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The pelB gene encodes pectate lyase B, one of three pectate lyases identified in Erwinia carotovora EC. Pectate lyase B was purified from Escherichia coli containing the pelB gene on a recombinant plasmid. The activity of the protein was optimal at a pH of 8.3. The amino acid composition, N-terminal amino acid sequence, and C-terminal peptide sequence were determined and compared with the polypeptide sequence deduced from the DNA sequence of pelB. Purified pectate lyase B started at amino acid 23 of the predicted sequence, suggesting that a 22-amino-acid leader peptide had been removed. Pectate lyase B of E. carotovora EC and pectate lyase B of E. chrysanthemi EC16 contain 352 and 353 amino acids, respectively (N. T. Keen, S. Tanaki, W. Belser, D. Dahlbeck, and B. Staskawicz, J. Bacteriol. 168:595-606, 1986). The two proteins are 72% homologous on the basis of DNA sequence data, and 75% of the amino acids are identical.  相似文献   
A method has been developed for exploring the quaternary fine structure of oligomeric proteins by crosslinking studies and applied to bovine heart mitochondrial F1-ATPase. The F1 was first labeled with 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitro-[14C]benzene, subsequently reduced with sodium hydrosulfite, and finally cross-linked with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide. Gel electrophoresis in the chemically modified protein in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and mercaptoethanol showed the existence of a 105-115-kilodalton molecular species in addition to the five monomeric subunits of F1. This cross-linked species could be alpha 2, alpha beta, or beta 2. Isolation of the cross-linked species and titration with 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) showed the absence of sulfhydryl group. Therefore, the cross-linked species must be the dimer beta 2. After digestion of the purified beta 2 with pepsin, a single radioactive peptide was isolated. Determination of the amino acid sequence of this peptide and comparison of its radioactivity with the total radioactivity on beta-subunits show that it was formed exclusively by cross-linking Lys162 of one beta-subunit with Glu199 of another beta-subunit. The observation that two beta-subunits can be cross-linked by a rigid phenylenediamine bridge of 5.7- or 4.3-A length is difficult to reconcile with the widely assumed structure of F1 with the alpha- and beta-subunits occupying alternate corners of a planar hexagon, but is consistent with the structure in which a triangular set of three beta-subunits sits above a triangular set of three alpha-subunits in a staggered conformation.  相似文献   
Fodrin, a non-erythrocyte spectrin-like protein, has been purified from bovine brain and found to be phosphorylated by the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase with a maximal stoichiometry of 1.02 +/- 0.06 mol of phosphate/mol of fodrin dimer (n = 4). This phosphorylation was not affected by the presence of actin and calmodulin. The phosphorylation of fodrin was found to occur exclusively at serine residues on the beta subunit. Two-dimensional thin layer electrophoresis and chromatography of a tryptic digest of phosphorylated fodrin showed one major phosphopeptide and a few minor ones. We have previously reported that nonphosphorylated fodrin is capable of stimulating the smooth muscle actomyosin Mg2+-ATPase by 50-70% under a well-defined set of conditions such as a critical fodrin concentration and an optimal preincubation time (Wang, C., Ngai, P.K., Walsh, M.P., and Wang, J.H. (1987) Biochemistry 24, 1110-1117). We now report that phosphorylation of fodrin completely eliminates this stimulatory effect. However, phosphorylation of fodrin was able to compete with nonphosphorylated fodrin to result in the abolition of the stimulatory effect. Similarly, nonphosphorylated fodrin could overcome the inhibitory effect created by phosphorylated fodrin. The present results support the suggestion that the stimulation of the smooth muscle actomyosin Mg2+-ATPase by fodrin may be a physiological phenomenon and cyclic AMP may serve as a regulator for this effect.  相似文献   
Summary Patch-clamp techniques were used to study a K channel in the cell membrane of MDCK cells. This cell line derives from the kidney of a normal dog, presumably from the distal nephron, a region involved in potassium secretion. The cells were cultured in confluent monolayers and approached from the apical side. The K channel we describe is Ca2+ and voltage activated, has a conductance of 221±7 pS, and can be inhibited by 10mm tetraethylammonium and by 1mm quinidine, but not by 4-aminopyridine, nor by 1mm Ba2+ added to the outer side. Using the whole-cell configuration, we find that most of the cationic conductance of the membrane is constituted by a K-specific one (maximum K conductance 32.1±3.9 nSvs. a leak conductance of 1.01±0.17 nS). Comparisons of the maximum K conductance with that of a single K channel indicates that an MDCK cell has an average of 145 such channels. The membrane capacity is 24.5±1.4 pF.  相似文献   
We launched imbibed seeds of Zea mays into outer space aboard the space shuttle Columbia to determine the influence of microgravity on cellular differentiation in root caps. The influence of microgravity varied with different stages of cellular differentiation. Overall, microgravity tended to 1) increase relative volumes of hyaloplasm and lipid bodies, 2) decrease the relative volumes of plastids, mitochondria, dictyosomes, and the vacuome, and 3) exert no influence on the relative volume of nuclei in cells comprising the root cap. The reduced allocation of dictyosomal volume in peripheral cells of flight-grown seedlings correlated positively with their secretion of significantly less mucilage than peripheral cells of Earth-grown seedlings. These results indicate that 1) microgravity alters the patterns of cellular differentiation and structures of all cell types comprising the root cap, and 2) the influence of microgravity on cellular differentiation in root caps of Zea mays is organelle specific.  相似文献   
Apple trees (Malus domestica Borkh Spartan grafted on MM 106 rootstock) planted in 1976 in an orchard at Beltsville, Maryland, were treated with paclobutrazol (2RS,3RS)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl-pentan-3-ol) using a foliage spray in 1982 and by trunk banding in 1983. Paclobutrazol did not inhibit shoot growth in 1983; however, shoot growth was significantly retarded in 1984. Increases in organic acids, including succinic, malic, citric, and quinic, and also in total phenols, occurred in wood produced in 1983 on paclobutrazol-treated trees when growth was not inhibited and in wood produced in 1984 when growth was inhibited. The organic acid content of both paclobutrazol-treated and untreated wood tended to decrease from the winter dormant period through growth resumption in the spring. However, the content of total phenols remained nearly the same throughout this sampling period.Mention of a trademark, proprietary product or vendor does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable.  相似文献   
In order to determine the sequence dependence of the conformation of deoxynucleotides, Raman spectra have been obtained for the following oligodeoxynucleotides in aqueous salt solutions and in crystals: d(CpG)(I), d(TGCGCGCA)(II), d(CACGCGTG)(III), d(CGTGCACG)(IV), d(CGCATGCG)(V), d(ACGCGCGT)(VI), d(CGCGTACGCG)(VII), d(CGCACGTGCG)(VIII) and d(CGTGCGCACG)(IX), d(GCTATAGC) (X), d(GCATATGC) (XI), d(GGTATACC) (XII) and d(GGATATCC) (XIII). The normal B type conformation is observed for all the oligomer DNA's at low salt (0.1-1.0 M NaCl) concentration in the temperature range of 0-25 degrees C. It was considered possible that all of the first nine oligomers could go into the Z form in aqueous high salt (5.0-6.0 M NaCl) solutions, and under these conditions the last four were considered candidates to go into the A form. The B-type conformation was found to exist in high salt solutions for (I), (IV), (V), (VI), (X), (XI) and (XIII); the Z or partial Z conformation appears in high salt solution for the oligomers, (II), (III), (VII), (VIII) and (IX); an A or partial A conformation appears in high salt solution for (XII). In the crystalline state, (IV), (VIII), (X), and (XI) stay in the B-form and all of the other oligomers adopt the complete Z-form except for (XII) which crystallizes in the A form. In both the crystal and in aqueous solutions, the identification of the conformation genus was made by means of Raman spectroscopy. In the crystal of (I), grown at pH7.0, guanosine is found to be in C3'-endo/syn conformation and cytidine in C2'-endo/anti, which may be taken as the ideal building block of the typical Z conformation. At pH4, (I) crystallizes in a conformation similar to the B genus. A study of the thermally induced B to Z transition has been carried out for (II) and (III). Based on the analysis of Raman spectra of the alternating pyrimidine-purine oligomers which might be expected to go into the Z form, the tendency for these oligonucleotides to adopt the Z form can be ranked as: d(CGCGCGCG) greater than (II) greater than (III) greater than (V) approximately (VI) greater than (IV) for octamers and (VII) greater than (VIII) greater than (IX) for the decamers. Similarly, those oligomers which might have a tendency to go into the A form could be ranked as (XII) greater than (XIII) approximately (X) greater than (XI). These data should provide help in formulating rules for predicting the sequence dependence of the B to A and B to Z transitions. Some possible rules are explored, but precautions should be taken.  相似文献   
We have previously reported that plasmid DNA entrapped in the pH-sensitive immunoliposomes effectively transforms the target cells (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, in press). In the present study, we demonstrate that DNA adsorbed on the same liposome also transforms the target cells. The transformation activity is antibody dependent, as liposomes containing no targeting antibody had reduced activity. The activity could be significantly inhibited by excess non-specific DNA (salmon sperm). Since some DNA are likely adsorbed to the liposomes during the entrapment process, the activity of the entrapped DNA is partially accounted for by the adsorbed DNA. The possibility of developing a simple DNA-mediated transfection protocol using liposome adsorbed DNA is discussed.  相似文献   
The tryptic phosphopeptide of hen egg white riboflavin-binding protein has been found to exist as a mixture of peptides which differ only with respect to the number of covalently bound phosphoryl groups. Anion-exchange chromatography was used to separate homologues of the tryptic phosphopeptide of egg white riboflavin-binding protein. Four peptide peaks were obtained and analyzed using plasma desorption mass spectrometry. Molecular ions obtained agree closely with calculated molecular weight values for phosphopeptides with 8, 7 and 5 phosphoryl groups. Amino acid analyses showed that the octa- and hepta-phosphorylated peptides were pure and had the same amino acid compositions.  相似文献   
The decadeoxynucleotide d(AAAAATTTTT)2 in duplex form and the double-helical polynucleotide poly(dA).poly(dT) have been studied by Raman and infrared (IR) spectroscopy under a variety of environmental conditions. The IR spectra have been taken of cast films and compared to the IR spectra of the alternating poly(dA-dT), which shows clear B-genus and A-genus vibrational spectra under conditions of high (greater than 92%) and low (75%) relative humidity (RH). From the IR data, it is shown that d-(AAAAATTTTT)2 and poly(dA).poly(dT) adopt a B-genus conformation in films with high water content. When the relative humidity of the film is decreased, the IR spectra reflect a gradual evolution of the geometry of both d(AAAAATTTTT)2 and poly(dA).poly(dT) into a form intermediate between the B genus and A genus, but the IR spectrum of a pure A genus has not been obtained. In these DNAs at 75% RH, the IR bands of adenosine have the same frequencies as those found in poly(dA-dT) at 75% RH where the local furanose conformation is C3' endo/anti, but the thymidine frequencies do not resemble those of poly(dA-dT) at 75% RH but rather those of poly(dA-dT) at high humidities. It is concluded that both poly(dA).poly(dT) and d(AAAAATTTTT)2 adopt a fully heteronomous duplex geometry in cast films at low humidity. For studies in aqueous solution the Raman effect was employed. As a model for the heteronomous conformation in solution, the duplex poly(rA).poly(dT) was used.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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