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细胞因子Midkine(简称MK)是新发现的一类肝素结合因子家族中的一员。1988年,Kadamatsu等利用差异杂交法在经维甲酸诱导分化的小鼠畸胎瘤细胞株HM-1中首先克隆到小鼠MK基因。人MK基因则最早是从λgt10人胚肾(20-24周)cDNA库和EMBL-3人胎盘基因组库获得。成熟  相似文献   
Ionizing radiation-induced adverse biological effects impose serious challenges to astronauts during extended space travel. Of particular concern is the radiation from highly energetic, heavy, charged particles known as HZE particles. The objective of the present study was to characterize HZE particle radiation-induced adverse biological effects and evaluate the effect of D-selenomethionine (SeM) on the HZE particle radiation-induced adverse biological effects. The results showed that HZE particle radiation can increase oxidative stress, cytotoxicity, and cell transformation in vitro, and decrease the total antioxidant status in irradiated Sprague-Dawley rats. These adverse biological effects were all preventable by treatment with SeM, suggesting that SeM is potentially useful as a countermeasure against space radiation-induced adverse effects. Treatment with SeM was shown to enhance ATR and CHK2 gene expression in cultured human thyroid epithelial cells. As ionizing radiation is known to result in DNA damage and both ATR and CHK2 gene products are involved in DNA damage, it is possible that SeM may prevent HZE particle radiation-induced adverse biological effects by enhancing the DNA repair machinery in irradiated cells.  相似文献   
目的观察可溶性膳食纤维联合益生菌治疗老年便秘型肠易激综合征的临床疗效及安全性。方法将2017年1月至2019年1月本院就诊的130例老年便秘型肠易激综合征患者随机分为膳食纤维联合益生菌组、益生菌组和膳食纤维组。膳食纤维联合益生菌组患者服用可溶性膳食纤维联合双歧杆菌三联活菌片,益生菌组口服双歧杆菌三联活菌片,膳食纤维组使用可溶性膳食纤维,三组疗程均为30 d。比较三组患者症状改善情况、PAC-QOL评分、CSI评分。结果三组患者治疗后PAC-QOL评分、CSI评分较治疗前显著减低,且膳食纤维联合益生菌组治疗后PAC-QOL评分均低于益生菌组和膳食纤维组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。膳食纤维联合益生菌组患者治疗后临床总有效率较益生菌组和膳食纤维组明显增高,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论可溶性膳食纤维联合益生菌治疗老年便秘型肠易激综合征患者效果显著,无明显不良反应。  相似文献   
末次盛冰期以来观光木的潜在地理分布变迁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
观光木(Tsoongiodendron odorum)是木兰科的古老残遗物种, 目前正面临严峻的生存威胁, 属于极小种群濒危植物。通过生态位模型(ENM)能够重建观光木地理分布格局的历史变迁, 探究气候变化对该物种分布的影响, 并了解其地理分布与气候需求间的关系, 从而为全球变暖背景下观光木的保护提供理论基础。该文基于96条现代分布记录和8个环境变量, 采用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型模拟观光木在末次盛冰期、全新世中期、现代和未来(2061-2080年, RCP 8.5)的潜在分布区, 利用SDM toolbox分析观光木的地理空间变化, 并综合贡献率、置换重要值和Jackknife检验来评估气候因子的重要性。研究结果表明: (1)观光木的高度适生区在南岭地区, 末次盛冰期时没有大尺度向南退缩, 很可能在山区避难所原地存活; (2)在全新世中期和未来两个增温的气候情境下, 观光木的分布区均表现为缩减, 其中未来分布的减幅更大, 表明气候变暖对观光木的生长有一定的负面影响; (3)总体上看, 观光木各个时期的地理分布范围相对稳定, 说明观光木对气候变化有一定的适应能力, 人为活动或自身繁育问题可能是致濒的重要原因, 并建议对广东和广西群体进行优先保护。  相似文献   
为阐明不同生态养殖池塘浮游细菌数量变化规律及其与环境因子间的相关性,以期为多元立体综合养殖模式中的水质安全与生物疾病防控提供科学依据。利用荧光显微镜细菌计数法(Acridine Orange Direct Counting),研究了“参-虾”“蟹-蛏”和“蜇-蛏”三种海水生态养殖池塘的细菌数量特征,使用典范对应分析(Canonical Correspondence Analysis, CCA)探讨细菌数量与环境因子的相互关系。结果表明,“参-虾”“蟹-蛏”和“蜇-蛏”池塘的细菌平均密度分别为(0.49~3.32)×105 cell/mL、(0.52~2.98)×105 cell/mL和(0.47~2.55)×105 cell/mL,细菌数量有明显的时间差异,夏季密度大于春秋季。三种海水生态养殖池塘的水温、溶解氧和pH变化均不明显,且相差不大,而硝态氮均发生显著变化;其中“蟹-蛏”和“蜇-蛏”池塘的硝态氮、亚硝态氮、活性磷、总氮和总磷均高于“参-虾”池塘,透明度、叶绿素a和化学耗氧量则均低于“参-虾”池塘。典范对应分析(C...  相似文献   
乳酸菌与纤维素降解菌因其可防止微贮饲料酸败、增加秸秆饲料的营养价值等优点,在秸秆微贮过程中起重要作用。但由于乳酸菌的繁殖会抑制纤维素降解菌的活性,如何实现微贮过程中两种微生物分时发挥功能是解决上述问题的关键。文中利用固定化技术将乳酸菌制备成含有玉米秸秆粉的固定化菌剂以达到缓释的目的。首先制作固定化空白小球得出复合固定化载体成球的最佳浓度,利用玉米芯吸附植物乳杆菌S1得到复合固定化载体,以对S1的包埋率、成球效果等为指标,通过对比两种固定化方法 (包埋法与包埋-交联法),得到固定化植物乳杆菌S1的最佳条件。研究表明,使用6%PVA+0.4%SA+0.3%CMC-Na进行包埋-交联时成球效果最好,使用1.2%SA+0.5%CMC-Na进行直接包埋时成球效果最好。通过对比5种固定化工艺,将1.2%SA+0.5%CMC-Na和吸附玉米粉组成的固定化载体混合物逐滴滴入4%氯化钙中直接包埋24 h得到的固定化小球其机械强度以及包埋率均优于其他工艺。因此,利用玉米芯吸附-海藻酸钠包埋的方法可以有效提高植物乳杆菌包埋效率,为使用固定化技术制备微贮饲料菌剂奠定基础。  相似文献   
神经生长因子与冻干异体神经桥接大鼠神经缺损的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实验采用冻干处理的异体神经与外源性神经生长因子(NGF)结合来桥接大鼠的坐骨神经1.0cm的缺损。用雄性Wistar大鼠进行的四组实验结果表明:冻干处理的异体神经可降低其抗原性,但处理后并不损害雪旺氏细胞(SC)基底膜的完整性,在移植后可能成为轴突再生的通道和支架;外源性NGF与冻干神经结合形成的复合体,可为神经的再生提供一个较好的微环境,具有成为理想桥接材料的可能性  相似文献   
Migration from rhizosphere to rhizoplane is a key selecting process in root microbiome assembly, but not fully understood. Rhizobiales members are overrepresented in the core root microbiome of terrestrial plants, and here we report a genome-wide transposon-sequencing of rhizoplane fitness genes of beneficial Sinorhizobium fredii on wild soybean, cultivated soybean, rice, and maize. There were few genes involved in broad-host-range rhizoplane colonization. The fadL mutant lacking a fatty acid transporter exhibited high colonization rates, while mutations in exoFQP (encoding membrane proteins directing exopolysaccharide polymerization and secretion), but not those in exo genes essential for exopolysaccharide biosynthesis, led to severely impaired colonization rates. This variation was not explainable by their rhizosphere and rhizoplane survivability, and associated biofilm and exopolysaccharide production, but consistent with their migration ability toward rhizoplane, and associated surface motility and the mixture of quorum-sensing AHLs (N-acylated-L-homoserine lactones). Genetics and physiology evidences suggested that FadL mediated long-chain AHL uptake while ExoF mediated the secretion of short-chain AHLs which negatively affected long-chain AHL biosynthesis. The fadL and exoF mutants had elevated and depleted extracellular long-chain AHLs, respectively. A synthetic mixture of long-chain AHLs mimicking that of the fadL mutant can improve rhizobial surface motility. When this AHL mixture was spotted into rhizosphere, the migration toward roots and rhizoplane colonization of S. fredii were enhanced in a diffusible way. This work adds novel parts managing extracellular AHLs, which modulate bacterial migration toward rhizoplane. The FadL-ExoFQP system is conserved in Alphaproteobacteria and may shape the “home life” of diverse keystone rhizobacteria.Subject terms: Microbial ecology, Functional genomics, Bacterial genetics  相似文献   
Dear Editor, Clostridium novyi(C.novyi)is a spore-forming anaerobic bacterium and opportunistic pathogen causing severe infectious diseases in humans and animal...  相似文献   
Pain is a multidimensional perception that includes unpleasant somatosensory and affective experiences; however, the underlying neural circuits that mediate different components of pain remain elusive. Although hyperactivity of basolateral amygdala glutamatergic (BLAGlu) neurons is required for the somatosensory and emotional processing of pain, the precise excitatory inputs to BLAGlu neurons and their roles in mediating different aspects of pain are unclear. Here, we identified two discrete glutamatergic neuronal circuits in male mice: a projection from the insular cortex glutamatergic (ICGlu) to BLAGlu neurons, which modulates both the somatosensory and affective components of pain, and a projection from the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (MDGlu) to BLAGlu neurons, which modulates only the aversive-affective component of pain. Using whole-cell recording and fiber photometry, we found that neurons within the IC→BLA and MD→BLA pathways were activated in mice upon inflammatory pain induced by injection of complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) into their paws. Optical inhibition of the ICGlu→BLA pathway increased the nociceptive threshold and induced behavioral place preference in CFA mice. In contrast, optical inhibition of the MDGlu→BLA pathway did not affect the nociceptive threshold but still induced place preference in CFA mice. In normal mice, optical activation of the ICGlu→BLA pathway decreased the nociceptive threshold and induced place aversion, while optical activation of the MDGlu→BLA pathway only evoked aversion. Taken together, our results demonstrate that discrete ICGlu→BLA and MDGlu→BLA pathways are involved in modulating different components of pain, provide insights into its circuit basis, and better our understanding of pain perception.  相似文献   
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