Ganglion residues incorporated the most radioactivity in total lipids from either [14C]glucose or [14C]serine, followed by giant fiber lobes and then sheath. Axoplasm incorporated the least. Among various lipids, phosphatidylethanolamine with shorter saturated fatty acids and phosphatidylglycerol contained the most radioactivity from glucose in all regions. Axoplasm was characterized by a higher proportion of glucose radioactivity in ceramide, sphingomyelin and phosphatidylglycerol. Axoplasm and sheath contained a higher proportion of serine radioactivity than did the other two regions in ceramide. Essentially no radioactivity from [14C]galactose was incorporated in any region.  相似文献   
The binding of five monoclonal antibodies to mitochondrial F1-ATPase has been studied. Competition experiments between monoclonal antibodies demonstrate that these antibodies recognize four different antigenic sites and provide information on the proximity of these sites. The accessibility of the epitopes has been compared for F1 integrated in the mitochondrial membrane, for purified beta-subunit and for purified F1 maintained in its active form by the presence of nucleotides or inactivated either by dilution in the absence of ATP or by urea treatment. The three anti-beta monoclonal antibodies bound more easily to the beta-subunit than to active F1, and recognized equally active F1 and F1 integrated in the membrane, indicating that their antigenic sites are partly buried similarly in purified or membrane-bound F1 and better exposed in the isolated beta-subunit. In addition, unfolding F1 by urea strongly increased the binding of one anti-beta monoclonal antibody (14 D5) indicating that this domain is at least partly shielded inside the beta-subunit. One anti-alpha monoclonal antibody (20 D6) bound poorly to F1 integrated in the membrane, while the other (7 B3) had a higher affinity for F1 integrated in the membrane than for soluble F1. Therefore, 20 D6 recognizes an epitope of the alpha-subunit buried inside F1 integrated in the membrane, while 7 B3 binds to a domain of the alpha-subunit well exposed at the surface of the inner face of the mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   
The effects of purealin isolated from the sea sponge, Psammaplysilla purea, on the enzymatic properties of myosin and natural actomyosin (a complex of myosin, actin, tropomyosin and troponin) from canine cardiac ventricle were studied. Purealin increased the ATPase activity of natural actomyosin and the actin-activated ATPase activity of myosin, and accelerated the superprecipitation of natural actomyosin. The Ca2+- and Mg2+-ATPase activities of myosin were inhibited by purealin, whereas the K+-EDTA-ATPase activity was increased. These results suggest that purealin binds to the myosin portion involved in actin-myosin interaction and increases the actin-activated ATPase activity of myosin.  相似文献   
Inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) may be important in the regulation of mineralisation but its origin in epiphyseal cartilage is ill-defined. Nucleoside triphosphate pyrophosphatase is one potential source, as this enzyme catalyses the formation of PPi from nucleoside triphosphates. This enzyme has been identified in matrix vesicles derived from rabbit epiphyseal cartilage and a method developed to measure the activity using ATP as substrate in intact matrix vesicles under relatively physiological conditions. The enzyme had a high affinity for ATP (Km less than 10 microM) and was also active towards GTP, CTP and UTP. Disruption of the matrix vesicle membrane by sonication failed to alter the activity. Treatment of sonicated matrix vesicles with Triton X-100 increased the activity which may indicate a direct effect of the detergent on the enzyme. Activity towards ATP was inhibited substantially by ADP and AMP and by another potential substrate beta,gamma-methyleneadenosine 5'-triphosphate. Dichloromethylene bisphosphonate, an analogue of the product PPi, inhibited the activity to a lesser extent. Two other potential substrates, NADP+ and thymidine 5'-monophosphate p-nitrophenyl ester were only weakly inhibitory as was 1-hydroxyethylidene 1,1-bisphosphonate. These results imply that nucleoside triphosphates are the substrates in vivo and the inhibitory effects of ADP and AMP suggest mechanisms whereby this activity could be regulated.  相似文献   
In guinea pig chief cells, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) caused release of Ca2+, which was accumulated by ATP, from an endoplasmic reticulum-enriched fraction in both the permeable system and the cell-free system. This was mimicked with the Ca2+ ionophores A23187 and ionomycin on a large scale since an IP3-sensitive Ca2+ pool might be a subset of the Ca2+ ionophore-sensitive Ca2+ pool. The permeable chief cells, but not the cell-free system, retained the ability to react to synthetic cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-OP) with Ca2+ release from an IP3-sensitive pool due to of the non-additive but constant effect in exerting Ca2+ release from the store(s) induced by the combination with IP3 and CCK-OP. The increase in the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration of intact chief cells responding to CCK-OP or the Ca2+ ionophore, ionomycin, comprised two components, namely, that by the Ca2+ entry from the extracellular space, and that by the Ca2+ release from the intracellular space(s) (as measured by fura-2). When CCK-OP or ionomycin was added, there was a biphasic response of pepsinogen secretion. An initial but transient response reaching a peak in 5 min was followed by a sustained response reaching a peak in 30 min. The initial pepsinogen release was independent of medium Ca2+, whereas the sustained one was dependent on medium Ca2+. The results suggest that the intracellular Ca2+ release from the store(s), presumably endoplasmic reticulum, may trigger the initial pepsinogen release, whereas the sustained pepsinogen secretion may be caused by acting in concert with the initial response and external Ca2+ entry. On the other hand, the disruption of the microtubular-microfilamentous system by colchicine or cytochalasin D failed to cause the Ca2+ release evoked by either IP3, CCK-OP or Ca2+ ionophores and to cause the CCK-OP- or ionomycin-induced initial pepsinogen release. These findings suggest that the IP3-sensitive pool is the same Ca2+ store which is completely or partially sensitive to CCK-OP and Ca2+ ionophores, respectively, and that the assembly of the cytoskeletal system is involved in initial intracellular Ca2+ metabolism and the following initial pepsinogen release. The assembly of the cytoskeletal system may be an early event in mediating the CCK-OP-induced initial pepsinogen release, perhaps by causing the Ca2+ release from an IP3-sensitive pool of the chief cell. The translocation or attachment of the IP3-sensitive pool brought about by cytoskeletal system might be necessary to cause Ca2+ release after the cell stimulation with CCK-OP.  相似文献   
The physical properties of the pretransition (P beta'----L beta') of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes were investigated using freeze-fracture electron microscopy. The kinetics of pretransition examined in the previous paper using TEMPO spin probe (Tsuchida, K., et al. (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 812, 249-254) was extensively studied by observing the ripple structures in the freeze-fractured surfaces at different time intervals. When the temperature is decreased from 38 degrees C to 30 degrees C, the ripple structure disappears in the following steps. The intervals between ripples begin to expand with the decrease of ripple density upon the temperature shift, and this process continues for several tens minutes. Then, each ripple disappears gradually and changes into a completely smooth surface at 3 h after the temperature shift. The comparison of relaxation times between the previous ESR measurement and the present experiment suggests that the fast relaxation observed in the previous study corresponds to the expansion of the intervals between ripples. On the other hand, the ripple structure of regular intervals appears rapidly in some places and then spreads over the whole area of fractured surface when the temperature is increased from 23 degrees C to 35 degrees C. The results obtained in this work and the previous ESR work strongly suggest that the formation and disappearance of ripple structure is closely related to the relaxation processes near the pretransition temperature.  相似文献   
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