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Cyanobacteria are one of the most successful and oldest forms of life that are present on Earth. They are prokaryotic photoautotrophic microorganisms that colonize so diverse environments as soil, seawater, and freshwater, but also stones, plants, or extreme habitats such as snow and ice as well as hot springs. This diversity in the type of environment they live in requires a successful adaptation to completely different conditions. For this reason, cyanobacteria form a wide range of different secondary metabolites. In particular, the cyanobacteria living in both freshwater and sea produce many metabolites that have biological activity. In this review, we focus on metabolites called siderophores, which are low molecular weight chemical compounds specifically binding iron ions. They have a relatively low molecular weight and are produced by bacteria and also by fungi. The main role of siderophores is to obtain iron from the environment and to create a soluble complex available to microbial cells. Siderophores play an important role in microbial ecology; for example, in agriculture they support the growth of many plants and increase their production by increasing the availability of Fe in plants. The aim of this review is to demonstrate the modern use of physico-chemical methods for the detection of siderophores in cyanobacteria and the use of these methods for the detection and characterization of the siderophore-producing microorganisms. Using high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), it is possible not only to discover new chemical structures but also to identify potential interactions between microorganisms. Based on tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) analyses, previous siderophore knowledge can be used to interpret MS/MS data to examine both known and new siderophores.  相似文献   
Directed evolution of proteins is a good approach to develop desired phenotypes from existing proteins. Fully experimental protein evolution usually utilizes randomization of a given protein sequence by error-prone PCR or gene shuffling followed by high-throughput selection or timeconsuming screening method. However, these random methods create mutant library full of deleterious mutations. In addition, they need high-throughput screening or selection method to search for positive clones from an enormous size of mutant library. Construction of a mutant library while retaining the original function is important for efficient protein evolution because it greatly reduces time and effort for the identification of positive mutants. Therefore, researchers have tried to reduce the size of mutant library by minimizing the occurrence of deleterious mutants. Such efforts have led to the creation of a concept of ‘small but smart library’. For this goal, neutral drift theory has been applied. Although smart library greatly reduces the library size, it is still the beyond the capacity of low-throughput assay. In parallel, computational analysis of protein structure and efforts to discriminate mutatable residues from all residues of a given protein have been consistently pursued. Accumulated knowledge of protein evolution through random mutation and selection has improved our understanding of functions of amino acids in protein structure. Protein evolution by rational design is being developed based on such understanding. In this review, we describe how the use of semi-rationally designed library rather than completely random one has impacted the overall procedure of directed evolution. We also describe efforts made to evaluate the effect of single mutation. Such efforts will bring lazy boys to the final goal - computational mutation suggestion system.  相似文献   
Economic development introduces opportunities for subsistence households to diversify income sources. Timor-Leste is undergoing this transition; however, little is known about the patterns of household strategies and the effects of rural development on child wellbeing. We derive strategies from 190 households in two rural Timor-Leste communities and examine the links between resource strategies and child growth using linear mixed modeling. Children’s z-height, z-weight, and z-BMI are well below international standards. We find agriculture remains predominantly subsistence-based, with some reliance on cash flow from government pensions and salaries. Households with stable income sources are better able to accumulate wealth, and children living in salaried households have better z-height. However, child growth is best predicted by individual-level factors rather than household ecology. Substantial variation in household strategy and little association of strategy with growth indicates there is no ‘best’ strategy in this transitioning environment.  相似文献   
Weitschataster intermedius gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Upper Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) of Hannover (Lower Saxony, N Germany). The new species is characterized by its conspicuous rimmed pedicellariae scars covering almost the complete actinal surface and by small body size. W. intermedius represents a transitional state between W. decipiens comb. nov. from the Lower Campanian and the well-known W. undulatus comb. nov. from the Lower Maastrichtian of NW Europe. Among Spencer’s types of W. undulatus, one paratype is recognized as belonging to the genus Parametopaster.  相似文献   
In 2017, a Special Issue of Biophysical Reviews was devoted to “Titin and Its Binding Partners. The issue contained a review: “An historical perspective of the discovery of titin filaments” by dos Remedios and Gilmour that was intended to be a history of the discovery of the giant protein titin, previously named connectin. The review took readers back to the earliest discovery of the so-called third filament component of skeletal and cardiac muscle sarcomeres and ended in 1969. Recently, my colleague Shin’ichi Ishiwata gently reminded me of two papers published in 1990 and 1993 that were unwittingly omitted from the original historical perspective. In the first paper (J Cell Biol 110:53–62, 1990), Funatsu et al. examined the elastic filaments in skeletal muscle using a combination of light and electron microscopy, but they also measured resting as well as passive stiffness mechanical measurements to establish that connectin (titin) is responsible for both stiffness and fiber tension. In the second paper (J Cell Biol 120:711–724, 1993), Funatsu et al. used permeabilised cardiac muscle myocytes (from rabbit papillary muscles) and focussed on filament ultrastructure using either freeze-substitution or deep-etched replica methods to visualise connectin/titin filaments in fibers with and without actin and myosin filaments.  相似文献   
Loss in probiotic viability upon exposure to stressful storage and transport conditions has plagued the probiotic market worldwide. Lactobacillus acidophilus is an important probiotic that is added to various functional foods. It is known to be fairly labile and susceptible to temperature variations that it encounters during processing and storage which increases production cost. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that pre-exposure to sub-lethal doses of stress, particularly, temperature and pH, leads to improved survival of various probiotics when they subsequently encounter the same stress of a much greater magnitude. Attempts to adapt L. acidophilus to temperatures as high as 65 °C to arrive at a thermotolerant variant have not been reported previously. To improve viability at elevated temperatures, we gradually adapted the L. acidophilus NCFM strain to survival at 65 °C for 40 min. Following adaptation, the variant showed a 2-log greater survival compared to wild-type at 65 °C. Interestingly, this thermotolerant variant also demonstrated a 2-log greater stability compared to wild-type at pH 2.0. The improved pH and temperature stress tolerance exhibited by this variant remained unaltered even when the strain was lyophilized. Moreover, the thermotolerant variant demonstrated improved stability compared to wild-type when stored for up to a week at 37 and 42 °C. Probiotic properties of the variant such as adherence to epithelial cells and antibacterial activity remained unaltered. This strain can potentially help address the issue of significant loss in viable cell counts of L. acidophilus which is typically encountered during probiotic manufacture and storage.  相似文献   


Hsp90-beta has been investigated to be correlated with the occurrence and development of tumor. The intention of this research was to test the level of Hsp90-beta in malignant pleural effusion (MPE) of patients with lung cancer and disclose the clinical significance of Hsp90-beta as a potential tumor marker for differential diagnosis of pleural effusion caused by lung cancer.


The level of Hsp90-beta was determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Calculations of the Hsp90-beta threshold, the sensitivity and specificity for distinguishing MPE from benign pleural effusion were performed using receiver operator characteristic curve.


The level of Hsp90-beta in MPE of lung cancer patients was higher than that in control individuals (P <?0.05) and increased MPE Hsp90-beta was correlated with the pathological differentiation, tumor size and lymphatic metastasis (P <?0.05). The cutoff value of Hsp90-beta produced by receiver operator characteristic curve for distinguishing lung cancer from control individuals were 1.659?ng/mL and the sensitivity and specificity were 93.46 and 79%.


Increased Hsp90-beta in MPE was correlated with malignant biological behavior of lung cancer patients, indicating that the level of Hsp90-beta could be a tool of referential value for differential diagnosis of pleural effusion caused by lung cancer.


Mycetoma is a chronic mutilating disease of the skin and the underlying tissues caused by fungi or bacteria. Although recently included in the list of neglected tropical diseases by the World Health Organization, strategic control and preventive measures are yet to be outlined. Thus, it continues to pose huge public health threat in many tropical and sub-tropical countries. If not detected and managed early, it results into gruesome deformity of the limbs. Its low report and lack of familiarity may predispose patients to misdiagnosis and delayed treatment initiation. More so in situation where diagnostic tools are limited or unavailable, little or no option is left but to clinically diagnose these patients. Therefore, an overview of clinical course of mycetoma, a suggested diagnostic algorithm and proposed use of materials that cover the exposed susceptible parts of the body during labour may assist in the prevention and improvement of its management. Furthermore, early reporting which should be encouraged through formal and informal education and sensitization is strongly suggested.

Main text

An overview of the clinical presentation of mycetoma in the early and late phases, clues to distinguish eumycetoma from actinomycetoma in the field and the laboratory, differential diagnosis and a suggested diagnostic algorithm that may be useful in making diagnosis amidst the differential diagnosis of mycetoma is given. Additionally, a proposed preventive measures which may be helpful in the community is also provided. Since treatment is currently based on expert opinion, we encourage active research to establish treatment guideline for it.


Since delay in visiting health facility results into gruesome complication, early presentation, recognition and initiation of appropriate choice of regimen is helpful in reducing complications. The clinical overview of mycetoma and the suggested algorithm may enhance suspicion and possibly increase recognition of mycetoma in the community and further guide in differentiation of eumycetoma from actinomycetoma. There is an urgent need for research funding for mycetoma, a disease plagued by severe physical disabilities and social stigma leading to isolation.

Background and Objectives

This study aimed to assess the changes of RA function in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) using velocity vector imaging (VVI) and to evaluate the application of VVI technology.


According to the apnea–hypopnea index (AHI), 71 patients with OSAS were divided into three groups: mild, moderate, and severe. A total of 30 cases of healthy subjects were enrolled as the control group. Digital images of apex four-chamber views were acquired to measure the right atrium (RA) linear dimensions and volume parameters including RA longitudinal diameter (RAL), transverse diameter (RAT), RA maximum volume (Vmax), RA minimum volume (Vmin), right atrial volume before contraction (Vpre). Right atrial volume parameters were corrected by body surface area (VImax, VImin, VIpre). The total right atrial emptying fraction (RATEF), right atrial passive emptying fraction (RAPEF), right atrial active contraction emptying fraction (RAAEF) were calculated. The VVI data measuring right atrial global strain (RA-GLS), right atrial strain rate in ventricular systolic phase (RA-SRs), right atrial strain rate in ventricular early diastolic phase (RA-SRe), right atrial strain rate in ventricular late diastolic phase (RA-SRa).


  1. 1.
    RA linear dimensions and volume parameters in severe OSAS were higher than those of control group. RAPEF in severe group was lower than control group and mild OSAS group (t?= 2.681, P?=?0.021; t?= 2.985, P?=?0.011; respectively). RAAEF in OSAS moderate group was higher than that of control group (t?= 3.006, P?=?0.02), and without statistical difference (P?>?0.05) in the severe OSAS group and the control group.
  2. 2.
    RA-GLS in moderate OSAS group was significantly lower than that of control group (t?= 2.333, P?=?0.040) and reduced more obvious in the severe OSAS group (vs control, t?= 3.25, P?=?0.008, vs mild; t?= 3.011, P?=?0.012; respectively). RA-SRe in moderate and severe OSAS groups were lower than control group (t?= 2.466, P?=?0.031; t?= 3.547, P?=?0.005; respectively). RA-SRs of OSAS in severe group was lower than that of control and mild groups (t?= 3.665, P?=?0.004; t?= 3.204, P?=?0.008; respectively). RA-SRa in severe OSAS group was lower than that of control group (t?= 2.425, P?=?0.034).
  3. 3.
    Multivariate regression analysis showed that RA-GLS and RA-SRe were independently correlated with AHI (t?=???2.738, P?=?0.010; t?=???2.191, P?=?0.036; respectively).


RA function was impaired in patients with OSAS. On hemodynamics, the change of RA function performed increased of reserve function, reduced pipeline function and increased of contraction function. However, the strain and strain rate reduced in different degree. RA-GLS and RA-SRe decreased the earliest, which suggested that strain and strain rate were the parameters which can reflect myocardial function damage earliest. VVI can more earlier and accurately detect myocardial dysfunction of right atrium in patients with OSAS, which is expected to be a worthy technique for early clinical therapy in patients with OSAS.
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